Another Day with the Walker Family


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While my daughter keeps asking me questions, she moves her hand to my pussy, so I open my legs as wide as I can. She inserts two of her fingers inside me and slowly moves them in and out. Jesus Christ, my daughter is finger fucking me while I am driving down the freeway!

After a couple of minutes, she moves her hand up to her mouth and starts sucking on her fingers. She says "Oh Mom, you taste so fucking good!" She then puts her hand back between my legs, but I push it away and tell her to sit straight up and put her seat belt back on.

I reply to her "Krissy, you are just as beautiful as I am! We look like identical twins! I think men and boys like me more than you because they think older women are more experienced and better in bed. They also think older women are easier to seduce and they don't have to date them for a long time to get what they are after."

Krissy says "Thanks Mom! I always knew I was as good looking as you, but I just wanted you to say it! I love you!"

My daughter then leans towards me again and kisses me on the cheek while she tries to put her fingers back into my pussy. I immediately slap her hand and say "Krissy, you will have to wait until we get home! When we get home, you can put as many fingers into me as you want! You can even try to put your whole fist into me if that pleases you!"

We laugh and giggle for a few seconds, then she says "Mom, I am going to take you up on that offer. I have seen pictures on the Internet with girls putting their hands all the way into other girls pussy's. My hands are really small and they should fit inside you easily. I can put one of my hands in your pussy and the other one I will see if I can shove it in your asshole."

I reply to her "Oh Krissy, I have been wanting you to do that for a long time! Tommy's cock has enlarged my asshole so I am sure your fist will fit just fine."

I stop talking with Krissy because it is really busy in this part of town. The exit ramp for the shopping mall comes up quickly, so I turn off, make a left at the light, go down to the main road, then make another left. In just a couple of minutes we are driving around the mall looking for a place to park. Krissy says "Mom, there is one right over there!" I pull into the spot and turn the engine off.

I tell Krissy to get out of the car with her camera, stand about thirty feet away from me while I exit the car and put on my dress.

Krissy jumps out of the car, slams the door shut and runs over to take pictures of me. When I see she is ready, I open my car door and get out.

Krissy starts snapping pictures of my naked body while I casually bend over and reach into the car for my purse. I grab my purse, place it on top of the car, then shut the car door. Jesus Christ, I feel fantastic standing nude in the parking lot. I run my hands up and down my body in the brilliant sunshine while cars steadily drive by us. Krissy keeps taking pictures of me while I move from one position to another. After a couple of minutes, I reach into my purse, grab my dress, wrap it around me and button it up.

Krissy walks over to me and says "Mom, I got some really good photos of you! You look fantastic wearing nothing but sunglasses while people drive by and look at you!"

I grab my purse from the roof of the car, then start walking to the mall entrance. Krissy follows behind me and starts taking pictures of me flicking my hair around while I lift the back of my dress up and caress my bare ass cheeks.

When we get to the automatic door, she runs up to me and we walk hand in hand into the mall. Gosh, it is cool in here! Our nipples immediately get harder and poke even further through the sheer material of our dresses.

We continue to walk until I see the big water fountain in the middle of the mall. It is spraying water about thirty feet in the air while about a dozen people are sitting on the concrete bench surrounding it.

I say to Krissy "Stand over there about twenty feet away while I sit on the bench next to the fountain. Take pictures every few seconds while I try to look sexy for the camera."

Krissy runs over and take a couple photos of me. The flash from the camera startles most of the people sitting near me, so they look over to see where it is coming from. She takes a couple more photos and I notice nobody is looking in my direction now, so I unbutton my dress and push it down off my shoulders. I wait two or three seconds for Krissy to take a few pictures, then stand up and quickly pull the dress back over me and button it.

Krissy walks over to me, hands me the camera and says "Mom, it's my turn now! Don't stand to far away because I am going to hand my dress and shoes to you!"

I hold the camera up and start taking one picture after another. Krissy stands next to the fountain and looks directly into the camera lens while she slowly unbuttons her dress. Then, she pulls it open and lets it slide down her arms onto the tile floor.

