Anniversary Surprise


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I push my cock head inside her.

"Ugh! More Sean! More!" Shelly insists.

I push in slowly inch by inch, letting her get used to my thickness. I push about half of myself inside and she suddenly cums. "Oh God!" Escapes from her lips as the walls of her pussy clamp down and begin to squeeze my shaft. Her muscles relax and I slip the rest of my manhood into her snatch, the tip of my cock resting soundly against her cervix.

Not moving at all inside of her, I relish the moist tightness of her pussy. I can feel Shelly flexing the muscles of her vaginal wall against my shaft. We look into each other's eyes and we see only love for each other.

"Sean, please make love to me," states Shelly.

I smile and slowly begin to ease out of her pussy. Reaching her entrance I then eased myself back inside, slowly over and over. I began to pick up the pace only slightly, my first time having sex with this beautiful goddess was not going to be a rough or quick fuck. She deserves the slow build-up of ecstasy, that only an attentive lover can provide.

For the next fifteen minutes, we made love, eyes, and mouths locked together. Enjoying each other's body. Experiencing her multiple orgasms as my manhood massaged her insides. I could feel my own impending orgasm building and I began to slightly pick up the pace a bit more. Closer and closer I get to finishing.

"Baby! I'm getting close! I'm going to cum!" I announce.

"Fill me up, my love! Cum in my pussy!" Shelly cries out. "I want to feel all of you inside me!"

Unable to hold on any longer I grunt and fire the first rope of cum against her cervix. As soon as my first release happens, Shelly's pussy clamps down and begins milking my cock. Rope after rope of my sperm baths her pussy and once again her juices erupt, covering my groin and our thighs.

"YES! YES! I can feel you filling my womb with your seed!" Shelly shouts out. "It's so hot! It feels so good."

I collapse on top of her and quickly roll off to her side. We both gasped for breath. Laying next to each other we stare at the ceiling reveling in this euphoria, our hands grasp each other and we lightly squeeze.

"That was amazing!" Shelly declares.

"It certainly was." I agreed.

We made love again before we started feeling tired. Crawling under the blankets we spooned with each other. I being the big spoon and she the little, we held each other in a loving embrace. My cock nestled between her ass cheeks suddenly began to grow once again as Shelly adjusted her body into mine.

"Again Sean?" She asked.

"What can I say? I have the world's finest ass that belongs to the most gorgeous woman I have ever met pressed against me." I answered.

"I'm too tired to have sex again," Shelly says. "But I know what your cock needs. So why don't you slip it into its home so we can go to sleep."

Heeding her advice I grab hold of my cock and find her entrance once again. I slide myself into her moist and waiting depths, filling her up once more. I pull her body in as tight as I can, comfortable and ready for sleep.

"I love you!" Shelly whispers to me.

"I love you too!" I whisper back.

Shelly twists her head and upper body enough so that we can kiss. We settled back, our bodies now one and complete, and within minutes we were fast asleep.

The rest of the week almost seemed like it went by in a blur. Anna and the girls spent their nights alternating between the hotels bars and nightclubs and sleeping most of the day. They had new suitors every night. Tuesday night was a real treat for them, they ended up meeting a large group of black men. Ten in total and brought them back to their room.

I never bothered watching any more footage after that first night. I left all that up to my team to handle. After the girls would take their men to their room I would meet up with Shelly. We spent as much time together as we could over the seven full days I had in Atlantic City. We made love every day but we also went out quite a bit, Shelly took me sightseeing to the good places and not to the standard tourist traps.

I was sad to leave as Shelly and I would not be able to see each other as often, but I did have some weekend training seminars that I had to conduct for the next three weekends. It just so happened that the training consisted of spending time with the new love of my life in Atlantic City. My upcoming plans did need to be altered a bit, but in a good way.

I cut my wife off from sex by pulling the 'I'm Too Tired' card, which was easy to pull off as I kept long days at work to play into the ruse. Anna bought into it and all was well on the surface at the Miller house.

Surveillance continued for the next two girls' nights out. The last one, the night before our twenty-fifth anniversary party was going to be an interesting one for the team. They needed to pull off the ultimate undercover plan.

About two weeks before the anniversary party I met with Frank, Tony, and Dave for drinks one night. I showed them evidence of their wives cheating on them, they did not take the news very well and were a little pissed off that I hadn't told them sooner. I apologized and made them promise not to mention anything to their wives until after I exposed my wife. They readily agreed once I promised to set them up with my lawyer for free.

Friday the day before the anniversary party and the day of the girls' night out, I paid for Anna, Danielle, and Heather to have a mother-daughter day at a spa. They had massages and skin wraps, manicures, and pedicures. While they were out doing that I removed most of the money from our joint accounts and placed them into a couple of savings accounts under my lawyer's protection.

