Apocalypse Slaves Pt. 04


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"Yeah, right," Gatling said. Lauren could see that his secretary, Cindy, the buxom permed blonde that had given Lauren her first summons a month ago, was down on her hands and knees in front of him sucking him off. Lauren couldn't remember when she walked in. Then again, she was also preoccupied with Judge right in front of her.

Judge's thrusting started becoming harder and erratic. "AHHHHHHNGH!" he grunted, thrusting up into Lauren and holding his cock deep into her as it started to throb. Lauren cried in discomfort as he was coming into her at a painful angle. Nonetheless, she still felt that familiar warmth as his cum flooded into her. "Ahhhhh," he then breathed, leaning up against her and resting his head on her shoulder while she was forced to stand there. "Make sure she gets some RadRoot. I don't want any bastards coming back for me."

"Shit," Gatling said, his hand now on the back of Cindy's head to hold her in place. "She'd be taking it at home even if I didn't feed it to her after work." He commented. He then grimaced and let out a long, slow breath. Lauren could tell that he was getting off inside of Cindy's mouth based off of his motions and the fact that she could hear Cindy swallowing even from where she was at.

Cindy quickly left and the men got down to business. Lauren tuned them out and retreated back into her exhausted stupor.


When she finally got off of work that day, she was walking cross legged. In addition to Mister Gatling and Judge that morning, she endured two executives, a few janitors, and even Cindy with a strap-on when Mister Gatling ordered his secretary to fuck her. Lauren barely had the strength to get her clothes on; butt plug, diamond necklace and all.

It was late and there was no way that she'd get home in time for curfew. She had to get off the streets in a hurry. Her legs took her to the apartment of one of her friends. It was actually the only solace Lauren found lately. It was in a guy her age that she was seeing. He was one of their alma mater's football players and was still muscularly built despite being out of school for nearly a year now. They had dated a bit, off and on, in high school and he was about the only person that she could turn to in order to lament about work and to have a sex life of her own. Her parents called him 'The Boomerang' as he was constantly coming back after a period of time after they would break up. Now it was nice to just talk to him as a friend and have him as a fuck buddy. The only problem is that lately with Mister Gatling monopolizing her time she hadn't been interested in being with him.

Time to change that, Lauren though as she knocked on his door. "Lauren!" he gasped when he saw her. "Get in here! Are you insane? It's almost curfew!"

"Just got off of work," she mumbled as she let herself be led inside. "Just take me to bed and let me sleep here tonight."

"Just like that?" he asked wryly.

"Yes, and you can even fuck me. Not that I'd be able to fight you off or anything even if I wanted to." Lauren said as they went down the hall to the bedroom. There she collapsed facedown onto the bed. "Oh God this bed feels good."

"That rough a day at work?"

"Been on my feet all day."

"What do you do now?"

"Public relations." She deadpanned.

"Journalism didn't work out, huh?" he mused as he helped her out of her clothes.

"Something like that." She said, spreading her legs wide for him.

"You're hot to trot, aren't you?"

"Are you gonna fuck me or are you gonna stand there making dumb jokes?"

Chris threw off his clothes in a hurry and mounted her on the bed from behind. He reached down to lift her hips just enough for him to drive down into her pussy. His cock tore up over the front wall of her pussy and his bulk pushed her down into the mattress. "Ohhhhh," Lauren moaned and trembled as he slid into her all the way to her cervix. As her pressed into her, she realized that she was being double fucked as she had yet to take the jeweled butt plug out of her ass. Unlike the gangbanging that she'd endured at work today, Chris was being slow, deliberate, and careful with her.

She felt his hands snake underneath of her; going around her thighs and settling on her abdomen. Oh yes... she thought while she mewed out loud. Chris knew what to do to make her cum. Then she felt her pussy being spread wide by one of his hands while the other attacked her clit. Lauren let out a deep, throaty "Oooooohhhh," as she arched her back and rolled her hips back to meet his slow thrusts. He fingered her hard while screwing her soft. Soon she was jerking about as the orgasm thundered through her, making her bury her face into a pillow while she screamed in ecstasy.

