Apartment 3A Ch. 02

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Now a futa, Heather find Molly's prettiness distracting...
3.5k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/24/2012
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I watched Molly walking down the aisle, delivering something - paperwork of some kind - to one of the guys in the engineering bullpen. Molly gave me a warm smile as she passed, and instead of just gawking as I once would have, I smiled back, just as warmly, and briefly ran my tongue along my lip. I had had a few lesbian fantasies about her, as well as Linda, Emma and Theresa, but they had remained strictly that - fantasies, in the privacy of my head. I remembered the look on Molly's face when I came in, two weeks ago to the day, for the first time in my careernotlooking like a refuge from Nerd Central. Instead of my usual shapeless, baggy outfit, I'd dressed up - sheer blouse, pencil skirt, heels - and people had noticed, oh yes indeed.

Those shapeless, baggy clothes were gone - well, okay, I'd hung on to a couple pairs of jeans and comfy shirts, in case I needed to get my hands dirty - but everything else was gone. I'd gone out the next day and blown most of my paycheque on clothes. Sexy clothes. Clothes that would draw the eye. 'Niqua and Ally had helped me fine-tune my cosmetics, too; adjusting my choice of eyeliner to make my blue eyes really stand out, for starters.

The main difficulty, actually, was that it wasn't just my heart beating faster at her smile; it was my cock twitching, hardening in my panties. I tried thinking of other things - reports, engineering formulas, alloy ratios - but it didn't help. With a sigh, I pushed the keyboard aside; time for a trip to the little girl's room, before the bulge became entirely too visible in the front of my skirt.

"Damn, Heather, you spend more time in there now," a familiar voice called after me as I turned at the door with the (gag!) pink "Ladies" placard, "but I like the results!" That was Todd Jones, the senior fluid engineer. Most of the guys were more or less harmless, but he grated on my nerves, and I wasn't the only woman who felt that way. Every one of us felt like he was mentally undressing us each time he looked our way.If you only knew,I thought, letting the door close behind me, you'd be running fast and far...

I was an old pro at this by now, though I remembered how surreal it felt the first time I stroked myself. 'Niqua and Ally had come into my apartment that afternoon, the afternoon it... well, broke out, I guess. It was about seven-and-a-half inches long then. After the initial freaking-out had passed, they had taken me to bed and showed me just how much they liked my new addition. Both of them had ridden my new shaft, though there'd been a bit of disagreement over who got to take my very first shot of cum. 'Niqua had won that argument, but compromised by taking it orally, and letting Ally be first to take my cum in her pussy. Then both of them had plunged their nearly foot-long girlcocks into me, one in my cunt and one in my ass, and the three of us together stroked my brand-new cock until a third load of jizz erupted from it. Like them, while I didn't have a scrotum, I certainly had testicles, just I didn't know where.

"Oh, you're a nice size!" Ally had chuckled, her fingers wrapped around me. I guess I'd looked disappointed, because she and 'Niqua laughed. "Heather, hon," they said, "a nice size already. You're gonna grow, girl; we a- both did." I caught the hesitation but didn't think anything of it at the time, being preoccupied with them. We'd spent three or four hours in my bed, fucking each other several times, with our cocks, our fingers, our tongues... exploring each other's bodies, delighting in the pleasure we could give each other.

They were right; I did grow. Sex was the trigger; it spurred my cock to grow to its full size, and now the turgid flesh rooted above my pussy measured almost thirteen inches from root to crown, and was easily two-and-a-half inches across; big enough around that my fingers wouldn't close around it anymore. That wasn't the only thing that had increased either. The first few times I'd jacked off (strange, to call it jacking off, but since jilling's already taken...) I'd simply grabbed a wad of tp and shot my load into it. Three or four good-size spurts made a soggy wad of the tissue, but that wasn't enough now. The night I first met 'Niqua and Ally, they'd been fucking for a few hours, but they were still able to pump nearly a pint of cock-cream into me the first time they shared me, and I hadn't noticed much of a drop in their production through that entire night. Now, two weeks later, I was matching them in length, girth and volume, and our nightly orgies were gloriously sloppy, sticky affairs.

My calf-length high-heeled boots clicked on the tile floor as I went straight to my usual stall, grabbing a handful of paper towels from the dispenser. With practiced ease I opened the front of my skirt and tugged my straining satin panties down, letting my cock spring free. I planted my feet wide, either side of the toilet's base and curled both hands around myself, tugging briskly. Pleasure surged and roiled through me in response, and in my imagination my cock wasn't encased by my hands, but by Molly's gorgeous breasts. In my mind's eye, she knelt before me, eyes shining with lust as she squeezed her boobs around my straining length, and soon my breath was coming in ragged panting gasps as I tit-fucked her vigorously.

