Apprehended Ch. 03

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Ethan tells Annie a little more.
5.1k words

Part 3 of the 31 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/31/2019
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I moaned, feeling my head explode in pain. Deep within my shoulder was an ache I could not ignore, and I opened my weary eyes, wincing when I felt warm fingers tend to it.

"Be still."

I turned my head and found Ethan's golden eyes staring at me with a glare.

"That was foolish of you!" he growled, wrapping a thick gauze around my upper arm and shoulder. "You could've been killed, female! Killed! Have you no concern over your safety? Your life? Do you have any fucking idea what would have happened if you died?!"

I licked my dry lips, my eyes glazing over with unshed tears. "I was trying to get away."

"I know what you were trying to do!" he snapped. "A failed attempt!"

"If you let me go, I won't run away."

"I'm not letting you go, and after the stunt you just pulled, you are now confined to my cabin. I will not allow you to go outside. You lost that right."

My eyes widened and I sat upright on the bed I was in earlier. The fire still blazed in the hearth. "You can't keep me as a prisoner in this cabin!"

He stood up and began cleaning up the first aid supplies that were strewn on the mattress beside me. "I can, and I will. Here, my word is law. I am judge, jury and executioner. If I say you stay here, you stay here. You don't question me. You don't defy me."

"I am not yours to command!" I was also certainly not one of those people out there that bowed their heads in submission. I did enough of that with Jerry. This was supposed to be my new beginning! Mine! Ethan was taking that away from me.


He snorted and walked into the bathroom to put the supplies away. He came out a second later and took a seat beside me on the bed, causing it to dip low. My body leaned into his and I made it a point to move away. His scent was enough to make me dizzy. "Command? No. Protect? Absolutely. Even if it's from yourself."

I wanted to punch him. I wanted to slap him. I wanted to beat him until he was unmoving. I wanted to escape. I wante-

"What are you thinking about?" he asked, huskily. His voice was a deep melody; a luring trap that made me immediately stop thinking of violence and melt.

I inhaled sharply. "Nothing," I grumbled, looking away from him.

I should still be angry. I should be furious. Scared...anything but...nervous? Jerry certainly never made me feel this way. With him, it was either be scared or be obedient. There was no in-between.

Ethan reached out to lightly graze his fingertips along my cheek and I knew that if I didn't put distance between us, I'd lose my nerve and bend to his stupid will. I shifted along the mattress so quickly that I forgot my raw feet and I cried out. Ethan moved to me immediately, grabbing my right foot to gently assess it.

"I cleaned and wrapped it as best as I could until the clan doctor arrives. He had an emergency in the neighboring clan's forest. I called him. He should be here tomorrow morning. For now, you must keep off your feet."

I thought about that. Clan doctor? No walking around? I made my situation worse. Any chance of escape was now gone. Shit.

I winced when Ethan touched my heel. He placed my foot back on the bed softly. "I have pain relievers. I wasn't sure if you were allergic or not."

The jagged, sharp pain in my feet and shoulder was getting severe. I'd take anything to make me numb. "I'm not," I said, shifting over a little more. I think he enjoyed invading people's space.

He gave me a look before getting up to get the medicine. When he retrieved it, he handed it over and gave me a glass of water. I polished it off quickly. All that running made me thirsty.

Ethan folded his big arms across his chest, watching me carefully until I finished. "No more running away," he said, bluntly. "Especially from me."

"Then why did you take me?" I countered.

He chuckled. He actually chuckled.


"All you need to know is that I wanted you the first moment I saw you...and caught your scent."

I scrunched up my nose. "My scent? What kind of answer is that? It doesn't make any type of cohesive sense. Will you elaborate?"


"Fine," I snapped, glaring. "Then tell me where you first saw me."

"The diner."


"The first day you worked there. I came into town because the clan needed supplies. But I caught your scent first. In the market."

"The market? That's over three blocks away from the diner."

"It is."

"How is that possible? You were just walking down an isle and you got my scent?"

He actually agreed. "Something like that. I couldn't not follow it. I had to. I had no choice. We don't get to choose."

"Choose what?"

He sighed deeply and pinched the bridge of his sharp nose. "Annie, you're not ready for this."

"You took me, Ethan. You took me. I have a right to know why."

