Art & Ozz


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The incubus was his usual stark contrast to Arthur--all sharp angles and dark colors, he was a bit shorter and much slimmer but made up for it with his off-putting demeanor. Today, however, he wasn't fooling anyone, and his rich red skin flushed to a near purple when the human touched him. "Hey Ozz, are you alright? I didn't expect you to be this awkward."

The demon turned, finally looking directly at the paladin. Hells, were his eyes always this blue? They could light up a room all on their own. "Yeah, yeah, I'm good. It's just..." he indicated at himself with a vague hand. He still looked every bit a demon, from the curling goat horns and spaded tail to the leathery wings folded over his shoulders like a cloak, but from his stance he was almost like a scared child. "It's really gone now. Every bit of seductive demon magic I've ever had is gone forever, and for the first time I... I feel unsure."

Arthur recoiled slightly, quietly asking, "Unsure about us?"

"No, no! Hells, not us!" Ozzumyn snapped, grabbing Arthur by the shoulders and pulling him back. "Never us. I just... I don't know what I'm doing anymore. Before the demon magic would show me a human's weak points, I'd just know what to say or how to move to make them go crazy. I mean, I've fucked so many in the infernal realm that you'd think I would've learned something, but--" Ozz was silenced by a steady kiss from Arthur, their lips pressing together not in some mad lust but rather as a calming presence that allowed Ozzumyn to stop and breathe in. His husband smelled like rosemary, and the familiar scent instantly calmed him down. "Eh-heh, sorry about that," the incubus mumbled when the kiss finally broke.

"Shush, you never need to apologize. But is that why you haven't thrown me on the bed and ravished me yet? You've been waiting so long for just that..." Arthur planted a hand on his hip, cocking an eyebrow in an openly mocking gesture. He knew just how to push his husband's buttons, and he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it a little. All in good faith, of course, it would break his heart to see Ozz truly frustrated. Just a little prod was all he needed, and the demon's yellow eyes hardened ever so slightly as he steeled his resolve.

"Now hold up, I'm just trying to make sure it's good for you. You're the blushing virgin, after all." Ozzumyn pointed towards the bed and continued, "So go sit down and let me take care of you. Erm, please." Art chuckled but did so without complaint, sitting on the edge and resting back on his hands for a good view. With a wave of the demon's hand the cold fireplace surged to life, and in the dancing shadows the bedroom suddenly seemed like an entire, private world of their very own. Trying his damndest to get back into the familiar groove, Ozzumyn turned and opened his wings, letting the light of the fire fill him with a yellow glow. He was wearing a tight-fitting leather suit brightened by a sprig of lavender on his lapel, and although most would probably consider it a bit scandalous for a wedding it was downright conservative for the demon. Then he started to dance, slowly bending and curving his body to his own music as he undid the buckles holding his jacket in place. It took an eternity, each buckle exposing a bit more of smooth red flesh until his jacket finally fell to the ground and Ozzumyn opened his eyes. Arthur was the squirmy one now, not sure what to do with himself as a full tent had sprung up in his robe. Guess the incubus still had a few tricks, after all.

Ozz walked to the bed and straddled Art, their faces inches apart. They were both breathing hard, hands exploring one another as if they were made of glass. Arthur's hands slid up and down the demon's smooth chest and back, eliciting a moan when he brushed against the other's dark nipples. Ozzumyn slipped his hands under the human's collar, opening his robe until it fell past his shoulders and exposed a strong chest with just enough hair to be called fuzzy. "You sure about this?" Ozzumyn asked. "Last chance to back out."

Arthur's blue eyes seared into the demon. "Yes. I love you, Ozzumyn Dawnstride." Hearing his full name for the first time broke something in Ozz, and he practically tackled his partner with a deeply mad kiss. Art didn't fight it, riding along the other's energy as the kiss turned to grinding and random groping. The paladin had only masturbated a few shameful times as a squire, and the electricity running through his body at his partner's touch was almost overwhelming all on its own.

