Another Changed Life Ch. 05


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Backing up though I noticed what one of the mannequins was displaying, and that had my imagination running wild again. Tess found me trying not to look at it, but failing dismally, and laughed.

"Perhaps this wasn't the best place to bring you today! I can't wear that."

"Why not?" I wondered aloud. In my imagination it suited her perfectly.

"I can't wear red underwear under a blue dress. It breaks all the rules!"

She knew how much she was driving me wild right now, and the effect that dress had on me, let alone the fact we were nearly at the end of my self-imposed celibacy, and her teasing just made me want to get her back. I leaned close to whisper in her ear, breathing in her scent at the same time.

"Then at dinner you wear the dress, without underwear, and afterwards you can change into that and nothing else."

She was no longer teasing when I checked, her eyes were showing the same sort of feelings I was having about her.

"One condition."

"Anything," I told her.

"I'm not the only one in my underwear after dinner. In fact, if I get that red lace, you have to wear something I pick for you."

"That sounds fair," I replied, nuzzling at her ear and hearing the change in her breathing at my closeness.

I took a step back from her to remove temptation. Now was not the time, but soon, very soon.

* * * * * *

The rest of the day I kept myself under control, but I had the most fun with her. We did go to a museum, and she surprised me at every turn with what she was interested in and the things she knew. I learned more in one day than I probably had over the last year, even including the time we had been dating. If I hadn't already realised how little I'd found out so far I'd probably have annoyed myself again. Making the effort to do things with her other than get naked and go to bed was extremely rewarding.

When we were all out of things to do in town, and faster than I thought since I had anticipated a lot of shopping, we went back to the car, adding the few bags to the boot. That dress that made Tess even more beautiful than I thought possible, and the new underwear for both of us would come in handy later on, but right now it was time to get going.

I drove us a little way out of the centre, having worked out a place we could picnic by the side of the river. It was a gorgeous spot and with perfect company and good home-cooked food, what more could we want? I carried the cooler for a little way until we found a spot under some trees, away from anyone else and in some shade from the sun which was surprisingly hot.

Spreading out a blanket, I encouraged Tess to sit between my legs leaning back on me, so that I could help to feed her all the things I had prepared. The food was for her pleasure, but I knew her reaction to it would be mine. She giggled as I fed her bits from my fingers, but I made sure I got plenty of food as well. She just sighed as I finished with the sandwiches and other savouries, and I nuzzled her neck a little, kissing softly to make her moan.

"You've done perfectly today you know," she told me. "I've loved every moment so far."

"Me too. I wanted to do something for you, and I put a lot of thought into getting it right."

"You do realise anything with you would have been good? I'm not expecting you to change your whole life for me, or do things like this all the time."

"I know that, but I want to change my life for you, I already have. It makes both of us happy, and I love pampering you."

I heard her giggle again, music to my ears.

"You're a big softie, aren't you?"

"I don't know about that. Not all of me is soft, especially not when you are lying against me like this!"

"Tease," she mumbled. "I hope I'm going to get that later, but just in case you are getting any ideas, I'm not up for al fresco sex."

"Me neither. I need to have you all to myself love. That said, I have been missing your kisses."

She turned her head and body slightly, smiling at me, and pressed her lips to mine. From that tiny contact we both let out a quiet moan, and she nestled against me, arms around each other and tenderly exchanging touches. Having her in my arms and our lips moving against each other was heaven, and the longer it went on the closer she worked her body against me. It fitted perfectly, as always, and I held her tighter, unwilling to let go.

It was her that moved away first, although she didn't go far. Her eyes kept staring at me, and the gaze was so intense, so full of love, it made me warm inside. She cared so much for me it showed and she seemed to be glowing in the muted sunshine, her highlighted hair shining where the rays broke through the leaves above us. She was my angel.

"We need to stop doing that Dan, you're making me feel like doing things we can't do in public."

Her slight blush at her admission she was as turned on as me made me grin, and I planted a quick kiss on her lips to reassure her.

