Are You Sure?

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Is an open marriage what you want?
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So many "We need to talk!" types of stories are out there, and I'm hooked on them all. I have so many similar stories that I have also started, but I tried to make them original.

I'd like to thank Folding for editing my story and adding his comments.

Also, I made some changes to the story after Folding reviewed my story, so punctuation or spelling errors are on me.


My neighbor and very close friend Tara stopped in for coffee like she does every morning. Thanks to COVID, she works, only having to go into the office once or twice a week. I have a little girl now, so I work from home full-time.

Tara takes a break around 10 or so and comes over for a half hour to an hour for coffee and we discuss the latest gossip in the neighborhood.

Tara's a few years younger than I am; I think she's 28 while I'm 35. But we both act younger than we are, drinking too much at parties and when we're out to dinner with our spouses. I will admit that at 35, and having given birth to a daughter, I still look pretty good, and I catch the eye of men checking me out. It makes me feel good knowing I still have it.

Tara on the other hand is just beautiful. She's a little ditsy, and a lot of fun to be around. Tara has both men and women drooling over her. I know I do. Ever since I met Tara, I've been bicurious. I have never told her or Tom, but Tara has confided in me that she has been with other women when she was in college.

My husband Tom, that pervert, is always checking Tara out.

I know when Tom's been checking Tara out and if it's after a pool party, sex with Tom is incredible. Well for me at least. I like to tease Tom and make him please me first. I let him feel guilty for looking at anyone other than me. But I don't mind him looking at Tara and fantasizing. Sometimes I find myself doing the same.

Anyway, Tara's attractiveness and her high sex drive, yes women talk about things like that, are what led us to today's conversation.

"Kelly," Tara looked at me with a smile, "Dan finally agreed to a somewhat open marriage," I knew Tara had been pushing her husband Dan to open their marriage so they could "sample the fruit" as Tara likes to say. But Dan always admitted that he would not share his wife, so I was surprised that he gave in.

"Dan saw how serious I was about wanting to date and have sex with other men. I promised him that it would not change our lives. I give that man more sex than he can handle as it is, so, he agreed with conditions of course."

"Let me hear them," I said.

"I argued a few of them," Tara said as I'm sure she would.

"The hardest to swallow, no pun intended, was the condom. I know, I know, diseases, the chance of pregnancy, I get it, but you know what it feels like. But anyway, I agreed to always use condoms, but he gave in to no condoms during oral.

I love the feel and taste of warm cum and once you get that out of the way, men last longer when they get hard again."

"I agree with Dan," I said, "and Tara, don't go getting caught up in the moment of pleasure and forget to make your partner put one on. And don't give in to their "But it doesn't feel the same!" argument."

"I know, I know, I'll do my best to stand firm." I looked at Tara with a smirk. "You better, I want my friend to be happy and healthy."

"So, what are his other rules?" I asked.

"Be discreet! He told me over and over. Dan does not want anyone to know that his wife is out fucking other men."

"I can understand that, Kelly. It's different between men and women. Some women would be envious of you knowing that your husband would let you date other men. But men are not like that. They look down at a man who would let his wife "fuck around."

"Yeah, whatever," was Tara's response.

"Dan had a few others too, no staying out overnight; no going away together; plenty of notice of my night out; no details, and we sleep in different beds the night I return.

Also, you are the only one that he agreed to allow me to talk to. I told him how exciting it would be, like going on a first date all over again. A new cock in my mouth. A new tongue in my pussy."

"I get it," I said to Tara, "as I was getting a little excited myself.

"I need to be able to talk to someone and share the excitement," Tara said.

"And is this what you told Dan, you wanted to feel the excitement of a new cock in my mouth and new tongue in my pussy?"

"No, I may be ditsy at times, but I'm not stupid. I had to pitch this as a good thing for both of us. I also told Dan it wouldn't be like this forever; I want to have children soon and they would consume the rest of our lives."

"What about Dan, is he really into this and will he be finding women to fuck too," I asked.

"I told him I would expect him to do the same and I want to hear details. But will he, I don't know. One thing I do know is that he won't tell me anything about his nights out, if there are any, and he doesn't want to hear about mine either.

I was hoping that I could get him comfortable with having sex with other people and we could share the experience, you know watching."

