Another Changed Life Ch. 03


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I came to pretty quickly, the fact that she was still pressed against me waking me up in the best ways, but when she went to move off I grabbed for her and held her tight.

"Don't leave me," I begged.

I knew I'd said that in such a needy way she couldn't fail to have noticed. To me though, it had felt too much like the morning she left my bed and I felt so alone afterwards, and I couldn't face that happening again when I'd had another chance to wake to her in my arms. I could see from her face she had a good idea of what I was thinking and how much I needed her, and she didn't seem afraid of it.

She leaned down to give me a quick kiss before she answered.

"I'm not leaving you baby, I just want to sleep in my bed. Come with me, and we can curl back up together, I promise. Just sleeping though, okay?"

"Perfect," I replied.

I wanted to know what that might be like. Before her, it had been years since I had spent the whole night with someone. Spending a night with someone I hadn't had sex with first, well this would probably be the first time ever, and I liked the fact that I would find out about it with her. I guessed if we were going out there were bound to be times that would happen, and it would confirm for me how much I cared about her if I could do it. Possibly it would confirm the same to her and that's why she was asking, but I really didn't mind if she was testing me, I knew she couldn't catch me out.

Her bedroom was more girlie than I expected. There was no sign of cuddly toys anywhere else I had been, but they had clearly been confined to this one room. Not hundreds, but a collection of them sat on top of the furniture. Only one made it into her bed, and I was pleased to see her move it and know I wouldn't be sharing with a teddy bear. Somehow I managed not to make any jokes about it.

She obviously saw me looking in surprise, but shrugged it off. To be honest, I wouldn't have cared if the entire room was a shrine to my little pony, but it might have put me off a little. What I really wanted to do was get in her bed and have her in my arms. The bed was the focus of the room, not just because of what I wanted, but because it was huge. She didn't have any need of a king size, but it was, and on top of that it was a metal four-poster with net curtains hanging from each corner. You could close those and be in your own little world, but I figured we would be there anyway.

"Hop in while I go change," she told me. "Keep at least your boxers on, will you?"

It wasn't really a question, it was a request, but I had no issue with complying with it. I usually slept in nothing, but I could cope for a night, especially if it stopped my wayward dick from ruining anything with her. I wasn't going to keep anything else on though, and she'd given me the opportunity not to. I was quickly out of everything else, sliding under her duvet and settling down into the comfortable mattress, keeping my head propped up on a pillow so I could see just what she had changed into the moment she returned.

One glance at her as she came back in had me swallowing hard and trying to calm my dick down again. She had on pyjamas, but the ones that are nothing more than shorts and a strappy top. Her breasts were obvious both over the top and by the way the material stretched across her chest. If that sight wasn't enough, the shorts showed off her long legs and I had the urge to ask her to twirl so I could check how they hugged her cute backside. I had the sense to keep my mouth shut.

"Budge over Dan, you're on my side."

I laughed, but moved. "I was hoping for something a little more romantic than that!"

"Well, I guess I could explain that I need you to move so I can lie on the side I sleep on but still cuddle up to you. Is that better?" she asked, clearly teasing me.

"That's better, yes."

"When did you become such a romantic anyway?" she asked as she slid in beside me.

I wrapped my arms around her before I replied, looking into those chocolate eyes I loved so much.

"The moment I realised why I missed you so much and was so annoyed that I hadn't done more to keep you with me. Well, maybe once I got over the hangover that realisation caused."

She looked at me sternly. "You realised you liked me so you got drunk to forget about it?"

I kissed her softly before replying.

"No. I realised I loved you and thought I had lost you, so I got drunk to avoid the pain of that. And it didn't work anyway, the one thing I didn't forget was how beautiful you are and how much I wanted to be with you, and what a dick I was for not realising how I felt sooner."

She went quiet, although she was still laying against me so I had hope that my honesty wasn't a bit too much for her. I needed to know, although my question was very quiet.

"Am I scaring you?"

Rich chocolate eyes met mine.

"No, I'm not scared. I still can't quite believe it. That doesn't mean I don't believe what you are saying, just that it's hard to go from thinking one thing about you for so long to realising you want something else. I've been in love with you for a very long time, but I never imagined we could be together."

