Are These Things Planned Somehow? Ch. 04


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"Right, here goes" I said, pushing my left foot down, depressing the clutch, "first gear, give it some gas, not too much." She did as I asked, I lifted my foot, we pulled away, quite smoothly as it happened.

"Now, we'll change gear, foot slowly off the gas" I said, depressing the pedal once more, "into second, slowly now, feel the lever engage fully in the slot." I had another lever and slot enter my mind.

We repeated the procedure, even got up into third gear, then the opposite, eventually coming back to a stop in the same place we'd started off.

Aunt Val pushed back, reached one arm around my neck. She craned her head, pulled my face towards her, kissed me full on the lips again, a longer kiss with some passion.

"You're the best teacher ever. You deserve a reward, for putting up with this old bird."

I could think of many rewards, my mind awash with sexual images, but this was a reward as such, being allowed to press up against a lovely woman, loop my arms around her waist, breathe in her intoxicating new scent? I reached up, pulled her hair back, kissed her on the ear. "The fact is you're the best pupil, I'm glad this idea worked." We both laughed, happy with how it turned out.

"Do you want to try it yourself now?" I asked.

She wiggled her ass again, nudging my cock side to side. "Not right now, let's try it again, a few times like this, I'm enjoying it now." She seemed enthused, my cock was in rapture.

I had no objections, so we set off again. Eventually, after she had mastered driving forwards, I introduced the reversing manoeuvre, Aunt Val had to look backwards, over her other shoulder, gave me ample time to study her unnoticed, note the way her breast tried to escape as she swung her body round, enjoying the sight of the small erect mound, indicating her nipple, it looked bigger than any I'd seen before, she must have been excited as I was.

She was gaining confidence, what with continually taking my hand away from her body, then replacing it, needing to point things out, eventually I managed, to slip into the side of her halter top, rest itself softly along her ribcage. Distracted, because she was so intent on the driving, she didn't seem to notice my hand, slipping even further inside, resting on her stomach, the open palm feeling the rise and fall of her belly as she breathed.

She concentrated even harder to get things right, but me, I was now concentrating elsewhere, on how smooth her belly was for one. I moved my hand, slightly, one finger entered the depression of her navel. I think, unconsciously, I began to move it in a circular motion, around her belly button.

She broke my thoughts, "That tickles." She giggled, her body giving a little shiver, sending more vibrations up my shaft.

So she wasn't entirely concentrating on her driving. I went to remove it, she brought one hand across, put it on my hand, keeping it firmly in place. "It's nice, I like it, comforting, please keep it there." She whispered.

Was that permission to continue? Her hand went back, to the steering wheel, I left my hand where it was, motionless. She wriggled again, made my hand slide horizontally across her belly. From that point on, we continued, Aunt Val driving, me sliding my palm across her belly. Inevitably, both my hands found their way inside, around her waist, caressing her ribs at the side, then crossing in front of her, then back to the side. Emboldened, I was urging my hips forward, Aunt Val seemed to reciprocate, pressing back into me. I turned my fingers, a more circular motion, she moved again, slightly downward this time, all of a sudden, feeling the soft warm weight of her breasts, both now resting on the backs of my hands.

Aunt Val braked hard, came to a stop. "Maybe time for me to attempt a solo!" She said.

It was more a statement, not a question. I'd overstepped the mark perhaps, misread things? This, the demarcation line? I extricated my hands from her top, missing the feeling already, she quietly opened the door, levered herself out, stood waiting for me to get out. I slowly extricated myself, faced her. She wasn't smiling, then she was. She reached out a hand, smoothed my cheek, gently kissed it. She glanced down, the obvious bulge, at the front of my shorts.

She smiled, "I see you're enjoyed it to, we really do have to see about getting you a girlfriend. It's a pity to waste a place like this don't you think?"

We both looked around, practically hidden by long grass, people looking in our direction, only seeing our heads and shoulders, the roof of the car maybe. She reached up, on tiptoes, her mouth kissed me full on the lips again. I'd been about to say something, my mouth was half open, her tongue darted in, swirled around my mouth, then retreated.

She was smiling again, "I told you yesterday, twenty years ago, I'd have dragged you into the grass, maybe the back seat, we'd have been found days, maybe even a week later."

