Apocalypse Slaves Pt. 06


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Caine made a shooing motion with his hands. "Toodles," he said, "or would your rather that I fucked your wife in another room while you stayed in here?"

"You can be such an asshole," she remarked, sliding off the bed and hiking her pants up.

"And you're a bitch. Welcome to the future." Caine snapped right back. "Look... I don't know what man made your life difficult in the past to make you the way you are towards men; maybe it was a friend, or a relative, or a complete total stranger. I'm sure being sold on the auction block to a guy didn't help matters. But whatever caused you to become a militant feminist lesbian... I don't care. All I know is that it wasn't me and would appreciate it if you didn't take it out on me for at least THIS month while I'm trying to knock you up."


Amy stuck her head into the doorway of her and Faye's bedroom. Faye had stomped back downstairs in a huff and disappeared into the back to 'do some housework' and for Amy to 'come take care of her later'. Amy watched her leave and then went upstairs. "Is it safe to come in?" she asked. "It sounded like you two were sparring up here rather than trying to get her pregnant."

Caine laughed. "It's safe to enter." He was lounging back on the bed with his shirt off and his pants undone. "Come on in," he said, beckoning her forward as he eyed her. "So how about you? Is this going to be all business with me getting the job done as quickly as possible as well?"

"Is that what happened between you two?" she asked, sitting on the corner of the bed.

"Yeah. She just got up on the bed, bent over, hiked down her jeans, and said 'take me'." Caine gave her a pointed look. "You going to be the same way?"

"No," she shook her head. "I'm bi, so I enjoy both men and women." She smiled and gave him a half shrug. "If I get to choose, I prefer women, but won't turn down a man if available. Faye, on the other hand..."

Caine laughed again. "Your wife doesn't like men, so I'm sure that this is hard for her."

Amy shared his laugh. "You have no idea. Well, I'll try and calm her down enough so that sex for you two tomorrow is not as combative."

"Hmmm, there's an idea," Caine replied thoughtfully. "But then again, this hot/cold thing you two have going on is intriguing."

"Let me try and make up for my wife's dispassionate lovemaking then," Amy said, standing up and taking her shirt off in one, smooth motion. Then she reached behind her, unclasped her bra, covered her breasts up with one arm, and then dropped the bra with the other. She gave Caine a coy smile. "Like what you see?" she asked.

Dumbfounded, Caine could only nod. He'd seen her naked before when he liberated Corning but this was more intimate and sexy now that they were alone together in a bedroom. She then turned her back to him and shimmied out of her jeans until she was standing nude before him. Looking back over her shoulder, she smiled and winked at him.

Caine cleared his throat. "You're certainly in a playful mood... all things considered."

"I might be submissive but I refuse to let what happened to me define me." Amy said, turning around and covering her pussy with one hand while still holding her breasts with the other. "Faye, I know it eats her up inside, feels like she has been emasculated by our enslavement."

"Interesting way to put it."

"There was a term that we used before we went into the cryo units; she's a man born into a woman's body."

"I've heard of it," Caine said in a neutral voice.

"Well, there you have it then. If she could be a man, she could." Amy said, walking closer to him. She lifted one leg up onto the bed to slide over Caine's legs and then straddled them. She then dropped her hands to reveal her body to him and then slid up the length of his legs to position her head right at his cock, which was starting to twitch to life. Taking it in hand, she brought the head of it to her lips to kiss it, then took it into her mouth. "Me? I like doing this." Amy said as she worked his cock back to hardness.

Caine let out a long, breathless sigh as she started to gently suckle on him. Then she took him further into her hot little mouth. She moaned around his cock while bobbing her head up and down until he was hard. Then she lifted up, shuffled forward, and lowered herself down onto it. Caine placed his hands on her hips and helped ease her down onto his shaft, grunting in pleasure as he sank into her tight pussy.

Amy gyrated her hips back and forth, working Caine's cock within her. Caine's hands came up to fondle her breasts and to brush her nipples with his thumbs in the process, making her gasp with pleasure. "Don't hold back," she moaned as she rode him, "I want your cum."

Feeling himself go to the edge quickly, Caine grabbed her and rolled in the bed with her until she was underneath of him. With their bodies pressed together, he kissed her hard. Amy returned it, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him back. She brought her legs up around his waist and locked her ankles behind his back. Their bodies moved and gyrated as one and Amy was whimpering with pleasure into his mouth as they kissed. He felt her pussy start to flutter around his cock so he let loose his second torrent of cum of the evening.