Lauren hummed, her whole body feeling warm and fuzzy as she came down off the orgasm. Chris was still plowing his cock in and out of her but she didn't care. She was enjoying the moment of bliss that came on her terms and not anyone else's. A few minutes later she finally felt Chris jerk, his cock throb within her, and heard him let out a sigh of relief as he blew his load deep into her. It gave her a tiny shudder of pleasure as she felt him cum inside of her but not enough to get her of a second time.

She was fast asleep soon after with Chris curled up behind her, holding her left tit as he started to drift off.


CHAPTER 32: Breaking Point

"You know where I like you at," Gatling said, pointing to the end of the desk as Lauren entered the office. "Sit on the edge."

"Yes, sir," She said. With her head down, Lauren trudged over to where he indicated, flipping up the back of her skirt so that she could sit with her bare bottom on the cold wood. It made it easier for what was coming as Mr. Gatling didn't have to mess around too much with her clothes. She lifted herself up to the edge and sat there, waiting for him, with her hands folded on her lap. Sadly, this was now routine for her as she has since accepted this as her true job instead of writing columns as she'd hoped. It'd been two weeks since she'd been out on display for everyone to come by and just have their way with her and so she resigned herself to playing the part of the dutiful little slave.

Once Gatling had finished whatever work he had been doing, he stood up and walked around to stand in front of her. "Come on sweetheart," he said, leering at her while his hands worked at the knot of her blouse at her breasts, "give us a kiss now," he reached up and lifted her chin as the blouse fell open to expose her pert tits. His mouth took forceful control of hers as his tongue invaded inside. She let out a muffled cry as he kissed her hard.

Then he pulled back and pushed her at her shoulders. Lauren laid back onto the desk and shuffled down so that her legs were dangling off. It was uncomfortable but she knew that they wouldn't be there for long. Mr. Gatling was already unzipping his pants and pulling out his hard, thick cock. She focused on a point on the ceiling like she always did during these 'training meetings' as he called them. A moment later she felt the pink panties that she wore with this getup being pulled off her. She made no move to stop him. There was no point in even trying.

"I see that you have shaved like I told you to," he said, cupping her pussy with his hand and squeezing. "Good girl." Lauren ignored the comment. She'd kept her pussy bald ever since he first ordered her to get rid of her pubic hair. It was just easier that way. But he never missed an opportunity to comment on it, knowing that it embarrassed her.

Gatling finished stripping the panties down her legs, wadded it up, and brought it up to her face. Lauren opened her mouth expectantly while keeping her eyes focused above her. It kept her from having to look at him and all she had to do was keep on going through the motions of this 'schoolgirl fantasy', as he liked to call it. He stuffed her panties into her mouth and then reached down to flip her skirt all the way up.

Her legs, clad in white stockings from her knees down, were then lifted and her feet, in black dress pumps, were placed onto his shoulders. He scooted up close until his belly was flush up against the backs of her thighs. Then she felt his cock nudging up against her vulva. Lauren willed herself to relax as much as possible as he then pushed his way into her. She winced and let out a tiny grunt as his thick cock split her open wide.

"Oh yeah," Gatling chortled. "My little schoolgirl likes that, doesn't she?" On cue; she let out a muffled whimper of assent as he pushed as far into her as his fat little cock could go. Then his hands wrapped around her tiny waist and pulled down right as he jabbed his hips forward.

"Ungh!" Lauren grunted as her body rocked on the top of the desk, sliding up slightly before Mr. Gatling pulled her back down towards him. It was just the first of many as he was just getting started. Soon he was in his normal rhythm of fucking her hard and fast.

No matter how hard she tried to tune out the sensations, every time Lauren failed. As her body slid back and forth on the desk from his relentless pounding, she felt the tiny electrodes of forced pleasure tickle her brain. She knew that an orgasm was inevitable since Mr. Gatling had the staying power to go a very long time and her body would just eventually give in.

As always, she lost track of time as he fucked her. The sounds of his body slapping against hers became a staccato background noise. Occasionally, she'd feel his hands playing with her breasts and/or pinching and rolling her nipples. When he reached down to thumb her clit while he drove into her, the first orgasm ripped through her. The only outward appearance she gave was a slight shudder and the flaring of her nostrils. Of course, he felt it when her pussy fluttered around his cock and it just served to goad him on even more. He'd since discovered the exact combination that he had to do to make her cum and it made her feel even more embarrassed.