"Ooooh... yeah, that's it, that's so good," I chanted under my breath, my hands flying along my prick. My hips rocked, pumping my cock in my grip, in time with my fantasy-Molly. Now I was thrusting hard enough that my glans was bumping against her chin, and with a sultry smile, she dipped her head, her lips parting to welcome the tip of my shaft between her wet, warm lips. Her tongue, shocking pink, flicked out to curl around my knob, sending a surge of knee-trembling pleasure through me. A slow, oozing warmth down the inside of my thigh told me the heat in my pussy wasn't just in my imagination; I was leaking my juices even as ecstasy churned inside me, right at the base of my girlcock.

"Nnnnh... good, oh yeah, good, work it, hon, lick me, suck me," I moaned urgently. Pre welled up from my knob, running down over my pumping fist, slicking my shaft in my grip, and in my fevered imagination, it wasn't pre - or not only pre - but Molly's spit. Imaginary-Molly moaned around my cock, sending vibrations through the quivering length of my staff, and I felt myself getting close to release.

Quickly I shifted my feet just a bit wider apart, and bore down on my achingly stiff cock, forcing it to aim downward toward the toilet bowl. One last flash of mental masturbation, imagining Molly's mouth around me, her eyes gazing into mine, bright with lust and desire, swallowing the entirety of my cock until her nose bumped against my mound... and with a gasping grunt, I came hard!

A thick streamer of jizz leaped from my cock, splattering against the porcelain of the bowl, and hastily I leaned forward a bit, to ensure my load went nowhere but into the water. A loud splash followed the next jet that shot from me, and then another and another, the splashes overlapping as I came and came and came, one creamy load after another splashing into the toilet, turning into sticky streamers in the water! My hands gripped my cock firmly, milking and squeezing my shaft of every drop and after a couple of minutes of non-stop orgasm, the flow ebbed, until a last string of girlcum drooled from the slit in my purpled glans. "Ooh... yeah, Molly," I murmured, shaking my cock. There was no way a wad of tp would have sufficed to contain that cum-splosion; there was easily a couple of pints of she-spooge in the bowl, going by how far up the liquid level had risen.


Oh shit - Molly!I panicked.Did she hear me?I hadn't heard the restroom door open, but I'd been lost in the glow of orgasm while I fantasized about face-fucking her...God, did I say those things aloud? Or just in my head?

"Uh, just about done," I replied, tripping over my tongue. Frantically I stuffed my slow-relaxing cock back into my panties, then yanked my skirt zipper back down.

"Okay," her voice replied, sounding slightly puzzled.Shit, shit, shit... I must've said that aloud...

I caught sight of myself in the mirror over the sinks as I emerged from the stall and winced. While there was no tell-tale bulge in the front of my skirt, my hair was more than a little mussed, and my blouse showed damp spots from sweat breaking out while I'd jacked off. It didn't help that my face was flushed, too, as though I'd just finished a marathon.

Her face looked puzzled too - lovely, kitten-ish, but puzzled. "You okay, Heather?" she asked, looking at me. "You look kind of... I don't know... feverish," she finished, her eyes on my face.

"I, uh, no, I'm, um, okay," I stammered in reply, feeling like an utter idiot. I took a couple of steps closer to her, then glanced at myself in the mirror again as I tried to push my short blonde curls back into a slightly less dishevelled look.

"Okay...?" she replied, her voice rising. Something had caught her attention; her pencilled brows furrowed as she sniffed, and tilted her head to one side.What - oh oh...I hadn't yet washed my hands, and they were smeared with pre... and I didn't dare look, but I'm sure there was cum, too... and she was smelling the fresh-mowed-grass scent of it.

Operating on pure impulse, I took two swift steps and pulled her into my arms. "Heath-mmmmphhh!" she got out as my lips captured hers in a lust-maddened kiss. For half a second, she tensed up, pushing against me, then - well, she didn't relax, but she wasn't pushing against me. Instead, her arms slid under mine, curling up my back, and I felt her fingers digging into my shoulders through the thin silk of my blouse. Between my legs I felt my cock hardening again, but I didn't care. I wanted her so badly it hurt.No more hiding what I feel,I thought to myself. I didn't know if I counted as a lesbian anymore, now that I had a cock as well as a pussy, but I looked like a woman and I definitelyfeltlike a lesbian.

Molly wrapped herself around me, one leg curling around mine, one hand sliding up into my hair to push my head down as we kissed madly, lips parted, tongues entwined. I could feel her breasts against mine, separated only by our blouses and bras, and none of those could conceal the tell-tale hardening of her nipples or mine. Wordlessly - because we were both still kissing like mad things - she ground against my thigh, her skirt riding up. Dampness smeared along my hosed leg; she was soaking through her panties already.