I hugged her tight, overwhelmingly happy at her admission that she loved me.

"Well, you'd better start getting used to it, because we are together, and I have no intention of letting you go. I'm yours for as long as you want me."

"Oh, I want you," she almost purred.

I groaned at her words and sexy tone, and I know she felt my cock react to what she had said too. I mumbled an apology.

"It's okay, I don't mind that I turn you on. I'm just glad that women don't react quite so obviously!"

I stifled a yawn, and then smiled at her. "You know, as much as I would love to know how wet I've got you, I think we need to get some sleep. My boss is a slavedriver, you should have words with him about wearing me out!"

"I guess we're going to have to tell him now, aren't we?"

"Yes. You don't need to worry though, he might be disappointed in you but at least he won't cut your nuts off."

"Aren't you being a bit melodramatic there baby?"

"That's what he threatened if I ever touched you. I'm almost certain he was joking."

"I'll protect you," she murmured into my chest which she was now using as a pillow.

"I know love. It'll be fine, but we'll work that one out in the morning. Goodnight beautiful."

She nuzzled rather than reply, but that was good enough for me. She was in my arms, wrapped around me, and she loved me. What more than that could I want? If I hadn't been so tired I might have wondered why I hadn't instantly thought that sex would be the icing on the cake.

* * * * * *

We both woke fairly late in the morning. I felt so content at waking up with her cuddled up to me I just sighed, watching her as she woke up too. I tried not to let myself think about the last time this had happened, but when she started to stretch out I did think about it and hoped she wouldn't move away. I didn't realise I was holding my breath until she snuggled back against me, smiling up at me as she put her head on my chest.

"Muppet. I don't get how you can be so worried about me leaving. For starters, you're in my bed. On top of that, I only left that day because I thought it would be what you wanted. I should be worrying about you running away having scared yourself by spending a sex-free night with a woman."

I checked the clock by her bed.

"I've got two hours before I have to leave for work. I'm not leaving until then unless you throw me out, and I'll be very happy to spend most of it cuddled up like this. It's been a very long time since I spent a morning in bed with my girlfriend, and I'd like to get used to it with you."

She gave me a playful shove. "I'm going to the bathroom, and then I'll be back. You've got a couple of minutes to make a run for it!"

That wasn't going to happen, and I figured she believed that too. I got to see the way her shorts cupped her buttocks as she left the room, and that sight certainly made me convinced I was staying, even if it was a case of look but don't touch. As soon as she was out of sight my body made me aware of more pressing issues, and I had to follow her, emptying my tank as soon as she left the bathroom, and rapidly heading back to her bedroom hoping she would have got back into bed.

I needn't have worried. She was there, covers pulled back and patting the bed next to her to invite me back in to join her. I'm sure I sped up to get in with her, but she didn't comment on it. I only got a raised eyebrow from her when as soon as I was settled down I pulled her towards and then on top of me, and claimed my first kiss of the day. I knew it was fine with her when my kisses were returned with equal passion.

It was a long kiss, or lots of smaller kisses, I really wasn't sure I knew or cared which. Her lips were just as soft as before, her body warm against mine, and her cute little moans turned me on so much I began to wonder whether getting her on top of me was really a good idea. When she started to wriggle as well I let out a moan of my own and decided it probably hadn't been.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, but you wriggling like that is rather frustrating. Stay still, please."

"Sorry baby. Let me make it up to you."

A moment later she was sliding down my body, the next pulling my boxers down, and the one after that...

"Oh fuck," I groaned, as her tongue licked around the head of my cock. "You don't have to..."

I lost the power to speak then, and a glance down at her saw she seemed to be inhaling me with a massive grin on her face, or that's what it looked like even though she had a mouthful of my erection. Certainly her eyes seemed to show it. We maintained eye contact for a moment, but I couldn't keep mine open for long and I just lay back with a huge grin on my face as she licked and sucked at me, sending shockwaves of pleasure running through my body.