Jesus Christ, I thought she was just going to quickly flash her tits and bald pussy at me, but instead, she is now standing completely naked in the middle of the mall!

I keep taking pictures while Krissy bends over and picks up her dress. She then sits down on the bench and takes her shoes off. My daughter is really drawing a crowd now! There must be at least two dozen people standing around the fountain looking over in our direction.

Krissy then stands up and motions for me to come over to her, so I walk over she stuffs her dress and shoes in my purse. I ask her "Krissy, what are you going to do now?" She replys "You will find out in a couple of seconds. Stand right where you are and start taking more pictures of me."

Krissy hops up on the concrete bench and steps down into the foot deep water surrounding water fountain. She wades through the water until she is about ten feet away, then stops. She puts her hands on her hips, then looks over her shoulder at the camera and smiles. I keep snapping photos as she turns around, raises her arms up and runs her fingers through her beautiful blonde hair.

Jesus Christ, I don't believe what I am seeing! Krissy continues to casually walk naked around in the water and stops now and then to shake someone's hand! After a few minutes, she wades back to where I am, jumps up on the bench, then steps down in front of me. She takes her shoes from my purse and sits down to put them on.

Just then, a professionally dressed woman about fifty years old walks over to Krissy and introduces herself. She says "Hello young lady! I own a modeling agency here in town and would like you to come work for me. We specialize in underwear modeling for all the major retail stores in the nation." The woman reaches into her purse, pulls out a business card and hands it to her. She continues "Please call me tomorrow morning. I am extremely impressed with your beautiful figure and the way you act natural and confident while being completely nude."

Suddenly, I hear over the public address system "Security, security, respond immediately to the main water fountain!"

I immediately reach into my purse, grab Krissy's dress and hand it to her. When she gets her arms into it, I grab her wrist and we run to the escalator and get on it. She quickly buttons up her dress and we turn around to see if security people are following us.

We get off the escalator and walk over to the railing so we can look down over the water fountain area. There are security personnel walking around asking people questions. We laugh and giggle when most of the people point towards the Mall exit doors and say "They went that way!"

I feel like having a cup of coffee, so I take Krissy's hand and we walk down to the food court and take a seat on the patio. Within a few seconds, this absolutely gorgeous young girl comes over to us and asks us what we would like to order. Krissy orders a milkshake, and I ask for a large coffee with a glazed donut.

The waitress stares at Krissy for a few seconds, then says "Are you that girl that was walking around naked in fountain a few minutes ago?" Krissy replys "Yes, that was me!"

The waitress then says "You have the best body I have ever seen in my life! If you are into girls, I will give you my phone number on the back of your check. Please call me tonight. I get off work at six, so call me anytime after that."

Krissy and I continue to have a lively conversation about what has happened today so far, then the waitress brings over our order and places the check in the middle of the table. Krissy picks it up and notices a phone number on the back of it, then turns it around, and shows it to me.

I say to her "Krissy, we can get our order for free if you just ask that waitress to go to the bathroom with you for a few minutes!" Krissy replys "Gosh, she is really pretty! Do you think she will go with me if I ask her?"

I tell her "Krissy, I am absolutely sure!" Just then, the waitress walks slowly by us and smiles at Krissy. I quickly lean towards Krissy and say "Get up off your ass young lady and tell that girl to go the bathroom with you!"

My daughter grabs the check from the table, jumps up and walks over to the waitress. They have a short conversation, then I hear the waitress say "Maria, I am going on a ten minute break!"

The girls walk into the store while I sip on my coffee and take little bites from the big glazed donut in front of me. After what seemed like an hour, but was only about fifteen minutes, Krissy returns and sits down next to me.

