APA for His Birthday


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He rose when I was done. I could hear him removing his clothes but was too far-gone to open my eyes and watch. Then I felt the bed move with his weight. I felt him lower between my legs and his hard hot dick press against me.

I thought I couldn't take any more. I was wrong. He slipped in easily and as he did my body again responded. Almost immediately I was back to the edge of orgasm. He strokes were long and firm, full length plunges. Out slowly, in fast in one move. God I was going wild as he plowed in and out of me. My pussy was soaking wet and I felt the fluid run down my thigh. I could hear the squishing noise with each stroke of him. I could feel every inch as it moved in and out. I was panting, whimpering and shoving up to meet his every thrust.

When I felt him cum I exploded. It was incredible. Even in my orgasm I could feel his cum fill me and then run out to trickle over the crack of my ass. I could feel his dick vibrate with each shivering pulse of him. I could feel my pussy contract and lock onto him and try to drag him deeper.

We slept.

We napped for several hours. It had been only about six when we had gotten home and about ten when I woke to the soft kisses he placed on my breasts and belly. I held him and cuddled for a few minutes then he stirred.

"Ok sleepy head time to get up and play!"

Oh my god what else can we do today I thought. I made for the bathroom and took care of business. When I walked back to the bed there were several pictures fanned out on the covers. I saw at once that they were the ones Jake had taken for Sammy. He had logged onto my email as I slept and printed them out.

The first one showed me as Sammy fitted a shoe to my foot. My legs were parted just enough that you could see my bare pussy under the edge of my skirt. The second showed my other leg being tended to as Sammy held my calf and slipped a shoe on. This time my knee was raised, the skirt had fallen back and I was clearly in view. The third was much the same, but focused more on my chest showing the mostly open blouse and the curve of my breasts. My pussy was still in the frame, as was Sammy's happy face. The last picture made me suck in my breath and my heart stop. It was me again of course, but this time showing my face.

It was my face but it was not me. I had never seen this woman before. Her face, neck and upper chest were bright with high color, her lips were parted and her tongue protruded slightly as if she were about to lick her lips. Her glazed and unfocused eyes were looking down at the man between her legs as her curly hair hung over her shoulders. It was a face of pure unmitigated lust, a face of sexual need and abandon. It couldn't be me. I had to reach out and support myself against the bed as I stared unbelieving at the photo.

"Really something isn't it?" Jake asked.

We showered together, teasing. Then he had me find the new denim skirt for him. He had me try it on and asked me to sit on the end of the bed for him. He looked from all angles as he appraised the skirt. Finally he asked me to stand.

He pressed against the front of the skirt until he touched my pussy. Then he used his hands to measure. About half way between my pussy and the hem he used a magic marker to dot a line. He had me take it off and give it to him.

Carefully he measured around the skirt, keeping an even distance from the hem. Taking a pair of scissors from the night table he cut the hem, shortening the already mini skirt by several inches. He left the room and returned with the wire brush we use to clean the grill. Quickly he brushed the new hem of the skirt giving it a frayed looked. Once satisfied with his efforts he handed it back to me.

The skirt now fell to only about an inch and a half, maybe two below my pussy. This was a low rider skirt and there was no room to tug it down without pulling it off my hips.

"Slip your new red heels on honey and then walk over by the dresser for me." He instructed.

I did as asked and once I was there he told me to turn away from him and bend over at the waist.

"Right there," he said when I had bent only a couple of inches, "there is where your ass starts to show, just a little more and your pussy will show too."

The only way not to show my ass in this skirt was to stand almost perfectly straight.

Next he had me get the t shirt he had bought and slip it on.

"This could use a little adjustment too," he said

He followed much the same procedure. This time he marked the shirt from my left shoulder just outside the collar, across my chest and over the curve of my right breast. Then he marked around the side and back. He had me take it off and hand it back to him.

Out came the scissors again and he trimmed the shirt along his dotted line. He laid the thing flat on my vanity and cut it across the midriff.