When the demon finally came back up for air, his face was set in determination as he squirmed downwards. On his knees in front of the bed, Ozzumyn finished removing his partner's robe and wasted no time pulling down his underwear. The pink cock bounced slightly when it was finally freed, already glistening with pre and aching for release. It was nothing to laugh at, either, definitely a healthy size for a human, and upon seeing that the last greedy fear died away in the demon's mind; redeemed or not, he still liked what he liked. He licked his lips, forked tongue sliding out further, and further, until a full foot of wet muscle wavered in the air like a hungry snake. It barely touched his glans and Arthur gasped, almost recoiling from the pleasure. The tongue slid back into Ozzumyn's mouth for an assuring, "Relax, hon, I got you. Just breathe," before it slid back out and slowly wrapped its entire length around the member. This was his favorite tease from his old days, showing his victim what no other mortal could do was often enough to give up their soul right there and then... but that wasn't him any longer. Now he could see the pleasure on Arthur's face, and that was more than enough.

Too much, in fact, it looked like Art was already close to the edge. "Twy to hol it in," Ozzumyn tried to say, but Arthur was too far gone to hear. Not daring to let this first time go to waste, Ozzumyn lunged forward and swallowed the entire member in one go, sucking on his husband with gusto. Even an experienced mortal stood little chance against that, and within two seconds Art let out an adorable squeal with his first proper orgasm. Not one drop spilled as Ozzumyn swallowed every bit, relishing in the flavor; not only had it been ages, but this was the best of them all because it was his. When the pulsing finally stopped Ozz stood up to see his partner moaning slightly, eyes unfocused and staring at the ceiling. He was too cute.

"That was... whew." Art managed to groan.

"Worth the wait?"

"Yeeeees." The paladin chuckled and sat up, eyeing his partner. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"Naw, don't worry about that. Demon physiology, I could deepthroat a broomstick if I wanted."

"Ha, that's good to hear. Well, your turn!" He suddenly slid forward until he fell on his knees, and when Ozz started to protest he shushed the demon. "I'm not going to let it not be even like this. Plus, I've always wondered what it's like..." It took a little straining, but he finally dislodged the tight leather pants and pulled them down, gasping when a monstrous member almost slapped him in the face. It was deep purple and throbbing and, amazingly, ribbed slightly along the entire length. "Whoa. That... you're big, Ozz."

Ozzumyn gave a sheepish laugh. "Yeah, most demons are. That's what I mean, you don't have to--eep!" Art had grasped the base of Ozz's cock, his fingers barely closing the circumference, and was tugging on it experimentally to see what the demon liked. When he got a good rhythm going Art stuck out his tongue and ran it along the length of the member, tasting it from the base to the head before letting as much into his mouth as he could fit. This turned out to be little more than the head before Art's gag reflex kicked in, and he looked up at the demon with apologetic eyes. Ozz, however, was off in his own world, his only conscious thought was holding back from facefucking the human. Incubi were not meant to go without, and he had been waiting so long for this day that he was ungodly sensitive. "Don't stop, Art," he groaned, "keep going just like that. Please." Arthur hummed happily and resumed his work, sucking on the head and pumping at the shaft with both hands. His jaw was aching by the time Ozz suddenly gripped two large fistfuls of hair, letting out a guttural growl as the incubus finally came.

Arthur was not prepared for the torrent of demon semen that filled his mouth, it tasted bitter and the musk it carried was overwhelming. He was able to maybe swallow once before he pulled back on reflex and his face was drenched in the sticky liquid, pump after pump painting him an off-white ooze monster. Coughing and sputtering, Art struggled to clear his eyes and the first thing he saw was a horrified expression on his husband. Rather than complain, Art laughed and said, "So that's what that's like. I guess I have some learning to do, huh?"

Ozzumyn rolled his eyes and laughed back, bending over to cup Arthur's sticky face in his hands. "You were amazing, thank you. Now let's get you cleaned up..." The forked tongue slid back out into view, and with a few practiced motions Ozz had lapped up almost every drop of his own spilled seed. With a smirk he pressed forward and kissed Art, the pearly liquid swirling between them as the demon fed his husband. Ozzumyn gulped down a good bit himself, of course, but sharing was one of the many things Arthur had taught him and this seemed like the best time for it.

