Architect and My Wife

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A wife strays while husband is temporarily in Europe.
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Architect and My Wife


This story will be the last that I will write for Loving Wives. I have enjoyed reading the cheating wife stories and wanted to write some of my own. I realize that my first attempts were not very good, but with each story I tried improve. I have written these stories for two reasons: My own enjoyment and to show how I would handle a cheating wife and her lover.

A wife strays while husband is temporarily out of the country. This story is purely fiction.

I recently was hired to consult with the IAEA in Europe concerning some nuclear issues in the Middle East. Most of the time I was in Europe but some of the time I was in a Middle Eastern country inspecting a nuclear facility. I was gone the whole month of June and I was looking forward to returning to my wife and my home in Colorado.

While I was in Europe, I read stories from Literotica on my laptop every evening instead of going out drinking or getting into trouble. I really enjoyed reading the "romantic" and "erotic coupling" stories, but they made me feel lonely and horny for my wife. So I switched to reading the "cheating wife" stories. My favorite ones were the ones with forgiveness and redemption, however, I disliked the "burn the bitch" ones or the "wimp husband" ones. Little did I know that I had a problem brewing at home.

I, Jim Reynolds, 57, am a Nuclear Engineer which means I studied mechanical engineering with a specialty in nuclear energy. When I graduated, nuclear power generating plants were no longer being built so I had to scramble to find a job. I worked a short time for a contractor who was working at a nuclear weapons plant that was about 10 miles from Boulder. I got to know the Department of Energy (DOE) engineering staff at the plant so I started my own company and provided consulting work directly to DOE. Over the years I worked for several government agencies doing nuclear consulting work. Through my work and through the many technical papers that I have written, I became recognized in the field of nuclear weapons. Except for some field work, I do all my work from my office in my home. Yes, it is my home because I owned it prior to my marriage.

My wife of 24 years, Ann, works as an Executive Personal Assistant to the CEO of a large engineering firm in Denver. She has her MBA and does a lot of legal and contract work for the firm. She is a very attractive woman even though she is 49. Her hair is mostly light brown with blonde streaks that is usually worn in a pony tail which gives her a youthful appearance. She is slightly on the heavy side which is exactly what I desire. Ann has nice tits which border between a large C cup and a D cup.

Ann had several lovers before we were married. I actually preferred that she had experienced sex with other men prior to our marriage. She not only knew how to satisfy a man but she knew what an orgasm was and how to achieve it. Before I was married, I had dated and slept with several young women. They didn't know what to do in bed nor how to achieve their own orgasm; they typically just laid there and let it happen. Somehow Ann was different. She was an active partner in bed and was very vocal when she had an orgasm. Also, there was nothing that she would not do or try. I probably shouldn't say this, but she is almost a nymphomaniac in bed which suits me just fine.

Ann has always shaved her pussy even before I met her. I prefer a smooth pussy especially when I am giving oral sex. She did not shave it for me but rather because she preferred the look. After we were married, she had her pussy lasered smooth. Ann prefers to wear a diaphragm rather than take the pill as she is very concerned about all the side effects. I benefit from that form of birth control because I have a difficult time with condoms. My dick is larger than most men I have seen at college or in the gym. I cannot wear a regular condom as they are too tight and they usually break just trying to get them on. Fucking with a condom was the worst as I was not able to enjoy the feeling of the vagina. Recently, extra large condoms for men of my size are now available but were not available when I was dating.

We discussed having children but both our professions require dedication and long hours such that we would not be able to give children the time and attention that they need.


My contract ended the last day of June, but there were things that needed to be cleared up and the earliest flight home was on Friday, the 5th of July. I had to take the train to Frankfurt on the 4th and then catch a direct flight to Denver on the 5th. As the plane landed at the Denver Int. Airport, I saw the wonderful blue skies and the Rocky Mountains that I had missed in Europe. I was looking forward to a loving welcome home from my wife.

