April's Story Ch. 09


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I smiled at Staci. "I'm April. It's nice to meet you Staci." I decided to be bold. "Are you Mr. Diamond's wife?" I just blurted it out.

Staci laughed. "Oh my goodness no. Big Reggie isn't married." She smiled. "He's not exactly the marrying kind."

I was embarrassed now. "I'm sorry, I saw your wedding ring and I just assumed, well you know."

Staci nodded. "It's okay, April I am married."

"Where's your husband? Is he here?"

Staci started laughing again. "April you are priceless." She shook her head. "No my husband is not here tonight. You might say that tonight I belong to Big Reggie."

"I'm not sure I understand."

She gestured at the women behind the bookies. "April all of us are here because we have this thing for fucking black men. Every one of us is married. Our husbands know exactly where we are. They get off on the idea that we're with other men. They particularly like the fact that we're with tough black men."

Staci smiled. "My husband is a very wealthy and powerful businessman. He gets off on being submissive. He's submissive to both me and to Mr. Diamond. Right now he's at home washing my lingerie while he's dressed in panties, nylons and a brassiere."

I shook my head. I was amazed.

Staci grinned when she saw my reaction. "See that woman over there." She pointed at the middle aged woman I'd noticed earlier.

I nodded.

"Her name is Ruth. Her husband is the president of a local insurance company. Later tonight there will be a post game party at Mr. Diamond's house. Ruth will pull a train for all of Mr. Diamonds bookies."

I looked at Staci. "I'm sorry, I don't understand what pull a train means."

Staci started laughing. "Sweetheart, you are absolutely priceless. Pulling a train means they're all going to take turns fucking her."

I think I must have turned beet red. I'd never even imagined someone doing that.

"The best part is that when they're all done with her they're going to call her husband and make him come over and pick her up." Staci smiled. "She won't be waiting for him on the front step. They'll make him come into the bedroom and watch her get dressed. As they leave they'll all thank him for letting them party with his wife. They get a big kick out of it."

I suddenly realized that these women were taking the game that Ponce and I played to a major league level.

Staci studied me for a moment and then she said, "So April where are you from?"

"This city is my home. I was born and raised here."

"How do you know these guys?"

"I go to college with them."

"Really? Do you go to the University?"

"No, we all go to Kelroy."

Staci raised her eyebrows. "That's a very good school."

I smiled.

"Do you play for the Kelroy women's team?"

I shook my head. "No I quit playing organized basketball after high school."

"Well you have certainly become the prime topic of conversation at tonights tournament."

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned, it was Darb's.

"April it's time for us to go out and warm up for the next game."

I turned back to Staci. "I have to go. It was nice to meet you."

Staci smiled at me and said, "April it was nice to meet you to." She turned to leave. Suddenly she stopped and turned back to me. "April, Mr. Diamond told me to tell you he was serious about his offer to give you a job dancing in his club. If you ever decide you want to be a stripper, all you have to do is give him a call."

"Thanks Staci, I'll remember that."

I turned around. Ponce was standing right behind me. I suspected that he had been there the entire time.

I started giggling. "Did you hear that baby? I could be a stripper."

He smiled at me. "How about if you become a basketball player for a little while."

I put my arm around his waist and gave him a hug. "You got it sweetheart, let's go kick some ass."

The next team we played was the Westside Rollers. They were big and powerful, but they were slow.

After we warmed up we met for a moment by our bench. Jamal looked at all of us. "Listen if we try to play the Rollers in a half court game they'll beat us to a pulp. We're going to press them full court man to man. When we get the ball we're going to run. We have to play an up tempo game. If we don't they'll put all of us into the hospital."

We walked out onto the floor. I was guarding a guy named Marcus. Marcus was six feet one. I was at a bit of a disadvantage. I realized right away that if he took me inside, posted up and got the ball, I was dead meat.

As we lined up for the center jump I made resolution to myself that Marcus would not touch the ball inside the key.

Their center was six feet ten. He won the tip. He flipped the ball to Marcus. I picked him up right away. Marcus was left handed. He seemed reluctant to go to his right. I decided to test him immediately. I jumped at his left hand. He moved to his right but didn't shift the ball to his right hand. That was what I was hoping for. I did a quick pivot and punched the exposed ball up the court. Jamal was there to pick it up. He took it full court for a dunk. I now knew that I owned Marcus.

