Apocalypse Slaves Pt. 15


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Now that she was naked save for her cuffs and collar, John took her by the hand and led her over to her bed. When they got there, Vina eagerly helped him out of his clothes. "Easy, girl," he playfully chided her. "This is my only suit for now until I start making money. Don't rip or tear.

"I'm so sorry, Master," she apologized immediately, fear in her eyes. "It's just... I'm... I want you... I need you... badly."

"I know, my pet, I know," John said. Once he was naked, he laid her out on the bed. When he mounted her, she eagerly accepted his body by spreading her legs out wide and then wrapping them around his waist. She arched her back and screamed her passion to the heavens the moment he penetrated her tight, near virginal pussy. Her body was already orgasming from just his cock entering her for the first time. When he started thrusting into her, she screamed from the pleasure overload of her now oversensitive pussy being fucked. Then, when he blew his load deep up inside of her, she came so hard that she started crying.

"Hmmm..." he smiled as he hummed and kissed her sweaty forehead when he was spent. "Enjoy that, my pet?" he asked her.

"Y...y...yes, M...m...master..." she stammered out amid her body shuddering uncontrollably in just the aftershocks of two back to back orgasms. "Th... thank you, M... Master. It... It was so... so beautiful..."

"And there will be more yet to come," he promised. "Stay by my side, my pet, there will be more throughout the day as I work."

"Yes... Master..." Vina breathed in response, planting a flurry of kisses on his cheeks and lips in obvious hopes that she could get him going again.


CHAPTER 143: Laying the Foundation

Over the next week, Vina took to making Master John's happiness her number one priority. The very first day, when she discovered that Master didn't keep her door locked so that she could use the bathroom on her own, she stole away to the kitchen and prepared him a full breakfast. He'd come out of the bedroom with a murderous look on his face until he found her kneeling submissively by his kitchen table chair with the daily paper out and ready for him along with hot coffee and a full breakfast. "Master needs his energy to do his work," she told him while keeping her head bowed in supplication. "And Master needs all the rest he can get without being bothered to make his own meals."

"I see that... Good girl. continue to do this every day, then," he commented in amazement as he sat down in his only chair at the table. Vina stayed kneeling where she was at. She flicked her eyes up when he started fumbling with the fly of his slacks. He pulled his hard cock out. "Come up here and ride me before I eat."

"Thank you, Master!" she gushed, hopping to her feet, clambering into his lap, throwing her arms around his neck, and impaling herself down onto his cock. She gasped and moaned with pleasure as he filled her up. Without hesitation, she started fucking herself hard onto his cock, panting and moaning softly into his ear as she pressed her body to his and rested her head onto his shoulder. He grabbed a fistful of her hair, pulling her head back. She let out a throaty "Yesssss..." as his mouth then covered hers up and his tongue claimed her mouth. She moaned as they kissed deeply, all the while she continued bouncing up and down on his shaft. The moment she felt his thick seed blow up into her, her body exploded into yet another intense orgasm. Her pussy fluttered around his cock and when she started coming down from her climax she kept flexing her pussy to get every drop inside of her until he was done.

Once he was done, she slid off of his body and knelt on the floor under the table, dutifully cleaning him up with her mouth and occasionally accepting little morsels of food that he offered her. "Make sure the apartment is clean, the laundry is done, and that you are on your knees waiting for me no later than five o'clock tonight for when I return, my pet," he ordered her as he finished breakfast and then got ready for work.

"Yes, Master," she said happily.

He gave her further orders; she may make breakfast on her own if he didn't feed her enough in the morning after he left. She was to have lunch on her own unless told otherwise. Dinner will be ready by five and she is to wait by the kitchen table for his return. And she was to bathe herself every day whether he takes her to a shower of a night or not. Then, if he was back during the day, be on hand to wait on him should he need something or need to relieve some stress with her.

Vina was all too happy to comply. After all, she'd been given a purpose once again.

