Any Chance We Could Ch. 47


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"None taken. I like your spirit. Why don't you and your family come over some Saturday or Sunday early in December? We'll have an enclosed pool to enjoy by then. Do you have a business card or something with your number on it? Would you like to do that?" I asked again into her hair.

"Yeah, I think we would. Melissa's got some cards. I'll make sure you get one. Thanks for the dance," she said as we parted.

"Hi stranger," said Veronica as she kissed me and put her arms around my neck. "I'm so glad I'm going to share a bed with you tonight."

"Thanks, sweetheart, I love you too. I told Claudia that we'd invite them over after the first of the month. She seems to be an interesting person," I smiled.

"Interesting, as in how close you two danced," wryly remarked Veronica. "What's the 'after' plan for this evening?"

"We have the big limo. Let's ask Max, Beth, Kim and Gwen, then cruise around, make out, drink some wine, cop a feel or two. How's that sound?"

"Like a lot of fun, but I think Kim and Gwen came with her parents and they'll probably want to leave with them given that Emerson fucked Gwen Wednesday. We could ask Claudia and her 'sister', but that would really cramp our style, so just Max, Cheryl and Beth, huh?" decided Veronica.

After saying our good nights to Emerson, Hazel, Kim and Gwen and putting our crew into the limo I was discussing the rest of the evening with Rose and where to drive when I saw Claudia and Melissa hiking up the driveway to the portico. "Forget something?" I asked.

"Yeah, I did," Melissa said a little out of breath. "I forgot that the automatic headlight switch on my car is touchy and apparently the lights were on the whole evening, now it won't turn over," she explained.

Claudia then said, "It's the only car down there and I guess this place is closing so I'd rather not call triple A and just hang around if they're going to take an hour or two to get here. My husband isn't answering his phone or he forgot to charge it again. Would it be too much of an imposition to ask if you have room to run us home? We live no more than fifteen or twenty minutes away on the ridge road south of the Spirit airport."

"Certainly. Join us," I said. I then stuck my head inside the limo and said, "Something different, I'm bringing entertainment along tonight. ... Not really, they'll explain in a minute."

I ushered Melissa and Claudia in the open door and as soon as I finished my conversation with Rose I joined them. Melissa was explaining why they were riding with us and Veronica was making sure that both she and her mother were introduced to the crowd. I sat between Mary Claire, who was next to Carol, and Veronica. Claudia and Melissa sat across from me flanked by Katrina and Ashley. Lauren, Max, Beth and Cheryl sat on the curved seat.

As I made my way in it was evident that Carol and Mary Claire were being very friendly with each other and from the state of Ashley and Katrina's dresses, they too had been involved before parting to make room for the Davenports.

As we started on our way Veronica turned toward me and whispered in my ear, "Pretty aren't they."

"Yes," I responded as Claudia crossed her legs letting her skirt ride all the way past mid-thigh. Melissa soon followed suit. I noticed no dark welt so assumed both were wearing pantyhose, their exposed toes seemed to be covered with the tell-tale seam running across the tips.

As we negotiated the curving road from the club, Claudia put her hand on her daughter's thigh. At first I thought it was to steady herself but changed my opinion when she motioned with her eyes for Melissa to look over at Carol and Mary Claire who were kissing and fondling each other. Everyone else was chatting when Veronica asked if she could pour some wine or soft drinks for anyone. Max and Melissa opted for diet Pepsi, the rest for either red or white wine.

While they were no longer kissing, Carol and Mary Claire's cuddling continued to distract Claudia. So I asked, "Claudia, I really enjoyed you and your 'sister' tonight. How did Emerson find you?"

"The Community Music School at Webster University gave him a few names and we were available when he called. We certainly enjoyed the evening as well. Do you go to the club often?"

"Just every Friday," answered Katrina as she took Claudia's hand and began to stroke it lightly. Claudia's head turned to look at Katrina.

Mary Claire added, "Except we'll miss the next two Fridays, Mom and Dad are getting married next Friday and then will be on their honeymoon the one after that," she smiled. Claudia never acknowledged Mary Claire's statement as she and Katrina seemed to be involved in a silent conversation of their own.

"Your Mom and Dad are getting married?" asked Melissa.

"No, Veronica and Scott are marrying. I call them Mom and Dad because they treat me as if I'm their daughter, just like Katrina and Ashley. Sorry for the confusion. Ashley and I have contacted a lawyer to get our last names changed. I talked to my biological Mom about it and she said 'go for it' if that's what I really want to do. I really do and I am," she grinned as Veronica handed her and Carol glasses of wine having worked her way down the other side of the limo first.

"Are you going home after you drop us off?" Claudia asked looking at Veronica briefly only to return to looking at Katrina whose hand was now playing with Claudia's neck and hair.

"Not directly, we usually ride around for awhile. It's kinda nice to have our whole family together," replied Veronica.

