Anniversary Fling - Pt. 01

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A sexy wife gets a free pass as an anniversary gift.
10.8k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 08/26/2023
Created 04/24/2023
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[All characters are 18 years or older.]

Anniversary Fling - Part-1

A sexy wife gets a free pass as an anniversary gift

Erotic Fiction


Casey Bea


Welcome to Fantasy Kay

Reed and Cassandra--Sandy to all of her friends--had been married for five years and had decided to celebrate their anniversary with a week-long trip to a resort on a small private island in the Caribbean. Fantasy Kay was an anything-goes adult-only resort where what happened on the island stayed on the island... unless you bought the video package, in which case you could take home all of the memories you made there. Reed and Sandy had signed up for that option.

When they had married and Sandy spoke the vow, "... to forsake all others..." it was a hell of a commitment for her. She had started fucking on her eighteenth birthday and had enjoyed a wild and free sexual lifestyle all the way through college. She had spent one semester in an exclusively-lesbian relationship with her roommate but after summer break the girl didn't return to school, and Sandy happily embraced the bisexual lifestyle and all the possibilities it had to offer.

But Sandy had been true to her vows. Reed was a compassionate, imaginative, and energetic lover and damned near as kinky as his wife. They were able to keep each other well satisfied with role-playing, light bondage, and domination--with each taking on the sub role from time to time--and a myriad of sex toys. With a life-like strap-on, Sandy had introduced Reed to the "other side" by fucking both his mouth and his ass with her pseudo-dick.


Without a runway for even small airplanes, the only way to get to Fantasy Kay was by boat. (Unless you were wealthy enough for a helicopter, which Reed and Sandy were not.)

It was nearing suppertime by the time they had unpacked and settled into their little beachfront bungalow and had enjoyed their first-day-of-vacation fuck with the blinds across the sliding glass door wide open.

Sandy had experienced the thrill of exhibitionism in her wild past, but the idea of someone walking by on the beach and looking in to see him fucking his gorgeous wife doggy style was new to Reed. When he glanced out the door and a smiling couple gave him a big thumbs-up, he was hooked, however, and he grabbed Sandy's swaying tits, pulled her upright, and pointed out their audience. She smiled, gave them a little wave, and blew them a kiss while her hubby fucked her hard.

After a shower, they dressed for dinner. He wore dark, lightweight slacks and a crisp white shirt, open at the neck. Although he knew he was playing with fire, he decided to go commando--hence the dark slacks.

Sandy wore a floor-length Hawaiian-print muumuu with a plunging, deep-v neckline that framed her cleavage and barely covered her dark nipples. When she had worn this dress other times she had used tape to make sure "her modesty was preserved." Tonight, she was looking forward to a bit of "wardrobe malfunction." She, too, wore no underwear.


When Reed and Sandy arrived at the restaurant--the less formal of the resort's two--they noticed the couple who had been watching them through their window sitting at a table for four. The man waved and motioned them over to join them.

The couple introduced themselves as Don and Carlie. Guessing that they were in their mid-sixties, they were probably the oldest pair that Reed and Sandy had seen at the resort, so far. They actually seemed a bit out of place.

After a delightful topless waitress with martini-glass tits took their orders, Don said, "That was quite a show you put on for us earlier. Thank you for leaving your blinds open!"

Carlie giggled, and added, "Yes, thank you! We went back to our room and screwed like teenagers after that!" Sandy noticed a bit of color come up in Carlie's cheeks as she spoke, apparently not used to using such "profanity" in public or talking about their sex lives with strangers. She thought it was adorable.

"We're here celebrating our fifth anniversary," Reed said. "Any special occasion for you?"

"An anniversary, too," Don replied. "But forty for us."

"Congratulations!" Sandy said as she raised her wine glass. "Happy anniversary to us all!"

They all clinked and repeated her toast to one another, and then Reed asked,

"So what kind of wild and kinky things are you going to do while here on the island, if you don't mind me asking?"

"It's probably not very wild and kinky by the standards of most of the others here, but we came to indulge our voyeurism fetish," Don said. "We're not planning to swap or actually do anything with anyone else. We're just here to watch. For a long time, we've enjoyed watching other people screw in porn videos. We thought it might be even hotter to watch people doing it live."

