Art Deco Pt. 02


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' I'm the only one round here who's allowed to be overweight, I'm going to make sure you stay in tip-top condition; just like the stallions in my charge' The women giggled ; The taut and quiet buxom one spoke out for once;

'Yes, and we can all imagine what you get up to with those stallions!' There was mild uproar at this statement and Chubby, whose name was Roseanne, blushed but was not deterred.

'Oh, and I suppose you just take their temperatures when it's stud-time I suppose? ,Miss Chrissie Ortino! The words 'stud' and 'Stallion' left an indelible print on the mind which in this context conjured up visions of young ladies taking advantage of animals of a lesser intelligence, endowed with a physical presence much greater than their own species might provide. Needless to say, this is where that conversation ended.

Having eaten and been well watered, the voluptuous Roseanne took him out into the hot sunshine; there was the quad-bike. The other ladies followed and watched with interest. Roseanne stripped naked; her chubby seraph like body was beautifully rubenesque. There was nothing about her which looked disproportionate; she was one of those females who was meant to be larger than average, and she looked formidable.

'Off with your clothes too- NOW!' she said. He did so without question. She unravelled a long length of silky rope and tied it about his middle. She then spread her ample legs and buttocks across the quad-bike and kick started it. Her lovely white buttocks shimmered as she revved the motor.

'Let's go for a run' she said, then engaged first gear and slowly trundled forward; he was compelled to run behind. The women clapped and cheered at this spectacle of a voluptuous beauty on powered transport, making a male twice her age run behind -- roped, he had no choice. Judy snapped away and shouted after them-

'Careful please Roseanne, we don't want him injured- well not too badly!' she laughed. Roseanne waved in recognition and headed for Sandy Ridge with her prize running after her. As they disappeared over the horizon, a horse neighing behind them caught their attention. It was Carole, naked and smiling supremely upon a fine stallion; she trotted off in the same direction, her mature and beautiful rear end rising and falling upon the saddle with the movement of the horse.

Roseanne soon had her new charge at the desired place; she pulled the quad-bike up at the base of a cliff like ravine over which hung shrubs and lush vegetation. The wall of the cliff was very sandy as was the gully which ran before them, it was out of the wind and the evening sun made the wall of the cliff glow bright orange. He watched the voluptuous beauty; she knew he was looking at her ample white bottom as it spread across the hot black vinyl seat. She looked round at him and smiled, looked forward again then pushed forward on the handlebars, arched her back and pushed her lower parts into the soft seat. This action made the beads of sweat on her back roll down to the crack of her delectable bottom and past her sticky anus to the seat. Then she got up. She reeled him in on the rope till he was level with the bike;

'Lick my seat clean!' she commanded;

He looked down at the shiny and wet impression her glorious form had left. She held his cock as he went down;

'Must not have you burn this on the exhaust!' she laughed.

Half-kneeling he licked clean the salty, tangy essence from the black vinyl; roped and now owned by yet another female, this one formidably built, his balls tingled at this new humiliation. She sneered at him, enhancing the feeling-

'That's it, lick up every drop!; when he'd done she picked up a short whip which was attached to the bike, then walked him down the airless gully on the warm soft sand. He enjoyed watching her soft bottom jiggle and so hoped he'd be allowed to do her seat justice as well. They reached an open spot and she played out the rope. The well --endowed beauty had him canter back and forth in circles on the rope, cracking the whip above his head menacingly;

'I'll soon have you broken in and ready to serve even the meekest woman'- she said , she then tied his hands behind his back and put the rope through his mouth; bridal fashion, walking him up and down whilst whipping his bottom sharply with her whip; this gave her immense satisfaction and he could not help but enjoy this new game- he was thoroughly enjoying his humiliation. At one point she sat her ample body on his back whilst he padded on all fours; this was exceptionally hard work but the feeling of her hot sweaty naked bottom and pussy rocking back and forth upon his back was devine. Oh how he was relishing being 'broken in' by her-he wished she'd whip him in earnest.

The sun was still bright but much lower in the Alabama sky now; she was just finishing yet another circling routine, when he noticed her smiling and looking down the gully.

