Anything for Love


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We cut down a nearby alley to get away from the street lights and walked into a parking garage. She was too drunk to notice me checking out all the cars, looking for one I could steal. I found an unlocked one and managed to get it started, helping her into the passenger seat. I pulled out of the garage and we headed out. Soon I heard snoring from the passenger seat and knew there wouldn't be a fight as I headed out of the city.

The hours went by and the sun came up but she still was sleeping off the effects of all her drinks. Soon we would be back to where I had hidden my car and I was afraid she would wake up at any moment before I had time to restrain her. I had stupidly left that in my own car, thinking the sedatives I wound up not using would keep her out. I pulled into the lot, my passenger still sleeping, and parked next to my car. I went to the trunk and got out the ropes and gags I had ready. Still groggy, she did not bother to fight me as I cuffed her and stuffed her into my trunk. I got behind the wheel and once again headed for home.

About halfway to the house the banging in the trunk started. She was bound too tightly to make much noise and only I could hear it. It was more of an annoyance than anything else and I just turned up the radio. As the sun once again went down, I found myself pulling into my garage at home. I had been up for days and should have gone to bed, but I had much work to do and did not want to wait to bring Ahmose back into the living world.

With the door closed, I popped the trunk and looked at the woman I had abducted. She was fully sober and awake now, and it was obvious she was terrified at what was happening. She had been crying and her muffled screams showed she wanted to be anywhere else. I should have felt bad for her, but I could not. Ahmose had told me that for her to come to me in this world, I was going to have to sacrifice a living woman to take her place in death. I was prepared for that and was ready to take the life of the blonde woman away to realize it.

I threw the woman over my shoulder and carried her into my bedroom, the mummy of Ahmose laying on the table I had placed it on before leaving. On an adjoining table, I lay down the scared blonde and strapped her down. With her unable to flee, I began preparing her for the ritual just as Ahmose had instructed me. I slipped her heels off and threw them into a garbage bag. Picking up a pair of scissors, I grabbed the hem of her pink dress and began cutting it open. I cut the garment from her, throwing it into the bag with her shoes. Next I cut her bra and panties off, leaving her laying there completely nude.

I put down the scissors and continued the preparation. I picked up a pair of electric clippers and turned them on. The sounds of them buzzing filled the room as I grabbed her blonde hair and began shearing it off. I was throwing what was in my hand into the garbage bag as I worked to shave her head. She was crying much harder, she obviously cared for her hair greatly. I paid no attention to how upset she was as I finished with the electric razor and picked up a can of shaving cream. I lathered her head in it and slowly worked it over with a regular razor. It was time consuming but Ahmose said that her head had to be free of any hair whatsoever for the ritual. I thought it was a good thing that when Ahmose had been mummified the priests had shaved her head, she stated for the purposes of making a wig.

Finished, I set the razor down and looked at the frightened, bald-headed woman. I picked up a paint brush and walked over to Ahmose's mummy. On her bald head, I painted a red symbol. I was careful to recreate it as she had shown it to me in my dream. Satisfied with that one, I picked up a clean brush and began to paint an identical symbol in blue on the freshly shaved head of the frightened woman. She was growing more scared and I could not understand her from under the gag. Both symbols finished, I rolled the tables together and made sure both of the symbols touched one another. I didn't know if the woman I was about to sacrifice could see she was touching a mummy, but I could see she wanted to be anywhere else in the world.

I stood over the two women and uttered the words Ahmose told me to say. Soon the symbols on both of their bald heads glowed. The expression on the mummy of Ahmose did not change, but the living woman was frightened beyond belief. I was secretly fearful she would die of fright and all this would be a wasted effort. But the bodies of both women began to grow bright as well: Ahmose in red and the woman to sacrifice in blue. I could not see them beyond the light. It faded back and soon the lights disappeared. What I saw was the shock of a lifetime.

On one table, where just a moment ago the woman from the bar lay, was now Ahmose, bound and gagged like the victim had been. I knew at once it was her, restored to life. She lay there naked, allowing me to get a good glimpse at her full body. Her bald head, shaved smooth, now bore the blue mark the victim had. Her beauty was evident, the face I had fallen in love with. Her body was a sight to behold. Her large breasts capped with perfect dark nipples, all the way down to her curvy midsection and perfect hips. Her bald pussy and long legs were perfect in every way. I ran over and removed the gag from her mouth. She took a moment to stretch her jaw before speaking.

"My love," she said as a smile came across her face, "it worked. I am alive again."

I bent down and gave her a big kiss. I worked to untie her as quickly as I could before helping her to her feet. She threw herself into my arms and we stood there holding one another for who knows how long, as to me time had stopped. Soon she looked up at me and we shared another kiss. After the kiss, she turned her attention to the mummy and I did as well.

No longer did the mummy look like Ahmose. We could both tell it now was that of the victim woman who had taken her place in death. What stuck with me was the same look of terror in her last moments was now frozen on the mummy's face. It was disturbing to us, and we turned to face one another again.

"We must act fast, my love," Ahmose spoke to me. "Her spirit is in the room with the mummy and she could try to retake life from me."

"What do we need to do?"

"I must wash the symbol from my head. I am vulnerable in this state. Meanwhile, you must burn the mummy. It is the only way to set her spirit free."

I obeyed without question. I watched her walk naked into the bathroom, seeing the perfect ass that she of course had. I picked up the dried mummy and carried it into the backyard. I knew the fence would provide privacy as I placed it into the firepit and struck a match. The dried mummy was soon completely engulfed in flames, and I threw the bag with the woman's clothes and hair into the fire. Soon the body was totally cremated and I returned to the inside of the house.