Over the course of the week he'd come and go during the day. She got really good at hearing his approach in the hallway and made it a point to drop whatever she was doing to kneel for him at the door for when he came in. The first couple of days it had been a surprise for him. After that, it became normal. Sometimes he'd throw her onto the floor and have her right then and there. Other times he'd stroke her hair, pet her cheek, or pat her rump before going into his office to work. She'd follow him in and stay there until dismissed. He had very important meetings and business to do and so she wanted to do her part for him. There were even times when she was in the middle of doing her chores and she'd be bent over right then and there for him to take. Vina chanted out his title as he had his way with her and would cum up inside of her to get her of. "Thank you, Master," she breathed every time he blew his load into her womb in hopes of making her pregnant.

All the while, she was perpetually horny. All that Master John had to do was look at her and she'd go wet in anticipation. At the same time, every day her breasts felt fuller, heavier, and more swollen until she was sure that she'd gained one or two cup sizes by the time the week was out. On day seven since being bought, she could hardly get out of bed as her breasts were so tender and painful that just moving hurt. But, Master John was pleased. "It is nothing to fret about, my pet," he told her in a soothing manner as he tenderly carried her back to her room after breakfast, "I've been expecting this day."

He placed her onto all fours on her bed and rolled back the mattress at the head of the bed. Then he made her lay down on the roll and place her breasts through a huge slot that had been cut into the wood. She was able to lay comfortably with her hips elevated behind her as she rested down on the wood underside of the bed that held the mattress with her breasts dangling through. Master hunched down and she heard the flip of a switch, the hum of machinery, and the hissing of suction cups... cups that she then felt attach to the tips of her breasts, covering her nipples. Tshrr... tshrr... tshr... The suction cups started pulsating on her breasts and she felt immediate relief in her breasts as the tension in her breasts eased. It actually felt really good and she moaned with pleasure.

Master smiled down at her. "You're producing milk now. This will be part of your daily routine from here on out if I'm not available to assist you. I'll show you how to run the machine and eventually I'll have a proper frame for your milking. But... in the meantime, this'll have to work," he said, shucking off his shirt and undoing his pants. He crawled up onto the bed behind her and she shuddered when she felt his cock graze up and down her moist slit.

"Ooohhhh... Thank you, Master," Vina moaned deeply as he plunged inside of her. Then his hand was down on the back of her neck, over her collar, pinning her down as his cock pistoned in and out of her perpetually tight pussy thanks to that Venus thing that he injected into her last week. Between her nipples being sucked on by the machine, her breasts being drained of their milk, and Master's cock moving inside of her, Vina came hard. She screamed her pleasure so loudly that it echoed off of the walls of their relatively sparsely furnished apartment but she didn't care. She wanted the whole town to know that her Master fucked her good. Soon after she felt the familiar warmth of his cum gushing up into her. She bore down onto his cock to take it all into her womb, hoping that soon one of them would find her eggs and implant within her.


John took the metal jug of breast milk that he'd pumped out of Vina down to the local market. Milk was always in high demand with the near extinction of cattle after the Flare. The man who'd pasteurize it properly for consumption eagerly paid John more than what it was worth. "Finally, another farmer in town!" he gushed as he handed the credits over.

"Just trying to do my part for society," John smiled at him. "I just need to start raising money any way that I can for what I truly want to do."

"Oh?" the merchant asked. "What's that?"

"Politics," John said simply. "Our nation is in a death spiral when criminals like Caine are allowed access to the White House. I intend to eventually correct that."

"By selling milk?" the merchant laughed.

"Well, one does need money if one wants to run for office, do they not?" John asked reasonably, trying not to bristle under the mockery. Milk is the hottest commodity around here outside of the able bodied women to produce it, am I right?"

Now the merchant scratched his head as he thought about it. "Eh, you are right there," he admitted. "Sorry about that."

John waved it off. "Think nothing about it and never apologize for voicing your opinion," he said. "We were founded on the ideal of free speech and such speech should never be quashed."