Up came Carole astride the stallion at walking pace. The gorgeous mature women's body glistened with sweat from head to toe; she rocked gently back and forth in the saddle; she looked magnificent and he wanted to please her in any way she wanted, right there and then. The stallion was semi erect and snorted in the warmth and atmosphere of the gully; he could no doubt smell the sweet feminine scent too and though he did not understand why, his arousal was apparent.

Roseanne licked her lips in anticipation; she knew what was to come.

'Has he performed well?'

'Oh yes Carole he shows good potential' said Roseanne eagerly.

'Good; he'll please you now' -- she looked at him with contempt-

'You shall please your trainer right now, whilst I watch'

Rosanne lay back in the soft sand, her head toward the mounted goddess; up went her legs; she was dripping with sweat and anticipation.

'Lick her bottom first!' said the dominant beauty in the saddle. He went in eagerly at the hot sticky prize and devoured the luscious salty residues. Roseanne grabbed his head and pulled him tight in to the soft warmth of her crevice, his nose now sampling the sweet scent of her moist pussy.

Roseanne bucked and pulled at his hair impatiently; she was thoroughly enjoying having her rectal passage licked clean by this very interesting submissive, but oh how she wanted to come.

From her position, Carole could see his cock on occasion, as it bobbed like a stiff rubber lever and patted the sand as he vigorously worked his body in unison with his tongue as the chubby beauty enjoyed his attention and hummed, half with contentment, half with impatience as she waited for him to receive his orders to deliver her to ecstasy.

'Look at me!' said Carole; He viewed the supreme vision before him over the hump of Roseanne's dripping wetness. The glorious naked image mounted dominantly upon the partly excited stallion now toyed with a long whip which she twirled down past her mature breasts, shapely torso and supple legs into the sand below.

'Now pleasure her womanhood, but don't you dare take your eyes off me!' Roseanne let out a little cry of relief and nearly broke his neck as she hauled him forward up her sweet and slippery slope. He slotted his tongue into the luscious folds and Roseanne moaned with pleasure and lifted her chubby thighs making it difficult for him to keep his eyes on his true mistress who was now smiling wickedly and twirling the whip about her head. Her superb breasts giggled with the action.

Roseanne whimpered, Carole jerked the whip smartly in the air above her head; 'CRACKKK!!; This made Roseanne pull his head in all the tighter; he could barely breathe, and her juices went down the back of his throat and up his nostrils making him splutter, but this did not distract him from either continuing to pleasure his trainer or allowing his eyes to stray from the one woman he wanted most to be allowed to pleasure.

The stallion cantered slightly and turned in a circle, affording him a view of her seductive naked bottom which she lifted and sat back with an audible 'slap' as her plump and naked sweatiness made a partly vacuumed contact with the smooth surface of the leather saddle. As she faced him the goddess cut the air once more with the lethal looking whip, wearing a wicked expression upon her face;

'CRACCKK!! Roseanne cried out; humped her torso forward and all but crushed his head with her thighs;

'Ohhhhhhhhh!! Yes yes, yesss!' cried Roseanne as she reached the point of no return and went eagerly beyond it. His cock pulsated at the sound of feminine ecstasy; oh how he wanted to come. Carole knew this. She wrapped the whip about her body and slid the handle beneath her crotch and bottom.

'Tomorrow you shall taste this whip in more ways than one, and only then shall you be rewarded' she said haughtily- 'but tonight you will face further denial and will be brought to the very edge only to have your hopes dashed- I shall ensure it is so.'

She pumped the stallions flanks with her legs, sending a ripple through her fleshy thighs and buttocks, and the horse duly started to walk. She smiled;

'You'll beg me to whip you tomorrow.' She turned the stallion and moved away at walking pace- ensuring he had a good view of her rear as she went. He was brought to his senses by Roseanne tying the rope about his waist once more;

'Time to get you back to the ranch-house; you'll need a nice cool shower and I'll need a good wash down from you; you've made me all sticky and dirty!' She started the quad bike and he padded after the freshly satisfied amazon.

Having been made fresh once more, it was obvious to the women he was now very tired. Celeste and Chrissie led him away to his room.

'You're to have a nice nap' Said Celeste, as she followed Chrissie up the wooden stairway past the paraphernalia which adorned the walls; cow horns, stags antlers, old Winchesters' aplenty.