"And it was!" Carlie said as her cheeks flushed and she reached over to take her husband's hand. She lowered her voice and added, "My puss was dripping wet by the time we got back to our room. I didn't last a minute under Don's talented tongue!"

Seeing it as a perfect segue, Reed took something from his pocket, and he said to Sandy, "Speaking of doing anything with anyone else..." He set a small velvet-covered ring box in front of his wife, and added, "Happy anniversary!"

"Oh, my! How sweet!" Carlie said, thrilled to be part of the touching moment.

Sandy smiled broadly as she reached for the box, and said, "But we said this vacation was our gift to one another." She opened the box and her beaming smile turned to a look of confusion. She looked at her husband and said, "Um... there's no ring in here." She turned the box so he could see.

"That's the box that your engagement ring came in," Reed said with a grin. "I want you to take it off and put it in there. Your wedding band, too. Starting tomorrow morning and for the rest of the week you're single again, and free to do whatever you want, whenever you want, with whomever you want. Happy anniversary, my darling!"

"Oh my!" Carlie repeated.

"Well, that's an interesting anniversary gift!" Don echoed with a chuckle.

Sandy sat with her mouth slightly open for a moment as her husband's surprise gift sunk in. "Oh, baby! Thank you so much!" As she slid the rings from her finger, she added, "You can be single, too, of course!"

"We'll see," he replied noncommittally. "My gift is going to be watching as you enjoy your gift." He turned to Don and Carlie, and said, "I'm a voyeur, too."

"And I'm an exhibitionist!" Sandy added. "So this should be fun!"


The next morning, after receiving a wake-up blowjob and then fucking his wife's pussy as he stood at the end of the bed and she lay on her back with her gorgeous ass on the edge--all with the blinds wide open--they took a shower together. There was a big, clear window in the bathroom, too, and they left that blind open, as well. They then dressed and headed out to breakfast.

He was wearing loose-fitting shorts--commando--and a bright Hawaiian shirt. She had on a light, all-white summer dress with a low-cut bodice and a hem that swished a few inches above her knees. She wore a delicate, white shelf bra so that a generous amount of her tits was exposed and so that her bare nipples could tent the fabric of the dress when they became erect. Under the dress, she wore lace-edged thong panties.

Fifty yards or so from the dining room, Reed kissed his wife as he lightly caressed her bare ass-cheeks through her dress, and said, "Have fun, my love!"

When he entered the dining room half a minute behind Sandy, she was being escorted to a table for four by a handsome young man in a wrap-around, tropical-print loincloth that was apparently the wait staff's uniform, whether man or woman.

A young lady--wearing the same loincloth low on her wide hips, and nothing on her firm c-cup tits approached Reed and asked, "How many, please?"

"Just me," he answered.

"We don't do tables for one, I'm afraid," she replied. "Would you like to sit at the bar or share a table?"

"Can I sit at the end of the bar, over there?" he asked, pointing to a spot that was within easy earshot of his wife's table.

As he slid up onto the barstool a young couple was being seated at Sandy's table. He listened as they introduced themselves as Mark and Gail, from some town in Arizona that Reed had never heard of.

"Are you here at the resort alone?" Gail asked Sandy.

"Yes," she replied. "I just went through a rather bad breakup so my girlfriends all chipped in and bought me a week here." She chuckled and added, "Apparently, they think that getting my brains screwed out by perfect strangers will help my mood."

The couple laughed, and Mark said, "And has it, so far?"

"So far, I've only given one blowjob and gotten my pussy poked from behind--both with the blinds wide open," Sandy answered, "but the memory of my dipshit ex is already fading fast."

Reed had to stifle a laugh at his wife's made-up back-story. She always had a great imagination.

"How about you guys?" Sandy asked after the hunky waiter had taken their orders. "Are you celebrating something or escaping something like I am?"

"I guess you could call it celebrating," Gail answered. "Mark got a huge bonus at work so we decided to use part of it to come here and live out a fantasy that we've talked about and played out--as best we could with just the two of us--since before we got married."

"Ooo! So, I'm guessing multiple partners?" Sandy said, "Do you mind if I ask what your fantasy is?"

Mark and Gail looked at each other. This wasn't something that they'd ever talked to anyone about before. Certainly not their friends and not even the staff at Fantasy Kay. When they set up their vacation Mark had written out what they wanted to do and emailed it to the "casting department" at the resort.

