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She looked at me, looking at her. "Well?" she said. "You're big but not that big," she added with a giggle.

I walked over to her, took her face in my hands and kissed her. Before she could react, I put my hand in my pocket, removed what was there and pressed a key to my apartment into her hand. She took a quick look and knew immediately what it was. "You want me to have this?" she asked.

"I not only want you to have it," I replied. "I want you to use it whenever and as often as you would like."

"Aren't you afraid I might be interrupting something?" she asked.

"Not anymore. "As odd as it sounds to both of us, I'm not interested in anyone except you," I told her.

Patti threw her arms around my neck and kissed me with a renewed passion. "I never thought I'd say it," she cried. "But that's perfectly fine by me."

We spent the rest of the day joined at the hip in just about every way possible or working our way to getting joined at the hip again. We feasted on each other and took a break for something nutritional to eat as the sun went down.

I took Patti home near ten pm that evening. We both had to go to work the next day and we needed real rest and anesthetic pain relief balm. She seemed to be excited about the prospect of getting home. When I inquired, she said, "I can't wait to tear up my calendar."

I came home from work on Monday near six pm. When I opened the door, I was met by the wonderful aroma of a home cooked meal, probably a stew or roast. I bounded up the stairs expecting to see a naked Patti hard at work in the kitchen. I was right about the naked part but it wasn't Patti. Cindi rushed to meet me at the top of the stairs to kiss me and welcome me home.

I guess my surprise to see her there was evident on my face. "Aren't you glad to see me?" Cindi asked.

"I am," I told her. "It's just that is was so unexpected."

"I wanted to surprise you," Cindi said.

"You certainly did that," I confirmed. "How?" I asked. "I mean it's wonderful that you're here but how did you get in?"

"Patti gave me a key," she said as if I should have figured it out.

"Patti gave you the key I gave her?" I asked.

"I think it was a copy," Cindi said.

"Oh," I said. "That explains it then," although it didn't explain anything especially why Patti would give Cindi a key to my apartment.

"Well then," she said. "Get comfortable. Dinner is almost ready."

I sat opposite a naked Cindi at the kitchen table and ate a magnificent beef stew with potatoes, peas and carrots and drank several glasses of Chianti. Cindi smiled at me while she picked at her meal. "You seem distracted," she said.

"Of course, I'm distracted," I confirmed. "Walk in my shoes for a moment. I'm sitting in my own apartment, eating an incredible meal cooked by a beautiful woman I met barely two days earlier and, by the way, she's naked. You don't think that's distracting?"

Cindi giggled. "I get that, but we're not really strangers. We may not have known each other for long but we certainly know each other intimately."

"We do but I never expected anything more after Saturday," I confided.

"We didn't think it was a onetime thing," said Cindi.

"We?" I questioned.

"Oh. I should've told you. Patti made three copies of your key," explained Cindi.

"And she gave them to..." I led the witness both concerned and anticipatory.

"To me, Nona and Sarah," Cindi completed my sentence.

"And?" I asked.

"You can expect more visits like this," Cindi completed my thought. "So, why don't you go into the bedroom and get ready while I clean up a little after dinner?"

"Cindi, I don't think this is a good idea," I observed.

"Why not?" asked Cindi with a long face.

"Patti," I said.

"She knows I'm here. After all she did give me the key and she'd be a fool not to know what I'd do with it and Patti's no fool."

"I agree but Patti and I have an arrangement," I told her.

"To be together?" asked Cindi.

"Yeah," I said.


"We didn't discuss that but it felt that way," I admitted.

"Dave," said Cindi seriously. "I don't want an arrangement. I want to be friends. Friends with benefits. I told that to Patti when she gave me the key."

"And that makes it all right?" I asked.

"With Patti and me, it does," confirmed Cindi. "She only had one condition."

"And that was?"

"If she could join us sometime," said Cindi.

"She actually said that?" I asked amazed.

"Just before she kissed me," said Cindi.

I had nothing more to say. Patti and Cindi were in perfect agreement, and probably Nona and Sarah as well, and none of them felt the necessity to ask me, not that I would have objected. It appeared that the four of them were open to relationships with each other. Cynically, I wondered if I was included because they needed my apartment. I didn't think that was the case but I would ask Patti about it. Meanwhile, we were headed for interesting, multidimensional relationships. In the short term, I headed for the bedroom.