He was taken to a room which looked like a set from a 50's western; the bed had a typical brassy bedstead, but looked so inviting to him. He was drained by the hot sun and the afternoon's events. His mind was nothing short of delirious with the implanted vision of Carole. The two women knew exactly what they must do. He was to sleep, and nothing else! They helped him off with his clothes then smiling, Chrissie produced some soft cord whilst Celeste held his arms behind him;

'Oh you poor thing!' she said; 'We know how you'd like to relieve your balls of their burden- but we can't have you waste yourself, can we?'

Chrissie sneered as she bound his arms behind his back. They peeled back the duvet and he was lain down on the bed. Chrissie the bound his ankles whilst Celeste watched. He did not care at all at this point and enjoyed the attention and control that the two women had over him. They then tied a cord from wrists to ankles, bringing his legs up to ensure he could not hump the mattress in his sleep whilst consumed in an adult 'wet dream' having been denied whilst witnessing so much erotica first hand.

Having secured him, they were about to cover him with the duvet, when they turned toward the door as someone else entered the room. It was Carole.

'Thank you ladies; you may leave him to me now' the two smiled at her thoughtfully as they passed on their way out- they had not rehearsed this.

'Hello my prize asset' she said, as she lifted the flowing full length skirt she was wearing up to her waist and sat down close to his head, allowing him more torment with the sight of her bare thighs and the soft natural scent of her womanhood.

'I've got something to remind you of me whilst you regain your strength over the next hour and a half, or so'; she smiled wickedly at him.

'Can you guess what it is?' she teased. Then she showed him the butt-plug he had been treated to on the plane.

'Tell me you want it' she said unsmiling.

'Please mistress, let me have the butt-plug' he said obediently. She smiled with satisfaction, leant over him, stroked his anus with her finger delicately and eased the plug in as he shivered and moaned with the discomfort. She took great pleasure in squeezing the plug home. This act of humiliation was a favourite of hers and the fact that this act might produce a new story from this slave gave her an extra kick.

'Now you have a nice sleep and I'll see you later, remember what I told you earlier; you'll be made to perform for the ladies this evening in the most divine ways, but you, YOU will be denied. Tomorrow I shall whip you and you will know ecstasy like never before. You will realise once and for all that you are owned by all women and will pay dearly for your realisation.'

She stood up and produced panties worn earlier, rolled them as before, and stuffed them neatly in his mouth, which he had automatically opened on seeing them. She then gently tucked her captive in;

'Sweet dreams' she said, and left. He lay there bound, the butt-plug stretching his rectum and tickling inside once more, gagged by used panties, tied and helpless; his cock pulsating. He yearned for relief but could not help but enjoy this torture. He was being controlled completely by dominant women; He was now looking forward to being whipped as he knew he would beg for mercy and receive none- he was owned by the women now.

It seemed as though he'd only just closed his eyes. He was woken by Judy and Agnes; the latter pulled back the duvet and woke him, then she sat cross-legged on the bed next to him. The feeling of being bound and the tight butt-plug, along with the smell of the women now beside him awoke his cock also; his member had also been enjoying a rest and had been semi-flaccid whilst asleep, but was instantly aroused by his thoughts. Once again he was rigid and ached for relief. Judy snapped away whilst Agnes made many erotic poses; Judy was almost apologetic:

'I'll just make a quick sketch then we'll take you down for some food and drink, and...' she bit her tongue and smiled. Now done the two untied him. He was then treated to mild humiliation as the plug was removed; the girls giggled as he squirmed with discomfort as it was pulled from him -- this was more painful than entry as the removal created a vacuum;

'There!' said Agnes as she finally pulled it free, making him wince. Judy smiled at him softly as she collared and leashed him. Then the two led him downstairs.

The main lounge was somewhat smoky and the women were all very casually attired in nightdresses and underwear. He was sat at a table and the two ranch-hands Roseanne and Chrissie spoon fed him with various morsels as though he were an infant.