Panting heavily, we broke the kiss by unspoken mutual consent.

"God, I've wanted to do that!" "I've wanted you so badly!" we said simultaneously, then laughed briefly. "You too?" we asked each other, looking into each other's eyes. I was acutely aware of her hands sliding down my back to my ass, and mine slid up her sides until I was cupping her breasts, just as in my fantasy.

"Lean back," I told her as I dipped at my knees a bit, bringing my face level with her bosom. Her blouse fit perfectly - not too tight, but not concealing, and slowly I began to unbutton her, until her brassiere-encased boobs swelled free of it. Her bra was a half-cup type, lace-trimmed and clipped in front, and her pert, stiff nipples poked out just above the lacy scallops. Slowly I exhaled over each one, then flicked my tongue to taste her, and felt her shudder in response.

"Oooh... Heather..." she moaned. Her scent rose up from under her skirt, pungent and sweet. I undid the clip, letting the cups fall away to reveal her breasts in all their glory, then slowly ran my hands up her legs, feeling the sheer hose encasing them rising up under her skirt. "Mmm... oh yeah..." she purred when my lips captured one nipple, suckling on it, and her fingers roved through my hair. "Wow.. Heather, I had no idea...!"

Youreally have no idea, I thought, then giggled around the mouthful of nipple. I could feel her panties against my fingertips now, and discovered - by touch - that she, like me, shaved herself bare - or at most, kept herself very closely trimmed, a 'landing strip'. The dampness I'd felt on my thigh was wetness now; she was dripping already. I was curious, in a distant kind of way, why she was already so aroused, but that was for later; right now, the sensation of wet woman against my fingers, the scent of her arousal filling my nose, was far more important, and I could feel myself as hard as if I hadn't just unloaded my hidden balls into the toilet, and my pussy just as wet as hers. My panties were soaked through, and my cock pushed up through the waistband, trapped under my skirt.

Squirming and moaning told me she was enjoying my mouth and fingers, and I let that breast slip from my lips as I shifted to the other. Under her skirt, my fingers curled in her panties' thin waistband, tugging them down over the curve of her hips, giving my fingers access to her juicy womanhood. Urgently I explored her, spreading her labia apart, and the loud moans told me this was exactly what she wanted.

I couldn't wait any longer; I wanted,neededto be in her. I wrenched my skirt open then yanked my panties down to my knees, freeing my cock. "Molly...!" I muttered around her nipple in my mouth. My cock swayed, bumping against her leg, and that must have registered through the haze of lust clouding her mind. "Heather, what on -" she started.

My lips on hers cut her off as I rose back up. "Don't ask," I murmured into her mouth. My hands hoisted her skirt to her waist, bunching the material - it was going to be thoroughly wrinkled afterwards - then my hand slid over the curve of her ass, down the back of her thigh as I lifted her leg and pushed her back against the sink. My cock slid up her inner thigh, caressing and caressed by the sheer silk stockings, then I felt her heat, wet and ready, anointing my glans. Growling under my breath, I tightened my grip on her as my hips rocked, driving my shaft into her!

Her eyes widened at that, and she exclaimed something I couldn't make out since her mouth was muffled by mine. It didn't matter - she was incredibly ready, wet and slippery, and she gripped my she-cock tightly as I entered. I tried to take it slowly but deep down, I didn'twantto take her slowly; I wanted to fuck her hard, powerfully. Lust, pent-up for years, stoked by masturbation sessions over the past couple of weeks gripped me, and all I could do was thrust into her over and over and over, fucking my cock into her welcoming wet warmth!

"Hnggh....!" I groaned, breaking the kiss with an explosive gasp, and she gasped right along with me. "God YES, Heather!" Head flung back, she bit her lip hard until blood beaded as she tried not to scream her lust to the ceiling. "Jesus CHRIST, hon... FUCK me! Stuff that big hard rubber cock inside me, you crazy girl!"

"Not rubber," I gasped, my hands on her hips while mine bucked hard, driving my cock into her with deep, lunging thrusts! Heat and slippery wetness embraced me; I could feel my cock knob butting against the gates of her womb, and the sheer, heady pleasure of fucking her - finally! - was sending me into orbit! "Real... explain later," I got out between rutting strokes!

"Oh my GAWD...!" she got out. "You mean... you can cum?"

"Can... and do..." I grunted, leaning in to kiss her throat. "Cum... alot..."

She was silent for a moment, aside from wordless gasps and moans while she rode me, her greedy puss gripping my hungry shaft eagerly. "And... does it... do you... can you get me...?"