"It's kind of a non-consensual-sex fantasy," Gail said, obviously a bit shy about discussing their kinky fetish with a total stranger.

"We both want to be taken by a small group of men," Mark elaborated using quote fingers on the word taken. "Three to be exact."

"Well, that sounds interesting," Sandy said. "Both of you, huh?"

"I've been bi-curious for a long time," Mark replied. "And we're both into being dominated and enjoying a little bit of pain."

"And I, um... I've always wanted to try a... a BBC," Gail added warming to the openness of the conversation. "So, we thought this would be a great way to explore some of our kinky fantasies all at once."

After a server with attractive-but-obviously-enhanced tits left their juice and coffee, Sandy asked, "Do you mind sharing the details of your fantasy?"

"Well, it's not exactly original," Mark answered almost apologetically.

"It's based on a couple of porn videos that we've watched more than once," Gail added, quickly coming out of her shell now that it had been cracked open. "Mark gets a loan from the wrong people and when he doesn't pay it back on time they come to our house to get their money. Of course, he doesn't have it and they threaten to break his legs. I say that they can all screw me if they leave him alone."

Sandy said to Mark with a grin, "I hope you appreciate how much your wife loves you. Sacrificing herself to a trio of no-doubt good-looking and well-endowed thugs to save your sorry butt."

"Oh, I do!" he replied with a chuckle. "But she doesn't exactly save my sorry butt; she just postpones its destruction for a while."

"Ah! The bi-curious part," Sandy said. "So, tell me all about this alleged incursion into your home," she went on like a skeptical investigator. "Can you describe the perpetrators? What exactly did they supposedly do to you and your husband?"

Gail smiled, and replied, "Well, they were handsome, muscular, all black, and well-hung!" She chuckled and added, "I can't tell you much about their faces; that's not where I was looking!"

"Just the facts, ma'am," Sandy said in a theatrically gruff tone. "Just the facts."

Their breakfasts arrived, and after the tanned young man and woman left, Gail went on, "Well, they made us both strip and then they made Mark sit in a chair and just watch as they had their way with me."

"Sorry, ma'am," Sandy said. "I'm going to have to have more to go on than they had their way with me. Give me the details, please."

Gail smiled as she chewed a bite of English muffin. She was actually getting into talking about their fantasy. Which was another kink unexpectedly uncovered. She swallowed, and began, "They put their hands all over me. Six strong black hands touching and fondling every inch of my naked white body. They squeezed my tits and played with my nipples; they grabbed my rear-end and even slapped it; and they rubbed their fingers through..." She paused a moment deciding if she wanted to switch to a different level of profanity and then went on, "... through my pussy."

"And did all this touching and fondling by three attractive black men arouse you, ma'am?" Sandy asked.

Gail laughed, and replied, "Fuck yeah!" She quickly put her hand over her mouth and said, "Sorry!" at having dropped the f-bomb.

"That's okay, ma'am," Sandy replied. "You can use whatever words you'd like; I've heard it all before. Please go on."

"Well, they took turns kissing me and sucking on my nipples while they played with my ass and sticking their big fingers up my... my cunt," she went on. She emphasized the last word but said it quietly. She was still getting used to using foul language in public and in front of a stranger, but was finding it surprisingly arousing.

"Then they made me take off their clothes," Gail went on. "That's when I found out how well-endowed they were. One of them, especially, had a true BBC."

"A BBC?" Sandy repeated as if she'd never heard the term before. "Could you elaborate on that?"

Gail smiled and washed down her mouthful of eggs with a sip of coffee. She was enjoying being drawn out by this lovely slightly-older stranger. "Big black cock!" she replied, not taking anything off her volume this time. "It was probably nine or ten inches long, fat enough that I couldn't get my fingers all the way around it, and was uncircumcised so its fat, shiny head was stretching his foreskin. And he wasn't even fully hard at that point!"

Sandy had put a piece of pancake in her mouth and she asked around it, "So, were all of them endowed with a BBC?"

"Well, none of them were SBCs I can tell you that!" Gail replied with a little laugh. "One of the others was probably about average size--about the same as my husband--and the third was in between those two."