"AHHHHHHHH," Amy squealed as she came right along with him. Her pussy gripped his cock hard, pulsating around it in time with his throbbing.

Even Caine let out a hiss of pleasure as his cock seemed to explode inside of her. He laid on top of her long after they came down from their orgasm to ensure that his cock would put ever last drop of his seed where it was supposed to go. Unlike Faye, Caine and Amy continued to make out during that time.

"Mmmmm," Amy purred once Caine lifted off of her. She basked in the afterglow. "I won't say that you're the best sex I've ever had."

"I'd be shocked if I was," Caine admitted with a smile.

"I will say, however, that you're the best man I've ever slept with."

He gave her a hands-spread shrug. "Hey, I'll take what I can get."

"Same time tomorrow, then?"

"I'll see you girls then."


CHAPTER 62: Reality Check.

By the end of the week, Caine was feeling drained but reveled in the attention of not one, but four women. He still made it a point to fuck both Lauren and Jessica but only after he'd come home from servicing Faye and Amy. Jessica was feeling a bit left out as Lauren was still doing her Escorting and Caine was breeding, but got her spirits buoyed when Caine had Lauren take Jessica to work with her. "Call it; Take Your Slave To Work Day, or something like that, and give your clients a special two for one special."

"Hmmm... I'm sure they'll enjoy that." Lauren mused at the possibilities.

"And be sure to stay out late. I got plans for Amy and Faye." he said. "I'm having them both over here tonight for a change."

"Going to break in the new dungeon?" Lauren asked, pouting slightly. "You said you were going to save that for me and Jessica."

"Nope. I'm gonna break in the workout room."


Faye and Amy entered Caine's house a little after nightfall. "Hello?" Faye called out to emptiness.

"Downstairs! Go past the stairs up and hang a U-Turn!" Caine's voice came from further down the entry hall and down.

"Where's Lauren and Jessica at?" Amy asked as they found the stairs and walked down.

"At the brothel tonight." Caine said, meeting them at the bottom of the stairs. "I figured that I'd spice things up a bit tonight."

"This isn't part of the deal, Caine," Faye pointed out. "We're not supposed to be having a relationship or anything."

"Humor me, okay?" He asked, leading them into one half of the basement that was recently cleaned and fixed up. To Faye, it looked like a MMA Training Area. "My new workout space. What do you think?"

"Wow... I like it." Faye commented. "When did you do all of this?"

"I'd been working on it ever since I moved in and got the initial necessities in order. Now, I think that I have you figured out, Faye."

"Oh, do tell?" Faye asked, crossing her arms and cocking one hip to the side. "Going to tell me that you've found out how to turn me straight?"

Caine smiled but shook his head. "No, don't be silly. I'd be insane to even attempt such a feat. But I might have a way for you to at least enjoy the sex with me. You see; I've been picking Amy's brain as to what makes you tick. Relax, whatever happened to you in the past is still there. She won't tell me and I haven't asked." he said when Faye gave her wife a murderous look. "She also told me how you've gotten off, with men, before."

"Aaaaaaamy," Faye growled.

"I'm only trying to help you, Faye," Amy said, looking hurt.

"Here's what I propose," Caine said, interjecting himself before the two started a fight. "For tonight only: I use my toys to tie Amy up on the wall over there. You like seeing her tied up and you're used to dominating her in such a fashion so it should be a turn-on for you. Then you and I go at it here on the mats in a sparring match. What say, five solid blows to the torso to determine the winner?"

"And what does the winner get?" Faye asked with an arched eyebrow.

Caine gave her a mischievous smile. "To be on top." He said. "My figuring is that your sense of dominance would be satisfied either way."

Faye considered it and found the prospect intriguing. "What about Amy? What does she get out of this?" He spread his hands in askance for her to continue. "How about; if I win, you eat her out while I'm riding you. I can make out with her and picture myself riding one of our dildos back home in the old days like we used to so I might be able to get off that way. If you win, she joins in however you want."

"Now we're talking," Caine's smile broadened. He then gestured to Amy. "Amy, if you'll disrobe, please, so that we can tie you up?"

"Of course," she beamed at them. "I'm glad that you two have come to an understanding. I was getting tired of all the hate sex between you two." Amy stripped down and Caine went elsewhere in the basement, coming back with a leather full body harness. Amy eyed it dubiously, especially with the two wicked looking dildos that were positioned at the crotch. "What is that thing?"