I entered the bedroom, the sounds of running water coming from the bathroom. As I began to take off my shoes and get more comfortable, the water shut off. The door opened, and there through the steam from the hot shower stood my beloved Ahmose. She was still naked, drying herself off with a towel as she walked into the bedroom. She tossed the towel to the side and stood there, allowing me to gaze once again on her naked body. I was enraptured by her beauty and aroused by what I was seeing. She walked over to me and began to kiss me passionately.

"Now my love," she spoke, "we shall lay together."

She helped me undress and soon we lay there completely naked, still kissing one another deeply. My hands were all over her body, and her's all over mine. I bent down and kissed her large breasts, tasting exactly as I had hoped. I felt her hands wrapping around my erect cock as she stroked me softly and gently.

"Oh Ahmose," I could not help uttering, "this moment that brings meaning to my life."

I could not wait any longer, pressing my cock against her vagina. She moaned as I slowly entered her, taking my time as we made love. I had hoped to draw out our first time longer, but we had both been waiting so long. Besides, it was only the first of what I hoped would be many more. I lost track of time, but soon felt us both reach our climax at almost the same time, the room being filled with our moans and the bed shaking as we orgasmed in unison. We soon lay in bed, Ahmose resting her head on my bare chest as we drifted off to a well earned sleep.

For the next few months, Ahmose stayed at the house while I continued on with my life. We felt it best not to introduce her immediately, as friends may be suspicious of us living together after appearing to have just met. Instead, I told them that I had started to date someone online and she soon may be arriving for a visit. In the meanwhile, Ahmose stayed busy making herself at home. Her hair slowly started growing and I found modern clothes she seemed to not mind wearing. I had also (thanks to all those early transactions on the dark web) managed to get her the identity of a woman who had died years earlier.

The time came when she "arrived" in town and I got to introduce her to everyone I knew. They took to her instantly, as I had, and she soon had many friends. I was successful enough that she did not need to work, but rather stayed at home, preferring to lounge around in as little clothing as possible, Egyptian in style. Soon we told everyone that she had moved in with me and we were very happy. Naturally, they were happy with us.

We had several good years together. As time went on, Ahmose grew out her hair, long, black and soft to the touch. Meanwhile, my age and crappy genes meant my hair began falling out. It was her suggestion that I just embrace it and shave my head, telling me it gave me a distinguished look. She did seem to be more attracted to me this way so I did not mind one bit. And it did seem to improve our sex life, as soon we were making love at least once a day (usually twice or even three times). I was the happiest I had ever been, but soon saw that something seemed to distract Ahmose. When I would ask her, she said it was nothing and not to worry myself. I just thought to myself how glad I was that she was in my life forever now.

After one particularly stressful day at work, I came home in a grumpy mood. Ahmose sensed this and suggested a massage may help me. I undressed and lay on my stomach naked on our bed. She climbed atop me, having stripped out of her robe, and began to massage my knotted and sore body. After the massage, she told me to lay still and that she would bring my dinner into the bedroom for me to eat laying there. I saw her return, walking into the bedroom nude carrying a tray of food. I loved her cooking, dishes of her native time period, so I ate it in no time and lay back in bed. But there was something different this time; the meal made me feel weaker, more tired than normal. I was about to say something to her when I suddenly lost consciousness.

I don't know how much time passed. I couldn't wake up, but I could feel what was happening to me. I felt my body being moved on the bed, my head touching the edge. I could also feel as if something was being painted on the top of my head. I did not know what was going on. Soon, a strange feeling overtook my body. It felt as if I were on fire. It was almost as if I was leaving my body. I was able to open my eyes next to quite a shock.

I was standing up by a cot next to my bed. To my horror, there was a dried up mummy on the cot. Even worse, the mummy had every facial feature that I had. I looked over to the bed where I had been laying. There was now a tall, muscular Egyptian man nude.He got up from the bed and wrapped his arms around Ahmose, kissing her passionately. She kissed him back, enraptured by his presence. Soon he walked to the closet and put on some of my clothes while she dressed. They picked up the mummy, carrying it to the backyard. The mummy was placed into the fire pit where I had cremated the victim woman's body all those years ago. I watched as Ahmose touched a match to the mummy and its dried flesh was soon completely inflamed. As the mummy burned, I felt myself fading away, as if I was leaving this plane of existence.

I awoke in another world. It was black, cloudy, as if nothing was there. But soon I realized I was not alone. There, spinning in circles, were many other people. I tried to communicate with them, but I couldn't move a bit. Unable to open my mouth, or even blink, all I was doing was floating and rotating in the universe. I caught glimpses of the people, so many of them, all with blank expressions on their faces. To my own horror, I recognized that the person next to me was the woman I had sacrificed to bring Ahmose back to life all those years ago. Every time we rotated, our eyes met. But we still could not move, or make an expression. Just staring blankly, unable to know what was going on in the other's mind.

There's no concept of time in this place. I have no idea how long I've been doing this. All I do is spin as we seem to float towards something. But I don't know what. If I'm honest, I don't think that I am going anywhere. I think this is my punishment for all the bad things I did to bring Ahmose back to life. What's even more tortuous to me is that I now believe she never loved me. She saw gullible me and thought I would be the perfect tool to bring her to the living world. Then, as I provided for her, she managed to get the mummy of that man and use me as the sacrifice to bring him back in the same ritual. He must have been her true love from ancient Egypt. After all that I did, to end up this way, must be divine punishment. I now must spend what is looking like eternity frozen, only to be kept company by the spirits around me and the thoughts of all those horrible things I did because I fell in love. This is going to be a long eternity, and in the end, I would probably do everything the same way. As the saying goes, only fools fall in love.

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