"What!" I said, "You mean like you want Dan to watch you, you want a cuckold husband.

"What!" Tara responded, "CUCKOLD! Like someone fucks me while Dan watches and we make fun of him, "Look at the small dick, or you'll never be able to please me again, or watch and learn how a real me pleases a woman." Tara laughed. No, Dan is a great lover, and he has a nice size dick too. I just have a higher sex drive than Dan and a dildo when he is not around is just not doing it for me.

Anyway, I mean sharing with Dan, like a couple. For example, the four of us hook up. Tom fucks me and Dan fucks you. Altogether, and loving. I think it would be exciting," Tara said.

"Well," I responded, "I'm not sure if the four of us would fit on a king-size bed with all this sharing going on. Tom likes to flip me around in various positions and we end up using the whole bed." 'I can't wait for Tom to come home from work,' I thought to myself.

"I bet you and I could fit comfortably on a king-size bed together," Tara said.

We just stared at each other for a moment. 'I really need to get my pussy licked tonight. I may call Tom and tell him to leave work early,' I thought to myself.

"Kelly, before you go forward with this new lifestyle, can I share something with you? It's a story that few people know."

"Um, yes! Share away," Tara said eager to hear my story.

"Just like you, I dated my first husband Jerry in college, we moved in together after college and were married within six months of graduation. Was marriage too quick for us, were we too young, who knows?

We were happy, Jerry had an excellent job that was waiting for him upon graduation, and I was working for a friend of the family, the same place I work now.

We were five years into our happy marriage when Jerry approached me with the idea of dating others.

"No questions or comments until I finish my story, Tara. Go pour us another cup of coffee." I continued with my story, as Tara eagerly awaited.

"Kelly," Jerry said to me as you would expect, "You know I love you more than anything in this world." I knew it was coming. I had seen him checking out women in the bars more than a married man would be expected to.

"Do you ever think about other men?" He asked me, and I was honest with him. "Yes, I do Jerry. But I decided to marry you and in doing so, I gave up the right to be with other men." I thought that might be the end of the discussion, but it wasn't.

"I think it would be good for our relationship," he said.

"How Jerry? please explain."

"Well...." Jerry had a rehearsed script. He must have put hours into it. He had scripted answers to all my questions. "Our love for each other will be strong, nothing can ever come between us," 'Well that wasn't true because we're divorced now,' I thought to myself as I told Tara my story.

"Jerry, do you already have someone picked out that you want to have sex with," I asked the question that I already knew the answer to. He tried to say no, but I was going to burst his little bubble anyway.

"Jerry, you do realize that if I were to go along with this "open marriage idea" FIRST AND FOREMOST, there would be no sex with anyone we know,"

Jerry's face dropped. He thought I would be fine with him fucking Mary Long, our divorced friend. Those two were always flirting with each other.

"Still want an open marriage, Jerry," I asked.

He thought for a bit but then said, "Yes and I think you do too," and then he was between my legs pleasuring me with his wonderful tongue. "Let me hear you say yes," he would say.

"I begged him not to stop, "Please Jerry, make me cum!" Well sex was spectacular that night and I gave in and told him yes, but there would be rules.

"You Horney thing you," Tara said.

"Tara, no comments until I'm done," I told her again.

We hashed out a few details, the condom was the big one for me. "Go ahead, cum in her mouth, on her face, or on her tits you want, but wear a condom when you fuck, and I will do the same."

Our life was normal. As normal as you would expect knowing that your husband is out fucking other women once every other week. Every other week, a night out, with a hall pass for the evening was our agreement. And it was the same night. I wasn't going to be sitting home alone twiddling my thumbs while Jerry was out fucking some, I don't know 20-year-old, or 60-year-old. "I told Jerry, no hookers."

"Give me some credit," Jerry said, "I'm hot and can pick up plenty of women."

"I know Jerry," I said, "I included 60-year-olds just to help you out. I've heard young good-looking men love MILFs."

Our sex life, I didn't think it could be better, I was wrong. Jerry was doing things to me that I didn't think were possible. Jerry became an incredible lover. 'Damn to this day I do miss that man's Tongue' I thought to myself.

"If everything was that good then why did you divorce," Tara asked.

