APA Sunday


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I thought I looked damn cute and sexy.

Jake dressed in loose slacks, nice dress shirt and jacket. His hard on was evident in his pants as he stood and looked at me.

"You are absolutely gorgeous!" he told me.

I felt pretty. I felt sexy and honest to God I wanted to go out and have hundreds of men look at me and make me feel like they thought so too. I wanted Jake to look at me and tell me how fucking sexy I looked and how proud he was of me. I wanted to feel the fire burning through my pussy as other men looked at my body and Jake held me and smiled at me.

He had loosed something in me that now need affirmation.

I took him in my arms and moved my mouth to cover his, kissing him deeply and hotly. I whispered into his mouth, "Absolutely and Positively Anything!"

The look in his eyes was my reward.

The doorbell rang and I ran to get it. Jackie was there and full of her normal high spirits and overwhelming enthusiasm. She pranced into the house and looked us both over. "Not bad!" she commented.

"Like my dress?" she asked. She wore a black halter dress that had a short waist and low bodice. She made a slow turn so we could get the full effect of her short cute body cover in the light material. She looked damn good.

Then she did a quick turn and the dress flared out from its short waist and we could see all the way to the tops of her panties.

"Oh my goodness!" I giggled. "That should get the boys interest alright!"

She had on stockings and a garter too, with tall black heels that had sexy ankle straps. Her panties were nothing more than a thong of black lace. Of course she didn't wear a bra, but Jackie didn't need one. She had the best breasts of anyone I knew, high and firm. They weren't large and she fussed about only being a 34B, but they were perfect for her. When she spun you could see the draped front of her dress billow out and her breasts would peek from behind the cloth. I didn't see her nipples, just the curve of her, but I knew there would be more later.

I said Jackie was bi, and she had even made a couple of light hearted passes at me over the years. I had never even considered taking her up on it, but damn she looked sexy tonight.

We were going in Jake's Cadillac so we could all sit up front. I made sure to give him a nice show as I got in and then to my surprise so did Jackie. We drove the half hour to the country club in animated conversation. We were all feeling high on life at the moment.

In the car my skirt was above my stockings and Jackie's almost as high. Jake eyes wandered constantly to the show of bare legs and frilly stocking tops.

When we pulled up to the club there was valet parking. Jake grinned and looking at us said, "Dare you!"

We both took him up on it as we slid spread legged out of the car giving the valet boy a look at some very pretty panties.

I was still so horny that I was holding onto Jake every second, just wanting to feel whatever part of him I could. We crossed the entryway and into the main ball room to the sounds of old time swing music. Jackie started to move with the music even before we reached the room. We took a table near the dance floor and Jake went to the bar to get us started on a buzz. He had already told us he was staying sober for the drive home but that we could have all we wanted.

We were getting eyed even before we reached the table and as soon as Jake moved off a guy came over to ask if either one of us wanted to dance. I don't think the sentence was out of his mouth when Jackie jumped up and grabbed his arm. As her entry to the dance floor she did a full, fast spin that sent her dress flying. Nothing like announcing your presence.

Jackie is a very good dancer and she can make almost any partner look good. She could move as well in her heels as she could bare footed. Her five foot two, cute body spun and swirled and jitterbugged its ass off. The music had just stopped when the next prospect was taking her hand.

I was asked a couple of more times and politely put them off until I found out what Jake wanted. I was pretty sure he was going to want to watch a lot, but it had to be his call.

If I was going to overcome the first impression that Jackie had made I was really going to have to outdo myself.

You could watch the eyes travel with her as she transited the room in lithe grace and sexy flare. I was getting a little jealous actually of the attention she was getting. Don't misunderstand me, I wasn't jealous of her, it was more envy of the feeling I knew she was having as she provoked male reaction around the room. I had come to enjoy that feeling in the last two days.

"Did you know you were showing your garters?" I heard Jake ask from next to me. I hadn't seen him come up.

"From across the room I can see the tops of your stocking and the straps," he informed me.

"Nobody's looking anyway, they are all watching Jackie," I replied.

"Do I detect a note of envy in your voice?" he asked. Had I been that obvious?