When it was finished and the kiss broke, the two were left gazing at each other through a cloud of hormones with dumb, half-lidded smiles on their faces. "Sooo... what now?" Arthur finally asked when the silence had begun to grow awkward.

"Well, I don't know about you but I'm certainly not done," Ozzumyn responded, sitting down on the bed and pulling the other up next to him. The demon's rigid member hadn't softened one bit, and the paladin bit his lip when he noticed. Ozzumyn had remained chaste for so long while he waited for Arthur, and while that feat was quite the proclamation of love from an incubus Art hadn't considered just how much pent-up sexual energy he would have to deal with. It must have been such a burden for him to carry...

Art rubbed his chin at the daunting task ahead. "Of course not. Just hope I don't get lockjaw, heh."

Ozz rolled his eyes and said, "No, not that, we'd be here all night. Lean back, I want to show you something..." Art obliged, but squeaked with surprise when Ozz hoisted his legs up so they were out and to the side. Then he pulled out a bottle of oil, drizzling a liberal amount in both his hands before going to work. He rubbed Art's pelvis and thighs, getting them nice and slick before going in and grasping his half-erect cock. Arthur gasped and Ozzumyn grinned, secretly delighted to find out just how sensitive his new husband became after a good climax. More oil was poured on until the paladin's nethers glistened, and as he worked the soft shaft with one hand the other traveled further downwards; first to give the balls a good fondle, then to massage the sensitive taint, and finally...

Arthur yelped and bucked when a finger suddenly pressed against his anus, and Ozzumyn had to calm him down. "It's okay, it's okay Arty! Just trust me, it'll feel really good." Arthur lowered himself back down, but he was visibly tense and looked very unsure about where this was heading. Ozzumyn took extra care, rubbing his middle finger in tiny circles around the opening until the human started to moan slightly. Then he wiggled the well-oiled finger in, and although Arthur grimaced he didn't say stop and it slid in all the way without problem.

"That... this feels funny," Art said through clenched teeth. Ozz smirked. "I'm not sure what you're--HOOOO!" The incubus had curled his finger upwards, putting just enough pressure on the paladin's prostate to make his mind blank and his back arch. "What the hel... heck was that!?"

Ozzumyn barked a good-natured laugh. "That, my love, is your prostate. Most men never even realize they have one, or they're too scared to look. But it feels great, doesn't it? That's what it's there for." Ozz was massaging the organ all through the explanation, and already Art had been reduced to a quivering puddle. "Ooo, we're going to have so much fun with this in the future. But it looks like you're ready!" Arthur's member was fully erect again, and the proud paladin actually whimpered slightly when Ozzumyn pulled out with a pop and flopped down next to him. "Hurry, hurry, stand next to the bed!" Arthur was confused, but spurred on by his partner's enthusiasm and did so without question. Once they had swapped positions Ozzumyn spread his legs in the air and grabbed his ass, presenting his own star. "We'll need a lot of work before you're loose enough to handle my bad boy, but... hells I need you inside me, Arty."

"Are you sure I won't hurt you...?"

"No! Demons are stretchy, remember? Don't even worry about foreplay, just--I've waited so long and I'm so hungry for you. Pleeeease!" Ozzumyn wiggled his butt slightly, spaded tail swishing with mad desire. Seeing the proud demon submit so eagerly stirred something deep within Arthur, something that young squires are always told to reject as sinful... but heck, they're married now and lusting after your own spouse isn't a sin, right?

Heart thudding in his chest, Arthur wrapped one arm around Ozzumyn's leg in a reassuring squeeze and used the other to aim himself. Ozz's skin was flushed and burning against his, but barely put up any resistance as he pressed forward and the head popped inside. Straining with resistance against the urge to flop forward, Art slowly pushed every inch in until their hips finally connected and they let out simultaneous sighs of satisfaction. "Ohhh stars above, you... you're so HOT!" Arthur moaned.

