Apocalypse Slaves Pt. 13


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Jon then handcuffed her to a nearby tree so she couldn't get away. Then he piled the other two bodies into the caged back of the raider pick up truck before turning the wheel and sending it into the river. The truck sank with an unimpressive gurgle. He doubted that anyone would come looking for them, but why take chances? The bodies might float but they were trapped inside of the wire mesh cage bed. They'd be fish food by the end of the month. He then went back to Luci, slapped a collar and a leash on her, picked up his new bag of goodies that he'd salvaged from the bounty hunters, and led Luci back to his own truck.

"Please..." Luci asked him in a tiny, sniffling voice. "Please don't take me to Wayne... I'll do anything. Please... I'll be your slave! Something. Anything!"

"Well, we'll keep that slave option on the table for now," Jon said, making sure the passenger door was locked and bolted so that she couldn't open it up and roll out. He also made sure her seatbelt was buckled and her leash was tied down to the handle above the door. That way if she did get the insane urge to jump out the window, she'd think twice about is since she'd wind up hanging herself in the process. He then got behind the wheel and drove back for town while Luci started crying softly in her seat.


"MMmmm... Ahhhhhh..." Wayne sighed with pleasure as he arched his back while his cum shot up into Andrea. Andrea was still lying on the floor, barely moving, as she just let Wayne have his way with her. She was too spent from the first two orgasms that she could hardly move. Once he was spent, he pulled out of her, crawled up to her head, and dragged his cock up and down her lips to smear the rest of the cum over them before pushing his cock into her mouth for her to clean off. She half-heartedly licked and sucked him clean before he pulled away and went elsewhere in the house. Andrea knew that he'd be back eventually so she took whatever cat naps she could get.

Some time later, he was hard again and he did come back. Andrea woke up to her legs being spread wide as he mounted her. She let out a tiny mew as she was penetrated yet again. Just like before, she just lay there and took it, feeling her body move up and down on the polished wooden floor of the parlor as he fucked her. This time he drew her legs up to her chest, taking a position where he was resting mainly on her thighs, as he drove his cock down into her.

There was a pounding on the front door. At first, Wayne ignored it. Then he growled in frustration as it grew more insistent. Then Andrea heard a man's voice yelling. "Goddamnit!" Wayne snarled as he got up off of her and stalked to the entryway. "Someone had better be dying!" he yelled. There was a pause. "What the fuck are you doing here and why do you have one of my secretaries in a leash and handcuffs?" Wayne demanded.

Andrea gasped when she heard her husband's voice. "Your secretary has some 'esplain' to do," Jon said.


CHAPTER 126: Confessions.

Wayne led Jon into the parlor, probably for shock-and-awe effect as Andrea was bound and laying on the floor. "Love the look, babe," he said with appreciation to her horrified look. "I just gotta save this one for posterity," he added, taking out his investigation camera and snapping a quick picture. He then took a seat on the offered couch, directing Luci to kneel on the floor next to him. "I must say, I just simply LOVE the way you decorate here," he said, indicating the BDSM grating partially behind the curtain over where his wife was tacked down to the floor.

"Glad you approve," Wayne replied irritably, "why are you here?"

"Well, my grandpa always said; whenever something smells fishy, follow the money. You coming out of the blue to evict my in-laws was most definitely fishy and so I followed their money," he nodded to Luci, "to her." Jon then laid out the evidence that he had stored in his backpack that he'd acquired over the week, up to and including Luci's private journals where she'd kept track of her payments to the bounty hunters, and her diary that outlined her plight. Jon finished up with the conversation that he'd overheard. The more he talked, the more Luci seemed to wither under Wayne's hard gaze.

"Well... shit..." Wayne sighed. "It would seem then that I owe you and your wife an apology along with some restitution." He regarded Jon. "How about a job as one of my couriers?"

"Oh please," Jon scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Your security sucks and you need to seriously clean house before I'd work for you. For starters, your boy Jeff, her boss," he nodded to Luci, "has been fucking her and keeping her little secret under wraps," he said, relaying what Luci had told him in the truck ride here. "Besides, I have a job... that I like... that keeps people like you in check."

"I'll have an opening in my Maysville office come Monday," Wayne pointed out.