When Cindi arrived in the bedroom, she was still naked and drying her hands on kitchen towel. I was sitting on the side of the bed, still dressed. "I was hoping you'd be naked in the bed waiting for me," she confessed.

I patted the bed next to me. Cindi tossed the towel through the open doorway and sat. "Cindi," I started. "I'm amazed and honored by your being here tonight. My goal would be to never disappoint you and make every moment we spend together memorable. An important part of creating an atmosphere that maximizes the emotions and intensifies the pleasure is undressing each other. It takes time and raises the expectations. Sex is one of the most magnificent gifts we can give to each other and unwrapping gifts is one of the most important parts of giving and receiving a gift."

"I never considered that," admitted Cindi. "My experience has always been to get to it as quickly as possible. Probably because we never had enough time together for much else."

"Time is our friend," I said.

"I get that," confirmed Cindi. "I could get dressed."

"No need tonight," I told her.

"I'll remember the next time," she committed.

"Spread the word," I suggested.

"I will," she promised.

I took Cindi's chin in my hand and kissed her softly. Her eyes closed and our lips lingered together for several moments. Cindi's lips quivered against mine and the kiss intensified. Our faces turned slightly, our mouths opened and our tongues touched. We didn't probe or push. We just stroked each other's tongue while our lips tingled with the contact. Eventually, we separated and I looked at Cindi's face. She had a single tear running down her right cheek.

"I've never been kissed like that before," she said with considerable emotion.

I wiped the tear from her cheek with my finger and licked it off. "Can I undress you now?" Cindi asked.

"Whenever you like and at whatever speed you want," I told her.

Cindi unbuttoned my shirt and touched my nipple. I touched her nipple in return. She leaned in and kissed my nipple. I kissed her nipple. Her eyes closed again, she pressed her breast against my lips and I sucked her nipple between my lips. Cindi moaned. I held her other breast in my hand and kissed and sucked that nipple.

"Take off your shirt and stand up," she requested. "Please."

I did as she requested. Cindi stared into my eyes and began to undo my belt with both hands. Her eyes never left mine as she worked. She navigated my belt, button and zipper and moved my pants down on my thighs. She averted her eyes as she pushed my pants down my calves. "Kick off your shoes," she said.

I followed her instructions and she pulled my pants off my legs one foot at a time as I balanced with a hand on her head. She rolled my socks off while she was removing my pants.

She sat up on the bed, looked into my eyes again and palmed my erection through my briefs. "This is like magic," she said.

"Magical," I agreed. "And real."

Cindi leaned forward and kissed my erection through the cotton fabric of my briefs. "Simon always wanted me to suck his cock," she said. "This time I want to do it."

"I'm not Simon and I'll never be," I said. "Forget him. Tonight there is only us."

"Forgotten," she agreed. "Like a nightmare. Tonight I'm going to dream."

I didn't respond. I waited. Cindi palmed my erection and my testicles in my briefs. She was creating memories and I was determined not to ruin it for her. She cautiously lowered my briefs until my erection sprung, fully erect, in front of her. She reached in with one hand and cupped my testicles. Her other hand held my erection as she softly surrounded its head with her lips.

She kissed my cock with the same gentle pressure as our kiss. Her lips slid down the sides of my erection until I felt the top of her throat. She reversed direction until she was again just sucking on the head of my cock.

The second time she pushed her mouth down on my erection, my knees buckled. "Are you okay?" she asked.

"Just a little weak in the knees," I said.

"Take off that underwear and crawl up into the middle of the bed," Cindi instructed.

I did as I was told. Cindi positioned herself between my legs and put her mouth softly around my cock again. When she had me against the back of her throat again, she lingered and tried several swallowing movements. I was glad to be on my back on the bed. I'd had never remained standing otherwise. Cindi retreated a short distance and pushed my erection against the top of her throat again. She gagged and choked.

"You don't need to do that," I commented.

"I want it all," she explained.

"We can work on that later," I said. "Focus on what you can do right now."

"Promise?" she asked.

"Promise," I committed.

Cindi focused on stroking my erection with her hands and mouth. She was never aggressive. She was as gentle as a mother with a new baby but the result was the same.

"Cindi," I said.


"What you're doing has only one possible outcome," I told her.