"Come on big boy, let's cut a rug!" I told him grabbing his hand and leading him to the floor.

Jake and I dance often and to all kinds of music. It is both a physical and emotional thing with us and after a hot night on the floor we have had some of the best sex.

Jackie beamed when she saw us enter the dance floor and shouted, "Come on girlfriend, show them how it's done!"

We did. Jake took a strong lead and had me doing hand turns and free spins all around the room. The eyes were now moving from Jackie to me like a tennis match as they tried to see all the black lace we offered. When Jake took me under the arms and dipped me through his legs I could feel my skirt covering my belly instead of my legs, exposing me to the waist. I knew that I was wet and hoped that my black panties hide it. And hoped that they didn't!

We did several numbers then came back to finish our drinks and get another round started. Jackie had to beat the offers of partners off. A couple again asked me and Jake just told them to let me rest a few minutes then come back.

I know that he was having a good time and I had caught him watching Jackie several times. I didn't blame him, she was really a site to see. As we finished our second drink the suitors arrived again.

I took a mans hand at Jake's nod and he led me to the floor. I knew that I was dancing for Jake, not this guy and I put my heart into it. I don't think a stripper could have been more seductive.

I swayed and dipped with gusto, with flashes of black lace and bare thigh.

I spun on the toes of my heels with enough energy to launch my skirt out flat. The audience was riveted to my legs, but I noticed my partner was staring at my chest. Even though I was wearing half a bra and my breasts didn't move completely free what movement there was accented my nipples and his eyes were drawn to them. Of course they were hard, it seemed they had been almost continually for two days. The attention only encouraged me to greater efforts.

I watched Jackie and she was fabulous. During one move she jumped up and scissored her legs around her partners waist. The flimsy dress fell back to her lap so that bare thigh and black lace was for all to see. Her panties clad pussy rubbed his crotch in a couple of fast humping motions before she bounced back to the floor and spun away.

There were well over a hundred couples there, and many singles of both sexes. What little conversation I had with my partners informed me that this was a big annual event that grew each year. A lot of the women were dressed for the period, the 40" and 50's. There were several other poodle skirts, but mine was by far the shortest, and I thought the prettiest. The ages ranged from earlier 20's to probably 60.

We did a couple of dances again, changing partners right on the floor. Then we wandered back to Jake and fresh drinks. The physical activity and the alcohol were already getting me high.

Jake had his chair turned sideways and his legs crossed in front so I took my seat in front of him placing one leg on each side of his. He could see directly up my legs and he smiled.

Jackie took a napkin from the table and reached in the halter of her dress and dried the sweat from under her breasts. I think she just wanted to touch herself.

We finished that round and I volunteered to get the next. I walked off swaying my ass and swishing my skirt to the bar. The lighting in the ballroom was dim, but out at the bar it was bright. I knew that the cotton blouse was much more transparent.

I returned to find Jackie and Jake still talking. I bend over Jake and said in his ear," The people out there were all looking at my tits!"

He looked up at me and replied, "You have such nice tits I don't blame them at all."

I sat back down next to him and his hand settled on my thigh.

The past two days had been extreme and after the shows that I had put on for Jake this was flashing-lite. I had no more compunction about showing my pretty undies than I would have had wearing a bathing suit in Galveston.

We returned to the dance floor and this time Jake took Jackie for the first fling. Jackie was well into the spirit of things and put on a fantastic show for Jake. When we switched partners and I wrapped an arm around Jake I felt his pants and his cock was hard.

"How many others have you made stand up tonight?" he queried.

"I don't know," I answered, "a few I guess."

With the next partner I took the chance to run my hand over the front of his pants during a turn. "One," I thought. I started to keep count. When I returned to the table and told Jake, "three this set!" Jackie had to know what I was talking about. So I told her.

When we returned to the table next time she reported 4 and so did I. We had both danced with Jake again and her smile let me know he hadn't been a exception.

It was getting late and we were both buzzed pretty well from the showing off and from the drinks. Jake suggested that we dance together one time. Jackie responded immediately and jumped up to take my hand.