"I'll consider it, but only at a contractual agreement. I do like the location of the office, though as I'm looking to move my office out of my house and use the space for more recreational activities," Jon admitted. "But that's a business arrangement. We were talking restitution. These," he threw the bag of tabs over to Wayne that he'd got off of the bounty hunters, "are yours, skimmed from your accounts. By my figuring, for starters, you owe us two hundred tabs that we've paid in excess."

"I could give your in-laws two months rent free," Wayne countered.

"Or you could just hand over the deed to the property to me and we call it good. After all, I did just do you a service by saving you a truckload of tabs and ratting out the weaknesses in your organization." Jon said, smiling and spreading his hands in askance in a 'so what are you going to do' gesture.

Wayne hesitated, thought about it, then nodded. "I hate giving up good property to anyone who could be a threat to my holdings. Property, after all, is power, and you do make a convincing case."

"No, knowledge and how you use it is power," Jon corrected him. Wayne bristled under that and Jon held up his hands to ask for more time to explain. "Hear me out; you know everyone in this town. You know their strengths, their weaknesses, and how they tick. You've used that for the benefit of all in the Valley and have managed to keep the raiders at bay because of it. That's how you get your power. You're a good guy, Wayne, and you know that I have no desire to run this town. I'm happing where I'm living at. I'm happy with my life. And you need someone like me running around to keep the corruption down so that you can focus on defense and prosperity of the town. Sure, we're not a Hab city here, but we're doing pretty well for ourselves under your leadership."

"Well said," Wayne gave Jon a polite little clap of approval. "Very well, you'll have the deed to your in-laws' property for certain. Now, I suppose you want your wife back?" He said, looking past Jon towards Andrea, who'd been quietly watching the exchange from where she lay naked on the floor, still in her restraints. "Pity, too, I was having fun with her." Wayne sighed.

Jon threw his head back and laughed. "Oh no, by all means, keep her for the night. After all, that was the arrangement you two came to and, the way I see it, we can call it an incentive for you sending her home tomorrow morning with the deed in hand. I'm more curious as to what you're going to do with Luci here." Jon and Wayne looked at the girl, who seemed to wither even more.

"Well, that does now bring an interesting problem to the table, doesn't it?" Wayne asked rhetorically as he tapped his chin in thought. "On the one hand I have someone who has been stealing from me and had convinced one of my collections couriers to hide it. That in of itself would warrant me ending her in the most brutally painful way possible and displaying her body to ward off any other would-be thieves," he said. Luci whined and looked up to Jon for help, her blue eyes pleading with him to intervene. "But," Wayne added. "I do understand why she did it even if she was misinformed."

"P-P-Please... s-s-s-s-sir..." Luci stuttered out, now crying and shaking with abject fear. "Don't hurt me... I don't wanna die..."

"Well then what do you want me to do here, hm?" Wayne asked her harshly. "If word gets out that I've gone soft then people begin to disobey and try to get their two tabs of an opinion in, then its nothing but bickering and nonsense and then it's nothing but work, work, work all the time. It happened with a settlement that I heard about in Iowa a couple of years back. The mayor was too powerless to do anything and the settlement imploded. There has to be a punishment for you!"

"Well, she did offer to be my slave earlier this evening," Jon said, offering Wayne a way out.

"Did she now?" Wayne asked, latching on to that idea. He beckoned Luci over and took her handcuffs and collar off of her with his own handcuff key. "Well then, we'll leave the choice up to you, dear Luci. Option One: you strip down and submit to your new owner for the rest of your life," he pointed at Jon. "Or, Option Two: you can run out of here right now. Before you get any bright ideas, know that with Option Two I will send the Valley Guards after you, they will find you, they will ravish you far rougher than Jeff ever did, and then you'll be put on display to slowly die as a warning to others. Now, you might make it out, but the odds of that are low. After all, a Public Accountant found you. How easy do you think you'll be for my guards?"

Luci was looking at him in wide-eyed fear as she considered the options. Jon watched her carefully, knowing that she was thinking about her odds of survival in each scenario. "I also promise you that I'll be far kinder than anything you might encounter outside the Valley here. Sure, you might be able to avoid the gangs with marked territory but my odds would be that one of the nomad gangs would get you first and I've seen how they treat their slaves. At least with me and my wife you'd get food, water, and shelter from the sun." He turned back and looked at Andrea. "How about it, babe; does she work for making it up to me?" he asked with a grin. Andrea rolled her eyes, but nodded her consent.