"I told you all that I can, bellula. It's not nearly enough, I know. But I cannot and will not risk frightening you away from me. I won't be able to bear it if this didn't work. I can die."

"Die? From what?"

"Losing you," he muttered.

My brows shot up. "What? You don't even know me."

"I don't have to know you. Yet. But I have all I need for the moment. Which is my instinct, the bond and you."

"Bond? Instinct? Are you hearing yourself?" I asked.

"Don't do that," he snapped in irritation.

"Do what?"

"Act like you don't feel what being near me does to you. I know you do." He crossed the small distance between us swiftly, taking my hands in his and encasing them.

Instant electricity made my skin tingle. Heat vibrated through my flesh at our connection and I took an involuntary gasp.

He smiled. "You see?" he said, lowering his voice. His sweet, hot breath tickled my face. His scent enveloped me. It was alluring. He was alluring. "I can hear your heart racing, Annie. I can smell your reaction to my scent. Everything about me was meant for you. To take you and keep you. To hold you and protect you. Even you cannot deny that. This feeling between us...the only difference is that I knew of it before you did and mine is stronger." He released my hand and gently ran a finger down the length of my face.

I closed my eyes at the feeling; giving in even though my mind was telling me not to. That this was insane. That this man was a stranger and a kidnapper. Only...his touch was the opposite of threatening. His presence alone made me feel anything but obedient right now.

"You were made for me, sweet female. Just as I was made for you."

I opened my eyes and found his gaze solely on my lips just seconds before he leaned in and took my mouth. It was a gentle kiss. One filled with the tenderness and sweetness of a lover. Of a man worshipping his woman through time and devotion. Through caring and gentleness.

My eyes closed again. I melted into him and his body. His warm hands brushed across my cheeks as he cupped my face. Not once did he brush his tongue along my lips. Not once did he seem to take for himself. He simply kissed me; a coupling of moist lips and secret desires.

All too soon, he was gone; his head lowering. His breathing was shallow when he placed his forehead against mine. "You're the sun in my darkness, bellula. You have no idea how long I've waited for you. No idea," he whispered.

I opened my droopy lids and looked at him, my mind in a befuddled haze of yearning. A yearning that was not only new to me when it concerned a man, but frightening and uncontrolled. Jesus. What was happening to me? Why was this man affecting me so? Was there something wrong with me?

He grumbled deeply in his chest and muttered something unintelligible before pulling away to look at me. His golden eyes were just as languid. "You will sleep here...for now. The doctor will come in the morning and you will be assessed. Once you are well taken care of, I will move you to my room, where you will be cared for. By me."

I swallowed loudly, instantly feeling the color draining from my face. "What?"

He smiled and removed his hands from my face. The moment his skin wasn't touching mine, I felt cold.


I bit back the barrage of sentiments and reminded myself of my current situation. Instincts and feelings be damned!

"I'm not staying with you alone in your room," I said, slowly.

He didn't like that. At all. "You will. This is not up for debate, female."

"It is. It's my body."

"For now," he said.

I felt the blood drain from my face. "You wouldn't," I squeaked, sounding unlike myself.

He frowned. "I wouldn't what?"

It took me a few tense seconds to answer. "Force me. You wouldn't force me, would you?"

I expected a repeat of what he had said earlier. That he would never lay a finger on me harm. I don't know why I needed to hear him say it again. Perhaps it was because Jerry said that to me just before breaking his word and hitting me. The only difference was that Ethan's words held so much more conviction. It was laced with a truth that I could feel rather than see.

He was staring at me. "Don't let what the male did to you cloud your judgement," he said, his voice deeper than I'd ever heard. "Your instincts." He placed a warm, soft hand to my heart, and I held my breath. "You know that deep within here I am not like him. You know that. Why do you still continue to fear me in that way? What can I do to ease you?"

I shook my head. "I don't know." My voice trembled as I spoke, and I mentally cursed at myself for breaking so easily in front of him.

He released me and stared at me quietly. When he finally spoke, I wasn't expecting to hear the words that came out of his mouth. "I've seen that look before, dear female. The one that consumes you when I am too close. My mother wore it as well. Others believed it...believed her whenever she pretended that everything was okay. But not with me. Never with me. When I was a small boy, she would shield me from the wrath of my dominant old man. When I grew up, it became my turn to shield her. And I did it without an ounce of fear. I also took care of the problem. Without regret."