Her hand was on me too and while her tongue, lips and mouth worked the top part of my shaft, her hand stroked gently up and down on the rest. I was in heaven. Her mouth moved off me after a little while, her hand taking over a full stroke as she started to lick at my balls and suck one after the other into her hot mouth to roll them around. I was emitting sounds even I didn't know I could make, but I was sure they were encouraging her.

When her mouth finally moved back to my cock, her tongue teasing my slit, I stiffened instantly, moments away from shooting my load, and she sucked me back inside, treating me like some kind of lollipop until I came hard and fast, letting out a cry of her name at the height of my excitement. I felt her body settle back on top of mine afterwards, but I couldn't even open my eyes for a moment. It might be that I hadn't had sex in a while, or at least not when someone else was there, but that had to be the best blowjob I'd ever received, possibly because it was done with love.

I tasted myself in her mouth when I kissed her, but I didn't care, I needed to thank her somehow. My eyes finally drifted open to see her face, and she was looking very pleased with herself, grinning at me. I returned the smile.

"Thank you. That was incredible, but I thought we weren't having sex," I said.

"We're playing by my rules, which doesn't necessarily mean no sex, because I'm making them up as I go along. I wanted to give you something that I didn't when we were together before, because you didn't really let me play with you."

"Well, for future reference, you can play with me whenever you want. Now though it must be your turn. What can I do for you?"

She looked deep in thought, before a grin spread across her face.

"You can get up and make me scrambled eggs on toast."

I know my face fell. I was anticipating a chance to play with her for a bit, doing whatever she wanted.

"You're kidding, right?" I asked, disappointment clear from my voice.

At least I got a kiss before she shattered my hopes completely.

"Nope, not kidding, I really want some eggs. I know you'd rather do something here for me and I know it would be great, but I want to wait."

"Doesn't seem fair," I grumbled, but I got out of bed.

As I reached for my clothes from the pile on the floor she stopped me.

"Don't bother with the clothes. I rather like the idea of my very own naked chef!" she told me, grinning broadly.

"Oh, really? And what if I burn myself?"

"That's why I've asked for scrambled eggs, not fried."

"I appreciate the thought," I told her, more and more amused by this situation. If she wanted me naked she could have it, I had no issues with my body, and the appreciative looks I was getting confirmed she liked it too. I did keep myself in shape, and had developed enough on my arms and chest to make me broad although not heavily muscled. Actually, she seemed more intent on my backside than anything else, so I made a show of turning to give her a better view.

"This isn't getting my breakfast ready," she complained, not terribly seriously.

I laughed at the mock pout she was giving.

"Nope, but I just thought I'd see how long you were going to spend ogling my body."

"It may be a while. That's why I suggested you cook breakfast while I was at it!"

She got out of bed as I said it, and I was suddenly focussed on her body, even though she wasn't naked. The tiny pyjamas she had on showed the best bits off beautifully despite her being covered up. I looked her up and down and made my perusal obvious. Probably a bit too obvious as my cock perked up at the sight even though it had not long been drained. I wasn't erect, but certainly not flaccid either.

"What about if I like the idea of my own naked woman to feed breakfast to?" I asked.

She laughed really sweetly, but I realised I wasn't getting that wish fulfilled even before she confirmed it.

"My rules baby. I promise not to put anything more on if that helps, you seem to like this outfit."

"Oh I do," I told her, grabbing her and pulling her tight into my arms. I felt her body pressing against mine, moulding us together, before I kissed her. The feel of her against me and her soft lips under mine was the final push my cock needed to fill completely and I moaned as I felt it pushing into her hip. She broke away from our kiss and looked down, then back up at me as if in question.

"It's the effect you have on me. He might go back to sleep while I concentrate on making you a tasty breakfast."

"You already did that! I need a cup of tea and some food now though."

"Hey, you never mentioned tea before. I'm not your slave you know!"

"I know. I'll make the tea, you cook. You do have to let me go so we can move though."

Reluctantly I let her out of my embrace. It wasn't like she was unhappy there, else she could have pulled away from me before that moment, and it felt like a shame to let her go.