While he worked I sat down. Standing there topless in that tiny skirt and heels was making me feel too uncomfortable, too on display. When I sat the skirt pulled up and the bare cheeks of my butt touched the chair. The front of the fabric was at the top of my thighs and my pussy was visible even to me. There was no way to sit in this thing. When I stood back up the skirt did not fall all the way back down, the tightness around my hips keeping it above my sex until I pulled it lower.

Jake handed me the shirt and said, "You don't want to stretch it when you put it on."

I worked into it. The left shoulder fit almost normally, but from there it draped over my chest diagonally and lay across the top of my right breast and under my arm. My right side was bare to the middle of my breast. The bottom of the shirt ended a few inched below my breasts and left a lot of bare skin between it and the low riding skirt.

Jake admired his workmanship and had me do a models turn for him. I had learned enough today to know that he did not do this for me to wear around the house. He had other plans and they would involve taking me out.

He put on some shorts and a pull over, grabbed his wallet and turned to me saying, "You know, I think we need some juice for breakfast."

"Jake," I told him, "there's juice in the refrigerator."

"Yeah, I know, but I want fresh."

He took my hand and led me to the car. This time I had no problem at all getting in the car as he likes. Sitting there half of my butt was bare against the seat covers and my pussy was in plain sight for anyone looking in the window. Jake drove several miles from home and during the ride kept looking over at me and telling me how fucking sexy I looked and how pretty I was. At last he pulled into the parking lot of an all night quick stop store. One man came out as we pulled in and I didn't see anyone else in there but the clerk.

"Here's the rules lover," he told me. "You can't adjust anything once you're in the store, you can't hold anything with your hands, pull anything up or down or use anything to hide behind. What happens is up to gravity and good luck."

He was smiling like an idiot and I had never seen him so excited about anything we had done. He looked like a kid with a new toy.

My remnant of a shirt hung on bravely across my breast and so far had not slipped any. Of course I hadn't done anything yet either. My hope was that my nipples would anchor it in place. I had never seen them stick out so far and maybe they would keep the soft cotton cloth from moving.

"Can I straighten my skirt when I get out of the car?" I asked knowing it would be way above legal when I stood up.

"Of course, just not once we're in the store, ok?'

"It's your birthday," I answered.

We left the car and I smoothed down what little skirt I had. I was afraid to disturb the shirt. We walked in. The clerk gave me a double take. I know I was blushing and I held Jake's hand tightly. We crossed the front of the store and just past the register Jake turned to me.

"Honey," he said handing me ten bucks, "would you get the juice while I look at these magazines?" He let my hand go and gave me a big smile.

I turned to walk down the isle.

"Oh, by the way would you grab me a candy bar too, a payday?"

Jake seldom eats candy and I had never seen him eat a payday bar. I was puzzled, but shouldn't have been, knowing him. I turned down the candy isle. Like all these little stores the candy isle ran directly away from the register so the clerk could watch the kids steeling sweet treats.

I could feel Jake and the clerk watching me as I walked across the store. My red four inch heels made me sway sexily in my obscenely short butchered skirt and tattered shirt. Did I look like and escapee from a Halloween party, a slut? Did I look hot and sexy? My heart quickened as I felt the shirt move a fraction as my breasts swayed free under it.

I was looking for the candy, running my eyes over the rows of offering. There it was, of course on the bottom shelf. I knew that Jake had seen that as we came in, that's why he asked for a bar he doesn't even like.

Jake had moved enough that he could still see me, and the clerk had an unobstructed view. I squatted down with my back to the register. Fooled you Jake, I thought, as long as I don't face the guy he won't get to see much. When I stood back up I knew that Jake hadn't planned on me facing the clerk, he had just used the snug fit of the skirt to overcome gravity.

I had taken only two stops when I knew what he had done. I could feel the frayed hem of the denim touching the cheeks of my ass. I let out a gasp as the rush of shame, anger and excitement hit me. I heard a choking laugh from Jake around the corner of the isle.

My hands went to my skirt to pull it down. I was out of sight of Jake now and he would never know that it didn't work it's own way lower. I stopped my hands. He may not be watching but I would know that I had broken my promise to him. I resumed my walk to the frozen foods and made sure that my ass swayed even more as I stepped along in my heels.