I looked at Tara. "Ok! Ok! I'll be quiet until your story is over," she said.

Our life was rolling along, and sex was great. But I didn't like that Jerry was checking out other women right in front of me. "Who is that Jerry," I asked one evening when we were out.

"Oh, just someone I've been talking to."

"The next girl you're looking to fuck," I asked, and he sensed that I was not happy.

"Jerry, what you do on your night out alone is fine and we agreed to it, but please don't check out other women right in front of me on our nights out together."

Jerry apologized, but I still caught him a few times when he thought I wasn't paying attention. But I guess being a guy, even as good-looking as Jerry and in good shape, not every girl he approaches is going to jump in bed with him. Jerry must have to get friendly with the girls first, I didn't even know if he wears a wedding ring when he's out so they also may not know he's married. I didn't care either.

One night with another couple, my friend commented, "Jerry does have a roaming eye for the ladies," I thought about it and just said, "Boys will be boys."

It was the first time someone other than me noticed that Jerry was on the prowl; I guess for his next sexual conquest or notch on his bedpost.

I tried not to let it bother me. We agreed to this lifestyle, but I did wish that Jerry would have been a little more discreet.

I know I haven't talked about my part in the open marriage. For me, I wasn't interested in having sex with anyone else. And what Jerry was learning from other women was enough to keep me happy.

What can I say, I loved Jerry. Most nights when Jerry would go out, I would sit home and read a book or occasionally go out with the girls.

"Staying in again, having trouble hooking up?" Jerry said.

"Really!" was all I said to Jerry and went back to reading my book. Jerry liked the fact that he was fucking other women, and I was just sitting home waiting for him.

We did agree to one rule and that was no sex between us after a date with your partner. That was Jerry's rule. "I don't want to find any surprises," he said.

So, if Jerry was out at the bar or wherever, and came home and tried to have sex with me, I knew he struck out that night. He would strike out with me too.

"No luck tonight, Jerry," I would say with a smile, "sometimes girls can tell when a guy is looking for just one thing. Now go take a shower and brush your teeth, you reek of alcohol.

Maybe just maybe, I'll wake you tomorrow to the warmth of my mouth around your unhappy dick."

I never saw Jerry run out of bed and into the shower as fast as I did on those nights. I was usually fast asleep when he climbed into bed. But I would wake him the next morning just as I said I would, and we would make love or just fuck, it felt good either way.

As I said, I had no interest in going out. I didn't feel like getting picked up by some guy who would treat me as a fuck doll. But, one night while Jerry was getting ready for his night out, I was too. Jerry looked a little shocked.

"Date tonight?" Jerry asked. I was wearing a tight-fitting short dress, high heels, and make-up and I had my hair done that afternoon.

"Nope, just going out with Jenny," My sister.

"Sure, you are," Jerry responded.

My sister had an extra ticket to a play since her husband Frank couldn't make it. Was I going to give Jerry those details? nope.

We had a fun time and I met a few of Jenny's friends, one handsome man caught my eye.

We all went out for drinks after, and Jenny said she had a migraine. "Jenny, I'll be fine. You drive home and I'll take an Uber." Jenny went home and I had a nice evening with a very handsome, well-built, intelligent, and flirty man named Tom.

"Tara, I told you no questions," as she had he mouth open and ready to ask for explicit sexual details I assume."

"Ok, ok," again, Tara was eager to hear the rest of my story so, I continued.

"I see you're married; your husband must be a lucky man. But I would never let a beautiful woman like you out of my sight."

"Tom, you're not getting into my panties tonight. You're not getting a blowjob tonight either. But, if you take me out, say in two weeks, on Saturday night, I'll let you start showing me that you are worthy.

But, if you say anything to Jenny or anyone that the two of you know, I will deny this night or any other that we may spend together; do you understand me, Tom?"

We continued the night; I did give Tom a nice kiss and felt like shit after. Even though Jerry and I had an agreement, and we were in some form of open marriage, I felt guilty.

Jerry was home before me. I walked into the house, extremely nervous like he would see through me. But I wore a good poker face.

"Well," Jerry asked, "how was it?"

I took out my phone and showed Jerry a picture of me and Jenny standing next to the full-size, life-like display of the actors in the playhouse. "Jenny and I had a great time."