I felt surprisingly comfortable in her kitchen, totally naked, and making our breakfast. She giggled as she watched me, and I gave her a look to try and show I wasn't impressed, but I didn't manage to make it look very serious. How could I be unhappy with having her with me and feeling her eyes on me all the time. She was impressed with the food too, and didn't quite manage to keep her moan under control when she took her first bite. I could make good anything, a little more impressive than what she would normally have.

"I'm going to have to keep you around!" she told me, smiling.

"If all you want me for is to keep you fed and as something to cuddle up to in bed, I guess that will have to do!"

"Oh, I want you for much more than that," she said sexily.

I grinned at the want in her voice and the implication.

"Good, because I'm going to tell Mark about us when I go in to work. I don't want to be sneaking around and he's going to be able to tell I'm happy again."

"You sure?"

"It's better to get it over and done with. At least you won't have had too much chance to get attached to me if he does stuff me in the freezer," I joked.

"I'll come with you then. Mark's like my big brother and he is overprotective. At least if I'm there I can convince him you haven't taken advantage of me."

"You hope," I muttered under my breath, but she was smiling.

"Let's get ready and go see him then. It will be a shame to put clothes on that body, but I'm not sure I want everyone else seeing you like that."

"Only for you gorgeous."

* * * * * *

Getting ready turned out to be a slow process. She wouldn't let me shower with her, or watch, but I tormented myself with visions of what it might be like to see the water cascading over her naked body. When she came back just wrapped in a towel, drops of water clinging to the rest of her, it was all I could do not to snatch the towel away and worship her. I knew she could tell what I was thinking, and that was why she sent me off to shower too, and kept well away from me.

Despite the fact my cock had been hard much of the morning I didn't play with myself while I was in there. I'd come once, in a very good way, and I didn't want to spoil that memory with taking the cheap pleasure of a wank. Also, when I started to think about seeing Mark I was slightly scared. He was my friend, but he had always told me not to go near Tess, glared at me any time I spoke to her, and told me off even when I was just being friendly. I could only hope that the fact he knew I was in love with her would stop any violent reaction.

Tess tried to reassure me in the car, but it wasn't entirely working. Her touching me and stroking my arm to reassure me stoked my libido but didn't calm my nerves. I was on edge in two different ways, which was an interesting experience if not one I was really enjoying. I kissed her in the restaurant and left her out in the main room while I headed to find Mark, hoping to get him out there to explain.

As it was, I saw Charlie first, and that served to help me relax. He was on my side, I knew that, and he would help calm Mark down if necessary. When I saw him I smiled broadly, and he gave me an odd look for one second, before he realised why I was so happy.

"You sorted things out then?"

I nodded, smiling even harder. "Yes, thank God. It turns out I was being an idiot, and all I had to do was talk to her and explain how I was feeling."

"All you had to do?"

"Well, she's making me jump through a few hoops, but I'm not complaining!"

Mark wandered through out of the locker room then, watching the two of us laughing, although I stopped suddenly at the sight of him, wondering if I could use Charlie as a human shield. This was ridiculous, I was a grown man and should not be scared of a friend, but I knew he wasn't going to like it.

"I heard," he said. "Why do you look terrified if you've got the woman you wanted? Sounds like you're onto a good thing, and I can't wait to meet the one who's managed to hook you."

"About that," I started to tell him, looking to Charlie for support, "she's in the restaurant now, but..."

I tailed off when I realised I had miscalculated. He was closer to the door outside than I was, and he was obviously very keen to see the woman I'd met, unaware he knew her very well. There was a muffled sound of surprise before I could get through the door, closely followed by Charlie.

Mark turned to look at me, and his face looked like thunder. I visibly winced, but Charlie got between us, just in case. I think even he was surprised by the obvious reaction and quite how pissed off Mark looked.

"I love her Mark," I told him. "I know this isn't what you wanted, but it is what we both want. I already told you how I feel about her, and I followed your advice on how to convince her that I'd changed."

"You told me how you'd had a one night stand. Am I expected to be happy that you talked her into bed for a night even after the number of times I told you not to? And I'd never have given you that advice if I knew it was Tess," he growled at me, clearly tense but at least not trying to hit me.