The next time up the floor they gave the ball to the guy that Darbs was guarding. This was a big mistake. Marcus was their best ball handler. This guy was a poor second. Darbs just took the ball from him. When he got it he saw Danny flying down the right side line. He led him beautifully. Danny took the ball in midstride and softly laid it into the basket.

Fifteen seconds into the game the Westside Rollers had not yet taken a shot and they were down four to zero.

They did try to post Marcus up on the baseline to take advantage of the size difference between us. I played in front of him. When they tried to get the ball to him I was quick enough to bat it away. They tried it twice. Both times Danny picked up the loose ball and took it down the court for an easy lay up. After that they kept Marcus on the perimeter.

The Rollers were a big physical team, but they couldn't handle the ball. The final score was 30 to 8.

When we walked off the court I noticed that the odds on us had dropped to 3 to 1.

We sat down on our bench to watch the next game. It was the Northside Boyz against the Central Avenue Gangstas.

The Northside Boyz were the real deal. The Gangstas never had a chance. They got run right off the floor.

As soon as that game was over Jamal pulled us together into a tight group. "Okay, this is it. The Northside Boyz are the team we have to beat. We aren't going to win this game with tricks like we did with the Rollers. We're just going to have to play harder than they do." He looked at all of us. "I know that every one of you have been told this many times, but I'm still going to remind you that defense wins tough games."

The ten minute warm up passed quickly. When we walked out on the floor for the center jump the entire room was in pandemonium. There must have been over a thousand people there and every one of them was standing up.

As Jamal walked by me he stopped and said, "April this is the game to look for Ponce at the high post. Your big boyfriend is going to win this one for us."

Ponce won the center jump. Darbs got the ball and passed it to me. The man guarding me was a wiry little guy they called Broadway. I could tell right away that Broadway was quick. I wasn't going to get away with any cheap tricks with him.

I brought the ball over the center court line. Broadway was pressuring me. I made a quick move to my right and cut back to my left. Broadway was right there. I expected that. I made a reverse pivot back to my right and bought just enough time to get the ball to Ponce at the high post.

Ponce caught the ball faked to his right and hit Jamal with a perfect base on the baseline. Jamal was one on one with his man. He beat him for a reverse layup. We were ahead 2 to 0.

That was how the game went. Every basket for both teams was hard work. Nothing was given up easily. The score seesawed back and forth. Neither team ever led by more than four points. The crowd was loving it, it was a great game.

After fourteen minutes and thirty seconds of nonstop basketball the game was tied at 28 points each. There was a half minute left before we went to sudden death overtime.

The Northside Boyz had the ball. Broadway brought it up the court. He must have thought that I was playing him too soft because when he approached the top of the key he made a quick fake to his right and pulled up for a jump shot. I was just barely able to get a hand in his face, but it was enough to upset his rhythm. The ball banged harmlessly off the front of the rim.

Ponce was right there to grab the rebound. I broke to the right hash mark. Ponce hit me with a good outlet pass. Danny and Darbs were flying down the side lines, but they were covered. The Northside Boyz were not going to lose this game on a cheap basket.

We had twenty seconds left in regulation time. I decided to try to kill the clock and go for the last shot. If we score we win and if we miss the shot we go into sudden death.

I started to slowly dribble the ball up the floor. Broadway picked me up at midcourt. It took three moves, but I was finally able to shake him and get the ball to Ponce at the high post.

As soon as I passed the ball I cut to the wing and set a screen for Darbs. Darbs cut off my screen and broke to the opposite side of the key. Both Broadway and the man guarding Darbs went with Darbs. I was left standing all alone just inside the three point line.

Ponce spotted me immediately and passed the ball. I caught his pass and squared up. I was just starting to shoot when I was knocked off my feet and slammed to the floor. Danny's man saw what was happening and wasn't about to give me an open shot from the perimeter. He simply bowled me over.

The referee blew his whistle. I was fouled in the act of shooting. Time stopped, there were two seconds left in regulation play.

I lay still for several seconds trying to catch my breath.

Ponce kneeled down next to me. "April, are you okay?"

I looked up at my baby and smiled. "Yes Ponce, I'm fine."

He stood up, reached down and gave me a hand up. When I stood up I still felt a little woozy. It took a moment for me to regain my balance.