We laughed, an embarrassed laugh, but she had already slung herself into the driving seat, sat watching me, watching my bulge actually. I made my way round, to the other side, my cock pointing the way. Getting in, she looked down at it, smiled, before turning her attention back to the road, in front of her, moved her arm over near me, slid her hand tantalisingly across my bulge, my cock pulsing, then squeezing slightly her fingers traced along its length, then released it.

"It's only fair," she smiled, thrusting the lever into first, a slight screech of tyres, we pulled away. She slammed it into second, with hair-raising accuracy, then up into third, I gripped the seat, she went up to fourth, then full throttle, turning, screaming down the main tarmac.

"If this thing had wings, I'd fly you off somewhere." she laughed, turned her head, finding me scrabbling.

"Hold on, here we go," she said, grinning all over her face, we were approaching the end of the strip. Not going down through third gear, she slammed it straight into second, pulled up the handbrake, skidded around, proper movie fashion, screamed the crap out of the engine, headed back to the main gate. She drew in to a perfect stop, took her hands off the wheel, placed them politely in her lap, turned to me. "Well, what you think teach?"

I allowed the blood to return to my face, which must have whitened, for a moment.

"Bloody hell. That was amazing, really impressive" I nodded, grinned, took a long deep breath.

"Yeah well, you gave me," she glanced down at my shorts, "confidence."

"Maybe I should take over now, 'til we get you home? We don't want you getting banned, on your first day, for speeding in a thirty zone."

She laughed, got out. Once more we met in front of the car. Neither of us thought twice, exchanged a kiss on the lips.

"We've got to stop meeting like this, on second thoughts, let's keep meeting like this." She smiled, walked around to the passenger's side.

On the way back, Aunt Val stretched her hand out, not the gear-stick this time, rested it on my thigh close by the edge of my shorts. As I drove, I was very conscious, two of her fingers creeping underneath the edge towards my boxers. I changed gears, carefully, not wanting to dislodge her hand. In order to extend the sensations, I slowed down, as much as I could, without annoying drivers behind me. The 'L' plates, helping of course, by the time we pulled into her drive, one of her fingernails, making more tentative explorations along the ridge of my bulge.

I turned off the engine, swivelled towards her. Making her fingers nudge up against my cock. She gave it a quick squeeze, withdrew her hand.

"All that, erm, driving, has given me an appetite," she smiled, "I'll rustle us up something to eat, if you can stay? Also, striking whilst the irons hot, have you got time, late tomorrow afternoon, maybe early evening, after I've finished work, to do this again?"

I was glad she was keen to do this again, did she not want to do anything except tease each other?

"Yeah, sure, I've, enjoyed it too." I smiled, who wouldn't.

"Well," she glanced down, at my pants, "you'd better go upstairs, see to yourself, I'll get the food sorted."

I raised an eyebrow, somewhat bemused, she just laughed, shoved me out the car door, with both hands.

Leaning across the seat, her ample, unfettered cleavage on show, she said "You think I've forgotten about men, your uncle didn't know what he was missing. By the way, thanks for letting me play with your, erm, pumpkin." She scooted out, pranced away, exaggerated the sway of her bum, swinging her wedge shoes over one finger, my jaw dropped. Even in her heels, it would have been remarkable, but she was still wearing her flat shoes, she was so brazen, really teasing me.

I did use the bathroom, the toilet receiving a considerable layer of cum, I couldn't help myself.

On my return, Aunt Val gave me a knowing look, we set things for dinner, occasionally, catching one another's eye, quickly looking away if it was too obvious. Moving past each other, in the kitchen, sometimes bumping one another, accidently on purpose, she made a game of it, by exaggerating the swing in her hips. One time, she bumped me on purpose, moving me out the way from the counter, I swatted her ass, she smiled, offered it again, I didn't resist, swatting it harder as we laughed about it. At the kitchen table, we sat facing, my gangly legs stretched out, Aunt Val 'discovering' them, running her feet up and down, slowly, enticingly, her toes tickling, behind my knee. All was accompanied by smiles, laughs, good humour, reliving the driving. Time flew by, I didn't really want it to end. There was 'something in the air' that day, something sexually charged, something just like I felt with Sarah on holiday.

My mobile broke our fervour, a works call. I spent time talking to a colleague, mainly about a catalyst we needed, for the new ready meal. I ended the call, saying we'd chat at work in the morning. I stood up.

"What's a catalyst?" she asked, suddenly.

"Let's see. Well, it's something which provokes a chemical reaction, between two things, they wouldn't normally react with one another, it remains unchanged itself, at the end of the reaction."