Ozzumyn laughed at the strained compliment. "Mmm, you're pretty handsome yourself," he purred back, curling his tail around the other's waist to pull them just a bit closer. "Now fuck me--I mean, love me good and proper!" Arthur tried, bless his heart he tried, but it quickly became apparent that his inability to keep a rhythm applied to more than just dancing. He would get a few slow pumps in that sent Ozzumyn's world spinning, but Arthur would quickly get over-excited and lose the tempo. He'd go so fast that his feet would slip, or he'd pull too far out, and he'd have to slow back down.

Great as it felt to finally be on either end of a good fuck again, Ozz knew neither of them were going to cum anytime soon like this. "Hey hon, I wanna try something," he said, interrupting Arthur's frantic thrusting. The man looked confused but laid back down on the bed and Ozzumyn went back to straddling him. The demon leaned forward to embrace the paladin in another kiss, this time adding a little grinding on top. Slow and deliberate, he relished in the sensation of humping his partner and feeling the two hot rods sliding between them. "Hells, I can't wait 'til I can top you," Ozz groaned, the surging desire coming out almost like a whine.

"Yes Ozz, I'm sorry I'm such a... what did you call me? A tight-arse," Arthur chided, but his smile was as good natured as ever and Ozz responded with a playful pap on the pectoral.

"Quiet, you. This will do juuust fine..." Then the incubus leaned back, grasped his partner's shaft, and sat right on it. He hilted himself effortlessly, humming with satisfaction; from this vantage he could watch Art squirm with pleasure and he loved every second of it. Then he reached his hands up, clasping them behind his head to show off his long, slender red body, and started to grind. Arthur moaned and his eyes rolled back right away, the man melting like butter under Ozzumyn's skilled shifting and squeezing.

"Oh yes, just fine indeed," Arthur groaned, reaching down to grasp his partner by the thighs. "I think I'm going to love watching you dance like this." With that encouragement Ozz sped up the pace slightly, his whole body undulating in a perfect mirror to the dancing flames. Arthur had to grit his teeth to hold off the pleasure, Ozzumyn was not attempting to hold back any longer and Arthur knew he wasn't going to last long. In an attempt to reciprocate the pleasure Art shifted and grasped Ozz's prick, jacking him off in time to his grinding.

This was, to Arthur's amazement, the right choice. His touch was enough to break Ozzumyn's concentration and the demon threw his head back in a surprised gasp. Then he leaned forward, planting his hands on Art's chest and locking eyes before switching from a slow grind to a mad bounce, pounding himself on Arthur's shaft. Both the men were straining as their gentle lovemaking turned into a sort of unspoken competition on who would last longer, each one trying to send the other over the edge with pleasure alone.

Ozzumyn likely could have held off longer if he really tried to, but having his prostate pounded while a strong hand jacked him off was just too good... plus, he wanted to give his husband the win. "Shit... fuck you're good, Arty. Please, say it again. Please!"

Arthur's pleasure was distracted with the momentary confusion, until he realized what the other was asking for. "I love you, Ozzumyn Dawnstride!"

"I love you tooahhhAHHH!" Ozzumyn's voice shot up an octave, his whole body shuddering as the floodgates opened and he came again. This one was strong enough to make him momentarily black out, spilling his seed in great globs all over his partner's chest and face. The senseless spasming made him clench down on Arthur's meat, sending the paladin tumbling right after in his own orgasm.

Neither one said anything for a long time, both of their heads swirling too fast to make sense of the world. When they came down from cloud 9 Ozzumyn cleaned up his partner again before nuzzling down into his strong chest. "By the gods, I never imagined it could be so good," Arthur eventually panted.

Ozzumyn purred, "Mmm, me neither," and he meant every word. A demon could get used to this.

-End of Year 1-

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I came here for smut and instead got swept up in a beautiful love story. I'm obsessed. I love it so much.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
So cute

I really love the progression of there relationship and wish to see what they are up to in year 2 please write some more.

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