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A wry smile crossed her face. "Nice. That's a nice touch, trying to put me at ease."

"I'm serious." I scooted closer to her. "I know what it's like to be bullied and I won't do it to someone else."

She sat back and crossed her arms. "Yea, right. You and your girlfriend would be out $500, and I've never met a guy yet who would turn down sex."

"Get out." I tried to keep my voice low and measured. My words confused her as the wrinkles in her brow attested to. "Get out!" I stormed to the door and flung it open. "I will not be party to bulling you into anything. GET OUT!"

Slowly, Jill rose and moved toward the door. "What about the money?"

"I'll just pull double shifts until I can pay Karen back!"

"You're serious, aren't you?" She looked for anything in my face to betray my conviction. She found nothing. She retrieved her bag and stick, and turned again to face me, the hurt evident on her face. "Don't you find me attractive?"

I closed the door with a thud. This had suddenly become about rejecting her, and that was not what I was trying to do. Of all the sonnets and all the plays I had memorized, all that came out was, "You're beautiful."

"Then what's the problem?"

"The problem is that I have been bullied into things in then past. I won't do that to anyone else. I've slithered away from those situations in the past and let myself get trampled on. I won't do it any more."

"Look. I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself. I want to be in that sorority, and this is what I have to do. If I really didn't want to do this, then I wouldn't. OK?"


Jill turned back to the corner and put her bag and field hockey stick back in the corner. She turned back to me with a questioning look in her eye. "Do you really think I'm beautiful?"

I smiled and stepped toward her. "You are an Amazon. You are lithe, and powerful, and you move with the grace of a big cat."

Her eyes dropped she blushed. "I bet I smell like a big cat."

We giggled a little, and I lead her down the hall through my bedroom and into the bathroom. Every candle I owned was strategically placed in the bathroom. Karen loved to bathe by candle light. As I picked up the lighter, I said, "Take off you clothes." By the time I had gotten all the candles lit, Jill was naked. Damn, I was right. She was amazing. She was almost as tall as me, with just a bit of curve in her hips and her breasts were perky and firm, about a B cup I guess. She was an athlete, and she didn't jiggle when she moved, betraying the tone of muscle underneath her skin. I hesitated a moment when I turned around to this nude physical specimen, and she noticed. Her knowing smile brought me out of my revelry. She had pulled the pony tail out of her hair and laid it on the sink. The rest of her clothes were in a pile near the door. I moved her to the side a little so I could turn on the water. While we waited for the water to get hot, I stripped off my clothes and turned off the light.

"You do think I'm beautiful." My dick was rock-hard, and I blushed furiously at her comment. She smiled wickedly at my embarrassment.

I tested the water and made some adjustments. "Get in," I said, finally finding my voice. She did as I asked and began getting wet. I followed her into the shower and reached for the shampoo, pouring a liberal amount in my hand. I was going to need a lot more than normal. Jill was confused when I set the shampoo down out of her reach and stepped closer to her. I brought my hands up and folded her wet hair that reached down between her shoulder blades up on top of her head. She put her hands on my hips and I began to dig in with my fingers. Her eyes rolled back in her head and I saw her shoulders relax as I worked the shampoo into a lather. After a minute or so I told her to rinse and I reached for the soap and the scrubbie, one of the greatest inventions I had discovered during my time with Karen. Guys would never buy crap like that for themselves.

When she had finished rinsing her hair, Jill pulled Karen's bottle of conditioner off the ledge and looked at me pointedly. "Please?" I put the soap down and proceeded to put a generous amount in my hand. "My friends in high school used to say they made conditioner out of semen." She giggled as I froze and looked at her, my eyebrows trying to crawl up into my hairline. "Don't forget the ends," she said smugly, reveling in her ability to shock me. Afterwards, I washed her, starting with her left arm, moving across her neck and getting her other arm. Jill had an amused look on her face as she sensed my discomfort at touching her boobs. I tried to keep my face impassive as I finally had to wash them taking care not to be too ruff. My silent partner between my legs was not as easy to control, and gave my excitement away. I moved on to her stomach and down her legs, first one and then the other. Jill was taking great satisfaction in watching me squirm, and hiked her leg up on the side of the tub to allow me easier access to her pussy. I gave it the ol' college try, but apparently fell a little short.