"Oh." A pause, her in deep thought "Like your car maybe?" she smiled at me.

I put a finger to my lips, looked thoughtful I hoped. "Hmm, could be, or a pumpkin, maybe something else?"

She laughed, stood up, stretched, walked around, stood in front of me. She kissed me, tenderly, not a long kiss but it made my toes curl.

She stood back, before I could grab her, "Goodnight then, I think we've both had a 'hard day'." She stared at my shorts, "I'll see you tomorrow, after work. You'll pick me up?"

"Sure. Goodnight Aunty, it's been fun." I waved on my way out. Drove home, carefully.

That night, I drenched whole wads of tissues, my cock got a good beating, the sexual tension, built more by sexy texts from my sister, asking me when we could 'meet up', her pussy, like mums, craving my cock. I said soon, knowing I was craving another family pussy, namely Aunt Val's.


Work, the next day, was surprisingly good, time passing pretty fast, various meetings taking care of that, the odd sexy message from Sarah and mum. After work, late afternoon, I drew up outside the Health Centre, were Aunt Val worked, at the agreed time, just as my elegantly dressed Aunt stormed out, slamming the door behind her. Her light yellow dress, knee length, flowed in the wind. At a hundred yards away, I could see the anger, her face red with rage. She slung her bag over her shoulder, strode, like a wounded tigress, over to my car. She wrenched the passenger door, opened it wide, flung herself into the seat, slammed the door shut.

"Just drive, Alex, get us away from here." She said, through gritted teeth.

"OK Aunt Val." I replied, I thought to ask a question, about the driving lesson, it was why I was here after all, but left it for now. She sat there, her arms tightly crossed, fists clenched, snorting something unintelligible, under her breath. She hadn't put her seatbelt on, should I say? No, better not, luckily my car didn't have an annoying pinging reminder.

I drove out towards Deptford. On the way, Aunt Val's mobile suddenly burst into life, an upbeat light melody filling the cabin. She glanced at the number, her face visibly relaxing, someone to save the moment, hopefully.

I pulled the car over, to the verge, keeping quiet.

I heard her side of the conversation, "Hi Anne... yeah... yeah... I couldn't believe it... yeah, what a bastard, I just couldn't believe it... no, there's no other word for it, he's a total wanker. You did WHAT?? In the balls?" she laughed, tension lifting from her, "Ha, ha, ha... good job he works in the Centre, so he could get first-aid, personally, I wanted to chop them off. I take it he won't be in tomorrow then?... Yeah, that'll teach him, about traumatising people..." she laughed again, "yeah... no, I'm with Alex, in the car... mmm, he is, isn't he?" She glanced at me, smiled, reached over, squeezed my hand softly. "Yeah, I'll tell him, from you... well, not in those words, ha, ha... Anne... just... thanks for watching my back, OK?... yeah, love you too... see you tomorrow then, 'bye."

She clicked off, put the mobile back in her bag.

"Anne, although she's married, thinks you're the hottest thing on two legs. Well, she didn't use those words exactly, but you get the drift..." Aunt Val laughed, louder this time.

I looked suitably pleased, the cat with the cream look.

"So, Doctor Phil, I take it, got kneed in the nuts?"

"Correct, he deserved it. He started pawing me all over, at work, wouldn't lay off, apparently, he's pawing quite a few ladies in the clinic! We should have him on a fucking leash, the beggar..." This kind of language, new from Aunt Val, I don't think I'd ever heard her use it. I was discovering, whole new side to her. In fact, every day I spent with her, seemed to be bringing out a feisty attitude, the real her, maybe the one mum knew, years ago.

"At least now I know, why he's got all that hair." She giggled.

"Oh, why's that?" I asked.

"Because, when he started groping me, to get him to move away, I yanked hard, at his hair."

"You did, what happened?" I enquired.

"This is the funny part, turns out, it wasn't all his, it was some kind of toupee!" We burst out laughing, tears rolling down our cheeks. I held her, a tight embrace. We laughed more, into each other's hair, hugging until it hurt. Then as if a natural thing to do, we kissed, kissed again, deeper and with passion, then pulled apart. I kept my hand on her cheek, smoothing the hair away from her face, my thumb, wiping away the tear-marks, which had smudged her makeup, slightly.

"Nobody should ever hurt you, you're too nice a person... I won't ever let them hurt you." I said, meaning every word.