My eyes blurred in unshed tears and I fought to keep them at bay. "What do you mean?" I asked, softly.

A single tear managed to escape, and Ethan reached out to catch it on his finger. He brushed it away carefully with his thumb. "Alpha males can be more than dominant. It's an instinct first. A leader second. One most discern the differences between the two and learn the balance of carrying them on his shoulders. My father never learned this. His dominant instincts took control and he became blind to all else. I made a promise to my mother and to myself that I would never let one override the other. It is capable of destruction. To all in the clan.

"Including the females we lay claim to," he continued, still rubbing his thumb across my cheek. "I had to stop him; you see. I had to protect not only my mother, but the entirety of our clan. It would have destroyed us. Our lineage would have died had I not challenged him...but it needed to be done. That is why I know your pain, Annie. I saw it in my mother, and I wore it myself...for a short time. You, however, still wear it. Though I am angered...I am also in pain."

I sniffled my stuffy nose. "Pain?"

He nodded. "Yes, mea vita. Pain. Your happiness, your safety...your overall well-being matters more to me than anything. When a piece of you hurts-no matter how small-it hurts me too. I will do anything to make it go away. To see a smile grace your exquisite face."

Another tear fell and he quickly wiped it away. The shame of him knowing what made me this ruined had me breaking out into nasty, deep sobs of regret and pain. It was loud, uncoordinated and messy.

Ethan pulled me into his arms and hugged me, cradling me in his body and rubbing my back softly while whispering sweet nothings into my ear. I sobbed for all the times Jerry abused me. I sobbed for the loss of family that I couldn't turn to in my time of fear and need. I sobbed for the destructive woman I had become; unable to let anyone come close because of a man that felt empowered by beating me. I sobbed for my weakness at letting him do so.

And I sobbed some more for the sheer fact that this stranger before me broke down my mental walls in less than five minutes without a single negative comment against me or bad judgement. He simply held me and allowed me to let it out.

I don't know how long I sat there in his arms. I don't know how I eventually calmed down. But soon, sleep took over and the scars of my past became a distant nightmare. My dreams were filled with wolves, pine trees and needles, forests and the smell of dew...

Golden eyes and warm, safe hands.


I awoke the next morning with a slight headache. My shoulder was aching in time to my pulse and my feet felt raw. I sat up slowly and blinked to rid my eyes of blurriness. I yawned and stretched my arms up into the air.

And nearly screamed in fright when the door opened, and Ethan walked in. "Good morning, sweet female. How are you feeling?" he asked, standing at the foot of the bed and resting his hands against the footboard.

I swallowed, feeling my mouth go dry. He was topless, his muscles on full display. His hair was loose and wet, falling in thick, damp strands across his newly shaven face. His smell made my mouth water, amongst other things. His black sweatpants hung low on his hips, which had a deep V leading into the depths of his waistband. His chest was just as magnificent, with a sprinkling of dark chest hair that made me want to run my fingers through it.

I noticed a large tribal tattoo along his left bicep that ran up to his shoulder and stopped at his thick neck. It was quite the piece. Intricate swirls and symbols were on his flesh, knotting and dispersing to form other designs before meeting up again.

"Annie? Did you hear what I said?" he asked with a smirk.

Shit. He knew I was staring. "Ummm, what?"

He chuckled. "The doctor, bellula. He's here. I want to make sure you're okay before I give him permission to come in and assess you."

I gulped. "He doesn't need to."

"He does," said Ethan. "Your shoulder isn't doing well and that is not okay with me. At all. You will be checked. You will be treated. I will not be accused of mistreating my female. Over my dead body-"

"May I come in, Alpha?"

A short, stout bald-headed man walked in; carrying a considerably large briefcase in hand. He shuffled along the hardwood, his eyes on Ethan. I really wanted to know what that word meant. It seemed to be used more than his actual name.

"Aye, doctor," he replied, pulling his gaze from me to stare at the man. He pushed off the footboard and approached, towering over him. The man seemed to cower and lowered his head. Just like the others. "This is Annie. I do not need to repeat her status amongst the clan. Sol Luna," he said, his voice husky and filled with authority. "You are here to assess and treat her. Nothing more, Baldridge. Once you are done, you are to leave. Alpha Forn has need of you two towns over. Three of my males will escort you safely. Once you are there, they will remain until you are finished. You will come back here immediately and rest. You earned it."