"Can I ask you a question?" said Claudia moving closer to the front edge of her seat. The scooting pulled her skirt higher on her thighs and from my viewpoint she was wearing dark panties. "Do you often wear that kind of stocking?"

"You mean the brand, or the garter hose?" asked Veronica pulling her skirt higher and slightly spreading her legs.

"Garter hose. ... Oh, I hope you don't mind me asking."

"No, we all wear them and have since Scott entered our lives. He likes them. We've all grown to enjoy wearing them because he likes us to. Why do you ask? Shall I leave my skirt up? Want to see Mary Claire's?"

"Melissa's been bugging me to get some for both of us. If we wear them when we perform, she says if we show a bit of the top we'll probably get a tip, or at least hold the audience's attention. Seeing you and Mary Claire, and now Carol, ...oops, and now Ashley, and again ...opps Cheryl and Beth I can see the appeal. My husband has asked us from time to time to wear them when we rehearse topless in our home studio."

"Mom! I don't think you need to say that, we hardly know these ... these, these beautiful people. Mary Claire don't you feel self-conscious pulling your skirt up in front of us?" asked Melissa.

"Very. That's what makes me do it. I know you'll all look, I'm beautiful, as we, ... including you and your mom, all are. I like to feel that I'm arousing as well as being aroused. Do you like looking at me? Wanna touch?"

"Hmm," said Melissa glancing at Claudia who gave a slight nod of her head. "Yeah, I think I'd like to do that."

Carol stood and invited Melissa to sit in her seat and moved across and in front of Claudia. Just as Carol was about to turn and sit we hit a bump on a curve and Carol was temporarily off balance. In an effort to catch herself she reached to the seatback next to Claudia, Claudia moved slightly and Carol's hand came to rest on her left boob. She gently squeezed it before regaining her balance and said "Excuse me Claudia," and finished turning and sat down.

"When my daughter does that to me she usually gives me a kiss," smiled Claudia as she turned her face to Carol. Who in turn gave Claudia a light slightly open-mouthed kiss. At Claudia's comment Katrina's aggressive sexual radar went off and she glanced at her Mother who was watching the whole scene. Veronica was broadly smiling as Claudia's hand came off her lap and gently pushed against Carol's right breast.

"Feel free to put your hand inside, my nipples are like little pebbles and would like the touch," she smiled.

"In front of everyone? I don't know if I should, I'd like to, but what'll they think of me?" asked Claudia with a concerned frown.

"They'll think you're a 'player' and would they be wrong?" asked Carol starting to pull the front of her dress to the side.

"No. ... No they wouldn't. I guess Melissa is one as well. Well I think we all are come to think of it. Just haven't had an opportunity to 'play in the field', so to speak." Her hand moved under the front of Carol's dress and as they began an extended kiss Carol ran her hand up between Claudia's slightly spread thighs. When she reached he nylon covered pussy Claudia gave a little jump and a low moan.

As they broke the kiss Carol asked, "Have you 'played' outside of the four of you?"

"No, ... got any ideas?" Claudia gasped.

"Yes, a whole limo full. Want to come to our house Sunday afternoon, say four," purred Carol before mashing their lips back together.

As they broke again Carol added, "Veronica has a thing for teenaged pussy and cock, so can I assume your husband and your son 'play' as well?"

"My husband, Ray is a smooth, passionate, satisfying lover. On the other hand Doug is sometimes like a rutting dog, always eager, his enjoyment and orgasm are primary, but fun nonetheless. We've been looking for a compatible 'play group' for years. Ooh, push a bit harder right there, mmm."

"Rutting dog?"

"Yeah that's another story for another time," Claudia said as she spread her legs a bit wider.

"Want to take them off?" Carol asked.

"No, just tear the crotch and get your fingers in me."

Carol inserted one then two curled fingers and Claudia was moaning and thrusting her burning pussy while kissing Carol with lots of tongue tangling. "Ohh, God, right there, right there Jesus you're good, right there, Ooooh Shit." As she broke the kiss she leaned her face into Carol's neck and said, "Thanks, I came. Big time."

Her passion didn't go unnoticed by anyone in the limo. Katrina moved between her legs and while Carol held her torn pantyhose and panty crotch aside she began licking and tongue fucking her. "Oh, my God, another one. Shit, shit, God that's nice, ooh fuck." And Claudia came again.

Veronica had been rubbing my erection through my pants and hose and asked "Wanna fuck my husband?"

"Mom, if you don't I want to," gasped Melissa. Just then Rose announced through the speaker that we were about a minute away from the Davenport's house.

Melissa turned off Mary Claire's lap and looked around for her purse. Claudia was patting her wet pussy with some cocktail napkins she'd grabbed from the bar. About a minute or so after stopping, both our guests had repaired their lipstick and were getting ready for Rose to open the door. "Give me a card," said Veronica, "I'll call you about Sunday."