"Pony Girls seem to be all the rage these days," Caine said, offering it to her. "So these harnesses are easy to find." He pulled a bottle of baby oil from his back pocket.

"The things I do for you two," Amy sighed dramatically as Faye gleefully helped her step into the harness.

"Oh come on, honey, you'll look so cute in this!" Faye said excitedly while she took the oil from Caine to lube up the dildos.

Amy shot her a dirty look. "I love you more."

"I know you do, sweetie," Faye said, kissing her on the nose as she and Caine got the harness fastened around Amy's body before putting the dildos up inside of her and latching them firmly into place. Amy sucked in a breath, chest heaving in the process, as she was penetrated up her ass and pussy at the same time. They then got her wrists in the leather cuffs to bind her arms behind her back before making her kneel in place.

"And women go for this?" Amy asked, squirming uncomfortably in place. "Willingly?"

"Some do, from what I've seen," Caine said. "What do you think, Faye? Ball gag or no ball gag?"

"You sound like an old game show we used to watch," Faye quipped. "Ball gag."

"I hate you both right now." Amy glared at them, but opened her mouth regardless when Caine pulled a gag from behind his back to put in. He latched it in place and asked if she was comfortable. She nodded yes.

"Well then," Caine gestured to the mats. "Shall we?"

Faye stripped off her shirt and tossed it to the side. "I should warn you, I'm trained in marital arts, buddy."

"I think I can hold my own," Caine said, taking off his shirt and tossing it to join Faye's. He dropped into a defensive stance.

Faye laughed. "You seem a decent person," she quipped in a bad Spanish accent while dropping into a fighting stance of her own. "I hate to kill you."

Caine smiled broadly. "You seem a decent person... I hate to die."

A tiny alarm rippled through Faye. How does he know that line? She didn't have time to think as Caine advanced on her. She put all of her rage and anger into her attacks. Caine blocked and parried them and counterattacked. Faye blocked them and dodged around others. She lashed out with a wild attack and was surprised to have hit his chest. Buoyed by her success, she followed up and landed another punch. "HA!" she crowed. "That's two!"

Caine shrugged as they circled one another. Faye came in with another flurry of attacks. Caine managed to get her once across the belly but she landed three more good blows on his stomach and back. "FIVE! I WIN!" she raised her arms in victory and cheered.

"So you have." Caine said, laying down on the mat. "Amy. Come on over, you can sit on my face and I'll tell you some lies." Amy rolled her eyes at the corny joke but walked over nonetheless. She stepped over Caine's head and lowered herself down, moaning a minute later as his tongue got to work on her slit.

"Wow, just like that, huh?" Faye said, putting fists on her hips. "So much for the mighty Caine," she snorted.

"Are you going to stand there insulting me or are you going to jump on my cock?" Caine asked from between Amy's thighs as he reached down to undo his pants. Amy, for her part, was gyrating her hips back and forth over Caine's mouth.

"Okay, okay. But I can see why you don't want to admit that you were beaten, what with your reputation and all." She said, taking off her shorts before lowering herself down onto Caine's manhood. To her surprise, she didn't grimace as much as she had before. Then again, she'd just whupped him and she pictured in her mind that she was just riding one of her old life-like sex toys that she used to have in her home. That thought, along with Amy naked and trussed up in front of her, got her going.

While Faye rode Caine's cock, she reached around Amy to free her arms. Then she guided, Amy's hands around; one to Faye's pussy and one up to Faye's breast. Amy's hands worked their magic on her and then Faye leaned in to take the ball gag out so that they could make out. Then Faye leaned back and guided Amy's head down to her crotch to lick at her clit. Faye brought her own hands up to cup her own breasts, pinching and rolling her nipples. "OH GOD!" she cried out as she felt the pleasure build up. A moment later when she felt Caine's cum start to flood her womb, Faye cried out as she orgasmed hard. She shuddered so hard that she had to put a hand on Amy's shoulder for support.

Once it was over, she got off of Caine and grabbed a nearby towel that she used to clean up. She then laid down on the mat and drew her legs up to her chest to keep her pussy inverted so that Caine's seed would trickle further in. "Not bad." She said.

"Yeah, you're welcome." Caine said from his position underneath of Amy as he guided her head over to his cock to get her mouth working it back to life.

