Apocalypse Slaves Pt. 07


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Mistress kissed her way down Emily's body, pausing at her breasts to suckle on them both before kissing her way down to Emily's shaved pussy. Emily gasped and moaned with pleasure as Mistress locked her mouth over her mons, dragging her tongue up and down Emily's slit. Mistress brought her hands up to cup Emily's breasts, gently teasing and fondling them as she licked her out. Emily writhed on the bed under Mistress' expert care as Mistress' tongue licked her to a quick, powerful, earthshattering orgasm.


CHAPTER 72: Unexpected Turn

Emily climbed out of the pool after swimming her laps and stretched her arms high over her head, arching her back slightly in the process. She checked the time. As prescribed by the doctor, she swam for only 30 minutes at a time, taking 15 off, and then repeating the process for two hours so that she could get her recommended exercise in but not over-exert herself which would therefore endanger the baby. Afterwards she was to go to her suite to have her breasts milked so that they could then store it for when the baby came. Master and Mistress were pulling no punches to ensure the safety and well-being of the child she now carried for them.

She couldn't help but run her hands down her body. Now well into her second trimester, her breasts were still expanding to become full and round, thanks to the hormone treatments, and she had a full baby bump on her belly now as the child inside of her just reached viable status. She couldn't help but pinch her thickening nipples on her swollen tits, gasping with pleasure. Then, running her hands down further, she found her shaved pussy and moaned. One thing that was actively encouraged was orgasms which was good since she was horny all the time now. The doctors said that was because of the increased blood flow to her loins and the increased pressure on her clit. While Master was hesitant to let anyone other than himself, Mistress, and the four slave maids that she knew already have their way with Emily, she was told that she could engage in self stimulation whenever she had the urge.

That was usually how she spent her 15 minutes at any rate. No sooner had she ran her hands over her own mound than she heard running footsteps behind her, the sound of shoes on pool tile alarming her. She turned her head just in time to see one of the Valets coming at her with open arms and an obvious lustful look on his face. "Got'cha!" he proclaimed, wrapping his arms around her body, pinning her arms to her side. She screeched in surprise and he clamped a hand over her mouth. Then he leaned his head into the side of hers and took a deep sniff, inhaling her scent. Then, he let out the deep breath. "Alone at last!" he exclaimed as he dropped his hand to run it down the front of her body.

Emily's mind reeled as he frog walked her over to her lounger that Master had specifically tailored for her. It was a plush take off of a pool lounge chair but was more like a couch and was waterproof for Emily to relax on between lap sessions. Amid her squeaks of protests, she wracked her brain to remember the young Valet's name. "J... Justin! Let me go!" she said finally. "You're not supposed to be in here!"

"Oh but I am..." Justin said gleefully as he brought his hands up to cup her breasts while at the same time thrusting his crotch up against her bottom. He pinched her nipples to pucker them up right before he got her to the lounger. There, he spun her in place and pulled her back close to him, planting a wet, deep kiss on her mouth as he ground his hips against hers.

To Emily's horror, he was wearing nothing but his boxers and was already sporting a hard-on. Emily got her hands up on his chest and pushed away. "Justin! Please! You're not supposed to be doing this! Master's orders!"

"What 'Master' doesn't know, won't hurt us," Justin said, putting sarcastic emphasis on the use of the term that she used for his employer. "I've seen the way you've looked at me! The shy, coy looks. The little smiles. I know that you want me. That you want... this..." he grabbed a hold of his cock through his boxers and brought it out, dragging the head up her wet, slick body and positioning it right between her thighs at her slit.

"What? NO!" Emily protested even louder now, pushing away from him with all of her might. Justin wouldn't budge. This fantasy of his had to be all in his head since she couldn't even remember the last time she'd seen Justin, let alone give him any kind of smile or whatever. "Mmm! Let me go!" she said again. "This isn't good for the baby!"

"Then I suggest that you relax then and let this happen," Justin said, pushing her back onto the lounger. He followed her onto it, grabbing her wrists and pinning them over her head with one hand. "Because this is gonna happen baby. It's you and me. It'll be our little secret romance and once I have enough creds, I'm gonna buy you from him and we'll be happy!" He buried his face into the crook of her neck to suckle.