"Really? Well in that case, mister, let me tell you some things that have gotten under my skin here lately..."

John patiently listened to the man rattle off his list of grievances, making mental notes the entire time. When the man was finished, John frowned. "Have you brought all of these things to your local representative?" He asked. "Who is it?"

Now the baker over in the next stand over snorted as he edged in on the conversation. "Some guy named Kevin Somethingorwhatever," he said. "He's the only guy on the ballot every two years as no one has the guts to run against him. He was installed by our State's Governor, who doubles as our Hab Mayor after the last one died, and has been there ever since."

"And you don't talk to him?"

The milkman shook his head. "He never sees anyone. I know I've stopped trying to see him."

"Sickening," John shook his head as well. "The representatives should be of the people, for the people, not for themselves," John said as he now knew what his first two steps should be; be the local representation of these people and then go for the governorship. But, if the Governor is engaged in nepotism, then he might have to worm his way in that way. It was a sickening thought but one must affect change from the inside.

The baker looked skeptical but also looked like he wanted to believe. "Look, man, it sounds like a great idea and all, but what the hell can we do? We're just average people here."

"It was average people who declared this country free from overseas powers," John said. "It was average people who set forth our laws and it is average people who laid the foundation of our government. If our government won't change then it is up to us to change it," he declared.

"Really? How?" the milkman asked.

John proceeded to tell them how and over the next hour he spoke of his ideas and how he'd affect change around here. Little by little he started drawing a crowd but he also noted that he was starting to draw the attention of the local police. If they took him in on some trumped up charge, this all would be for naught. He had to do a little at a time. "That's all for now," he told his newfound friends and followers. "We'll talk more later in the week but for now we all need to get back to our homes and our jobs. I promise that I'll speak more soon." With that, he took his leave, shaking hands with men along the way who were all proclaiming that they'd get out and vote for once if he were to run for office. Their words buoyed him and convinced him that he truly was on the right path.

The foundation had been laid. Now it was to make friends with the Governor, one way or another, and make a local vacancy so that John could then fill it.


CHAPTER 144: Getting a Wife

John spent the next month getting into the political scene. Every day he'd make speeches on the street corners as to how they needed to get back to core American values that once made their country great. He'd only talk for a half hour at a time and would always randomize the place and times so that anyone who might think that he was inciting a riot would not be waiting for him. At the same time he started petitioning the local representative, Mr. Kevin Snow, for a meeting. His requests fell on deaf ears until he finally got a padded response saying that the representative was far too busy to meet with him. That sent John onto the hab's social forums where he plastered the memo everywhere he could and blasted Representative Snow for not meeting with his constituents.

During the nights he worked hard on his computer identifying problems with society; local goods being exported out to gangs and bandits outside of the hab. Women leaving the hab in chains instead of being retained locally for use. Nepotism running rampant through the government. The economy steadily failing while the powers that be line their pockets. And so on and so forth. He then went on his search to find a way into the Governor's inner circle. He kept on coming back to the man's youngest daughter, Valentina Reagan. She was at the ripe young age of 21 and quite the looker with an hourglass figure, light brown hair, and a tanned figure. She came up quite often in his inquiries into her father as she was seen at many meetings and benefit dinners shaking hands and making connections for the Governor. But then in the formal pictures she was always off to the side, out of the way, or hidden in the shadows while the Governor, First Lady, and the two oldest daughters were in the limelight.

He found that a little odd, so he focused his research on her. "Vina," he snapped his fingers over his shoulder as he gazed at a picture of Valentina, or Val, as she liked to be called. Vina scampered in and knelt at his side at once. John was already taking his cock out for her and so she wasted no time in crawling under his desk to get between his knees. His cock was all the way down her throat a second later with her rhythmically sucking away on him. As he continued looking up information about Val, while keeping her pic up on a secondary monitor, he occasionally rested his hand on Vina's blonde head bobbing up and down in his lap. He was proud of Vina. His seed had already took within her body and her belly was already starting to plump out from her pregnancy. She was still a bit thin but between Venus working on her, a better diet than what she had been getting in the auction house stocks, and her body producing milk, she was starting to fill out nicely. "I think it's time you had a Mistress with you within the apartment," he said. "Would you like that my pet?"