"I feel like that too. How about some pudding as a distraction? Your choice of fruit or chocolate truffles, although I know which I'd prefer to feed you, and I did make them by hand."

"You can make chocolates too? Where have you been all my life?"

"I was waiting for you Tess."

I smiled, she didn't look so happy at what I said.

"I kept you waiting, you mean? I wouldn't just spread my legs for you the first time you asked, like everyone else did."

"No baby, that's not what I meant, I just needed to be with you to find this side of myself. I don't know, we can never know, if this would have happened if you had given into me straight away. I'm glad you didn't, because it was what marked you out as special when we finally did. Like I said before, you weren't the first to refuse me, but you were the first I kept trying with. I must always have known you were what I needed, somehow."

"Sorry. I don't know why I said that."

"It's okay. We can both be scared sometimes, it's all really new, but I do know I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Me neither. I love you."

"I love you too. And, I made chocolates to make sure you don't change your mind!"

"I don't think I'm going to, but chocolate is a good form of bribery!"

* * * * * *

I didn't want to leave our little idyll by the river, especially not after feeding her chocolates one by one. I had no idea why it was so erotic, but perhaps it was the chef part of me coming to the fore, and being able to create something that gave her so much pleasure. Or perhaps it was just foreplay in a strange way, seeing her eyes half-shut and her smile as the chocolates melted in her mouth. The chocolate flavour kisses I got afterwards didn't hurt either.

By the time we packed up the blanket and the remnants of our lunch, it was late afternoon, and we walked slowly hand-in-hand back to the car. I was nervous about what was going to happen later, strangely, even though I wanted nothing more than to feel myself inside her again. It felt like the first time again, or perhaps more than that, this meant so much more than ever before.

She squeezed my hand, almost as though she knew what I was thinking, or perhaps she wanted the reassurance too. After all we had talked about I knew she was feeling very similar to me about everything, even down to the nerves, but there was also a great deal of anticipation, and we shared teasing and loving glances all the way back and whenever I could during the trip home.

I knew my house was already set up for our dinner, and she followed me inside, grinning when she saw the table already dressed with candles.

"You already fed me once!"

"I know, but that was just snacks, and I haven't made us a heavy meal, I just thought it would be romantic. Aren't you going to get changed for dinner?" I finished with a wink.

"I guess so, but you'd better not wreck my dress before I've even had chance to wear it out of the house. Hands off, okay?"

"How about I promise only to touch the skin it shows off so temptingly?"

She gave me a look that was a not very serious warning. I knew she liked to have my hands on her, and given how much of her shoulders and back the dress revealed, I was fairly sure I could have her desperate to get out of it with very little effort. I just wasn't sure how long I would be able to deal with her looking that good without trying.

It was easy to distract myself for a little while by starting to warm the food I'd already prepared. I hadn't prepared a great deal for us, but it would keep us occupied for a while so we could talk and get comfortable, or at least I could. There was something driving me tonight that had never been there before, a need that I knew I couldn't control and I didn't have to. Even though it had taken a long time for me to get there, I knew I was going to make love with her tonight.

* * * * * *


I was shaking with a strange combination of nerves and excitement as I headed off to change. Despite my comments, I didn't mind if he touched me, in fact I was desperate for it, and after today I didn't need to worry that the reason he wasn't was because he had changed his mind. I thought he was fighting getting too involved with me, and perhaps in some way he was, but only his own fears about it.

I got scared when he didn't come to my bed for a few nights, and I although I thought I could trust him, it didn't stop the thoughts running around my head of him going to someone else. It was me being insecure, but he had put me straight, both by his explanation last night and the way he had been today.

In fact, today had been far more wonderful than I could ever imagine. It was an opportunity for us to get to know one another better, but even I had been surprised when he pointed out we hadn't yet been on a date. Now he had treated me to several dates in one day and every little thing had been done with so much care to show how much he loved me. It still seemed he was proving that to himself more than to me, but perhaps I did also need the reassurance.