Ann had agreed to pick me up at the airport because I didn't want to leave my car at the airport for a month. As I waited for my bags, I kept looking for my wife but she did not appear to be at the airport. I admit that I was expecting some hugs and kisses to welcome me home. I called her cell phone and her work phone about 6 times each but each time both went to voice mail. I left her a message each time but apparently she wasn't getting them. After waiting over an hour for her, I left her a message on her cell phone that I was taking a taxi home.

As I was riding home in the taxi, seeing the lovely mountains told me that I was home. I had really missed them while in Europe. When the taxi dropped me off in front of my house, I gathered my luggage and walked to our front door. When I unlocked the front door, I found the house dark and no wife. I opened the house door to the garage and noticed that her car was missing. Where was my wife and why wasn't she at the airport? I put my suitcases in our bedroom and I put my handgun in my safe in my office. I went to the kitchen for a cold Coke. I was hungry so I ordered a pizza. When it arrived, I ate half and saved half for my wife. About 8 pm our home phone rang.

"Hello," I said.

"Honey, it is me. Sorry I am so late but I am working on a big project at work. I didn't get your messages until just now in the car. I will be home shortly. Love you!" my wife said.

She arrived home about 8:30 that night. She rushed over to me and gave me a big hug but no kiss.

"Welcome home, Honey. I didn't kiss you because I have very bad breath. I really missed you a lot," Ann said.

"I was hungry so I had pizza for my supper and there is half left if you are hungry," I said.

"Thanks, but I am not hungry. What I do need is a shower and a toothbrush. It has been a very long day. Come on up and talk to me while I shower," she said she and ran upstairs.

I grabbed another Coke and headed upstairs. She was already in the shower when I got to our bathroom.

"Honey, I don't understand why you weren't at the airport," I said.

"It was just work. I didn't get to leave until it was too late. I am glad that you are back because I missed you a lot," she said.

She got out of the shower and I handed her a towel. I noticed that she threw away a disposable douche container. So she douched while in the shower? She only does that after she has been fucked. WTF?

"It has been a long day and I know that I have really bad breath. Let me brush my teeth and I will give you a good welcome home kiss," she said.

When she finished, she kissed me with minty fresh breath and headed for the bedroom.

As she crawled into bed, she said, "My pad rubbed me raw today so I need to wait until tomorrow for any sex. I will make it up to you though. Would you mind putting my prescription cream on it for me," she said.

I grabbed the tube of cream and followed her into the bedroom. She spread her legs and her pussy was a real mess. Everything was red and puffy and her inner lips and around the vagina looked like an abrasion. I could see that a pad could rub the outer pussy lips raw but it could not cause the damage around her vagina that I saw. I applied the cream.

I was tired from the long airline trip home so I joined her in bed and immediately went to sleep.


Ann fixed a nice breakfast for us. She cleared away the dishes and sat down with me at the table with her coffee. We have always had our conversations at the kitchen table. I brought up the subject of the airport incident.

"Explain to me again why you didn't pick me up at the airport yesterday," I asked.

"We are working on the presentation for our Cincinnati project. I know that I told you all about it in my emails. I had planned to be finished with this part of the project before quitting time so that I could meet you at the airport. One of the engineers caught a major mistake so we had to redo the presentation and I was too late to get you. I had left my cell phone in my purse and did not hear your calls until I was in the car," Ann said.

"I had called both your cell phone and your work phone. If you were at work, why didn't you answer your work phone?" I asked.

"I was back and forth with the engineers and I probably just missed it," she said.

"I think you should have called me and told me that you were not coming. When I called you, it went right to voice mail like you had turned off your phone. It certainly was not the welcome home that I had expected," I said.

"I am sorry that I didn't call but I was very busy at the time," she replied.

"I still haven't heard you say that you are sorry that you failed to pick me up and left me stranded at the airport. Everything you are talking about is all about you and your work. You haven't even asked me about my trip," I said.

"Oh Honey! I am sorry that I didn't pick you up. I was just very busy. I didn't plan to be late or to miss picking you up," she said.