At the freezer I stopped to catch my breath. I just stood and felt my heart beating like mad in my chest. When I opened the freezer door the cold air hit me and felt so good on my hot body. I knew that with the curved mirrors the clerk could still see me, and maybe Jake could too. I also knew that as soon as I left the surveillance videotape would be changed and this one become a souvenir. I looked down at myself. The shirt had lost about half the ground to my nipple, but that seemed to be growing, rising to the job of saving my dignity. I could feel both of my nipples, they ached, they demanded touch. I wanted to but knew that if I touched them now I might not stop. I was breathing harder and my chest rose and fell with each intake.

I turned and headed back to the counter.

I tried to keep the swing of my breasts to a minimum as I walked, hoping the shirt would hang on a few more minutes. Where the guy had a clear view of my ass cheeks as I walked away from him now he was looking at my front. I didn't know for sure how high the hem was now, but I suspected he could see the lower edge of my pussy. His eyes were confirmation.

I walked directly to him until the counter blocked his view of my lower body. Now he focused on the two points leading my breasts. My exposed chest was red from the fever of shame and excitement in me. I carefully placed my items on the counter trying not to disturb the shirt that now just barely covered my right nipple.

I handed him the ten-dollar bill as he rung up my sale. He put my things in a plastic bag and I took it in my left hand anxious to be going. When he held out my change I reached with my right hand to get it and felt the shirt begin to slide. I trapped it with my upper arm, stopping the inevitable. Now I couldn't reach the offered change having one hand full of bag and one holding my modesty.

I glanced at Jake who was watching every move we made with rapt interest. Mentally I shrugged saying ah fuck to myself and reached out for the change. The movement of my arm actually pushed the shirt forward and it dove over the edge committing suicide on my modestly. It dropped below my breast and lay across my chest like a bandoleer. I felt the cool air conditioning waif across my bare nipple and shivered.

"Oh my!" the guy said.

I took my change from his frozen hand.


"Thank you," I told him. Whether I was thanking him for the service or the compliment on my bare tit I didn't know.

I felt Jake's hand on my bare shoulder, "You done here?"

I couldn't help it, I looked at the clerk and said "Yeah, I'm done!"

We walked out to the car and still keeping to Jake's rules I didn't rearrange anything. Just as we walked around the car for him to hold my door another car drove in and a lone man got out. My bottom was hidden by the car, but he stared at my naked breast until I sat. Inside he went right to the clerk and animatedly pointed at us, at me. The clerk was nodding and gesturing at the isle and the counter in front of him all the time with a grin on his face.

I turned to Jake once he was in his seat. "Jake," I moaned to him, "feel my pussy."

He reached over the console and placed his hand on my exposed sex. "Fuck, you're soaking wet! He said in a low voice.

"I know," I moaned again in a breathless voice. My heart was beating rapidly and my breaths were short and fast. My body was trembling all over.

"Drive around the side of the building," I told him.

He raised an eyebrow in question.

"I want to suck your cock and I want to do it right now, so move!"

He threw the car into gear and backed in a circle around the end of the store. It no sooner stopped than I was out of the car and moving to his door.

"Get out and lean back on the car!" I told him, I was in charge now.

The car was between us and the side street of the corner lot; the building was at our backs. Still anyone looking around the side of the store would be able to see us. Good.

As soon as his back hit the side of the car I squatted down on my heels with my knees open and pussy in the night air. I jerked his shorts down his legs. His cock stood free. Longer, fatter than I had ever seen he was right in front of my face. I reached out and took him in my hands. He was leaking. Carefully I covered his head with my lips and used my tongue to wipe him. I backed off his hard monster and looked up at him.

"Jake you left your computer on last night." I pumped his shaft once.

"Oh?' he said.

"I looked in it for a long time," I punctuated the sentence by taking him in my mouth.

He shook and asked, "What did you see you naughty girl?"

I moved my mouth off him, "I saw lots of pictures of girls giving head, sucking cocks. Some of them sucking two or three at once."

I took him back in my mouth and slid as far down him as I could. He leaked more.

"Oh God that feels so good Sarah!" he groaned. "Did you like what you saw?"