I twirled in front of the mirror in my new dress, taking a moment to sort out my hair and make-up while I was there too. I wanted him to see me looking my best tonight. The dress had been on my mind but I never would have bought it if not for the look on his face when he saw me in it. Who would have thought I could render Dan speechless?

He looked so cute all day that I had trouble keeping my hands off him too, and some of our teasing, particularly about what I was going to wear this evening and our discussions of underwear, were turning me on just as much as I knew he was. Last night he had pretty much promised tonight would be the end of us waiting, and I was already getting wet and ready for him just at the thought of that. He could do things to my body that no other man had ever managed.

Coming down the stairs, I could hear him in the kitchen, pretty much his favourite place to be, perhaps second only to in bed with me, humming happily to himself. His eyes went wide again when he saw me and I realised this dress really had been a good investment, although if I ever did wear it out of the house I might not be able to control him. He pulled me close, keeping his hands as promised to my back where the satin was cut away.

"You are so beautiful," he murmured in my ear, "and this dress suits you perfectly."

"What are you doing?" I gasped out as I felt his hands bunching the material and drawing it up my leg.

His hand was soon on my skin, sliding higher and higher while I forgot to breathe at his touches, every movement electric.

"Just checking for underwear. Didn't want you to be backing out on our deal."

I squeaked as his hand rose higher, checking at the side and then reaching back to stoke across my backside. His little growl of pleasure as he found I was naked under the dress echoed through my body.

"Nice. I'm going to be remembering the feel of your skin all through dinner. Do you want to sit down and I'll serve?"

"Don't I get a kiss from my waiter first?"

He laughed, but I got what I wanted, a tease of our lips and his tongue playing with the tip of mine for nowhere near long enough before he pulled away again and made it clear I had to sit down to get my food. His eyes were on me all the way through the meal, and I couldn't stop looking at him either, he looked so good to me.

Each time he delivered more food his hand rested on my back, touching me fleetingly before sitting down himself. Each touch and every look was making me more and more desperate for further touches, more intimate ones, him in any way I could have him. We had been in foreplay for far too long for either of us to cope much longer, but he seemed to be enjoying the build-up, or perhaps just wanted to get me begging.

I doubt I tasted much of the food, which was a pity, but I just needed him too much to concentrate on anything other than his body, drinking in the sight of his tight clothes every time he stood and watching the muscles move underneath them. I knew what he looked like naked, I'd felt every inch of him, but every movement seemed to be sensual.

"That's all the food love. How about we change and have some coffee?"

"I'll start on it, you can go first," I replied, eager to see more of him than his current outfit allowed. Most of him in fact, if the underwear I had got for him was as tight as I hoped. He didn't argue, and when he reappeared I discovered I had been right.

I loved his chest anyway, the fur across his pecs and running in a line across his stomach and leading down in a trail I had followed more than once over the last few weeks. He was so sexy, not chiselled to the extreme but just the right amount of muscle and tone that made my hands itch to touch. The soft knitted boxers I'd got for him highlighted all his best features, hiding the end of the treasure trail and showing a delightful bulge that proved he was at least partly erect.

I licked my lips and he almost looked embarrassed at how I was looking at him, but the obvious twitch and growth in the boxers showed he liked it.

"Turn around," I asked.

The back view was almost better than the front, his strong back tapering to his hips and his gorgeous arse just begging to be squeezed. I didn't resist this time, taking a handful before he could turn back around, which just meant that as he turned my hand brushed across his cock. I heard the sharp breath he drew in at the contact.

"That's not fair! You're supposed to be getting changed too, not molesting me. How about I finish the coffee, and we see if I like the underwear I picked as much as you seem to like your choice?"

"It's not just the undies, it's the man in them that I like the sight of."

"I'm glad to hear it, but I want to look at you too."

His eyes said a lot more than his words, the way he was looking at me made me shiver with desire. Going to get changed into the red lace he'd liked calmed me only slightly, because it was stepping up the teasing to another level, and I wouldn't be getting changed again, next time I was upstairs it would be for us to strip each other naked.