The doctor bowed slightly. "Of course, Alpha. Thank you."

Ethan nodded silently and moved so the doctor could do his work. The entire conversation was more than a little strange, but I was too caught up in the fact that he would check me, and no doubt see the scars that Jerry left behind on my body.

I trembled quietly and looked away when the doctor placed his briefcase on the bed beside me. He opened it with two resounding clicks and took out a stethoscope. I felt his eyes on me. "Sol Luna," he said, bowing once more. "May I hear your heart?"

"Annie," I corrected, nodding my head in hesitant agreement. He did it quickly; just as uncomfortable by the situation as I was.

"Your arm," he said, putting the stethoscope away. "I will have to lift your shirt to see it."

I jerked back like he slapped me. "What? No."

"Let him," said Ethan.

I looked right at him. "No."

"He has to, Annie. Let him check you. I won't repeat myself."

I swallowed roughly and felt my face flush. ""

Ethan looked at the doctor. "Give us a minute."

"Yes, Alpha."

We were left alone. "Let him check your shoulder, female."

"I don't want him to."

"He has to. Your shoulder could be fractured. I will stay here with you throughout the entire process. You will never be alone."

That made it worse. "No. I don't want you here when he sees it."

He looked at me like I lost my mind. "This is not debatable. In time, you will come to understand that no male-and I mean no male-will ever be alone with you as long as I am around. If I am not around, permission is required. Should I deny, it won't happen. Don't you remember what I told you? Here, my word is law. I won't give you time to adjust to that. This is my home, my clan, my domain. You are mine. In every sense of the word. And I take care of what is mine. For you? That includes everything within my power to ensure your safety, comfort and well-being. I will stay here. Whether you like it or not. Now stop wasting time and let the doctor check you."

Without letting me speak again, he added, "Baldridge! Get in here. She's ready."

The stout man came back in with a small smile and approached. I scowled. "Here we go, Luna. Lift for me."

I bit my lower lip and looked away as I lifted my shirt above my head and took it off. Tears welled in my eyes and I held back the urge to tell him that my name wasn't Luna again. It was Annie.

Cool air tickled against my bare skin. I felt so out of my element; with male eyes on my thick flesh. Shame rolled its way along with it; knowing that I had no bra on, and my breasts were exposed. They were just as meaty and thick, matching the rest of my unaverage body. Along with the bruises along my collarbone and the scars of previous beatings that healed, I knew I was certainly a bad sight.

The doctor hitched in a breath and looked at Ethan. "Alpha..." he said, his voice cracking.

"I know," said Ethan. "I know. Believe me, I will take care of it. However, that is not why you are here, Baldridge."

The man lowered his head again. "Yes, Alpha."

I had no idea what Ethan meant when he said he'd take care of it, but I turned my head further away as he assessed my shoulder carefully. It took a few minutes and he rewrapped it better than Ethan had.

"It is but a sprain, Alpha."

"How bad?" asked Ethan, folding his arms over his chest.

"Bad enough that it will take its time to heal."

"What does she need?"

"Today, ice. Tomorrow, heat. The swelling should reduce. I will give her pain relievers for the pain. But she must be monitored carefully to avoid further injury."

"I will take care of her," said Ethan.

"I know you will, Alpha. Her broken rib may also need a little more care."

Ethan growled, the sound echoing in the room and making the bed vibrate with its intensity. "Broken rib?"

Even I was shocked to hear that. I felt the doctors fingers probing my flesh carefully and slowly. He seemed a bit nervous.

"This one was broken before. I cannot give you a time frame as to when, but it healed poorly. I cannot do anything about it, as the bones have already mended incorrectly. In order to rectify it, surgery is required. As for this one, the bruising is already forming. Expect it to bruise severely. The process has already started. These deep shades will spread. With proper care and bed rest, it should heal aligned and correctly on its own. But Alpha, I must stress that she rests. No walking. No strenuous movements. Eat as required. Sleep as much as possible. I will give you herbal salts to disperse in bath water for healing."