Art Model


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Sort of to break the tension, I said, "No piercings, scars or tattoos."

He replied, "You have a great figure, congratulations, you will work out fine. Nice tone and lots of curves. You obviously keep in good shape. As we say in the art world, you have a voluptuous body. Would you mind if I offer a couple of suggestions?"

I replied, "Yes, of course."

He continued, "It will be best if you use a nail polish of a natural color or none at all and light or even no makeup. Whatever you are comfortable with, but nothing that draws too much attention. Your body will be the focus."

I listened as he continued, "It may not be possible for you if you are coming right from work, but it would also be better if you do not wear a bra or panty or tight fitting clothes for maybe an hour before we start, so the lines on your skin have time to fade. You can wear your hair down, but sometimes I might want you to wear it up if you agree. It is also up to you, but we prefer if you can remove rings and not wear any jewelry."

His suggestions made perfect sense and I thanked him. As I had been standing there nude while we talked as he had been looking me over, my nipples had been very hard.

He said, "I will not pressure you to decide right away. Think about it and get back to me. However, I think you would be a great model for the students and I hope you will decide to go ahead."

I said, "I don't have to think about it. I will try it out for at least one session and then we can talk about it again going forward."

He said, "That's fantastic. Thank you."

We talked about me starting in two weeks as I would be back again then. He showed me the initial poses he had in mind. The first would be sitting on the sofa with legs extended. The second would be a fully nude standing pose with arms up.

He said, "If you want to try them for a second, it might help you think about it."

I agree it was a good idea and I sat down on the sofa. It had no back and only one end had an arm. So I leaned back and tried to imitate the picture he had shown me. I raised my knee on the leg toward him and rested my hand on the knee. It was something like the style Kate Winslet had done on the movie Titanic.

He said, "Good, good. Now arch your back a little and push your chest forward. Good. Look toward me now, good. And now tilt your head upward. Perfect. Hold that and you have got it."

While he was giving me the pose instructions he had been walking around the sofa, sort of looking at all angles. I realized when he was standing at the foot of the sofa he could have a pretty good look at my pussy from that angle. However, it did not seem like he was doing anything other than professional. After all, this was about nude modeling. He had not talked me into anything.

For the second pose, I simply stood. I positioned my legs where the right was in front of the left. My right arm went behind my head and my left arm was up too, but curved to touch my shoulder. I knew this kind of pose would make my breasts look great.

"OK, you are a natural. That's great."

I relaxed, "Thank you."

I asked him he could give me a photocopy of the two poses.

He said, "Sure. I'll make a photocopy. Why don't you go ahead and get dressed and come back to my office where we can finish up. Oh, by the way, the house rules on your dressing room are if the door is closed, no one may come in without knocking and hearing your welcome. If the door is open or cracked, people may knock and come in at the same time. Sometimes the students will use the bathroom in that room. We have never had any thefts, but you might not want to bring anything too valuable."

When I returned to the office, we exchanged telephone and contact information and set up a schedule for me in the class. It was clear I could back off after the first session if I did not like it, but if we went forward, he wanted to try and get a plan in place. We also exchanged e-mail addresses so if my travel plans changed I could give him as much advance notice as possible.

As I drove away, I felt a little exhausted. Not from being tired from not enough sleep, but more as if I had been very much at a high level of concentration and could now relax. This modeling was a way for me to fulfill the fantasy without losing my anonymity. I realized I was aroused after standing nude in front of a stranger like that.

It was not as if I had been attracted to Prof. Reynolds sexually. The point was the situation was the reason I had been aroused. Being an object, even if was artistic in nature, was somewhat thrilling. I had the feeling this was how it must have felt after a photography photoshoot.

During the next two weeks, the thought of my upcoming modeling session was never too far from my thoughts. I thought about what my attitude would be in front of the larger audience. How I would feel after the initial thrill wore off? My mind would often drift off to various unrealistic fantasies over what would happen.

My feelings got more intense as I prepared to fly down on Monday morning. I worked Monday afternoon and then went for a long run before dinner. I went out to a local college bar and had a few beers while listening to live music.