"So disappointing," Jerry said.

I had Tom's number, and I would text when I was at work and delete the message. I still didn't want Jerry to know I was playing along with his open marriage game.

I did start to notice something different with Jerry. He was dressing nicer for his nights out with his partner. "Impressive," I said, "slacks and a sports coat, no more flashing money and picking up 20-year-old girls for you?" Tom just laughed and left for his date.

By this time, I had been on a few dates with Tom, and we were texting regularly, but I was still deleting the messages. I was still feeling guilty and no, even after five dates, we had done nothing more than kiss.

I told Tom the whole story, the open marriage, and how sex was incredible. "Your husband is a stupid ass," was all he said.

Tom was single and dating other women. He had to get his sex somewhere because it wasn't coming from me. He accepted that he had no chance of having sex with me, but still wanted to see me. We had a standing date night every other Saturday evening. I would tell Jerry I was going out with Jenny.

I know Jerry, the little sneak, called Jenny a few times with some stupid question just to see if she was at home.

After a few calls to Jenny, sometimes she picked up and sometimes she didn't, I noticed Jerry's expressions and attitude started to change. He didn't look happy that I was going out on dates.

Well one Saturday, the shit hit the fan.

Jenny had a pool party. Jerry and I knew some of Jenny's friends, but I felt weird wearing a bikini, so I opted for a one-piece. Tom wasn't happy. He likes to show me off. So, I reluctantly changed.

I knew Tom would be there and his dick would be hard as steel when he saw me in this bikini. I was right about Tom and many other of Jenny's male friends checking me out. I won't lie, I was checking out Tom's muscular chest and strong arms. His bulge looked nice too.

"Damn Kelly," Jenny said, "I remember when I could rock a bikini like you, well maybe not exactly like you, but little Frankie JR put an end to that. Now my hips are a little wider."

"You still look great, and your tits are bigger, I bet Frank likes that," I said, and we both giggled.

Then on a serious note, she asked, "What's going on with you and Tom?

No, Tom didn't tell me, it's Jerry. He keeps calling me, I assume to see if I was out with you. So, I figured something must be going on and I remembered the night of the play and that you stayed out and I remembered how Tom was flirting with you.

The little slut that you are, you looked like you loved the attention. But Kelly, I never thought that you would cheat on Jerry.

I confronted Tom, he just said "I wish," but I could tell he was lying.

So, tell me, Kelly, are you fucking Tom? I want all the details, how big is his dick, and how good he is in bed? After you tell me, I will tell you how stupid you are and convince you to stop fucking Tom. Your marriage is worth more."

"Jenny," I said, "it's not what you think."

I went on to tell Jenny the whole story and she said told me the same thing as Tom, "He's a stupid ass and you're a stupider ass for not fucking Tom. But on the bright side, you said the sex is incredible. But you are still a stupid ass. Tom would be a great fuck buddy and I would love to hear all the details."

"I don't know. I feel like I'm cheating."

"You need help, Kelly," Jenny said, and we giggled.

"Jenny, I feel better that I talked to someone about this. I don't mind that he is out having fun with other women, we have rules in place. Who knows, maybe I eventually have sex with Tom. I do like spending time with him. But I don't want to get too attached. I'm a married woman."

"You need to think this open marriage through again Kelly. You get nothing out of it. I get that you don't want to go out and just have casual sex, but to let Jerry fuck around while you feel guilty, I'd put an end to it or cut Frank's balls off if he kept seeing other women."

Jenny and I brought food out and put it on the serving table and then I walked to the pool area to join Jerry as I felt eyes staring at me. Did I like it? It was more for Jerry's benefit than mine.

Jerry liked the attention I was receiving and the comments he was receiving, mostly that he was a lucky man, and they were jealous of him. Yes, Jerry loves to tell me the comments he gets too.

I strolled off and left Jerry with the guys, as they went off to play corn hole and other games. I found a few girls I knew, also my cousin and her husband were at the barbeque too.

"Hey Kelly," Tom said as he walked up to me with a smile on his face. "I know we agreed to friendly dates and no sex, but when you walk around in a bikini, I don't know if I can keep on abiding by your rules."

"I can see that," I said as I looked at the bulge between Tom's legs, "I hope one of your girlfriends can take care of that for you."