"You're welcome?" she echoed. "What are you talking about?" Faye frowned at the comment. It made no sense to her.

"He let you win." Amy said, giving her wife a pitying, yet pointed, look. "I'm not a fighter and even I can tell that!"

"What? NO!" Faye protested, jumping back to her feet. "No, no, NO! I beat you fair and square!"

"You needed the win more than I did." Caine remarked casually before going back to his attention of his tongue on Amy's clit.

Faye took two long strides over to them, yanked Amy off of him, and pointed down at his face. "Listen here you little bastard. Tell me that I won fair and square."

"Okay; you won fair and square."

The fact that he said it so cold and emotionlessly took Faye aback. She blinked at him, the rage and anger inside of her welling up. How dare he! He LET her win? "Get up!" she yelled at him. "Face me again! I DARE you to take me down and force me to have sex with you this time! I'll beat you! You'll see!"

Caine rolled his eyes and sighed as he got to his feet, stuffing his semi-erect cock back into his pants. He spread his hands in askance. "Don't ask for what you don't want."

"Come on!" Faye challenged him. The first time wasn't a fluke. It couldn't be. No. She'd beat him fairly. "Come on!" she yelled again as she dropped into a fighting stance. "Fight me! Make me! Prove to me that you didn't just let me win!"

Caine glanced over at Amy for help. Amy just closed her eyes and shook her head in a resigned gesture as she sat back down against the wall. "Faye won't let it go until you do it." She said.

"Fine," Caine sighed. "So be it."

Faye let out a savage roar as she came in with a wild right hook that would've taken Caine's head clean off. Caine immediately stepped into it, blocking with both hands straight forward. His left hand, now away from Faye, grabbed her wrist while his right hand tracked down the length of her arm going right for his neck. He rotated the would-be chop out so that it wound up being an open palmed strike against her sternum. Then he pivoted forward, left hand now releasing her wrist and shooting straight out to hit her sternum again with a second open palmed strike. While that was going forward, his right hand came back down to his hip and as he then shifted his back foot further to the right to rotate his whole body, it came up to her gut as a quick uppercut, doubling her over.

When the uppercut hit, his left hand came back to his right shoulder to line up for the next blow which came out as another chop that he pulled at the last moment to be an open-handed slap down and away onto her right breast. As that flew, his right hand came back towards his head to line up for a forward hammer blow from that side. He settled down into his fighting stance, rotating back to give the incoming blow more force. This one caught Faye across the jaw to send her spinning to the ground.

It was a move that Caine learned long ago that his sensei called 'Five Swords' and it took less than ten seconds at full speed.

A bewildered Faye was now on her back on the mat looking up at Caine as he descended upon her. His hand clamped down onto her neck as he straddled her midsection. Faye's hands came up instinctually to grab his wrist in a vain attempt to get him off but deep down she knew that she was beaten. She looked up into his face and gone was the friendly, jovial Caine that had been humoring them all week. Replaced was the cold, calculating, hard killer that she'd heard that Caine was. It was a transformation that scared her

Caine didn't say a word. He just kicked her legs open hard, undid his pants, and brought his cock out that was now hard once again. He kept the cold mask on his face as he dispassionately looked into her eyes as he speared her with his cock. Faye let out a whimpering gurgle as she was roughly and cruelly penetrated. Caine fucked her in hard, deliberate thrusts that were so deep that he hit her cervix each time and made her cry out. A moment later he came inside of her, his cock spurting forth its fluid to fill her up once again. He maintained eye contact with her the entire time.

What was more, Faye let out a cry of her own as she felt herself forced to orgasm this time. Tears welled up in her eyes as her body climaxed hard. Just as it had when Luther had done the same thing. What was wrong with her? Why was her body responding this way? Nothing made sense to her anymore. She was a lesbian and yet here she was being forced to orgasm with a man again.

Once his cock stopped twitching inside of her, Caine leaned in close and whispered. "Nobody here cares how big you talk. Nobody here cares about sexual orientation. They only care about one thing, and that is the fact that you have a pussy and they can fuck it. Unless you can actually back up the big game that you talk you are nothing more than a piece of fuck meat to them." He gave her one more hard thrust for emphasis before getting off of her. Faye curled into a ball, coughing and sputtering from where his hand was clamped around it. She stayed there, crying and sobbing, as Caine then took Amy by the hand and led her up the stairs to leave Faye alone, wallowing in her self-pity.