"I won't break," she implored as she put her hand over mine on the scrubbie and ground it into her snatch. When she was satisfied, I stood up and motioned for her to turn around. I motioned because I didn't want my voice to crack. She obediently spun and I went to work on her back. I pulled her hair out of the way and soaped her from the base of her neck to the bottom of her ass. Jill leaned forward and put her head against the wall of the shower, her arms hanging limp at her sides. I dropped the scrubbie and began massaging the muscles in her neck and shoulders, slowly working my way down her back, hitting each muscle group as I went. Her moans let me know the delicious pain she was in.

I took her by the shoulders, pulled her off the shower wall, and turned her around. She had a look in her eyes as if she had just come out of a trance. I took her left hand and began rolling the muscles in it with my thumbs. Jill let out another groan and eased her head on my shoulder. After going over each muscle twice, I moved to the other hand and started over. My hands were getting cramped, but the darkened bathroom lit only with candle light, and a beautiful girl with me in the warm shower mollified my discomfort.

Then the hot water ran out. Jill screamed a girly little scream and pushed me to the back of the tub to get out of the way of the frigid water. After I regained my balance, I guided her out of the tub and got out as well to keep from having to go through the cold water to turn it off. Three towels waited on the back of the toilet, and I handed Jill one. As she dried her hair, I threw the second towel around my shoulders, collecting the third towel for when she was ready. She leaned over and placed the towel over her head, twisting the part that hung down past her face, finally standing upright and tucking the end in at back of her head. She seemed surprised at my knowledge of the procedure when I handed her the third towel to dry her body off, a smirk crossing her face. I toweled off and wrapped the towel around me like a skirt. Jill had done something similar, making her towel into a dress. I picked up her pony tail holder and lead Jill into my bedroom. "Do you have a brush with you?"

"Yes, there's one in my bag," she replied.

"I'll get it. Have a seat on the corner of the bed." I retrieved her gym bag. "You can find it easier than I can." I placed the gym bag beside her on the bed. She unzipped it and pulled out a brush after rummaging for a moment. When she went to remove the towel from her head I took the brush and moved behind her. Guys, if you ever get the chance, do anything you can to mess with a girl's hair. I know there is nothing sexier than a gorgeous woman leaning over me washing my hair before she cuts it. If you can produce anything like that for your girlfriend, you're in like Flynn. I meticulously brushed out her hair and then began to French braid by taking the hair from the very top of her head and dividing it into three parts.

"You can French braid?" she asked incredulously.

"Yep. I do it all the time," I said matter-of-factly.

"I hate French braiding my hair. My arms are always numb when I'm done."

"All the more reason to have someone else do it for you." Again with the perfect line. Hopefully this will become a habit. She submitted to my efforts without further commend. I took the pony tail holder and cinched it to the end when I was finished. "Done."

She went over to my dresser to examine my work. She looked at her hair from every angle. "That's great. I don't think I've ever done this well."