She took the lead and we were soon the center of attention again. She held me close to start the number and I could feel her hard nipples pressing mine. Then it was a whirlwind of flying skirts, flashing flesh and dancing legs. She ended the dance with me again pressed to her, feeling her body on mine.

I returned to the table flushed with excitement.

Jake had another round of drinks waiting. He applauded us as we approached the table. We talked for a few minutes as we cooled off. Jake leaned a little forward and talked to me across the table.

"It's almost midnight Sarah," he began, "that means my birthday will be over in a few minutes. You won't be held to APA any longer."

I hadn't even thought about the ending time of our adventure, I had been too focused on carrying out my part of the arrangement. It caught me off guard and I wasn't sure how I felt about it. Jackie turned to me, and winked.

"If you could have it go on longer would you?" I asked Jake.

"Of course I would," he replied.

I smiled broadly at him, "I guess that anything includes anything at all, including an extension of the gift."

His smile was a beautiful thing to see as he looked at me. "When does it end?" he asked.

I thought about that. I was going to say when I say so, but that had always been the case, if I said no it stopped. I thought about telling him in the morning. Instead I told him what I really wanted.

"When you tell me." I said simply.

"One last dance, then we go," he told us.

As we left the club everyone we passed said goodnight and invited us back again next year. Jackie was radiant from all the compliments. They made me feel good too.

In the car I again sat in the middle seat with Jackie and Jake on either side. I settled back for the ride home as she wet on about all the fun she had and the men she met. She claimed to have several phone numbers and that maybe she could find her a rich one. I knew better. Jackie would never settle with a man for money. She made more than Jake and I combined and there was no way she would be dependent on a man for her support. I knew that wouldn't stop her from checking a few of them out!

I was just getting comfortable in the car when I felt Jackie's hand on my leg. She was still talking and the cool hand felt natural, just part of the conversation. It trailed up my leg and then gently touched my panties.

"Oh shit," I cried, "did you just touch my pussy?"

While the words were coming out of my mouth Jake's hand closed on my thigh, half on bare skin and half on nylon. He squeezed and it felt like he had pumped the blood from my leg directly to my clit. It throbbed and jumped.

"Oh shit!" I said louder, "do that again!"

I felt both hands on me then, Jake compressing my thigh and Jackie's moving slowly up my hose. I was thinking, "I didn't mean her, I meant Jake!" but I didn't say anything just scooted down in the seat a little. Jake's hand was setting a fire in my pussy with each movement. Jackie's was past the stockings and onto bare flesh. My mind was whirling, from drink, from dance and from the feeling flowing up my body.

I was about to push her away when I felt the tips of her long nails drag over my panties. She slid her fingertips across my slit sideways then just barely touched my aching clit through the fabric. I moaned loudly and pushed down to meet her hand.

Jake was watching as much as he could as he drove, and his hand caressed my thigh. Jackie's fingers continued to just lightly touch me. They trailed onto and off of my panties and bare skin, over the wet patch of material and then one after another across my clit. Each flick of her fingertips popped my clit like a rubber band drawn tight and made me jerk in my seat. I reached over and grabbed Jake's hard cock through his slacks. I began to stroke him as Jackie played with me.

I felt her finger curl around the panel of my panties and instinctively lifted my ass from the seat. She slipped them down my legs and I stepped out of them, not thinking, not able to think.

Then her hand touched my bare skin. My mind blanked out and the only parts of me left in the world was my pussy and Jake's hard cock in my fist.

Somehow my blouse was open and I felt the air conditioning blowing across my exposed breasts. I felt a mouth on my nipple and pushed my chest into it. It was Jackie sucking on me as her hand continued to play with my wet pussy.

I heard Jake's voice, "Don't let her cum yet!"

My skirt was around my waist and my bare tits were out as we drove. Jackie kept me on the edge of orgasm for miles as she expertly manipulated me. I wanted to cum, to find the relief my body had needed since this morning. They wouldn't let me. I climbed into a mental, emotional and physical place where all that existed was my sex.

At the house they led me into the bedroom stripping my blouse off my shoulders as I walked. They laid me on the bed and removed my skirt. I felt hands urge my legs open and I obeyed.