She got up and came to me. She put her arms around my neck and kissed me on the cheek.

"That reminds me. I haven't had any loving for a month so I am very horny. I am warning you that I am locked and loaded for an adventure tonight," I said.

"Sure, Honey. We need to celebrate your return home. Would you come grocery shopping with me today so that I can prepare whatever meals that you are craving?" my wife asked.

"Yes," I replied.

We bought several hundred dollars worth of groceries and I helped her put them away in the kitchen. I went to my office in my house and worked on my expense report.

That evening after a wonderful home-cooked meal, we watched TV together and later headed up to our bedroom. We both took a shower and then went to bed. I reached for my wife and pulled her to me.

"I warned you that I was horny," I said.

"Honey, I told you that my pad rubbed my pussy raw yesterday. I couldn't change the pad because I forgot to take some spares with me. Would you put some of my prescription cream on it for me? It has hurt all day and I don't think I can have sex tonight. Could I give you a blowjob instead? Maybe tomorrow it will be better," she said.

"Heck yes! You give the best blow jobs that I have ever had," I said.

I pulled the covers down and crawled down between her legs. Sure enough, her pussy was still very raw looking and her pussy lips were red and swollen. I went into our bathroom and returned with her tube of prescription cream. I carefully rubbed it on her pussy.

"Thank you, Honey. It feels better already. Now lay down so that I can welcome you home," my wife said.

It wasn't the full-blown sexual Olympics I had expected, but her BJs are the best I have ever had and she swallows so that there is no mess.

FIRST WEEK HOME - SUNDAY (The next day):

After breakfast, my wife said that she was going to cook all day so that we would have special dinners for the coming week. She said she was making some of my favorite entrees. Ann is an excellent cook and it is beginning to show around my waist. I decided to go to the shooting range for the day and practice with my handgun. Next month I have to take my re-qualification tests at the government range for my firearms permit.

That evening my wife was still complaining about her pussy still hurting. I looked at it when we crawled into bed and it was still red and angry looking. I applied some more of her prescription cream to it. No sex at all that night because she was too tired from being on her feet cooking all day.


The next few days were fairly normal for us. Ann worked all day and then came home to make dinner for us. During the day I worked on my final report for the feds about my trip to Europe. At night I would ask for some loving, but every night she was too tired. I have to agree that I was also tired because my body was having a hard time adjusting to our time zone from Vienna time zone. Although I did not get any loving, I did hold her all night.


Although my wife normally leaves work at 5 pm and is home by 5:30, tonight she arrived at home at 8:00 p.m. When she came in, she gave me a hug but no kiss. Her breath smelled of liquor.

"Wow, you are quite late tonight and you didn't call either. I called your office phone and your cell phone but you didn't answer, I have been worried about you," I said.

"We are working on the big Cincinnati project. When we finished for today, we all went to the bar next door to our building for a quick drink to celebrate finishing this section. There is nothing for you to worry about, Honey," my wife replied.

"I think there is some hanky panky going on because you say that you are at work but you don't answer your work phone," I said.

"Honey, I am sorry. Maybe it was when we left for the bar next door," she replied.

I noticed that her blouse was buttoned up wrong and very noticeable.

"Go look in the mirror. Your blouse is buttoned wrong. It looks like someone was playing with your tits," I said.

My wife had a puzzled look on her face, but walked over to the hallway mirror.

"Oh, God! I... I ah.... I spilled my drink down the front of me at the bar and went to the Ladies Room to soak it up. I must have buttoned it up wrong. There was not much light in the bar bathroom," my wife lied.

Heading for the stairs, my wife said, "I would like to take a nice hot shower and go right to bed because I am really tired from these long days. Come up when you are ready."

I followed her upstairs to our bedroom. She ran immediately into the bathroom and locked the door. I undressed and sat on the bed and waited for her. She finally came out with a towel around her. She dropped it and crawled into bed. I followed her into bed.