Bowing her head in defeat, Luci crossed her arms, reached down, and peeled the shirt off of her body, exposing her white bra clad breasts to them. Then she kicked off her shoes and slowly unbuttoned her jeans, shimmying out of them to reveal her matching white panties. She put one arm across her chest while reaching behind her with the other to unsnap her bra. It fell free and she crossed arms across her chest while slipping one shoulder strap off after the other. Then she let the bra drop while at the same time keeping her breasts covered. Jon laughed at the absurdity of it since he'd already seen her naked, but didn't say anything as Luci then used just one hand to take her panties down, bending over in the process, before straightening up and standing before them with one arm covering her breasts and her other hand covering her sex. He glanced back at his wife, who was watching Luci intently while subconsciously rubbing her thighs together. She was getting aroused from watching the girl strip. It gave Jon an idea.

Now naked, Luci shuffled over to Jon, lowered herself to her knees, took the collar from where Wayne had put it down on the coffee table, and offered it to her new master. "Please, Master," she said meekly, "Please collar me and make me yours..." she cried softly.

Smiling, Jon reached down to lift her chin up. "I know how hard this is for you and what you're giving up," he said in a soft, low voice. "But I promise that I'll keep you safe from the world beyond." He then kissed her on her soft, pink lips before he took the collar from her and locked it around her neck. "Now then," he said, leaning back in the couch, "My wife, Andrea, over there on the floor, is your Mistress. She was getting hot and bothered watching you. Go take care of her needs."

Luci stiffened at the order, leaning over to look past him to where Andrea lay at. Then she let out a tiny sigh and hung her head in resignation as this was her life now. "Yes, Master," she said before crawling around the couch to where Andrea was at, waiting.


Andrea wanted to get up off of the floor and kill her husband for taking advantage of the situation like this. She wanted to kill him for telling Wayne that he could keep her for the night, even though she was starting to enjoy the BDSM sex with Wayne. Wayne definitely had talent and was an attentive lover. She also wanted to kill Jon for forcing the issue of the make-up by taking Luci on as a slave. But then when Luci crawled around and locked her mouth over Andrea's bare mound to start swirling her tongue around Andrea's clit, she forgot all about her reasons for wanting to pummel Jon. Luci even slid her hands up Andrea's body to cup her twin mounds and play with her nipples. Andrea moaned and writhed with pleasure on the floor.

Luci's tongue seemed to be everywhere at once. First it dragged up and down Andrea's slit. Then it swirled in big circles around her labia and clit, then it zeroed in on her clit to jab it with short lapping motions. Luci darted her tongue in and out of Andrea's pussy, slid a finger inside of her to drag down the front wall, her teeth nipped at Andrea's clit, and Luci's finger jabbed in and out of Andrea. Andrea was soon moaning non-stop and lifting her hips up off the floor to meet Luci's expert tongue. The girl definitely had talent and had definitely done this before. Andrea bit her lower lip before licking her lips. Being eaten out like this always made her want to indulge her oral fetish. "I need a cock in my mouth..." she moaned.

Over at the couches, she saw out of the corner of her eye that Jon was looking at Wayne. "Well?" he gestured to her. "You going over there or not? You're her Master for the night, remember?"

"It just feels weird actually having a husband here to watch for once, that's all," Wayne admitted. "All the other times I've taken wives as payment, the husbands stay away out of embarrassment."

"Yeah, well I have no shame," Jon quipped. "Look, if it makes ya feel better, I'll fuck Luci while you're getting head from Andrea, okay?"


They moved from the couches where they'd been watching, each coming a different way. Wayne came from the left towards Andrea's head while Jon went right. She watched her husband hastily open up his jeans to bring his rock had cock out. Her eyes widened. It was harder than she'd seen it in a long time. Without giving Luci any warning, he reached down, spread her open, and easily thrust his cock up inside of the younger girl. Luci paused in her licking just long enough to catch herself and moan as she was penetrated. Then her tongue and fingers went back to work on Andrea.