'Here's a nice drink for you' said Roseanne

'And here's a nice blue tablet for you' said Chrissie

'Now you drink it all up and take your medicine too!' said the chubby one. He really did not want any more assistance with his blood pressure but did as he was told. Chrissie patted his lips with a napkin when he'd finished. The women were lounging around a central area and watching a large flat screen on one wall. They tittered and laughed lightly as they watched men being put through their paces in various equestrian guises; pony tailed latex clad women whipping out at the hapless males adorned with tails of their own, pulling various chariots, or being roped and whipped just for the hell of it. Chrissie led him through the throng;

'I'm just going to the girl's room-I've had too much liquid' she said. As she did he stopped, thinking he'd be told to sit or kneel somewhere- a sharp tug on his collar from Chrissie told him otherwise;

'Come on will you! I'm bursting' and she led him to the girls room with her. The girls room was tiled and drained like a wet-room and the toilet pedestals were situated like stand-alone baths; not in a tight cubicle, but set proud with plenty of room which would allow observers a view from any angle. They could also observe what was happening within the toilet as these were transparent glass rather than porcelain. He had never seen anything like this, and though he was not into 'scat' by any stretch of his imagination, the thought of watching a woman relieve herself suddenly made his cock twitch.

Chrissie released his leash and slowly removed her panties; suddenly she had no urgency at all. As the panties dropped to her ankles, she moved one foot out, then bent over keeping her legs straight to allow him a full view of her rear as she went down to remove the panties from the other leg. She then went over to the pedestal and sat slowly down, allowing her cheeks to splay over the Perspex seat.

'Come and lie down here!' she commanded. He lay down facing her legs, which she held open far enough to allow him to view her glistening pussy through the underside of the glass bowl. His cock throbbed against the cool shiny tiles. She pulled his leash up to ensure his nose was virtually up against the bowl.

'I want you to watch me pee, and then I'll have you clean me up' she said. He was none too sure of this but his raging erection and the constant denial meant he saw an erotic side to anything the women subjected him to. She sighed and he saw her pussy bulge then trickle and finally gush her hot golden liquid, obscuring his view when in mainstream as it swirled about the bowl before his eyes. As the flow ebbed, he was rewarded with a clearer sight of her womanhood as she emptied the remainder of her bladder.

'mmm' she murmured; 'Did you like that?'; he had to admit it- though he wasn't sure at first, he now felt a deep sense of eroticism at being made to watch her perform the most rudimentary of human actions.

'Yes mistress Chrissie, I did like that' he could not deny it, and knew that another humiliation was now due.

'Would you like to lick me clean?' she said, now smiling with utter contentment. Though he imagined that her urine would be acrid and odorous, he had so enjoyed watching her and wanted to enjoy the humiliation of licking her clean regardless of how her waste liquid tasted;

'Yes please mistress Chrissie, I would like to lick you clean'; he almost begged to be of service to her, and she relished the control she had over him without so much as a threat of the cane or crop.

'Up you come then' she said, and he knelt before her. She moved forward on the warm perspex seat so that the prize protruded over the edge then lifted her legs. He golden droplets dribbled down her thighs;

'make sure you do a good job and lick every drop up!'; he went in without hesitation; though the smell was different to the aroused pussies he'd gorged on so far, the taste was not as unpleasant as he had imagined, in fact it was not unpleasant at all. He lapped at her and she rubbed his hair as he licked the thighs and juicy delicate folds of her womanhood, till she was shiny all around her pussy, his task complete. She sat back and then suddenly felt her stomach;

'Oh, oh dear, I think I may have something else for you' she said with a much sterner look.

'Down you go!' she said pushing him to the floor before the bowl once more. He did not need to delve too deeply into his imagination to conjure up what was about to happen.

'Now watch my bottom' she said, as she pulled her knees together but kept her lower legs apart. The prospect gave him butterflies in the stomach, but he found he was fixated by the sight of the beautiful pear shape above him, and he felt her calf muscles tense as something was happening further up her body. His cock twitched and squirmed against the now sweaty ceramic tiles. Once again he felt a deep sense of erotic satisfaction at the degradation being awarded him by this petit but dominant woman. Oh how he wanted to come.

'You make sure you watch now' she said- there was no chance he would look elsewhere. She giggled and he watched with anticipation as her sweet brown button bulged, gently at first, then dilated and she giggled with enjoyment again;

'Watch me shit!' she said coarsely to further emphasise the tease and enjoy his lowly predicament;