April Rising


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Ward pulled at her briefs with both hands, removing them over her smooth legs and casting them aside. The sweet scent of her sex hit his nostrils as he looked down at her neatly trimmed mound. She watched and waited until he parted her legs wider and slowly lowered his head between them. The feel of his breath against her made her fall deeper and deeper into his passionate advances. That time had now surely come that she had dreamed of so many times. Her lips parted, forced gently open by the warmth and yet cool wetness of his tongue. His advances began to increase. He licked and pushed into her with gentle vigour, tasting her and brushing her bud with his tongue, making her slide closer to him as she cried out for more.

Her clitoris was one of the most sensitive parts of her body. Within minutes she began to ride on her escalating orgasm. Ward could not stop her cries of ecstasy as she gripped the duvet tight in her fingers. There was a danger that his family would hear her screaming, alerting them. "Baby...stop...stop..." He lifted her and put his arms around her and held her tight. "Shhhhhh....please" She began to calm, returning to normality, listening to his soothing voice.

"Steve...listen to me" Her voice gasped into his ear. "I have been waiting so long for this..."

"I know. I will promise you that I will be back later. It's too risky right now. I have to go; Gabriella and the girls will be wondering where I am. We both got carried away then."

April lay back and looked up at him. As his finger drifted over lips, she bit and sucked upon it playfully. "I'm waiting," she whispered. Her body tingled, each nerve ending hypersensitive to his touches, his very presence. Later could not come soon enough, but she realised they were not alone in the house and that his family was threatening their privacy and although she wanted him there and then, she had something more important on her mind.

Jimmy sat back in his chair and looked at the pack of cigarettes on his desk. The temptation was great, but his willpower was stronger. He opened the file and took out the hard copy fax that someone had passed to him that afternoon. He read it for the umpteenth time trying to make out what it was saying.

"Walsh, DiBarras and Menotti are safe and well, but not forever. The deed is unfinished and she plans to go further with this. I wish I had never set eyes on her."

The fax was sent anonymously using a public communications office in the city. The only thing that identified the sender was the signature, "Mighty" which meant nothing to Jimmy. He looked at his watch and decided it was time to call it a day. He switched off the angle-poise lamp on his desk and took one final look at the tempting pack of cigarettes.

In the multi-storey car park, Jimmy was about to open his car door when a black limo pulled up. The window wound down. "Inspector?" Jimmy looked over to the limo and made his way to the driver. "Got five minutes?"

"I was on my way home. But I can spare a few, sure."

"Then get in."

Jimmy walked around the limo slowly to the passenger seat and got in. The driver sucked his teeth and handed Jimmy a small white envelope. "That's for you. And something else I need to tell you."


"DiBarras is still alive and well, but not in Naples or Rome. That's all I'm saying."

"And who are you, if I may ask?" Jimmy enquired.

"That ain't important. I'm just a well wisher." The driver lit two cigarettes and handed one of them to the inspector. "Go on, take it. You look as if you need it. I can feel that urge in you." Jimmy took it as the driver laughed. "I tried like crazy once, but never really had the willpower." Jimmy sucked on it and savoured the taste of the smoke. "See, that feels good eh?"

"Sure. But I still need to know who the well wisher is?"

"Like I said, that ain't important. And another thing..."

"Go ahead, surprise me again, well wisher?"

"Don't go checking this vehicles' registration, because it ain't got any." The driver laughed. "Lets just say, what's in that envelope is all you need to go on. Have a nice evening Inspector."

No sooner had Jimmy stepped out of the limo, it sped away, tires screeching along the concrete floor until it disappeared out of sight. Jimmy looked at the envelope and opened it. A gold love heart pendant and chain fell out into his hand. On it was the engraved the words; "To Yvette, love Franco." Jimmy held it up and then smiled to himself, savouring the final drags of nicotine on his long over due cigarette.


Ward approached his wife from behind; cuddling her tight as she washed the dishes he gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek. "You ok, honey?" She turned and snuggled into his face, returning the affectionate gesture.

"What is that?" she asked.