Her face has lipstick on it, so I take a napkin and wipe her while she says "Mom, that girl has the best body that I have ever seen in my life! As soon as we got in the bathroom, she strips off her blouse and skirt and started kissing me. Then, she unbuttoned my dress, pushed it back off my shoulders and immediately got down to her knees and began licking my pussy! Within just a couple of minutes I had a terrific orgasm and I have to tell her stop because I can't take anymore. She got back to her feet and began kissing me again while she has both of hands on my tits. Suddenly, the door of the bathroom opened and Maria tells her to get back to work. So, we put our clothes back on and here I am!"

Just then, the waitress walks by puts our check in the middle of the table. I pick it up and notice it is stamped "Paid in Full." She looks at Krissy and says "Is there anything I can do for you today Miss?" My daughter says "Give my one more kiss, and make sure you come over to pick me up this Friday when you get off work!"

The waitress grabs Krissy's hair, pulls her head back and gives her the sexiest kiss that I have ever seen in my life! At the same time, she slides her hand inside Krissy's dress and starts playing with her tits. After a few seconds, she stands up straight and walks away.

I tell Krissy "That girl is really into rough sex! Are you sure you want to go out with her Friday night?"

Krissy replys "Maybe you are right! I think she should spend the night with both of us before I go out alone with her. I will call her tomorrow and tell her she must get your approval before we can go out together."

After a while, we have finished our drinks and are ready to do something else. I ask Krissy "Your girlfriend Britney said she was going to work today at the mall. Do you know what store she works in?" Krissy replys "Yes Mom, she went to work at that upscale women's clothing store right over there!" I tell Krissy "Well, let's go over and see her, and I will buy you any dress or shoes that you want!"

We get up and walk hand in hand through the second floor of the mall and enter the store where Britney works. I immediately notice that is quite dark in here and all the clothing is very sexy. I ask Krissy "What kind of women's store is this honey?" She replys "Oh, Britney's parents own a chain of these stores. They cater to women who want to spice up their sex lives and wear sexy stuff. They sell adult toys and videos too!"

Out of the corner of my eye, I see a very tall, beautiful girl walking towards us. As she gets closer, I see it is Britney. Jesus Christ she looks sexy! She has her long blonde hair pulled back in a pony tail, and is wearing a black leather vest, black leather mini dress and black high heel shoes. With each step she takes, her big tits sway back and forth while they gently bounce up and down.

She says "Hi Mrs Walker! Hi Krissy!" She gives Krissy a quick hug and kiss, then steps over in front of me and says "Oh Mrs Walker, you look absolutely stunning today!"

She puts her arms around me and sticks her tongue in my mouth. We begin to kiss passionately while she runs her hands down the back of my dress, pulls it up and grasps my ass cheeks with both her hands. After a few seconds, we break our kiss and she leans back a little. While continuing to play with my ass cheeks, she says "Mrs Walker, you are not wearing panties today!"

We both giggle for a few seconds, then she releases her grip from my ass cheeks and steps back. I reach behind me and pull my dress back down while trying to regain some measure of composure.

I say to Britney "I didn't know this store carried such a complete line of leather clothing. I want you to help me select a black leather dress with matching leather bra and panties. Also, I want a pair of very tall leather boots, one of those leather masks that just cover the eyes, and a leather whip."

Britney say "I know your size, so I will get everything together for you. Just give me a few minutes, then meet me over in the shoe department so you can try on your new boots." I turn around tell Krissy "Well, let's find a few sexy, brightly colored dresses for you to wear at your job interview! Also, I want you to have brand new underwear, so let's get something fairly modest that you like in several different colors."

After a few minutes, Krissy has her arms full of clothes and walks off to the changing room. I walk over to the shoe department and have a seat. Britney is busy at the front counter taking a customer's money and bagging the purchase for them, so I open the shoe box next to me, pull the leather boots out of it, and examine them.

Just as I lean forward to take my shoes off, Britney walks over and says "I'm sorry I kept you waiting Mrs Walker! Just lean back in the chair and I will take care of you!" Britney gets down on knees in front of me, takes my shoes off, then casually runs her hands up and down my legs. She says "Mrs Walker, your legs are so shapely and smooth!"