I nodded - I didn't really know if I could put a baby in her, but it seemed likely, and the idea sent a fresh wave of lust thundering through me, making my pulse hammer in my ears and the rising coil of orgasmic ecstasy building inside me jumped like a living thing in my gut.

"Don't!" she squealed, her eyes wide in alarm. "I, I'm fertile!" Somehow that news was just perfect; suddenly the thing I wanted most in the world was to ram my cock right into Molly's womb and give her a baby - maybe twins - and that spurred me, driving me to buck harder, trying to force my cock past the barrier of her cervix! "No!" she cried out, even as she locked one leg around mine! "Please, don't! You'll - oh God, you'll get mepregnant...!" she gasped, her face a study in lust and fear and perplexity at the notion of being impregnated by a girl! But her body was sending an entirely different message; her wet, squelching puss gripped my lunging, plunging girlcock, rippling around it and her arms tightened, holding me against her, her leg locking me inside her!

With a gasping grunt, I braced, pressing her hard against the sink while I rocked back then thrust as hard as I could, burying myself - well, not balls-deep, not having balls - or outside balls, anyway - but right to the hilt! "FUCK yes!" I groaned aloud, feeling the boiling, churning pleasure suddenly explode! She squirmed and writhed, pinned on my girl-meat, and began wailing in wordless lust! Hastily I clamped my hand over her mouth to muffle her screams, even as I felt the rushing creamy heat surging up my cock! My glans was pressed hard against her cervix, and my cream shot, over and over, bathing the mouth of her womb with my spunk! "CUMMING!!! I shrieked, then buried my face against her shoulder since I couldn't NOT scream in pleasure! I was fucking Molly's luscious, juicy cunt; my she-cock was shuddering in release, pumping thick, goopy jets of girl jizz! My hips bucked over and over with every shuddering, jerking explosion, and ropes of spooge erupted from my cum-spewing girl-shaft; I felt like I was a human volcano, and my cum was the white-hot, life-giving lava boiling up from my loins to fill Molly's lovely, fertile womb!

She gripped me hard, her pussy rippling to milk my seed, her arms clenched around me while she shot the rapids of orgasm with me, shaking and shuddering and moaning in ecstasy while I came and came and came...! Until finally I was empty and I drew a deep, gasping breath as I took my hand off her mouth. She'd bitten me in the grip of her orgasm; there was a set of upper and lower teeth marks so perfect you could have taken an impression from them. Hair wildly disarrayed, breasts heaving, she smiled, panting as she caught her breath, and dropped her foot to the floor. She was shaky on her feet, and both of us looked like we'd been through a hurricane. Her eyes followed my cock as I pulled out of her, giggling together at the sloppy, wet,rudesucking sound of me pulling out, and a string of goo trailed from her pouting pussy lips to the last of the pearly goop oozing from my cock's cum-slit. As if still half-hypnotized, she reached out with a finger to scoop that string of girl jizz onto her finger, then brought it to her lips, sucking on it seductively.

"Wow...!" she got out finally, watching my cock as it softened. "How on earth...? I mean, a real, live, cock...? And cum...?" she mused as I pulled my soaked panties up and re-zipped my skirt. She looked magnificent, even with her blouse open, bra the same, skirt rucked up around her waist and cum oozing from her nether lips in a slow, creamy drool.

"Come over to my place tonight?" I suggested. Molly simplyhadto meet Shaniqua and Allison; then she'd understand. "I'll explain everything to you then."

- FIN -

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netgnosticnetgnosticabout 2 years ago

I really think you need to add a 'non-consent' tag to this. When Molly tried to make her stop and then was forced, it's sexual assault, even if this is just fiction about futanari.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I'd love to hear more about what happens to this sexy and beautiful trio plus one

monkeyman09890monkeyman09890almost 9 years ago

this is such a wonderful story and it would be really awesome if you continued it and you kind of did leave it with the suggestion of there being a third piece to this lovely tale. it is really a lovely piece and I would really hate to hear that this is the end of this beautiful romance. please continue

PTWaters1PTWaters1about 9 years ago
Good series

Wonderful chapters so far! I'm looking forward to more :)

GingerMGingerMover 9 years agoAuthor

@thisguyrighthere - Thank you; I'm very glad to be back. There will be more, definitely... just have some other writing projects on the go at the moment.

@Anonymous - I will indeed, but you'll have to wait to find out what happens to Molly. Though consider this: Molly might just become a futa *and* get pregnant :)

@OnyxShadow - Thank you; the next one will be here when it's here. I find if I force a tale it just doesn't work.

@sebyiffy - Don't worry; futas are quite picky about whom else they're going to turn into futas. Doucebag will get lots of sex alright, but not in the way he thought...! :)

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