"Oooohhh!" Emily whined, her body shuddering of it's own volition as the pleasure went from her neck to her loins. "Don't! Don't do this! Stop! Please!" she begged him. She prayed that the distress he was causing her to have wouldn't affect the baby.

"We have two hours here, babe," Justin cooed at her. "We have time."

"HELP! MASTER! HELP!" Emily cried out at the top of her lungs as she tried bucking her body against his to get him off of her even as he slid between her thighs. "MASTER! HELP!"

Justin clamped a hand over her mouth and looked into her eyes with a dark, threatening glare. "I get that you're conditioned. But just stop. You're going to belong to me; right here, right now." he said as he grabbed his cock with the other hand, releasing her hand momentarily, to bring his cock up to her pussy.

"JUSTIN!" a woman's voice called out. Both he and Emily's heads whipped around to see Ashley standing there. "Get off of her! Now!"

"Beat it, slave!" Justin shouted right back at her.

"Justin! Don't do it! Master will kill you!" Ashley said putting her hands before her to try and lower Justin's determination. "Look, if you're that horny, then you can fuck me. Okay? Just let Emily go."

"Are you fucking nuts?" Justin asked incredulously.

"No," Ashley replied, cupping her breasts and bouncing them provocatively for him as she slowly advanced. "You can have me all you like for a week, even. Master allows us slaves to sleep with the staff. Just let her go. She's the only one that you're not allowed to have." Now she was within arm's reach of them. Ashley slowly stretched one hand out to grab his hand that held his cock, pulling it towards her and placing it up onto her own let breast. "See? All for you."

Justin pulled away and then backhanded her, sending Ashley sprawling to the ground. "Get out of here, you tramp!" he howled. "Leave me and my girl alone!" As Ashley beat a hasty retreat from the room, tears flowing from her eyes, Justin looked triumphantly down at Emily who was helpless beneath him. "Now," he cooed at her, "where were we?"

He grabbed his cock again and this time drove into Emily hard and deep. Emily arched her back and cried from the force of it despite her body slickening up her inner folds in anticipation. "NOOOOOOOO!" Emily wept in defeat as Justin proceeded to fuck her.

"Oh yeah, baby," Justin breathed in relief. "Just like that. You know you want me."

Emily lost all fight. She'd failed her Master. Another man was now taking her hard and fast and deep and there was nothing that she could do about it except accept that it was happening and try and relax for the baby's sake. But what would Master do to her now? Punish her? Just the mere thought of it made her sad. She tried to fight more, squirming impotently underneath of Justin even as she attempted to move. Unfortunately, the renewed grip on her hands and the angle he was at provided no leverage for her.

But then, suddenly, his weight lifted up off of her. She opened her eyes in surprise to see Elias, the Butler and Head of Staff, there yanking Justin up and off of her and the Lounger. Ashley was back and was rolling Emily over to the side, covering her in a towel. Then Ashley draped her body over Emily's. "Stay down, hun, you don't want to see what's next," she whispered into Emily's ear.

Taking her word for it, Emily curled up into a ball underneath of Ashley and the towel and just cried.


Charles Sullivan stormed into the Pool Grotto with murder on his mind. Word of the attack on Emily during her swim time spread throughout the manor like wildfire the moment Ashley had informed Elias of it. Memo to me: be sure to pamper the hell out of that girl for being on the ball like that. He told himself. Lord knows what that little prick Justin would've done if things went on long enough.

The scene was damning enough even without hearing the news second hand from Faith, who'd gone and got him after she heard Ashley calling out for help on Emily's behalf. Elias had Justin pinned up against the nearest wall by the neck. He had to hand it to the old man; he still had a grip like a bear as Justin was hanging a few inches off the floor as he struggled in Elias' grasp. Ashley had covered Emily up in a towel and was protectively shielding her with her own body. Good Girl, Ashley... he thought again.

Emily, however, was distraught and inconsolable from the looks of it. He could see her crying face as she was huddled in the fetal position underneath of Ashley's loving, comforting, and defensive embrace. Emily's shattered look was almost more than he could bear. He nodded his approval to Ashley as he strode by. "Get her out of here and up to her room. Inform your Mistress of what has happened and tell her to call the doctor." he told her with a dismissive gesture. "I'll be along shortly."