"I, ... we certainly enjoyed meeting you and hope we have a mutual time available on Sunday," said Claudia.

As the limo was backing out the driveway Veronica said to me in a voice that was loud enough for everyone else to hear. "I'm hopeful they can make it Sunday, and I'm sure we'll enjoy each other. All four of them."

There wasn't a dissenting voice heard, but there was a moan as Beth turned and straddled Max's lap.

Melissa and Claudia burst in their front door with Claudia loudly exclaiming to Ray who was sitting in the living room in front of the TV, "OhmyGod, OhmyGod. Ray we met the loveliest family tonight after Melissa's car broke down. They were at the club where we sang tonight and offered us a ride home. They're very sexually liberated and I get the feeling that incest is condoned if not practiced by them. Veronica'll call us tomorrow to confirm visiting them on Sunday afternoon. You'd love to fuck Carol, she's a redhead, just like your fantasy woman, and with her figure too. I can't believe I, ... we got so lucky. We've wanted to find another family to get sexually involved with and now ... and now I think we did. Did you come sweetheart?" Claudia asked her daughter.

"Mary Claire had me close but these damned pantyhose got in the way. I was just ready to take them off when we got home. Can you give me some relief Daddy?"

"Of course, take those hose off and I'll pleasure you. Do you want me to eat you or fuck you. If you wanna fuck let's go to bed," smiled Ray.

"I just ripped the crotch on mine when Carol wanted to finger fuck me, you should have done the same thing," said Claudia.

"Mary Claire tried, but the control top, which I hate by the way, was too tough. Now can we switch to stockings?" frowned Melissa as she peeled off her hose and panties after stepping out of her heels. She unzipped and stepped out of her puddled skirt and hopped onto the arm of the sofa, spreading her thighs widely apart, and reached her arms toward her father's head.

"Where's Doug?" asked Claudia just before Melissa's thighs squeezed his ears. He motioned with a hand over his shoulder indicating his bedroom. Claudia stood up, peeled off her damaged pantyhose and wet thong and was unbuttoning her blouse as she walked towards Doug's room. She was bare breasted wearing only her skirt when she opened his door and walked into his room. He'd been sitting against the headboard reading and had fallen asleep with a magazine clutched against his chest.

Claudia gently took the magazine out of his hand and began to stroke his flaccid dick. Within a minute he was waking up and getting hard. "Wanna fuck Mommy?" she asked.

"I always want to fuck you or Melissa," he replied becoming fully awake. "Can I be on top?"

Claudia rolled to be beside him then raised her hips as she unzipped her skirt and he pulled it off. "You're very wet," he smiled as he straddled her resting on his hands. She reached down and slid his dick between her labia and as he started to thrust forward she guided him into herself.

He was about five seven to her five eleven so her nipples were very available for him to suck. "Now go slowly sweetheart, we've no time limit. Yeah, like that," as he began to slowly stroke in and out of her. "Go all they way in then pause like Melissa and I taught you. Feel good? You do to me," said Claudia as she began to lightly stroke his back with her nails. Ten minutes later Claudia came and then after another two minutes Doug filled her pleasured cunt with his hot come.

"Let's go to my bed, you can have Melissa while I fuck Daddy. Okay." As they walked naked hand in hand down the hall, Claudia said, "You're becoming a good lover, son."

"Gosh, I hope so, we've been doing this for over a year. I hope I'd be good since you and Melissa taught me and with all the practice we've had," he replied.


"Lift up a bit Beth, let me help get his pants down," prompted Cheryl. After Max's pants were around his ankles Beth pulled her g-string aside, her mother held Max's cock as she settled down on it.

Lauren noticed that Beth was not fully engulfing his cock and she wrapped her hand around it and asked, "Nice one Max. Wanna do me when we get home?"

Just before he responded he leaned over to French kiss Lauren and after breaking the extended kiss replied, "Love to," and then busied himself kissing Beth.

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digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichalmost 12 years ago
If Scott knocks up Katrina, perhaps the other girls will want to have his child too.

A good and erotic chapter.

With all of the women lining up to fuck Scott, he had better grow another cock.

I do hope that Scott gets to fuck Emerson's wife soon, and perhaps fuck her out of her moralistic shell, and loosen her up a bit. Get her to admit she wants to be a bad girl too.

Thanks for the read.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
The end?

I hope to get to read more of this surely you didn't just quit81E9

PengoraPengoraalmost 12 years ago

i'd really wouldn't mind another 50 or so chapters this story has me reallly turned on the marraige and other future escapades would be really enjoyable, had a hard time not reading til the last chapter

lhittlelhittlealmost 12 years ago
Did something happen to the author?

I hope he is ok. I really want to read more of this.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Can't wait for the wedding (and especially honeymoon!)

Please return to the story! Don't leave us hanging. It's been over a year. Best series here (at least that I have found. Perhaps others know of similar ones.)

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