"Ann, your actions tonight are very suspicious. You came home late because you say you are working late but you don't answer your work phone. You smell of liquor and your blouse is all messed up. I can't help thinking that you were out drinking with someone and not at work as you say you were. Whomever you were drinking with played with your tits and you didn't button your blouse correctly in your hurry to get home. If you are doing anything that could affect our marriage, you should tell me now before it is too late," I said.

"Honey, I have told you that it is just work. Believe me. I love you a lot. How about I give you a blowjob tonight?" she asked.

"Ann, I know something is going on with you and you can't make me forget about it by giving me a blowjob. Good night!" I said. We turned out the lights and I thought I heard my wife crying into her pillow.


We ate breakfast without talking. Every time I looked at my wife she would drop her eyes as if she feeling guilty. After breakfast she ran upstairs and dressed for work.

Something is going on with my wife. Her late arrival at home last night was very suspicious. If she was working late, then why didn't she answer her work phone? Why was her blouse all messed up? I am pretty certain that someone did play with her tits. I am almost certain that she is fooling around with someone. If she were seeing someone while I was gone to Europe, she most likely would have brought them here to the house because it would be very private, and it would be cheaper than going to a motel or hotel.

After my wife left for work this morning, I decided to inspect my house for any evidence of an affair. I ran up to our bedroom and the first thing I looked for was her diaphragm. She always keeps it in the nightstand beside our bed. The plastic case was slightly moist from being cleaned this morning and inside there was the freshly-powdered diaphragm with a couple of moist spots from washing. Why would my wife be wearing her diaphragm last night if she was at work? She is definitely fooling around with someone. I am not getting any sex but someone is!

I thoroughly searched her clothing drawers and clothes closet in our bedroom but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I looked under the bed and I found a foil condom wrapper near the head of the bed by the waste basket. Someone missed the waste basket and the wrapper ended up several feet back under the bed. Bingo! My wife has a lover because I don't use condoms. I have not left the house since I have been back, so this condom wrapper must be from the time while I was in Europe. I ran down to the kitchen and grabbed a baggie. I returned to our bedroom and crawled under the bed to pick up the condom wrapper and put it into the baggie. I will need this when I confront my wife.

Next I went to the dirty clothes basket in the master bath. I found several pairs of her panties. Down deep I found a black thong and the crotch was still moist. She has never had or worn a thong before so why now and why hide it in the dirty clothes basket.

I decided to wait to confront her until I can find out whom she is fucking. I need to know the man's name because I want to deal with him as well as with my wife. It takes two to cheat!


Tonight my wife came home at her normal time. She kissed me and gave me a hug but neither one had any love or feeling. It was like she was being forced to do it. I think I scared her last night. She cooked a nice meal but there was no talking during or after dinner. We watched some TV but still did not talk to each other. When we went to bed some time later, she gave me a blowjob saying she was tired but wanted to give me some "relief". Her BJs are excellent so the evening was not a total loss. However, I still have not been able to fuck my wife since my return. Something is very wrong!



Saturday, Ann said that she was going shopping at the mall (without me) but I insisted that she needed to stay home with me. I explained to her that I had been away for a month, and I insisted that nothing was more important than spending time with her husband. I had a feeling that she was intending to meet her lover and I was not going to let that happen. I stayed near her all day and watched her to see if she called her lover to tell him that she had to stay home. She saw me watching her and became bitchy with me because I would not give her space to make the call.

When it was bed time, I tried to snuggle up with my wife and get some loving but she acted angry and laid on her side with her back to me.


The next few days we both worked. We had breakfast together and she cooked us a nice dinner each night. There was no talking but I stared at her a lot and I could tell that it upset her. She looked guilty when I stared at her. When we went to bed, she always was too tired to have sex.


Last Wednesday my wife came home late with her blouse buttoned wrong. Every day since then, I have checked her diaphragm; it was always in its case. This morning I went to our bedroom and checked her nightstand. Her diaphragm case was there but the diaphragm was missing! She must be planning something for tonight. If she is late again, I will confront her because I want this to stop even if I don't know who the guy is.