Wayne knelt with his knees on either side of Andrea's head with his cock dangling in her face. She craned her neck as far back in her restraints that she could get to catch his manhood with her lips. Andrea snagged his cock and suckled on its head hard, coaxing it to hardness within her mouth. She closed her eyes and moaned deeply as she sucked him off. Then she felt a hand come up her body to cup and squeeze her right breast. From the angle and the coarseness, she knew it was Jon who was fondling it. He'd always been a breast man. Then she felt another hand come from above her to take her left breast. Wayne. Andrea moaned deeply from all of the sexual attention that she was getting right now. She writhed with pleasure underneath the pile of flesh around her, loving every second of this. Soon she was letting out little whimpers as she lifted her hips up and down off of the floor in quick succession. She was getting close.

Andrea then squealed beneath them as she orgasmed hard. Her body shook and her legs quivered as Luci, Jon, and Wayne played with her. Then she let out a long, languorous sigh of relief around Wayne's cock as her body then hummed with pleasure. She felt Luci's mouth leave her mound only to run back into it hard immediately thereafter. Then the girl started licking her clit again, making Andrea yelp and jerk as she was now overly sensitive from the orgasm. She managed to get her eyes open to look down her body past where Wayne's balls were dangling in her face. Andrea glared when she saw Jon's grinning face as he held Luci's head down in between Andrea's legs. Oh you bastard... she thought even as she yelped around Wayne's cock from the hypersensitivity. He new how sensitive her body was in the wake of a climax and now he was deliberately taking advantage of her helplessness. She moaned and squealed as Luci continued to attack her clit, unable to do anything about it. Oh... my... Gawd! She thought as she wiggled and writhed in a futile effort to get away. This is SO not fair! Andrea flopped around in their grasp impotently, her mouth latched around Wayne's cock, as she was forced to orgasm again.

A moment later, while she was still in the throes of her climax, she felt Wayne's balls twitch a half second before his cum started shooting down her gullet. Despite the fact that she was letting out a series of short mews with every contraction of her pussy, she wrapped her lips around Wayne's cock and drank him down. She heard him sigh with relief as he rested back on his haunches. Luci's gasping "Oh God," then caught Andrea's attention and she looked down her body through heavy eyelids to see that Jon was now pounding their new slave girl hard from behind while his eyes were fixated on Andrea. Andrea moaned at the sight of her husband ramming the younger blonde with all of his might, his powerful grip holding Luci's thighs in place. Luci's eyes were rolling back into her head and her mouth was open in an O as Jon expertly fucked her to orgasm. His eyes locked with Andrea's. Andrea licked her lips, then blew him a kiss. He closed his eyes, grunted, and then sighed. Andrea knew that look well and knew that his cum was now shooting up into Luci's womb.

When he pulled out of Luci, Jon sat back against the closest wall, humming with pleasure. Luci curled up into a ball and was resting her head on Andrea's thigh. Wayne was leaning back against the BDSM grating while Andrea could only lay there in her bonds. She hated to admit it, but she was now loving this. Maybe now that it was a choice for her and Jon instead of an obligation for the sole fact of keeping a roof over her family's head was the reason why it was better. Now that she didn't have to worry about her family having a place to live she could now enjoy the sex. She caught Jon looking at her, smirking at her sweat covered body, cum covered face, and heaving breasts. "What?" she asked him.

"Having fun?" he asked right back, his tone lit with amusement.

Bastard... she thought. But then again, she couldn't deny it. Andrea nodded her head. Then she regarded the blonde curled up between her legs before glancing up at Wayne. "If you don't mind, babe, I'd like to stay here with Wayne all day tomorrow to play." She looked back at her husband. "I imagine that you're going to be breaking in our new toy anyway," Andrea bobbled her left thigh up to bounce Luci a little bit. Luci let out a low moan and shifted a bit. "Just don't do it around the kids." It was silly, really. Kids these days went to school to learn survival skills in towns that could afford to have schools open to do so. Nudity was a way of life as prisoners and slaves were all over the place. Not to mention with everything being so much hotter than it was back in the days of her grandparents and great grandparents, people tended to wear as little as possible in day-to-day life. But still, she tried to uphold her parents and grandparents values of keeping the children insulated from seeing their sexual romps all the time. Whenever her and Jon wanted to play, their kids went over to her family's house.