"You're going to cum," she stated.

"True," I said. "And I'll have no control over where I am when it happens."

"You might cum in my mouth?" she asked.

"That seems likely," I said.

"My choice?" she asked.

"Your choice," I repeated.

"Then, what's the problem," she said and resumed sucking on my erection.

Within minutes, I fulfilled my prediction. Cindi wasn't surprised. She felt it coming. She merely paused and let my semen fill her mouth. When I finished, she swallowed and sucked the remaining semen from my deflating erection and swallowed again.

Cindi lay with her head on my thigh and her hand gently cradling my cock as it shrunk in size.

"We need to wait," she commented.

"But we don't have to be idle," I said. "Change places with me."

I lay with my head on Cindi's thigh and my fingers gently circulating around her clitoris. Every time I circled clockwise, her shoulders and upper body circled counterclockwise. After a half dozen rotations and counter rotations, I moved my fingers to cup her mons and my tongue to circle her clitoris. Her body shivered with each rotation and hips began to buck off the bed. Her heated fluids escaped her body and soaked my fingers. I used the lubrication to insert two fingers into her and press against front wall of her vagina.

Cindi's bucking increased. "Quit the teasing and either quit or get me there," she moaned.

I got her there and wouldn't let go. She was there for a long time when I gave a final tug on her clitoris with my lips and rested my head back on her thigh. I held the flat of my hand against her vaginal opening as she recovered.

"What did you do to me?" she asked.

"Only what you wanted me to do," I said.

"Oh, I wanted you to take me to the edge and over it but not to suspend me between life and death."

"I'm sorry if I went too far," I apologized.

"It's okay," Cindi confirmed. "I survived. I have one request though."

"I'm listening."

"Can we do it again?" she asked.

I rolled between her legs again and sucked her clitoris between my lips. "But not so soon," Cindi moaned.

I kissed her clitoris and up, through her pubic hair to her navel and higher. When I reached her breasts, I paused a moment to align myself and, when I sucked on her nipple, I shifted my hips and entered her a short distance.

Cindi hardly noticed as I kissed her neck and slid further into her. She noticed when I pushed against her and bumped against her cervix. We lay together, soaking up the heat of each other's bodies.

"God, that's wonderful," exclaimed Cindi before she flexed her hips.

I took her movement as permission to move myself. I slid away from her and back in.

"Do that again," Cindi encouraged.

I did it again. Cindi responded and soon we were engaged in a smooth, gentle, horizontal pursuit of pleasure. No hurry. No fuss. Every stroke, every rebound leading to the inexorable physical discharges and vacant mindlessness of orgasm. We held each other close. When I kissed her lips, Cindi squeezed my erection. When I kissed her shoulders, she squeezed my erection. When I kissed and sucked her breasts, she squeezed my erection. I struggled to prolong our coupling but Cindi was determined to cause my orgasm first. I flooded my semen deep inside her and the heat of my ejaculation pushed her over the edge. I may have cum first, but Cindi's orgasm lasted longer and seemed more intense than mine.

We hugged and kissed for several moments before I rolled off her. We lay on our backs, next to each other, holding hands and studying the ceiling. "David," whispered Cindi. "Can we do it again?"

"I don't see any reason why not," I whispered back.

"This time I want you to fuck me," requested Cindi.

"Isn't that what we just did?" I asked.

"Not that way. I want you to fuck me hard and long. I want every stroke inside me to rattle my bones and I want to have a screaming orgasm when you cum inside me," Insisted Cindi.

"That's not who I am," I explained.

"I know that and I love that you're not," commented Cindi. "But I want you to use me so I don't fall in love with you."

"Why not?" I asked. "It's fine if you fall in love with me and me with you."

"But you and Patti have a special relationship and I don't want to interfere with that or cause problems between you two," explained Cindi.

"Cindi," I said softly. "There are hundreds of different kinds of love. However, we love each other, it will not change how Patti and I love each other.

"But...," started Cindi before I put a finger against her lips to stop her.

"No buts," I said. "I'll talk to Patti about us. She knows we're having sex with each other. She almost arranged it. I'll explain we love each other."

"She's that understanding?" asked Cindi.

"She is and I expect that she'll tell me that she loves you too."

"You think Patti loves me?" she asked.

"I do," I confirmed.