She detected something that was familiar, a scent that reminded her of something. The aroma of sex had to be impossible and she dismissed the thought quickly. Ward then realised what she had picked up and pulled away gently. "Must be the lobster soup. It was very delicious darling"

"Good then you can help me put away these dishes or arrange to get the dish washer fixed as soon as possible."

"Ah! Where are the girls when you need them?" he asked, jokingly. "They always seem to make themselves disappear when there are jobs to be done."

"How is our guest doing by the way?" Gabriella enquired.

"Sleeping. Best way to recover."

"You like her quite a lot don't you?"

"I think of her welfare, yes. She is one of my greatest assets don't forget."

"And very beautiful." Gabriella moved closer to him and put her arms around his waist. Ward laughed.

"I have noticed. But, you are the only one for me. Trust me."

April opened her room door slightly to hear the activity in the rest of the house. All seemed quiet. She went out onto the landing and crept towards the bathroom. "Hi. You all right?" said the voice behind her. She had not noticed that Bethany was standing on the landing.

"I'm ok. Just going to take a quick shower." April replied.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"What's it like to be a supermodel?" April looked at Bethany and smiled. Her golden hair cascaded over her shoulders in wrinklets, framing her angelic looks. She was so much like Steve, April thought. "It's hard work. Not always as glamorous as some people think."

"Not that I want to be a model you understand. I think it's degrading."

"Well, yes and no. I understand your point, but it can be quite necessary for the fashion industry to have models both male and female to exhibit the clothes and the make-up..."

"Yes, but to show yourself naked and everything. Your tits and pussy on display"

"Well, it's not like that really."

"But you did it."

April paused to think. "How do you know that?"

"Dad has lots of photographs of you naked. He hides them from Mom. I seen them in his secret draw."

"You did?"

"Yes. I know how to get into his desk, his secret draw."

"Does he know that?"

"Would you tell him that I told you?" Bethany grinned mischievously. "You wouldn't snitch on me would you? Because if you did I would have to tell Mom all about you and Dad."

"Tell her what Bethany?" April folded her arms and began to get annoyed, but tried to hide it. There was no doubt that Bethany had planned this little venture for some evil intention. "What is it exactly that you know?"

"I know he loves you."

April laughed. "Bethany, that isn't something secret. Your father knows lots of women he pretends to love."

"This isn't pretending. He really does love you. I read his diary. He wrote that if he could, he would leave Mom and ask you to be his wife." Again, April paused to think. It was so vexing, to imagine that Steve would ever leave such information for his own children to pick up so easily. She raised a smile in reply.

"Do you love him April?"

"That isn't for you to know." April turned and continued to the bathroom.

"But it would upset Mom if she found out."

"Then don't tell her."

She closed the bathroom door behind her and locked it, listening for a while to see if Bethany was hanging around outside on the landing. Then she lifted her dress to remove the tiny cell phone from its discreet hiding place in her panties. She keyed in a number and waited for it to answer. No reply. The phone she tried to contact was off line. "Damn!" Another number was attempted. This time it was responding. "Hello? Marion?"

"No. Who is this?" the voice answered.

"Alfred? Is that you?"

"Of course its me. Miss April, why are you calling me?"

"I need to know what is happening? Is Franco still there?"

"Who is Franco? Do you wish to speak to Miss Marion?"

"Alfred, listen to me. I know what happened I'm not stupid. So please don't try to make out that I'm some kind of an idiot. Is Franco ok?"

"Miss I don't understand. Who is Franco? I don't know who you are talking about and Miss Marion is very busy at the moment." April held out the phone with both hands at arms length and growled, then held it to her ear again.

"Ok, play this stupid game if you must, but I will get my own back, I swear to God I will." She disconnected and growled out again, slapping the wall in frustration. There was a knock on the door.

"Are you all right babe?" Wards' voice asked.

"Yes, I'm taking a shower."

"I thought I heard voices."

"I was singing."

"When you are free, we need to talk."

"Yes we do. I think you need to know something."

The driver returned to the house and entered by the front doors. One of the bodyguards stood waiting. The driver looked at him; "What you looking at?" he asked, then paced towards the drawing room with his hands tucked into his trouser pockets. The bodyguard simply smiled and watched him.