The tears welled up in her eyes, we were embracing all over again. I stroked her hair, her back, stroked her cheeks, her neck, I kissed her chin, kissed around her mouth, she opened her mouth, our tongues began their own stroking, sliding over one another, our lips locking together, a kiss full of desire, we both wanted it.

Coming out of our embrace, we suddenly realised, with some humour, we were parked up on a main road, passers-by seemed to be looking at us, inferring, with their eyes, 'go get a room'.

I turned in my seat. "Let's drive, and, oh, put your seatbelt on this time, please."

She did so, obediently, we pulled out into the lane, hand-on-hand.

We reached Deptford and instinctively, I turned in, positioned the car in our secluded little road, off the main tarmac.

"Well then, Aunt Val, you ready for this again?"

"Can we drop Aunt Val, please, it seems, well, more appropriate if you just call me Val?"

"No, I can't, that's not right" Her eyes, opened wide, a little shocked.

"No?" she questioned.

"No. It needs to be something, hmm, more appropriate?"

She laughed. "Of course, what have you in mind?"

I smiled, leaning forward, whispering in her ear, "Hot Val, I want to call you hot, it's appropriate now, since your new look."

She blushed, bright red, her whole upper body, crimson. "If you think so, I like it, a lot, makes me feel that way also."

"So do I, I like it a lot, I like you a lot, I think you're extremely sexy." I smiled again, feeling better about this whole situation now.

It was a crossroads, in our relationship, the lights I hoped, had just turned green, I sensed something special about to happen, like with mum.

"You want to drive?" I began opening the door.

"Wait." She said loudly, got out quickly, came around to my side.

She waved her hand, back and forth, "Push the seat back, like yesterday."

I did so, she turned around, started backing into the car, like before. This time though, something inside, made me grabbed her, pulled her inside, pushed her upper body over to the passenger seat. Her knees rested between my legs, her arse sticking up, my eye level, her feet dangling out of my open door. I flipped her dress up, revealing sexy black lace panties, thong style, accentuating her globes. She did not struggle, made a lengthy 'ohhhhh' sound, I stroked my right hand, up and down her inner thighs, my fingers bumping into her lace clad pussy. Then, knowingly, I went for it, 'thwack', my hand landing, stinging her right cheek, half a red handprint visible.

She gasped from the shock "Argh. Mm, how did you know?" she asked, a hoarseness in her voice.

"Call it, a family trait," I replied, 'thwack', another blow, just below the first.

"Ahh, mm, yes, thank you." She said, quietly.

I could smell her sexual aroma, mixed with her perfumed scent, it sent signals to my brain, my cock reacting. 'Thwack', a third blow, much harder, testing her threshold. Her body shook forward, her head contacting the door opposite, she took a deep breath, gasped again, looked back at me, mouthed 'more please'. I delivered another stinging strike, hard again, the red skin of her cheek, hot, I caressed it, feeling its heat. I slid my fingers, under the black lace, tracing her slit, very damp now.

I told her to get out, she was ready for the next lesson. She took a deep breath once out in the evening air, started backing into the car again, she did it more slowly, more blatantly, our relationship changed. She flipped her dress up, at the back, exposing her cheeks, red from my ministrations, split by her lace thong. Lowering her butt, onto my leg, she gasped, a stinging sensation on her tender skin, she rocked on it, side to side, for a few moments. She brought herself over my leg, onto the seat, she raised her dress, even higher, spread it over my thighs, completely covered them. She smiled, over her shoulder, another sultry sexy look, winked at me. Her bum, positioned even further back, she lifted herself, moved it around, the ridge of my cock nestled along the groove of her arse and lace covered. Her legs, tight against mine, bare today, no hold ups, smooth, soft, that electric feel pulsing through me again.

"It's not right, not right at all, not comfortable," she said, brought one hand behind her, under her dress, expertly undoing the button on my shorts, pulled down the zipper, not needing to part them, my cock, engorged, steel like, did that job for her.

"There we are, much better." She said, settling back, the silky lace, cool, against my erection, the warmth of her arse cheeks, transferring to my inner thighs.

I couldn't help it, lifted the back of her dress, gazed down, my mushroom crown, hard, purple, pointing up, out my boxers, wedged tightly in her ass crack.

"Alright?" She asked, turning, smiled. "Away we go then, don't worry, I've got the clutch this time, I feel more, how shall I say it, confident, with you here taking care of me."