I felt almost naked anyway, even though the lace wasn't all that see-through it didn't leave much to the imagination, although I guessed that was why he liked it. The bra pushed my breasts up and created a sight I knew he would enjoy, and the shorts finished just above where my backside met the top of my legs, showing more curves there for him to admire. Actually a good choice, sexy but not slutty, not that I would mind being slutty, but just for him.

"Perfect," was his response when I went back to him.

Laughing, relaxed with him despite being barely dressed, I gave him a twirl, and turned back to see he was almost panting with his need. The bulge that had been showing before was now very obviously an erection, trying to break free of its constraint. He stepped forward to close the small distance between us and pulled me close.

"My turn."

* * * * * *


It was very definitely my turn, to touch and enjoy. The evening had been building to something we both wanted and knew would happen, but I liked being able to take the time with her. There were plenty of longing glances, going both ways, and the way she happily dressed for me, even in next to nothing, was a delight. I loved her reaction to what she wanted me to wear too, and it was going to show my reactions to her clearly.

The second she came downstairs in the red underwear, my own undies suddenly felt very tight, and my body was desperate to have her against me. I forgot about the coffee, she tasted much better than anything else, and I explored her lips with mine and her body with my hands. She seemed to melt into me, pressing her body into me and as always she fitted perfectly, her curves moulding to mine.

Somehow I kept it slow and she didn't force the issue, although I knew she wanted this as much as I did. I caressed her body, running my hands over every bit I could reach, all that wasn't already against my skin. She was soft and warm, just like always, but this time there was something more to every touch, it was leading to the one thing I had been denying myself.

I'd been denying her as well, and as much as I had kept my control, I knew it had hurt that I couldn't make love to her. I'd had more than enough invitations to do what we both wanted, and yet I had held back until I could be sure that I could handle it, that this time would be different. Now that I had her against me, after the day we had spent, I couldn't doubt that any longer, she was everything I wanted.

"Can I take you to bed please baby?" I whispered to her.

Dark chocolate eyes looked at me with desire, and she simply nodded before taking my hand and turning, wrapping my arm around her so I was as close as she could keep me while leading the way. I was buzzing with something, maybe lots of things, love, anticipation, desire. She seemed more confident, I thought, until we reached my room and she stopped.

Since that one night so long ago we had never slept together in my bed, I had always gone to her place. For both of us, this had to be done here, and although she froze for a moment, when she turned to face me again there seemed to be no doubt. Her arms went around my neck and her fingers into my hair, pulling me down for another kiss, soft and tender, just as wonderful as any of the passionate ones we had shared before tonight.

My arms around her waist, we stood there for quite a while, trading kisses and touches again, designed to reinforce our bond not specifically to arouse, but they were having that effect anyway. When she drew me towards the bed we still only lay beside each other but as close as we could get. I let my hands wander further, stroking down her side, over her breast and down onto her waist then up over the curve of her hips.

Her body shivered and she let out a little moan against my lips, and although I was determined to keep this slow and gentle, I took the hint that I could move on a little, and cupped her breasts in my hands, gently squeezing them and rubbing my thumbs over her nipples, feeling how they were already erect from our teasing. She moaned again, still quiet, not spoiling the moment we were sharing.

Her back arched a little, pressing towards me to encourage my attentions where she wanted them, and I wasn't going to deny her any longer. It was a shame to remove the underwear I had chosen, but I couldn't get my hands on her like I wanted while she was still dressed, and I reluctantly removed it with her helping me. Then I could nuzzle as well as touch, holding and stroking while I kissed and sucked on her nipples.

As I slid down her body to get a better angle, her warm body was pressing against me and she hooked one leg around mine, bringing me even closer. She was moving now, enjoying what I was doing to her, but using her body to rub against my erection a little, giving me some attention with her body while I enjoyed hers. It wasn't much, but what she was doing was getting me harder, if such a thing was possible, and making sure I knew what she wanted. It made it harder to ignore my needs, but I was going to spend a little longer on her first.