I checked Anna's phone from the clone I had made one last time, to make sure that everything for tonight would still be happening. A peek at her calendar showed me that she had an appointment on Monday with her gynecologist, I wonder if that might have something to do with her not taking her birth control for nine days last month. I smile. With everything finally in place, all I had to do was wait until tomorrow evening for the real fun to begin.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"Pop!" I hear as I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, Pop!"

I turn my head to see my oldest, Roger standing next to me.

"Pop, you feeling alright? I called out to you five times." Stated Roger.

"Oh. Sorry Son. I'm ok, just lost in thought is all" I answered.

"Danielle says it's time for your presentation and speech," Roger tells me.

"Right, I suppose it is time," I reply.

I finish off the top-shelf whiskey in my glass and set it down on the small table beside me. Roger escorts me to a podium set up in front of all the guests that are mingling. My oldest daughter Danielle is waiting for me. Beside the podium is a projector that is casting photos of the life my wife and I had led up to this point.

Danielle gets everyone's attention, "Everyone please, could I have your attention? My father has a speech and a presentation prepared for my mother and everyone else on this wonderful occasion of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary."

My daughter hugs me and we kiss each other's cheek. She walks over to our family and friends and joins them, awaiting my presentation. In front of me was my beautiful wife Anna, and next to her were her parents and our children. Flanking my wife are her friends and their spouses. Tony, Frank, and Dave now have huge grins on their faces as they knew what was about to happen.

One thing I had insisted on for this evening was no children as alcohol would be served, but the real reason was because of the show that would take place soon. I looked down in front of me on the podium, at my tablet which is running the current slide show. I smile and look up at my wife, she smiles at me completely unaware of how her life is going to be turned upside down in a matter of minutes.

"Good evening and welcome everyone," I open up with. "I am glad that you are all here to join us in this grand celebration. For thirty years now Anna and I have been together and for the past twenty-five we had been happily married." My oldest daughter being very astute, immediately picked up on my use of past tense in reference to her mother's and I's marriage and her smile faded from her face.

"We bought a nice house and raised and raised four smart and wonderful children who have a bright future ahead of them." Three of my children smiled with great joy as well as their mother and grandparents. "I can truly say that my children are the best things that have ever happened to me and I could not be prouder of them."

I smiled at my kids, Danielle stared at me with a 'what the fuck' look on her face. "Now Anna and I have had our little spats over the years just like any married couple. Little fights over the typical things, such as whether we get a dog, where to go on family vacations, and what color to paint the bathroom once the renovation was done.

"None of those had been more enlightening of the character of my wife than the one we had just three months ago." The smile on my wife's face began to falter. She may be putting two and two together. "Three months ago I came home from work one day, and while we were having dinner I asked Anna to request two weeks off from work so that I could take her on a cruise to celebrate our anniversary.

"I was told that she could not get the time off because she had already requested time to go on a trip to Atlantic City with Emily, Denise, and Veronica. She became infuriated with me when I asked why she would do such a thing knowing that our twenty-fifth anniversary was this summer.

That night was the first night in our marriage that we ever intentionally slept in separate rooms in our house. Now I will accept partial responsibility for that as I was the one to refuse to sleep in the same room as Anna, but that was because I became very suspicious of my dear wife."

The smile had completely vanished from her face as well as the natural color in it. The faces of her friends behind her had also gone blank and pale. Everyone else except for Tony, Dave, and Frank now wore an expression of confusion. I pulled up the file labeled Scorched Earth on my tablet.

"This is the greatest hits from the girls' trip to Atlantic City provided by my Private Investigator." I declared

"NOOOO!" My wife screams.

I smile at her and hit the play button. The slide show on the wall behind me stops and the real show begins. The room fills with the sounds of my wife and her friends being fucked by random men that are now being broadcasted on the wall. My wife collapses to the floor in tears. Gasps can be heard from our friends and family.

My youngest daughter is bawling her eyes out and being held by her twin brother. Roger, Danielle, and Aaron are glaring at their mother with contempt and rage in their eyes. The shock on her parents' faces as a compilation of creampies from the ten black men oozing out of her gaping and well-used cunt was priceless, and more so when her father grabbed her by the hair and made her watch; shouting at her calling her a stupid bitch.

With the cat well out of the bag and more than enough video had been shown, I stopped the footage. Murmurs from those in attendance echoed throughout the room.

"Please, Sean! It was just that once. Please forgive me?" My wife pleaded and with a desperate attempt at forgiveness, she threw her friends under the bus. "They surprised me that weekend and made me do it."

"They made you do it?" I ask.

"Yes Sean, I swear they did," Anna exclaims.