Even though I had to work on Tuesday, when I awoke I realized the day had finally come. I never thought to back out; I was looking forward to the session. I was actually grateful for working. I had to concentrate during the training session, so it made the day go by quite fast. I got back to my hotel only about an hour before I would have to go to the school. I took a quick shower.

I followed the suggestions from Dr. Reynolds and did not wear a bra or panty as I dressed. I carried a little duffel bag with those things and wore a different sun dress which did not look too sleazy without a bra.

I had butterflies as I drove over, even more tense as I pulled into the parking lot. I arrived a couple of minutes early and went inside. I stopped by Dr. Reynolds office, but his office was empty. I walked over to the studio where he was already there with the students. He saw me and walked over. He looked briefly relieved, as if he was worried whether I would show up or not.

He extended his hand, "Nice to see you. C'mon, let me introduce you to the students."

He escorted me over to the group.

"Hello, everyone, this is Beth. She is going to be modeling for us this evening."

The students, I should say kids, were all smiling and very friendly. I did not get all of the names as it was going very fast. It was 8 students; I guess the two non-committed did not come after all, evenly split between men and women.

I am 35 now and this happened when I was 30. I say 'kids' because many looked like they were around 20 years old. It was not a problem, but somehow it had not crossed my mind the college students would be college age. So much for my great analytical skills.

The students were getting their things set up when Dr. Reynolds told me to come out whenever I was ready.

I went into the adjacent room where I had changed before. It was not a locker room, more of a storage area. There was a bathroom with a door, but where I was changing was open if someone walked in unless the door was closed. I closed it, set my things on a chair and started to get undressed. I was starting to question this decision when I heard Dr. Reynolds knock.

I was already nude, so I held the robe up in front of me as I said, "Come in."

He looked at me and said, "Beth, don't be nervous. The students are also new to art modeling. I think they are looking forward to it, but this will be a new experience for them too. Just relax tonight, and tell me privately if anything bothers you."

I smiled as he finished and relaxed a little. I slipped on my robe as he was giving me the calming words. I was in control enough that I could act calm enough to fool others, but inside I was still very anxious.

I came out of the room wearing my robe and went over to the sofa as we had rehearsed. Just as I do at a nude beach, I took sort of a mental deep breath and removed the robe. Dr. Reynolds came over as I handed it to him and got into position.

I had practiced the pose many, many times over the previous two weeks. So I think I got pretty close to correct right away. Dr. Reynolds made a couple of slight adjustments to my right leg and shoulder position. He laid a silk cloth over my pussy area. His final instruction was to look up a little and to relax my face.

Generally I had avoided looking at the students while I disrobed and got into position so as not to be too nervous. I kept my head still, but to the extent I could I scanned the room at the students.

Some were using easels; some had pads on their laps or crooked into their arms. Dr. Reynolds was doing some final adjustments to the lighting.

I listened as he was giving some tips to the class. "Observe the shadows and light through her hair. Start with contour and outline. Compose the whole image in your mind before you start."

I had been told there was some spectrum of skill levels for the various students. Some had been in art classes their whole lives; others were relatively new but had demonstrated a talent sufficient to be admitted.

Dr. Reynolds himself was walking around to each of the students. I could hear just bits and pieces as his specific instructions were spoken low to not distract the other students. It seemed they were all doing pencil drawings tonight to begin. I could hear some instructions on very technical terms such as the angle of the pencil, how sharp of a point to use, etc. But I would also hear instructions related to me -- "notice the muscle tone around the shoulders, try to capture it. See how the shadows around her neck flow, don't pay so much attention to her hair yet. That comes later".

I had relaxed by now. I was comfortable holding the pose in this position. But I also felt still some exhilaration knowing the students were looking at me. In this pose, and because the students were in a semi-circle around me, I realized they did not all have exactly the same view of me. My right arm was probably obscuring some view of my breast for some of them while others would have a clear view of my nipples. I had relaxed enough so that my nipples were no longer hard.