The referee was standing at the free throw line with the ball. I had two shots. I suddenly realized that this was amazingly like last years State Championship game. That was game where I missed my second free throw and we lost the championship. I started to get very nervous.

Ponce, Danny, Jamal and Darbs all recognized what was happening. All four of them came over to me. Danny put his hand on my shoulder. "April don't worry, there are only two seconds left. If you make either shot we win. If you miss both shots Ponce will get the rebound and score."

I looked at Ponce. He was nodding his head up and down in agreement. There was a big grin on his face. I relaxed. My boys were here to look after me. I realized that I had nothing to worry about when Ponce and Danny were with me.

I took a deep breath and smiled at everyone. "Don't worry, I can do this."

Jamal stepped in. "Listen if April makes these baskets the Northside Boyz are going to try to get the ball down the court for a final shot. Remember that time doesn't start until after the ball has been inbounded. April and Darbs will cover the center court line. Danny and I will set up at the top of the key. Ponce, you play goalie in front of the basket. They won't really have enough time to get off a decent shot so don't foul."

We all nodded.

Jamal continued. "When the game ends, this gym is going to go crazy. Chantal and I are going to collect our winnings. Danny you and Darbs go get the car. Don't stop to get dressed, just go get the car. April, you and Ponce collect everyone's stuff. As soon as you have everything join up with Chantal and me. Ponce do not leave April alone. Danny and Darbs, as soon as you're in the car go around the block one time and pull up in front of the main door. We'll be there. Everyone get into the car fast. Once your in the car stay down. Darbs your driving. Get us onto Interstate 90 going west. The entrance is just a block away."

I looked at Jamal. "West Interstate 90 takes us away from home?"

Jamal smiled at me. "April if we win we're going to get a lot of money. Getting out of here alive is going to be just a little bit tricky. We'll worry about getting home later. Getting away is our first priority."

Suddenly I was very nervous again.

The Referee blew his whistle. He'd given me enough time to recover from my spill. It was time for me to take my shots..

I walked to the free throw line. He handed me the ball. The arena was quiet. The tension was thick, but I wasn't nervous about this. My boys were with me. I took one bounce and shot the ball. It never touched the rim as it passed through the basket. The crowd started screaming. We were now up by one point.

The referee got the ball. He waited for a moment to let the crowd settle down and then he handed the ball to me again. I repeated my routine. I took one bounce and shot. This time the ball hit the back of the rim and spun around. You could hear everyone in the arena gasp. Then it dropped through the net. We were up by two points.

One of the Northside Boyz grabbed the ball as it passed through the net and stepped out of bounds. The five of us were already falling back to our positions. He tried to throw a long baseball pass down the court. Just as his teammate was about to catch it, Jamal jumped in front of him and batted the ball straight up in the air. Two seconds ticked off the clock and the buzzer sounded. We won the game.

Chaos broke out. People were screaming at each other. Some were overjoyed while others were irate.

Danny and Darbs turned and walked out the door of the arena.

Ponce grabbed me. "Come on April we have to collect everyone's stuff."

He led me to our bench. We grabbed everything and jammed it into two bags. As soon as the bags were packed Ponce pulled me to the bookie area.

Reggie Diamond was counting out money for Jamal. It was a lot of money. He was counting rapidly without much chatter. He seemed to fully understand our desire to leave quickly.

As soon as Jamal had our money he grabbed Chantal and turned to us. "Lets get out of here. Ponce hang on to April, do not let go of her. I'll hang on to Chantal."

Ponce grabbed my arm and started following Jamal. There were people everywhere. Jamal ignored courtesy has he cut a path through the milling crowd. Ponce kept a firm hold on my arm and stayed right behind Jamal.

When we got to the front door, Jamal turned and handed Chantal to Ponce. "Hang on to the girls. Do not let go of either of them."

Ponce held on to both of us with an iron grip while Jamal looked out the front door.

He was back immediately. "They're right outside. Ponce you go first and open the back door of the car. April, you and Chantal follow him and dive into the back seat as soon as he opens the door. I'll be right behind you. Ponce as soon as April is in the car you get into the front with Danny and Darbs. Once were in the car, everyone stay down."

He paused for a moment and then he looked at us. "Is everyone ready?"

All three of us nodded.

"Okay, Let's go."