"I think I have a good mental picture," Sandy said. "Your detailed description helps a lot. Please go on. What happened next?"

"They pushed me to my knees and stood around me and made me give them all blowjobs," Gail answered with no more reluctance or hesitation in her voice any longer. "The smaller one went first--although, as I said, he was anything but small. I sucked his cock and bobbed my head as I swirled my tongue all over his knob. Then one of the others put his big hand on the back of my head and shoved me forward, forcing that fat black cock down my throat. He held me there, impaled, for probably ten or fifteen seconds, and when he pulled me back I was gasping for air while a web of throat-slime still connected my lips to his dick."

"I see," said Sandy. "You didn't mention gagging at all; is having an erection in your throat something you'd experienced before?"

"I'd deep-throated Mark before," she answered, "but this was the first time I'd had a cock forced down my throat."

"And did you beg them to stop at this point?" Sandy asked.

Gail chuckled, and answered, "Not exactly. I was wondering if I was going to be able to get that BBC down my throat because I knew they were going to force me to try."

"And how about you, Mark?" Sandy asked him. "Did it occur to you to ask them to stop this oral-abuse of your wife?"

"She, um... she didn't seem in too much distress, really, so no," he replied.

"It seemed to you that she might be enjoying being forced to suck and deep-throat this stranger's stiff black cock?" Sandy asked him.

"I, um... yeah, actually," he answered.

"And what about you?" Sandy pressed. "Were you enjoying the sight of your wife surrounded by three naked black men all with their cocks in her face? What was your reaction to seeing her get one of those stiff dicks shoved all the way down her throat?"

He laughed at how Sandy was pulling their fantasy from them, and replied, "My cock was as hard as a pipe and was drooling like a leaky faucet!"

"Interesting analogy," Sandy said. "Are you a plumber, by chance?"

"No. I'm a pervert," he replied, and they all laughed.

As they ate their breakfast, Gail and Mark went on explaining the fantasy that they hoped to make reality thanks to Fantasy Kay. She was, indeed, planning to deep-throat even the BBC; they would all take turns fucking her cunt while bent over a chair right in front of her husband; they would then each take a turn stretching her asshole before moving to the couch where they would simultaneously fuck her cunt, her ass, and her throat. Eventually, they would each jerk off their huge loads of thick cum all over her face.

Then, the leader, Mr. BBC, would decide that there was interest due on the loan that Gail had just paid off, and they would turn to Mark. They would make him lick their still-warm jism from his wife's face and then take turns fucking his mouth.

Mark explained that he had sucked his wife's dildo and was looking forward to seeing what the real thing was like.

"Are you planning to take their dicks down your throat?" Sandy asked as she soaked up the last bit of syrup with her final bite of pancake.

"Gail taught me how to deep-throat her dildo, so yeah, I'm looking forward to trying it with the real deal," Mark replied.

"I am so looking forward to watching him suck all their stiff black cocks!" Gail said. "I think it's so frigging hot when a guy blows another guy!" She finished her last bite of eggs and added, "Then the compound interest is due, and they fuck his ass at the same time they're fucking his mouth." She giggled, and said, "Shit! My pussy just dribbled thinking about that!"

"My boner is drooling in my shorts, too!" Mark said. To Sandy, he said, "Thank you for listening to our fantasy. It's funny that for all the times we've thought about it and played out parts of it as best we could with just the two of us and a dildo or two, we've never talked the whole thing out like that. Even when I wrote it out to set things up here at the resort, it was more in outline form. Talking it out in detail like this--and to a perfect stranger--has really been fun and far more arousing than I'd have thought!"

"Well, I'm certainly glad I could accommodate you!" Sandy replied. "My pussy is drenched, too, by the way!"

After Mark and Gail left to get ready for their fantasy, Sandy got up and glanced over at Reed sitting at the bar. As if he was a complete stranger, she checked him out and then gave him a bright smile before walking out of the restaurant. Anyone observing them would never have guessed they were husband and wife.


Half an hour later, Sandy and Reed were lounging next to the pool, but not next to each other. Reed had waited until Sandy found her spot on a sun-soaked lounge chair and then took a seat at an umbrella-covered table with an unobstructed view of his beautiful and sexy wife. He wouldn't be able to hear anything she might say, but that was okay; actions speak louder than words.