We had been going for about 30 minutes when Dr. Reynolds suggested a break. It felt good to stand up and I walked over to slip on my robe. I walked back to the other room and stretched for a moment.

Dr. Reynolds peeked his head in, "Are you doing alright?"

I smiled and said, "Actually, this is fun."

He replied, "That's great. I can tell you will be a great model."

I came back out after just a couple of minutes and resumed my pose. I did notice some of the students checking me out pretty closely after I took off my robe and walked back to the sofa giving them an unobstructed view of my body.

I was apparently not in exactly the same pose as before as Dr. Reynolds spoke some adjustments to posture and position. After a couple of shifts in my position, he was satisfied, "Good, just like that."

We continued as before. I would glance my eyes at some of the students while they drew. Some would smile slightly; others did not seem to notice. All of them seemed to be very intent on their drawing. I would concentrate on the pose, it was not really possible to just let my mind wander unrestrained. I did wonder how the drawings were coming, I wondered what the professor and students were thinking. I thought of what it would have been like to have been a model for one of the master artists.

I was still very thrilled by the entire experience. We had been going for another 30 minutes or so when Dr. Reynolds called for another break. I walked over and put my robe back on. I asked if it was alright if I looked at the drawings. He said of course.

The students were all talented, but it was easy to see the differing skill levels. I was very impressed by the overall quality of the students' drawings. I was glad that none of the drawings would allow my identity to be seen clearly. It was also clear that some were faster than others. A couple of the drawings were essentially complete, others were perhaps half done.

With that as context, I should say my focus as I looked at the drawings was how I looked. I was very happy with the results. My shape looked wonderful, some of the more advanced students gave me goose bumps as I viewed their work. They were so good. I am not the art expert, but I know what I like and what I don't. Even with my layman's knowledge, some of the drawings were better than the others. For one in particular, I felt I looked fantastic. He had captured the pose, the light, the shadows, the feelings. My body and face looked special, I was very pleased. I noticed he had noticed many details, such as shadows on my shoulders and waist; he had captured details including a hardened nipple. Just seeing this made them harden again. I was glad I had the robe on.

Dr. Reynolds noticed I lingered a little long on this drawing. "How do you like our prodigy?"

I replied, "Very impressed. I had not really thought about how I would like the results."

I had forgotten his name, but Dr. Reynolds said, "James has a very bright future."

He smiled at the both of us as we were looking at his work. He looked so young, even a little geeky, but innocent.

One of the other male students and one of the female students work was also exceptional, but the drawing from James seemed to me the best.

It was time to resume the session, but now would be the standing pose. This time there would be no hiding behind the silk cloth, or having my arms or legs obscure me. I took off my robe again and walked to my position.

My left foot was in front of my right. My back was arched. My right arm was lifted up high, with my elbow raised over my head and my hand behind my head. My left hand was on my waist. It was a classic pose, but I certainly felt more open and exposed than previous.

I felt a little nervous again, but it soon passed. This pose was more difficult to hold for an extended time and I was soon looking forward to the upcoming break. I had a slight smile for this pose as instructed and I could more easily observe the students this time.

Again I notice how intently they were working. They would mostly look at their pads and glance up for a second to reframe my look in their minds. Dr. Reynolds would point out different things to them. He had changed the light around this time. He pointed out particular shadows to notice, he mentioned they should notice the muscle tone in my legs. I knew this pose was complimentary to my breasts from practicing this pose in front of the mirror. I had debated to myself whether to completely shave, but I had elected to keep my narrow strip as when I had first interviewed.

I wondered what went through their heads now as they drew. I imagined the girls were more dispassionate, but I wondered what went on in the heads of the guys. I am a nice looking, in this case, older woman. I wondered if they had any feelings outside of the purely artistic job at hand.

Finally Dr. Reynolds suggested it was time for a break. I gratefully relaxed my arms. I smiled as he apologized for waiting so long.

I replied, "No problem, in another minute, I would have begged."

I went into the other room to get some water and to sit down for a minute. There was not really any point to wearing the robe as I had been totally nude in front of everyone for perhaps 25 minutes. I sat and relaxed for maybe 5 minutes. No one had bothered me. When I felt ready, I went back out and resumed my posing.