Ponce ran out the front door of the Tomb and opened the back door of Darb's Lincoln. Chantal and I were right behind him. We both dived into the back seat. Jamal dived in behind us and started yelling, "Go! Go! Go!"

As soon as he was in he grabbed both Chantal and me and pushed our heads down. While Jamal was pushing my head down Darbs pulled away from the curb.

I looked up. My baby Ponce wasn't in the car yet.

I screamed, "No!"

Then I saw Danny grab hold of Ponce's shirt and pull him into the front seat. The car door closed. Darb's hit the gas and accelerated. As we sped down the street I heard three loud cracks.

Darbs must have been going fifty miles an hour when we hit the turn that put us onto Interstate 90. I was afraid that we might roll over, but we didn't. Darbs kept the gas pedal down. When we hit the freeway we must have been going more than ninety miles an hour.

Jamal let us up. We all turned and looked behind us. There was a bullet hole in the back window.

I looked at Jamal. "Those loud cracks were gunshots."

He nodded, "Yes they were."

I screamed at him. "We could have been killed."

Danny laughed. "Yes, but we weren't."

"Hey Darbs were you checking the rear view mirror when we got onto the freeway?"

"Yes Jamal, I was."

"Did anyone get on behind us?"

"I don't think so."

"Good, let's get off at the next exit, turn around and head east. Go slow when you get off. Let's make sure that no one is following us."

"You got it."

As Darbs pulled the car onto the freeway exit he asked, "Hey Jamal how much money did we bring home?'

"A little over sixteen thousand dollars."

I looked at Jamal. "What did you say?"

He laughed. "You heard me correctly April, a little over sixteen thousand dollars."

Darbs stopped at the top of the freeway overpass. He waited a moment and then he said, "No one got off behind us Jamal."

"Good, Darbs take us home."

As Darbs got onto the freeway heading east I asked Jamal, "How much is my share?"

"How much did you put in?"

"A hundred dollars."

He grinned at me. "We got 18 to 1 odds, but Big Reggie took ten percent. You'll get just over sixteen hundred dollars."

Once we were driving east on Interstate 90, everyone seemed to relax. It was late at night. The last hour had been incredibly exciting, but now the effect of the adrenalin that my body produced earlier was starting to wear off. I was exhausted. I looked around. I wasn't the only one who was tired. Everyone was uncharacteristically quiet.

I looked at my watch, It was 3:15 in the morning. The freeway was deserted. The quiet rhythm of the car tires rolling on the concrete pavement soothed my raw nerves. It was an almost hypnotic sound. I lay back and put my head on Jamal's shoulder. I would have loved to be able to cuddle up to my baby Ponce, but he was in the front seat.

I must have dozed off, because the next thing I knew we were stopping. When I looked up we were parked in front of Ponce and Danny's apartment.

Jamal was counting out money. He handed $1620.00 to both Ponce and me. He gave Danny $3200.

As he gave us our money he said, "I took forty dollars from each of us to pay for a new back window for Darb's car."

When I got out of the car Jamal looked at me. "Did you have fun tonight April?"

I stared at him for a moment and then I said, "Jamal someone shot at us tonight."

He laughed.

I thought about it for a moment longer and said, "Jamal it was the most exciting night of my life."

When we got upstairs and into the apartment I was suddenly awake and feeling very frisky. I think it was the combination of the excitement and the danger.

I turned to my boys and said, "The first one in the shower gets to wash my tits and my pussy. The second one in gets to wash my ass and my feet."

Ponce grinned and turned to Danny. "You get in first, I'll go second."

I smiled as all three of us tore our clothes off. I knew that I'd come up with the perfect division of labor.

Our shower was in the bath tub. Danny got in with me and Ponce got on his knees outside the tub. Ponce started washing my feet while Danny started with my face and my neck.

Both Danny and Ponce were naked and both of them had erections. I was beginning to feel very wicked.

While Ponce dallied with my feet, Danny was quickly working his way down to my breasts. Ponce didn't know it yet, but this was a race and he was losing.

As soon as Danny reached my breasts I reached down, grabbed his cock and started stroking it. As I stroked it I said, "Oh yes, this is what I want, a real man's cock." I put my hands on Danny's face and pulled his lips to mine. As we kissed I said, "Give your wash cloth to the little pussyboy on his knees. Let him wash me while you enjoy my body."