By the time she felt his seed flooding into her, Lauren had had two more orgasms, the last of which started right as Mr. Gatling came inside of her. She felt so sick to her stomach that she turned her head and cried out of shame. She wanted to heave her guts out over the floor. She'd joined the workforce to keep out of the wastes and having raiders take advantage of her. But now here she was with a raider in a corporate suit doing just that.

"Alright..." he said at long last, breaking the silence. "Get out of here and get back to whatever work you do now. Stay in uniform in case I have need of you later today."

"Y-yes, Mister Gatling," Lauren said meekly as she spat out her panties and smoothed out her 'uniform' after sliding off the desk. She was out the door as fast as her legs could carry her, not caring about the river of cum that was leaking out from between her legs. As soon as she was back down at her desk she downed some RadRoot and washed it down with water.


At first she wondered if she was strange, or being perverse, or if there was just something wrong with her. After all, who in their right mind would want to go and get laid after their boss had just had their way with them? One sick fuck like me... that's who... she brooded as she knocked on the door to Chris' apartment. She pushed that thought aside as she tried to convince herself that there was nothing wrong with her and maybe she just liked sex and was okay with being a slut. Either way, Chris was getting her off willingly where her boss had the need to force her to get off.

Chris opened the door, looked her up and down, and smiled appreciatively. "You know, I never get tired of seeing that outfit on you," he said as he moved back to let her in.

"You and my boss, both," Lauren grumbled as she started stripping down, heading for the bedroom. She wanted out of her old school uniform as quickly as possible ever since Mr. Gatling insisted that she wear it 'as a proper intern should'.

"No small talk tonight?" Chris asked in a bemused voice.

"Are you going to come back here and take me or what?" Lauren called back to him as she flopped onto his bed. "You're probably the only guy I know who balka at a naked woman on his bed."

"You'll never hear me complain," Chris replied, hurriedly chucking clothes off so that he could join her in bed. He found her on her back, already splayed out and ready for him. His cock was already up and at the ready for her so he wasted no time in plunging down into her hot, wet pussy.

"Oh yes," Lauren mewed, wrapping her arms and legs around him. His cock filled her up completely and in just the right way. In her mind, she fantasized that he was a hero of old; like a chivalrous knight, or an American soldier, or even, for the more recent fantasies, the famous Caine that Mr. Gatling mocked would never come and save her. Let him mock me, I don't care. He can't take my wildest dreams away from me. As Chris' body rocked into her, she pictured that the hero was taking her as he rightfully should having saved her from the dangerous tower. Oh what I wouldn't give for that to happen for real... she thought as she ran her hands over Chris' back and through his hair while he fucked her nice, slow, hard, and deep, reaching depths that Mr. Gatling could never achieve. She felt his lips on her neck and she cocked her head to the side, away from him, to give him easy access. His hands were down under her ass, gripping it, every time he pushed in.

He rocked his hips against her in a perfect rhythm. The base of his pubis ground down against her clit just right. She managed to get more into it, squeezing him with her thighs and even making out with him as they fucked. Then suddenly his cock was spurting forth its seed into her and she was ready to go right along with him. She let out a strangled cry as they rode out the orgasm together before falling back into the bed in a crumpled mess. Chris laid his head down on her breasts and was soon dozing while she idly played with his hair. It wasn't too long before she was out as well.


The next day she received her summons for another 'personal counseling session' with Mr. Gatling first thing in the morning. With a resigned sigh, she headed for the elevator. This time, however, when she got to the CEO Office, she stopped in her tracks to find his chief of security, Gary Wells, standing beside him. Both of them were armed with pistols, pointing down at an angle. Between them, tied up and down on his knees at gunpoint, was Chris. Her eyes went wide at this sight. "Miss Lauren," Gatling said with all the false sincerity in the world, "it appears that we have a thief here in K.C. This man here, "has been stealing my property right from underneath of my nose for quite some time."

"No..." Lauren breathed, clasping her hands to her mouth while trying to hold back the tears. She could already see where this was going to go. "Please, don't." she pleaded with Mr. Gatling while shaking her head. "Don't... I'll do anything."

"Touching," Gatling said with a disdainful look her way. "But I can't have another man fucking me over by fucking what's mine."