"It's easier when it's someone else's head." I walked over beside her, knowing that the preliminaries were over. I turned her to me, and unfastened the towel from my waist. She stared straight into my eyes, and I reached out and undid her towel, dropping it to the floor. Our eyes were locked as I intertwined my fingers in hers and moved her to the bed and laid her down. I moved beside her and kissed her lips, lightly, carefully. Jill returned my kiss with her own, and I kissed her again, savoring her taste. I moved down kissing her neck. I kissed my way down to her breast, using my flat tongue on her areola like an ice cream cone. Allowing my right hand to wander to her left breast, I concentrated on licking for all I was worth. Her breathing became slow and measured as I stimulated her breasts. A low moan soon escaped her lips and I took this as a signal for the next step. My right hand caressed down her body and found its way between her legs. Jill spread them, allowing me easier access to her sex. I slowly stroked her pussy, waiting for it to open so I could use her moisture to stroke her clit. I abandoned her right breast and moved between her legs kissing my way down her stomach. At first, she grabbed my arms to pull me on top of her, but once she realized what I was doing, she eased her head back and allowed me to continue to kiss my way down to her pussy. She inhaled sharply as I used the flat of my tongue on her mons, taking note of her reactions to my efforts, cataloging them for use later. After I had added my saliva to her own lubricant, I concentrated the tip of my tongue on her clitoris. Jill began to squirm as a result of my efforts, and I started the pointer finger of my right hand into her pussy. Her moans were high pitched as I worked the first finger in, and then the second. I curled my fingers upward against her pelvic bone, and as I did, Jill inhaled sharply and held it. Now began the final assault on her senses. I began to stroke her pelvic bone as I worked my tongue furiously on her clit. I could hear her clawing at the sheets with her fingernails. Her breath came out in ragged bursts as her sex was stimulated inside and out. I had to fight to keep my position as Jill began to thrash on the bed. She began crying out, "Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! AAAAAHHHHHHH!!" When the orgasm hit her, she lost control of her body completely. She jerked and reeled like she was having a seizure. I stopped stimulating her and simply held still for the ride.

As the orgasm subsided, I disengaged from her and crawled up beside her and wrapped my arms around her. She was still gasping for air, her eyes seemed unable to focus. "Where did you learn that?" she said, when she finally found her voice.

"I've been doing a little research," I smiled back.

"Damn! But you haven't come yet."

"No, I haven't. I've found that it is much easier for me to have an orgasm than it is for girls, so I make sure they get a treat first." Jill seemed fascinated by my explanation.

"So what are we going to do about you?" she asked in mock concern.

"How about a ride, little girl?" I asked in my best villain voice. I rolled over pulling her on top of me. She propped herself up and gave my dick a couple three strokes before guiding it into her well-lubricated pussy. My eyes rolled back in my head at the sensation of entering her. She began to slide up and down on my pole. I would have lasted about thirty seconds if that had continued, but I wanted more time to enjoy her body. Girl-on-top is my favorite position because I get to use my hands. I lifted my knees and pumped my hips in rhythm with hers as she began to grind her pelvis into mine, reducing the friction on my dick and increasing the stimulation on her clit. I reached up and cupped her breasts in my hands, massaging them, then taking her nipples between my thumb and forefinger, twisting them slightly, like I was trying to get the last little bit of static out of a radio station that was almost out of range. Jill grunted, and continued her grinding with renewed vigor. Her eyes were closed as she focused completely on her task. I leaned my head forward, taking her left nipple in my mouth as my hands went to her back. When I dragged my fingernails down her back, she lifted her face to the ceiling, unable to stifle the moan, as her braid fell over her shoulder. My second reason for braiding her hair: None in my face. My hands came to rest on her ass cheeks, and I pulled her into me, controlling our movement even more. I could tell she was nearing her second orgasm of the evening when the muscles in her ass started twitching independently. I increased the friction on my cock by letting Jill come away from me a little during our thrusts. Then I added the pies des resistance. I moved my right index finger down and began teasing her asshole. The effect was immediate. Jill inhaled twice, sharply, and then began to shout. I rode her orgasm to my own which happened only moments later. We were both shouting at each other, writhing in delicious agony, and as her second orgasm faded, the third hit her like a Mack truck. The look of surprise on her face was evident, as she went from shouting to screaming. "AH! AH! I CAN'T STOP IT! AH! AH!" Her body shook and I moved my hand to the small of her back. When her third orgasm had run its course, she collapsed on top of me, her arms no longer able to support her weight. She was completely spent. I wrapped my arms around her and held her gently as she sobbed convulsively.