I open another file titled Pick-ups and hit play. On the wall, video shows her and her friends flirting and dancing with their suitors before taking them to their room. "It sure doesn't look like they made you or forced you to do anything. You sure as shit could have left right away and not participated in the week-long orgy!" I shouted.

"Please Sean, forgive me!" My wife begged.

"Maybe at one point I could have," I stated. I stopped the video and opened another file called financials, which showed her secret bank account that was opened four and a half years ago. "Except, this had been going on ever since your girls' nights out started five years ago. Why else would you need a separate and secret bank account!"

My wife's face was bright red as the tears continued to pour down her cheeks. "It's all over with," she cried out between sobs. "I swear. I haven't cheated on you since the trip!"

"Really?" I declare.

"Yes! I swear it!" Anna shouts.

Once again I go to my tablet and open the file Final Nail in The Coffin. This file was uploaded just this morning courtesy of my senior team leader Marc, who got himself invited to the girls' hotel room last night. I hit the play button and there was footage on the wall of my wife sucking Marc's cock her hand wrapped around his shaft displaying her freshly painted silver fingernails with the number twenty-five on them.

"YOU LYING SLUT!" My daughter Danielle shouts as she slaps her mother across the face. "THAT WAS JUST LAST NIGHT, YOU DUMB CUNT! LOOK AT YOUR FINGERNAILS!" Danielle grabbed her head and made her look at the footage displaying the nails that she had done with her two daughters yesterday.

With my daughter's explosion towards her mother, I knew that no more needed to be shown. I closed the last file and turned off the projector and my tablet. With the video show over that was the cue for the process server. Who immediately went over to my soon-to-be ex-wife and served her divorce papers. Anna lost it and was only being consoled by her parents as my kids were now consoling me. Anna's girlfriends were now being served divorce papers as well.

After a brief chat with my kids, I told them that even though their mother had cheated on me and ruined our marriage, she still loved them. I told them that I understood they were mad at her and rightfully so, but they should be there for her as well. She would need some support from them even though they might not want to give her any. I told them my immediate plans and that we would get together soon.

They gave me some room and I made my final announcement to Anna and everyone else. "Anna," I said getting her attention. "By now all my personal possessions and things that I wanted have already been moved out of the house and a realtor should have the house listed and a sign up on the lawn.

"Don't try to contact me for the next two weeks as I will be on a celebratory cruise in the Caribbean that I booked last month after your trip to Atlantic City. If you have any questions please feel free to contact my attorney."

With that final blow to my wife, I hugged my children and took my leave. As I stepped onto the elevator and the door closed, I breathed a final sigh of relief. As I stepped off the elevator and into the hotel lobby, I was greeted by Shelly. She ran to me and jumped into my arms, we hugged and I was overcome with joy. Finally, I could be with the woman I loved.

"Are you ready for our cruise my love?" I asked my beautiful red-haired goddess who clung to me as her life depended on me.

"Not quite yet," Shelly responded.

"Oh really, why is that?" I queried.

"Because I have something to tell you first." She answered.

"And what might that be?" I wondered.

"My love, I wanted to tell you," Shelly said and then paused before speaking again. "I'm pregnant!"

I can't say that I was shocked by this revelation, as we never used protection once while having sex. It would appear that Anna wasn't the only lady in my life to get pregnant that week in Atlantic City.

"That is the best news I have heard all day! I love you Shelly!" I declared.

"I love you too Sean!" Shelly replied following it with a kiss.

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Three months after Anna's cheating was exposed our divorce was final. My shark of a lawyer with the aid of the very incriminating evidence of her infidelity got me seventy-five percent of our assets which came to over a million dollars thanks to our home that we bought for $250,000 in the late Nineties selling for a cool $1.7 million. Because all of our kids were over eighteen I didn't have to pay child support or alimony.

One week later, Shelly and I were married at a small private ceremony with my kids and Shelly's parents and younger brother. We told everyone that we were expecting. Shelly's parents were excited to find out that they would be grandparents. Surprisingly my kids were equally excited, I was not expecting that as I knew they were very upset that their mother was pregnant.

Five months later Shelly and I welcomed our first child together into our world. Our beautiful daughter Mary graced us with her presence and three years later we were blessed with our son Kevin.

Anna had given birth at the ripe old age of fifty to a dark-skinned baby boy. Her father and mother had kicked her out of their house shortly after. Anna did eventually remarry, which I am glad she did.

Even though she mistreated me and our marriage, she was still a good person though perhaps a bit misguided; but she was an excellent mother. I was happy that she found a father for her son and a companion to be with.

My life with Shelly has been nothing but spectacular, our kids were wonderful and they got along well with their younger aunts and uncles. Explaining that to our kids and grandkids was nothing short of an experience. Looking back at the love I had and have now... I wouldn't trade it for anything.

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