"Yes, Master," Ashley said at once, guiding Emily to her feet carefully.

Charles motioned for Elias to let Justin go. Elias stepped back and Charles planted a fist into the younger man's gut. Justin doubled over in a coughing fit on the floor. "I give you a home, a paycheck, and access to my slaves," he said in a dangerous tone. "And this is how you repay me? By attacking the woman carrying mine and my wife's child?" He savagely kicked Justin in the gut.

"She loves me!" Justin sputtered out. "She wanted it! She's been asking for it!"

"Really?" he looked over at Emily and Ashley. "Emily? Is this true?"

"No, Master!" Emily wept. "I tried to stop him! I didn't want him. I don't even know what he was talking about while he was on top of me! Please, believe me! I called out for you and tried to get him off of me to protect your baby!" she wailed.

"It's true, Master," Ashley confirmed. "I found Justin on top of her, forcing himself into her. I came in and offered myself in Emily's place but he smacked me and I went to go get help and found Master Elias."

Charles could see the bright red handprint on Ashley's cheek even at this distance. He nodded again and waved for her to take Emily out before turning his attention back to Justin. "You're through." He hissed.

"Go ahead, fire me!" Justin spat out a glob of blood onto Charles' shoes. "But you'll hear the beating of the drums soon enough and the people sing out for deliverance. You'll be sorry!"

"Kill him," Charles hissed.

"Sir?" Elias asked in surprise.

"I want him DEAD!" Charles roared.

Elias cleared his throat politely. "Begging your pardon, sir, but I'm afraid that any illicit deeds done by this household at this time might arouse suspicion."

"What do you mean?" Charles eyed his butler.

"What I mean, sir, is that after we have gotten off 'scot-free' from the recent attacks, to have a servant just up and disappear would get the other families looking our way. An outside means might have to be taken this time."

"If I take him to the courts, all they'll do is exile his ungrateful ass." Charles said bitterly. Then an epiphany hit him. "Wait a minute... is our new, uhm... friend... still around?"


It took a day for Caine to come back to the manor for a visit. At least he's coming through the front door instead of attacking the place this time... Charles thought wryly as he sized up the man and explained his situation. It was early morning and Charles had breakfast ordered for the two of them, so he explained while they ate. By the time he was done, Caine had an arched eyebrow. "So you want me to do this... why?" he asked, leaning back in his chair while holding his hands in a thoughtful steeple. "Other than the fact that he touched your slave, that is."

"He RAPED her!" Charles shouted, shooting to his feet and pounding his fist in the table. Explaining it all again got him worked up. "And that's not a term I throw around lightly! I want him dead!"

"One could argue that you did the same thing to her." Caine pointed out, nonplussed by the outburst.

"Hey! I bought her-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Caine waved off the tirade dismissively. "Cool story, bro, and whatever helps you sleep at night. Point is; Emily likes you and is here of her own volition now. Bonus for you. Now get to the part as to WHY I should do this?"

"Because he said something of a revolution... or a revolt... or something like that. Something about the beating drums and people singing. I'm hoping that you can get more out of him before you kill him."

"Ah Fuck...:" Caine swore, shaking his head. "Figures someone would get their hands on a copy of Les Mis eventually."

Charles frowned. "So you know what he's talking about?"

"Yeah..." Caine said, nodding. "I know what he's talking about... and it's not good for you."


Justin looked up as Charles came into the room. Per Charles' instructions, Justin was handcuffed to a chair with his arms painfully pulled behind his back. The small room used to be an office before Charles had it cleared out by Elias and the male staff members to serve as an ad hoc prison. Just to be 'humanitarian', Charles ordered that Justin be put on bread and water and allowed to relieve himself in a nearby rest room three times a day.

"So..." Justin said, "You're back." He let out a hollow laugh. "Come to try and interrogate me again like you tried yesterday? You're not getting anything from me."

"No," Charles said, smiling. "I'm not going to interrogate you." He jerked a thumb over his shoulder to the man following him. "He is."

Justin's eyes went wide. "Caine!" he gasped.

Caine smiled as he walked in the door, pulling a chair behind him to sit opposite of Justin. He simply folded his hands on the desk between them as Justin looked uncertainly between him and Charles. "So, what? You're going to kill me then?" he asked in a near panic.