When she had stopped crying, I rolled her off me and set her with her back toward me in the bed. I pulled up the covers and slipped my left arm under her pillow, wrapping my right arm around her waist. I pulled her close and let the world fall away.

I dimly remember Jill kissing me on the cheek. When I finally woke, she was gone.


Karen and I didn't discuss it much. She didn't seem phased by it, and I was still so head-over-heels that I didn't have to fake the "follow her around like a little lost puppy" thing. She seemed her normal, cheery self on the outside, but I was a mess on the inside. "What if it didn't fall our way?" "What if I DID win?" "What would Tom's reaction be?" I ran the impending meeting over in my head a thousand times.

Finally, Saturday came and Karen and I went to Hector's to get lunch. Tom and Michele showed up right after we had placed our order and sat down. They didn't say anything untoward, but they radiated an air of smugness that was palpable. Everyone's food came out at the same time, and right as the waitress left, I saw Jill come through the door. She looked around the restaurant until she located us, and then headed to our table. I got the distinct impression that she didn't want to do this. She came over to our table and sat down.

"Hi." She looked at us all as she sat. Everyone came up with some kind of lame greeting.

"Would you like something?" I said, trying to sound normal. The four of us stared at her, hanging on whatever she might say.

"No thanks. I've already eaten. I've got a team meeting to go to, so I need to make this short." Jill seemed like she was getting ready to tell someone their dog had died. Thinking back, she was about to cost someone five hundred dollars.

"First things first. She's in, right Michelle?" I had phrased it as a question, but there was only one answer I'd accept. Karen looked at me surprised at my vehemence.

Michelle was as adamant about her answer. "She's in. Full sister. No way to undo it."

"Thank you. Jill, the floor is yours." Jill looked at me funny as well. I suck at reading body language, especially girls.

"This is the weirdest competition I've ever heard of." She was trying to break the ice. "First off, I'd like to say that both of you are amazing. You girls are both very lucky." An interesting look crossed the faces of Tom and Michelle, like this was the first time they had considered that I could have held my own. I looked back at Karen. Jill seemed to be struggling to find the right words. The public setting might not have been the best choice. "To put it bluntly," Jill said, her voice almost at a whisper, "I've had the best two fucks of my life, but if I have to pick one over the other, I'd have to pick Ed."

I let out the breath I didn't know I'd been holding. I thought of the money I didn't owe, "we" didn't owe. Wait, I won. Wait, THEY owed US money. Tom interrupted my revelry, with all the diplomacy I had expected from him. "What, does he have a 3-foot dick?"

"No." Jill paused. "He's got a 3-foot tongue." Michelle's jaw dropped, and when she looked at me, I gave her a wink.

They were more than crestfallen, they were scared. They looked at each other like they'd been caught with their hand in the cookie jar. I knew what was coming. I have always been fascinated with the ability of humans to communicate volumes with just a few words.

"I don't have it," Tom said. He had been bested on the field of battle by an opponent he had not considered a threat. It seemed to me a very honor-conscious, Japanese sentiment.

I could tell Karen was revving up to let him have it. She squirmed in the booth a little in preparation. I looked Tom directly in the eye and said, "I know," cutting Karen off before she got into her rant. Tom and I were completely focused on each others' faces, not missing any nuance of what was being communicated. He understood that I was forgiving his debt. I could feel Karen's eyes boring into the side of my head. Michelle wasn't following either, but she didn't have the strong position, so she wisely kept her mouth shut.

"I have sorely underestimated you. I will not make that mistake a second time." Where did 'sorely' come from? Could this jock actually have a brain?

"I have underestimated you as well."

"If there is ever a service I can render..." This is no dumb jock.

I turned to Karen searching her eyes, and then it occurred to me. I turned back to Tom. "I could use a personal trainer." A smile crept over his face and his hand came across the table. We shook and I knew I had just gained a friend.

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