Then, she spends the next minute or so measuring my feet and selecting the proper size boot for me. When she is satisfied, she stands up and reaches out her hand to help me get up. I stand in front of the mirror, turning from side to side for a few minutes while Britney helps another customer at the front counter. I glance around the store and notice that was the last customer, so I hope I will have Britney all to myself for a while.

She returns in a few seconds and says "Those boots look terrific on you! Let me help you take off that dress you have on so you can try on the new leather one." Britney unbuttons my dress, then turns me around so I am facing the full length mirror. Then, she pulls it down off my arms and throws it on the chair. Just then, two really hot looking young girls enter the store and start walking in our direction.

I panic slightly and reach over to get my dress so I can put it back on. Britney says "Don't worry Mrs Walker! I know those two girls, they work at the strip club across the street from the mall. The see naked women all the time!" The two girls walk over and Britney introduces them to me. She says "Mrs Walker, this is Jennifer and Katherine." Just then, another customer walks into the store, so Britney says to the two girls "You girls help Mrs Walker try on that leather dress that is on the chair right over there. I will be back in a moment!"

Jennifer immediately picks up the leather dress and assists me putting it on. The dress has a zipper that runs down the front of it, so she bends over to connect it, and pulls it up to about my waist. She a step backward, looks at me for a second, then says "Mrs Walker, you look totally awesome in that dress! Turn around, and look at yourself in the mirror."

As I turn around, she gets really close to me and starts kissing the nape of my neck. Then, she reaches around to the front of me, takes hold of the zipper and pulls it all the way down.

She then pulls the dress open, grabs both my tits and starts playing with them. Jesus Christ, I feel so sexy in my new dress while this beautiful girl kisses my neck and caresses my breasts!

Suddenly, the other girl, Katherine, walks over in front of me and stops. Jesus Christ, she has taken off her clothes and is completely naked! She grabs my hips, pulls me close to her and begins to kiss me. She sticks her tongue in my mouth, and we start kissing each other. After a few seconds, she drops to her knees and buries her face in my pussy. Oh my God, these girls are making me horny as hell and I feel an orgasm building up inside of me!

Jennifer stops kissing my neck and pulls the leather dress down off my arms and throws it over on a chair. I watch in the mirror as she quickly strips naked, then puts her arms back around me and pulls me tightly up against her. I can feel her hard nipples poking me in the back while she grinds her pussy up and down my ass cheeks.

After a couple of minutes, the girls suddenly release me and I open my eyes. They quickly change places and resume pleasuring me while I look around the store for my daughter. I don't see her, but I notice five or six female customers standing around watching the live sex show being performed in front of them.

The girl behind me drops to her knees, grabs my ass cheeks, spreads them apart and starts ramming her tongue in and out of my asshole. This sends me over the edge, and I have a tremendous orgasm that just rips through every inch of my body causing my whole body to jerk violently for a few seconds.

The girls notice I am becoming limp and unsteady on my feet, so they quickly help me to a chair to sit down. Then, they put their skimpy outfits back on and assist me taking off the leather boots and putting on the shoes and dress I wore into the store.

The girls are so nice to me! They help me pick up the stuff I am going to buy and carry it to the front counter for me. Jennifer says "Mrs Walker thanks for the great time! Katherine and I put on a show like that almost every night at the club, but this is the first time we have ever done it in a clothing store!"

Then Katherine says "We would like you to be a permanent part of our act if you want to! You would not have to work every night like we do. You can just show up once or twice a week to perform with us. You will probably help us double, or even triple our tips! Stop by anytime you want! We usually work every night from ten to closing."

The girls wave goodbye to me and walk out of the store. I stand at the counter and look around for Britney and my daughter. Just then, Britney appears from one of the women's changing rooms. She is topless and casually walks towards me while pulling her leather vest over her arms and buttons it up. Then, I see Krissy come out of the same changing room. Her hair is all messed up and she is also buttoning up her dress.

Jesus Christ, this is the most fun time I have ever had shopping! My daughter and I have found new friends and we both have new jobs!

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