"There's never been a hint of anything sexual between us," commented Cindi.

"I think there has," I commented. "She kissed you," I reminded her.

"Oh," exclaimed Cindi. "I still want you to fuck me hard. Just to prove that you love me too."

"I don't know that I can," I admitted.

"You're a guy. Guy's know how to fuck hard. It's in their genes. Once we get started, I think you'll fuck me hard instinctively."

"We can give it a try but only because I love you and you want me to," I agreed

"Thank you," said Cindi. "Let me get us started."

Cindi turned around and positioned herself between my thighs with her knees next to my chest. She held my relaxed penis in one hand and sucked the top of it into her mouth. She was very good. She could do everything with her mouth she did with her vagina. I pulled her leg next to me over my chest and pulled her swollen and glistening pussy lips to my face. I used my hands on her hips to move her around so I could use my tongue on everything from her clitoris to her rectum. When I pushed my tongue against her tight sphincter, she moaned and pushed back against me. When I dragged my tongue between her labia and pushed against her clitoris, she came.

"Fuck," Cindi exclaimed.

She quickly turned around, faced me with her legs astride my hips and lowered herself on my not quite ready erection. She bounced on my hips, my erection probing deeper inside her with each bounce.

"Squeeze my tits," she ordered.

I reached up with both hands and palmed her breasts.

"Harder," she cried. "Squeeze my tits harder."

I did as she asked. I squeezed and mauled her tits until I was sure they hurt. Something inside me snapped. Cindi was enjoying it and so was I.

Cindi managed to roll us over without uncoupling us. She lifted her legs and held them in place with her hands behind her knees. "Fuck me hard," she ordered.

I put my hands on her tits and upped the pace. Each stroke was harder than the last, each one colliding our pubic bones and moving our bodies back and forth on the bed. The bed moved with us and the headboard began to bang against the bedroom wall. Cindi came for a second time.

We repositioned again until we were on our knees with me behind her and pushing hard into her. I pulled with my hands on her hips each time I pushed into her until the bed began to shake again. Her ass was shining with sweat and expelled fluids. I couldn't resist using a finger to probe her rectum. I pushed a finger against her resisting sphincter.

"Oh," gasped Cindi.

I pushed my finger harder and it slipped into her rectum up to the first knuckle.

"FUCK," screamed Cindi and she came for the third time. She squeezed my erection so tightly that, when I moved, I erupted inside her. We collapsed on the bed together with me on top of her. A few seconds later, I rolled off her and lay alongside her on my back.

Several minutes later, Cindi rolled on her side to face me. "Thank you. I knew you could do it," she commented.

"You're welcome," I responded. "As long as we don't do it like that too often."

"Maybe never again," asserted Cindi. "I'm going to have bruises on my tits and I'll be sore for days," she admitted.

"Sorry," I said.

"Don't be. I wanted it and you gave it to me. There's nothing to be sorry about."

"Okay," I agreed.

"I hate to do this but I have to leave soon."

"I'd love it if you could stay the night and I could hold you and comfort you," I suggested.

"Hold that thought for another time," Cindi said. "However, my parents are expecting me to be home tonight and I don't want them asking too many questions."

We took quick showers. Cindi was overly cautious washing her pussy, grimacing slightly as she did. We got dressed and I walked her to her car in the apartment parking lot. We hugged and kissed at her car and I watched her drive away.

I walked back to my apartment and, just as I was about to unlock my door, the door next to mine opened. Greg, my downstairs neighbor stepped out on our shared porch. Behind him was Liz, his wife. They were about ten years older than me and we had had several conversations in the past. I enjoyed talking to them but I enjoyed even more watching Liz. She was a classic MILF. Out of my league but I could fantasize. I had a feeling that our meeting like this, on the porch at this late hour wasn't coincidental.

"Hey," said Greg.

"Yo," I responded. "What's up?"

"We just want to thank you," Greg said.

"Okay," I agreed, "but I haven't a clue for what."

"For what you're doing. We really appreciate it," Greg tried to explain.

I guess my expression conveyed that I was still clueless. Liz stepped around in front of Greg. "My husband sometimes has a problem with getting to the point," she said. "The walls of this place are thin and we can hear enough about your activities upstairs to imagine what's happening."

"I'm sorry. "I'll try to keep the noise down in the future," I told her.