"Mmmm Hmmmm..." Vina moaned in the affirmative while sucking on him hard.

"Good, girl..." he breathed as he slammed her head down into his lap and jammed his cock all the way down her throat as he came hard. Vina dutifully drank his cum down without so much as a whimper of protest or complaint.


It took John another month of waiting for the most opportune moment of inserting himself into Val's life. It came in the form of her second oldest sister getting married and the subsequent announcement that her husband was being appointed to Governor Reagan's staff. Sitting in the back of the reception room after the service was over, John noticed that the announcement came with resounding approval from those who supported the governor unquestioningly. There were a few grumbling undertones and John took note of who they were; mainly the upper middle class members of society who were business owners who had to work for a living.

After the new son-in-law stood up and gave a quick acceptance speech, the daughter, Amber, stood up to give her toast. "I thank my daddy for this wonderful wedding, I thank my husband for the wonderful life we're about to begin, and finally, I hope that my wonderful little sister soon follows Wendy and I in matrimony even despite her shortcomings. To you, little sis, thank you for helping organize everything.

John's eyes shot over to Val, who now looked like she was trying to keep her composure. Val promptly excused herself and darted for the door. John excused himself from his table and followed her out. He trailed Val as she left the reception hall in tears. He followed her to a secluded area of the park where the trees made a little wooded dome down by the lake. After seeing her drop to her knees, bury her face into her hands, and start crying, John held back within the tree line to give her a moment. He understood her pain and it was the reason why he'd picked her out to be his wife even if she didn't know it yet. It was the classic problem of always being the bridesmaid but never the bride. If rumors and news articles were to be believed, she wasn't suitable marriage material because she couldn't bear children thanks to the shoddy work done on the hab shields and the sun's radiation did the rest. It was a tragic story that was all too common nowadays and one that John hoped to one day rectify, one way or another. But once again, where others saw pitfalls, John saw possibilities. It didn't matter to him if Val could produce children or not. That's what he had knocked up Vina for. All it mattered was that she looked the part of a politician's wife when she was dolled up and could look good on his arm. It would also matter if she knew how to fuck so he figured that now would be a good time to get her audition going in that department.

He'd just started moving when he saw the gleam of silver metal in her hands as she reached for something within the folds of her dress. John's eyes went wide and he gasped. A knife... probably taken from the reception. Now he threw caution and stealth to the wind as he broke out of the wood line just as she brought the tip up to the hollow between her perky breasts. Val's wide eyes looked at him in shock as he dove for her, his hand outstretched to go for the knife. He grabbed her wrist and then his body knocked into hers as they both went to the ground. Val let out a squawk of protest as he landed on top of her and then wrenched the knife from her grasp. He knelt up, taking a moment to look at the thing, and then tossed it into the water with a small splash.

"Who are you? Why'd you do that?" Val demanded through the tears of pain, humiliation, and frustration as she got back up. "I don't want to be here anymore! I don't want to live! I'm not worth anything to anybody! Why can't you just let me die in peace?" She buried her face in her hands and sobbed.

"Because you do have value... to me," John said with just a touch of tenderness. Val looked up at him slowly as if not understanding why he said that. He gave her a quirked smile. "I know that you don't know me but I do know you. I've been admiring you from afar and I've come to know the hardships you've had to endure under your two older sisters as your father marries them off for political gain. I know that you've endured much, being passed over time and time again for suitable matches and I know that your father is considering the possibility of selling you as a sex slave to traveling merchants just to be rid of you," he explained.

Val blinked at him, shocked. "Daddy's going to sell me?" That prompted another round of wails. "Why? All I've ever done was to help him in his political career!"