"PLEASE!" Lauren dropped to her knees while openly crying now. She folded her hands in front of her, openly begging now. "Don't shoot him!"

Wells and Gatling shared a smile as if they'd been expecting this. "Very well, I won't shoot him," Gatling said, holstering his pistol. He then pointed at his feet. "Crawl your ass over here and beg for forgiveness, bitch!" He smiled when Lauren hung her head and started to crawl across the cold, hard floor. "Mr. Wells; will you please escort this man from the premises?" he then asked his chief goon.

"Gladly," Wells said, holstering his own weapon and grabbing Chris up by the scruff of the neck. "Let's go boy."

"Lauren, don't!" Chris tried to struggle with Wells but Wells was far too strong for him. "Lauren!" he called out to her as they passed.

"Go away, Chris, and don't come back!" Lauren cried as she crawled across the floor when they passed each other. Her tears splashed the faux marble flooring nearly every step of the way.

"Yeah," Wells said as they reached one of the windows. "Don't come back!" With a push of his left hand, he got the massive window to yaw outward. With a shove of his right hand at Chris' neck, he shoved the young man out the window. Chris pitched forward into nothingness, body twisting and contorting in a futile effort to free his arms and grab on to something.

"CHRIS!" Lauren whirled around and cried out in horror as she listened to his screams while he plummeted down the side of the building. She was still calling out his name and trying to get up to do a futile rush to the window as if she could save him but Mr. Gatling was right there, grabbing her coiled pigtails and wrenching her head back towards him.

"Bitch!" he hissed as he stared down into her eyes. "I gave you a command and you will do it!" he yelled down at her as he threw her to the floor. "Now kiss my shoes and beg for forgiveness before I pull each and every one of your family up here to send them out the same way as your dear, beloved, Chris!"

With the tears now streaming out of her eyes, Lauren lowered her lips to his black loafers and kissed them; first the left, then the right, and then back again. She sobbed the entire time, unable to get an image of Chris' broken body that must now be laying on the sidewalk below, or crushed into the roof of some vehicle, or something. God... why... she wondered, unable to stop herself from bawling.

She heard Wells step up behind her and then heard the distinct sound of his belt being whipped out from the belt loops of his pants. "Do it," Gatling commanded him. She braced herself, knowing what was coming. There was a sound of the leather whipping through the air a half second before it made contact across her flimsy covered butt. Lauren howled and reeled up in pain as the leather belt caught her across both of her butt cheeks. She prostrated herself onto the floor in front of Mister Gatling, blubbering for forgiveness as Wells smacked her again across the ass.

"Flip your skirt up and take your panties down!" Gatling commanded her. Lauren did as she was told, baring her ass for Wells to spank it again with his belt... hard. She wailed again from the pain. "You belong to me, bitch!" Another smack. "You will be dutiful only to me, cunt!" Another smack. "AND YOU WILL BE GRATEFUL!" Another smack.

Gatling looked up at his security chief. "You can have her now. Fuck the ever-loving shit out of the bitch." He said callously as he turned back to his desk.

"With pleasure," Wells said with an evil smile as he undid his pants to take her right then and there.


CHAPTER 33: A Brief Escape

Lauren was used for five days by the security detail before they finally let her go. She was so catatonic by the end of it all that her family had to come get her at work. Of course, Mister Gatling nor Mister Wells told her family why she'd been there for so long. They concocted some kind of story how she'd been working hard for them, praised her dedication to her job, and fed them a line at how she'd been given a suite so that she could rest at work before getting back to it the next day.

It was all bullshit.

In reality; she'd been strapped spread-eagled to a bed so that whoever came by could use her. They let her up so that she could use the bathroom, get a bite to eat, and clean up as much as she could before she was lashed down to the bed once again. When they tired of fucking her, they tied her to an X beam so that they could take turns lashing her, caning her, or outright spanking her before degrading her further by fucking her holes with whatever objects they could find.

She was so sore and tired that she couldn't even walk which was why it was even more embarrassing for her family to come and get her. Thankfully they just ushered her straight to bed so that she could get some rest. There she stayed for a good twenty four hours before getting up and treating herself to a real shower and then a bath so that she could ease her aching muscles and hopefully alleviate the welts up and down her backside.