The first touch of her lips on my sex was electric, I moaned and pushed up to meet her. Jackie was in a fever as she made love to me with her mouth. Her tongue danced as we had, with abandon and vigor over my clit and pussy. She licked and sucked on me driving me to orgasm. I didn't know anything but her mouth, my sex.

I felt her bare tits on my legs and knew she had untied her dress halter. The points of her nipples traced over my bare flesh and I groaned wanting to feel more of her. I couldn't open my eyes but I knew Jake was naked and holding himself in his hand slowly stroking. I was overcome with happiness for him. I started to cry, to sob and tears of joy rolled off my cheeks. Then I came. Later she told me that she thought I would suffocate her as my hands and legs held her tight to me, burying her face into me.

I came as I never had before in wracking jerks and convulsions. My body clamped every muscle tight and my pussy pulsed with the orgasms as they took me. I was arching my back pressing as high to her as I could when I felt her pull back. I sobbed a no and then felt the harder flesh of Jake.

He entered me in the middle of my orgasm and drove me even higher. What I had felt so far was only a sample of what was possible and Jake thrust me closer to sexual oblivion as he pushed slowly into me. He filled me. He filled my pussy, my heart, my soul, my mind. He filled every part of me that was a woman.

I could feel my pussy convulsing on his cock as he began long powerful strokes into me. His tempo built slowly as his hands grasped the sides of my face. I could feel his need, his love. I was jerking my pelvis up to meet his every thrust as hard as I could. Then I felt him stop moving and knew he was about to cum.

I locked my legs around the back of his and pulled him to me, forcing him as deep as he could go into me. He cried out and throbbed. I could feel him filling me and I exploded into a frenzy of orgasmic sex. I cried, I laughed, I sobbed and I cursed as I came harder and longer than I ever thought possible. He fell on top of me.

I watched through shrouded eyes as he got up and made to the bathroom. I felt hands caress me, wandering over my steaming flesh and it felt so good. I wondered who it was, not even thinking of Jackie. The hands caressed my breasts and my body trembled with the touch. How could I want more? How could I stand more? I left my eyes closed and enjoyed the sweet tender touch. I felt hot breath on my legs, then up them to cover my wet pussy. I felt the lips kiss me there and myself respond again. Soft hands guided me open and softer lips prodded me apart.

This was different than the earlier experience, sweeter, softer, more tender and loving. My hands found the head between my legs and tangled in the hair. I guided the mouth on its work. I moaned and twisted my hips to offer more. I felt a wave run through me, a tingling in my belly and pussy that I would have considered a great orgasm until today. It was soft and tender and very feminine.

I pulled on the hair and drew the mouth from me. I felt the kisses across my belly and chest. I felt the mouth close over my nipple. It was as tender and inflamed as my clit. I offered my breast to the suckling mouth.

I pushed her over on her back and returned the kissed. First I covered her mouth and was rewarded by her deep moaning breath. I moved down her body using my hands, lips and nipples to touch her, to love her. I kissed her breasts and took her nipple into my mouth and sucked on her. She cried out in pleasure. I moved down trailing my love over her body until I reached her sweet sex. I remembered from college the softness and the heat of a girls pussy. I kissed her. I used my lips and tongue to love her. I fucked her, French kissing her pussy and licking long strong strokes on her clit. I ran my hands over her legs and gradually one hand found its way to her opening. I slipped two fingers inside and she bucked against me. She was talking to me but none of the words made sense. I don't know if that was her fault or mine, but it didn't matter. All that mattered then was her joy.

When Jackie came it was spectacular. She made noises like a small animal trapped, She writhed on the bed and groaned into her own hands covering her mouth. She came in a torrent that soaked my face and filled my mouth as I had never imagined a girl could.

I rolled off of her and lay on the bed next to her. I felt the bed move and then opened my eyes to see Jake there. His hard dick was in his hand and only inches from my face. I reached out and took him in my hand and guided him to my mouth. Slowly I sucked on him as my fist stroked him. I heard Jackie's breathless voice saying, "That is so beautiful!" and I was so proud of what I could do for my man.