"Come in David." Marion said. "I hope you delivered my message." She was dressed in a tight fitting red leather skirt and matching camisole, hair tied back into a long flowing pony tail. She walked across the tiled floor towards her faithful driver and handed him a glass of red wine.

"Yes, I gave him the message." David took the glass and looked at her. She had promised him a special treat earlier that evening and he knew by the way she had dressed that the promise was shortcoming. It was never that often he got the chance to be alone with his boss. She looked up at him and sent him an enticing grin.

"Good boy. I think it's time to play." David drank the wine as her fingers pulled down his trouser zipper slowly. "You do want to play don't you David? It's your reward, your bonus for a job well done."

"Sure." He grinned and placed the glass on the table next to him and Marion put her hand inside his open fly, feeling. "Can't we use your bedroom for this Miss?"

"Why? Are you shy?" Alfred stood by the door and watched. "Does he make you nervous David?"

"Yes, you could say that."

"Mmmm... you seem to be enjoying my gentle touches. Do you like that David? I bet Alfred is getting all excited too." She looked over at her servant. Alfred remained unmoved and expressionless.

Marion took David by the hand and led him to the armchair. She sat down and pulled him towards her by his waist smiling up at him as she unclipped his belt and slowly lowered his trousers. "Are you ready for this?" she asked. Then slowly she pulled away his shorts, releasing his manhood. It pointed out, hard and throbbing towards her face. "I hope you are going to deliver what I need." She caressed it, running her fingers around it and pulling back the foreskin to reveal its head. Then she took it in her mouth, tasting it sensuously with her tongue and lapping gently beneath its swollen glans. David gave out a sigh of appreciation, as the action heated up. She took him deeper and deeper until he was almost devoured, holding his scrotum and squeezing as if purging his testicles for every drop of cum he could muster. His sighs turned into repeated moans, which seemed to be in rhythm with her actions. Taking him in and out slowly. David reached forward and held her shoulders as he moved his hips, his thrusting perfectly timed with her pace, until he cried out in release, letting his charges flow. Marion took every drop as his warm cum flooded into the back of her eager throat. She licked him clean and smiled.

"Thank you very much Miss that was really good."

"Run along now. I need you for another very important job in the morning."

David pulled up his trousers and fastened them as he left the room. He passed Alfred at the door and asked; "Did you enjoy watching that you freak?" Alfred smiled and then made his way towards Marion.

"Miss. I had a call earlier."

"You did." Marion wiped her face gently with a soft napkin. "Who from or should I even ask?"

"Miss April. She enquired about Master Franco. So I told her what you instructed me to tell her."

"That's good. And did she have anything to say?"

"Yes. That she was going to get even one day."

Marion smiled and stood up from the chair, straightening her skirt. "Well, I wonder what she has in mind?" She walked towards the door slowly with her ponytail swinging from side to side across her back. "Follow me Alfred, I need your help in the dungeon and I have a nice surprise for you." Alfred grinned and followed her, his eyes firmly fixed upon her hips swaying as she walked.

April's eyes began to close. The soft Stravinsky violin concerto played, relaxing her, as she lay naked but covered in the bed. It was late and the promised visitation from Ward seemed never to happen until the gentle knock on the door stirred her. Ward entered quietly and in the dull lamp light she could see him. He sat beside her. "Were you asleep?"

"Almost. I thought that you had given up."

"I had to wait until Gabriella was sound asleep." He ran his fingers over her face. "You don't know how much this moment feels to me. I want you so much."

"You are trembling."

"Yes, with excitement. It's my greatest dream come true."

April took hold of his wrist and sat up. The blanket fell from her uncovering her firm breasts that looked so much more perfect in the lamplight. "So what is so urgent? You said you needed to talk?"

"I expected you to join us, so that I could assure Gabriella."

"Assure her of what?"

"That we were just friends. I don't need her thinking that you and I...."

"Stop!" April pushed aside his hand. "You would deliberately tell her lies while I was there?"

"Yes. Why not?"

April hated being deceitful and most of all, she hated it when someone dragged her into their deceiving plots. Ward tried to hold her again, but she flinched, holding the blanket close to her. "Babe, what is the matter?" he asked.

"It's wrong. Everything doesn't feel right."