"Death is easy." Caine said, still smiling. "It's more about the journey than the destination."

"I'll leave you two alone." Charles said, leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

They sat in silence for a few minutes with Caine just staring at Justin as he squirmed in his seat. Caine then eventually leaned back in his chair, propped one ankle up onto a knee, and took out a combat knife to start fiddling with it in his hands. Caine regarded his fingernails and was filing them down with his knife while Justin started to hyperventilate from uncertainty. "I don't know nothing! I'm not going to tell you nothing!"

"You don't know 'nothing' or you don't know 'anything'?" Caine asked rhetorically. "Sorry, I was confused by the double negative. Joo see," he adopted a cheesy German accent. "Grammar is very important to the Nazi Party, ja?"

"What?" Justin was confused. "What do you want from me?"

"Information." Caine said, causally twisting the knife against his thumb. "Charles asked me to get it from you but he was a bit vague on the details." Justin went quiet and Caine just stared intently at him as he went through what he knew in his mind. After a few minutes, he finally voiced his first question: "Where's the entrance to your resistance movement on Capitol Hill?"

Justin's head snapped up and he looked at Caine in horror. "How..." he breathed.

"I just derived what I know of you... and you've told me everything."

"But I haven't..." Justin protested.

"Oh but you have." Caine said. "L'Enfant designed Washington D.C. and you quoted a very French manuscript-slash-musical when you talked to your Master in the Grotto. The Capitol Building is right in the middle of DC so where else would you stage a coup?"

Now visibly shaken, Justin started shaking his head in denial. "No... no, no, no!"

"Where's the entrance at, Justin?"

"They'll kill me!"

Caine slammed the knife into the table hard in front of the frightened valet. "What do you think I'm going to do to you?" He said in a dark, threatening tone. "Focus on me, here."


Charles paced outside as Elias stood by the door. Twenty minutes went by of silence and muffled talking followed by another five minutes of Justin screaming in agony. Afterward, Caine came out and handed Charles a piece of paper. "Sub-Basement, East Side, Capitol Building. The password to get in is 'Red and Black'" Caine said as he walked by. "The so-called revolutionaries have tunneled out a meeting room underneath the sub-basement to meet at.

"That's it?" Charles asked in astonishment.

"Yup. Have fun." Caine remarked as he continued walking, heading out of the manor. "I... wouldn't open that door unless you got a strong stomach. You might want to have your valets clean it up as a reminder of what happens to traitors."

Charles and Elias watched him leave in stunned silence. Charles managed to recover long enough to call out, "Come back anytime and fuck one of my slaves!"

"I'll take you up on that!"


CHAPTER 73: Moving Forward

Emily woke up crying the next morning. Throughout the night she had nightmares that Justin was coming back for her. Per Master's orders, Ashley and Faith slept on either side of her, comforting her whenever she woke up in the middle of the night due to night terrors.

Ashley and Faith were up at once, arms around her, comforting her and soothing her. Then they hustled her off to the restroom to take care of business and get her cleaned up before they got her back down onto the bed, face down, to give her a relaxing rub down.

The door to the suite opened up and Master walked in. All three of the girl's head came up and turned his way a half second before they all started to shuffle off the bed to assume their submissive positions. Master waved them down. "No, no, don't move, please." he said in a gentle voice as he moved with haste over to the bed. "Go back to what you're doing. How's the baby?"

Faith slid her hand underneath of Emily's belly and squeezed gently. After a moment, she answered. "The baby is still moving, Master."

"Oh thank God." Master sighed with visible relief.

Emily wept with joy that the baby was still alive inside of her. She shuddered to think what would happen otherwise. "I am so sorry this happened, Master." she cried. "I should've..."

Master held up a hand. "I'm not upset at you." He stressed. "I'm upset at a staff member that I thought that I could trust. I came by to let you know that he has been dealt with and won't be bothering you again, Emily. So please, relax. You did everything that you could, given the situation."

Swallowing hard, Emily nodded. "Thank you, Master."

"No, thank you," Master said, patting her ankle and smiling at her. He could see that something was still troubling her. "What is it? Go ahead; ask."

"What happened to Justin?" She asked, looking right at him with her big, blue eyes. "Please, Master, I want to know for sure that he's not coming back for me."