"Look at my pussy," I told him. "I'm going to fuck myself." I reached my bare pussy and slipped my middle finger right in. It slid in place with no resistance and I curled it around to touch that magic spot.

"Oh shit!" Jake said.

"Oh fuck!" I answered.

"It was nasty and sluttish," I answered his question. "Especially when they let the men cum all over their faces." I took his cock back into my mouth for a couple of swallows.

He just moaned again.

"You saved those pictures, you must like them?" I asked him.

"Oh god," was all he could manage.

He was watching me slide two fingers in and out of my pussy now and watched my mouth slowly slip over his hard cock.

"Jake," I went on, "I want to feel you fuck my mouth. I want you to use me like a fucking whore! But I don't want you to cum in my mouth. When you're ready I want you to cum allover me as hard and as much as you can!"

My hand was soaked, my thighs wet as I took him back into my mouth. He began to pump into me. His hand grabbed my hair and held me tight as his cock rammed in and out of my mouth. He voiced obscenities with each stroke calling me a slut, a whore and a cocksucker.

My hand in my pussy matched his rhythm and I could feel my climax coming fast. I worked on his dick with a frenzy, taking as much as I could, then some more of him into me. My hands flew on his shaft and in my pussy. I slurped and swallowed his pre-cum.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a car pass as Jake's hands pulled harder in my hair forcing me to take even more of his throbbing cock. Then I felt his thrusts suddenly slow. My body was shaking and my orgasm was near as he stopped. Quickly he pulled from my mouth and used his hand in my hair to hold my head back a little.

I was staring at the head of his cock six inched in front of me. I moved my now free hand to my breasts and pinched my nipple. I was watching, waiting as my orgasm started to take me and my body vibrated.

It happened so fast I didn't see it. I felt the first blast of his cum hit my face just beside my nose and above my lips. I felt it just start to run over my open lips as my climax hit hard and my pussy clenched my hand tight. The second burst hit me then right at the bottom of my nose this time and splattered into my mouth, onto my chin and across my chest.

I was lost in my own cum by now, only feeling the heat of his cum, the incredibly sexy slide of it over my face and the taste of the drops that found my mouth.

The next hit my bare breasts and the feeling of him cumming over my body pushed me farther into my orgasm.

I cried out loudly as the cum hit me again, this time on the shirt to soak in and light a fire in my soul . I could feel every trickling trail of it as it moved over my body. I could feel the heat, smell the sex, taste the overpowering satisfaction of my man.

I collapsed against his legs and wrapped my arms around him as I buried my head in his groin. I was shaking too hard to stand, to overwhelmed to think.

Seconds later, hours later? I don't know. Jake lifted me to my feet and hugged me before walking me back to my seat in the car. I made no attempt to cover up, no move to clean up. I kept one hand firmly pressed between my legs as I felt the cum drying on my body.

"Did you know a car stopped to watch you?" he commented.

I didn't answer, but I thought, good.

At home Jake led me to the bed and I flopped down, totally spent. I didn't undress, didn't shower, didn't speak. The last words I heard before falling to sleep were Jake's.

"This is only Saturday, we still have tomorrow to celebrate my birthday!"

Oh God, one more day of this and I will die, or turn into a nymphomaniac.

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iammweaseliammweaselabout 2 years ago

Oh I see this heading straight to ridiculous levels.

This wasnt too bad but you'll drive this right over the cliff in the next part. If I am wrong I'll post an apology but Im guessing you aimed for stupid at some point down the line.

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

This whore is feeling it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
You know me too well

I know I’m just a mere hormonal male but this has to be up there with the best of fantasies, made all the better with a loving woman. He may have enjoyed the exhibitionism forced on his not so reluctant wife but he must have loved to have been able to give her her own pleasure and satisfaction. That’s what makes it a truly fulfilling experience. A great fun read, and well written.

BarbieKenBarbieKenover 8 years ago
WOW indeed

I would if I thought I could. Maybe I can try?

connoisseur29connoisseur29over 10 years ago

Shazam, Mam! Cool fantasy. I wuz born 65 years too soon! LOL!

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