"What do you mean?"

"Earlier...." April explained the conversation she had earlier with Bethany. "Did you know that she could get into your desk?" Ward stood up and leaned against the wall thinking. "Well, did you?"

"Damn!" he whispered loudly in anger. "No I didn't."

"So you thought everything was secret? Well think again Steve."

"I'm sorry April. I'm a complete and utter fool. I never realised that Bethany was getting into my desk. But now she suspects this, I know she will do anything to save our marriage."

"Does it need saving?"

"Yes. But that isn't because of you and I, or how I feel about you. This is something that's been happening for years. I'm sorry."

Ward opened the door to leave. "Come back!" she shouted. "I need to ask you something." Ward stood still for a while and then turned back closing the door quietly. "I need some answers and I know you have them."


"Did you have anything to do with all this? With Marion?"

"If I tell you what I know, then I need you to keep me out of it. Do you understand?"

"Yes, you have my word."

Ward sat himself on the bed and explained: "I knew that you and Franco had made arrangements to meet each other. Then I got a call from Marion. She told me who she was and that she had spoken to you about something you and her had planned. I hated Franco because I knew how you felt about him. Always knew you had this desire to meet him. Always knew that one day he would come along and steal you away from me."

"And what about Marion?"

"She asked me to meet her so that we could talk. We did and I thought the whole plan that you two had was insane. She told me everything. I could not believe that you would go along with this plot to murder Menotti and Franco. It did not make sense. I thought you admired both of them. Then I tried to stop you, not only because I was jealous, but also because I knew that Marion was using you. That is all I know. Next thing that happened you ended up unconscious in that back alley."

"You also knew Yvette didn't you?"

"Yes, that was years ago, before she died." Ward replied.

"Tell me about it?"

"Tell you what exactly April?"

"What was Yvette like? I mean what was she really into?"

"You mean her habits and this relationship with Franco?" April nodded her head for him to continue; "Yvette was one of my first models. Like you I admired her so much, and again, like you, Franco was on the scene. He won her over, but in a way I was glad he did. She had these strange habits of wanting to be abused. It became fact when she asked me to design a website for her. I was shocked at the things she did. Never thought that someone as beautiful as her could be into that type of stuff."

"And Franco?"

"At that time he was just building up his business. I was helping him with a few contacts and that was how he and Yvette first met. Her background intrigued him and how she got into the things she did. Franco was curious and hungry to find out these things too. I often wondered if he was also involved in extreme sex and it turned out he was."

"What happened?"

"I helped them make a movie, arranged the photoshoots. Then the accident happened and her parents asked me to withdraw the website and stop the distribution of the video. Next I heard that Franco was being implicated in her death and he was cleared soon after. But then I heard later that Yvette's sister was sectioned and put away. Turns out she was sending Franco death threats."

"Did you not think about that when she contacted you?"

"Of course I did. That was why I thought the whole thing was insane. But hold on April, you were with her on this plan. I was shocked to think that you could do something like that. I wanted to protect you."


The dungeon was cold and silent and Franco could feel the cuffs digging into his wrists each time he moved. He could not speak and the only sound he could make was muffled groans inside the tight rubber mask that covered his entire head, with its mouth zipped up closed. He was cold and naked, and was made to stand suspended by his wrists from the chains that held him in one position for days now. He began to loose track of time and sleep only came to him in small catnaps, being tended to by one of the bodyguards now and then, to be fed, watered and to release his bladder into a bucket when the guard permitted it.

Marion entered the dungeon followed by Alfred. Franco watched her walk towards him. He groaned out his words that made no sense as she stood before him, running her fingernails into the skin of his chest.

"And how is my guest today? Being good I hope?" she asked. Franco pulled against the cuffs, but it hurt him. Already he had abrasions that were sore and bleeding on his wrists. "Are you ready to play with me yet?" she began tantalising him by fingering his flaccid cock. "Oh Franco I know you can do better than that. Look at it, it's so pathetic." His eyes stared at her through the slits in the mask and she smiled back at him then licked her lips sensuously. He began to groan even louder in frustration and she laughed at him. "I'm going to let you watch for a while Franco. It might get you in a playful mood."