We continued as before and soon the session came to a close. Again it felt good to relax.

I put on my robe again. As before, I went around looking at the various drawings. One of the girls, Amanda, had done a beautiful drawing. I felt honored to have been the model. Amanda herself was very sweet as she thanked me. I later learned she was a senior although she still looked quite young to me. She was dressed very plainly, without makeup, but I had the impression with help she could be very beautiful.

I returned the compliment and sincerely noted her skill. I did not want to judge the various talent levels of the students, I really could not be sure of the technique. But just aesthetically, her drawing seemed wonderful to me.

I went to the others as well. Again, some were not as fast as others and some of the drawings seemed half as far along. But all seemed skillful to me. One of the other girls, Carolyn, was the prettiest of the girls. She was perhaps not the best of the artists present, but nobody was without skill.

One of the male students had done a much better job this time than when I had been sitting. Eric was the oldest of the male students, another senior. He gave me sort of a smirk along with a smile as I looked at his drawing. He may have also tried to steal a peek down my robe while I stood there, which seemed quite strange as I had been fully nude for the last couple of hours.

I made it down to James and I was blown away by his drawing. Eric and Amanda had done beautiful drawings, but I thought James' work was again the best of the group. The details were subtle and complex. I cannot due justice to try and describe the differences compared to the others, but suffice to say it seemed at a higher level.

Again I felt very special, even exalted. I felt honored to have been captured this way. It was artistic, but it was also sensual and I felt glad to have agreed to model this way.

"Wow, thank you James."

He replied, "Thank you too. I enjoyed drawing you."

The students were putting their things away and I walked back to get dressed. I had just put on my panty and bra when Dr. Reynolds knocked and poked his head in. I had left the door open according to house rules. I did not really need any privacy while I was getting dressed with people who had been looking at me nude for the last couple of hours.

"Hey, great job tonight Beth. Stop by my office on your way out."

I slipped on my dress and shoes and came out. A couple of the students had already left, but I told the rest of them, "See you next time."

They were all friendly and polite, thanking me and saying good night. It might have been my imagination, but each of the guys seemed to have a strange look as if it had been strange to have seen me naked all night.

I went over to Dr. Reynolds office and sat down.

"So Beth, what did you think?"

I told him the truth, "I really enjoyed this. It got my adrenalin going at first, but then as I relaxed it was very interesting. I was surprised by my reaction to the quality of the drawings."

He replied, "Yes, I noticed you saw how good James is already. Painting is really his specialty, but you will also see that Eric and Amanda are good too."

I thought it was interesting I had ranked them high as well; maybe my eye is not so bad.

He continued, "Will we have you back next time?"

I quickly replied yes and he seemed pleased, saying, "I was hoping you would continue. I will look forward to next time."

I said, "I look forward to that too."

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

tastefully done. would welcome more product & a touch more of the explicit

robertlrobertlover 2 years ago

Very enjoyable story, I loved the concept of a successful business woman enjoying this type of 'work'. Anxious to read some of your others as well, hoping there's a chapter 2 and maybe more to this story.

LewDaxxLewDaxxover 2 years ago

I did a lot of modelling for art classes around London when I was younger and this all rings so true. It always turned me on and was a great confidence builder. I had a steady girlfriend at the time, she actually taught a life drawing class and it was her that suggested I do it. For that reason I was careful not to take advantage of the, er, opportunities that I was quite often presented with! Dropping that robe for the first time in a class, especially when some of them know you is a thrill I will always remember. Good job, will read further!

lazy_readerlazy_readeralmost 6 years ago
Worth rereading

I read this (and the sequels) a while ago, but I just came across it again. It is definitely worth a second read. A quite like it.

I particularly like the feeling of reading an honest account of your adventure. I know you said it was a true story, but I have been unimpressed by other true stories I have seen on Literotica. The "slow build-up" is not a problem; the story is interesting from the start.

PericulumFabula17PericulumFabula17almost 6 years ago

I liked the way you made the reader feel like he or she was there. Great job.

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