As It Should Be


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At five past eight, I said, "Coffee time?"

Her eyes were bright, even that tawny hair seemed to glow as she said, "Oh, yes, please."

It was just after eight thirty when we came out of the lift on my floor, strolled, arms around each other, high in anticipation, and laughing along the corridor. And that was when, as we approached the door before mine, our eagerness was disrupted. That door opened and Mrs Gentry, an elderly neighbour, appeared clutching a light bulb in her hand.

"Oh, Mr Siter, could I impose on your time?" she said, in her high pitched voice, her pale eyes glancing at Linda. "My kitchen light bulb has blown. Could you? Would you mind replacing it for me? I could never risk standing on a chair, and Charles won't be home for a while."

What could I say? I glanced at Linda who was smiling ruefully at our mood being broken. "Of course, Mrs Gentry. No problem." I turned to Linda and handed her my key, "Just go in, Linda. This won't take long."

"Oh, thank you so much," Mrs Gentry said, handing me the bulb, while I waited to ensure Linda had no problem with my door.

The bulb in my jacket pocket, I climbed on a chair, and screwed loose the faulty one. As I withdrew it, and reached for the replacement, it slipped from my hand, and smashed to pieces on the floor, scattered small flakes of glass over the tiled floor. I told Mrs Gentry to stand back, while I fitted the new bulb. A job that was taking longer than expected. It was just as I emptied the broken bulb into her bin that the terrible thought struck me. Had Linda spotted the zed-box? God, she must have, but had she done anything about it?

A swift farewell to Mrs Gentry, and I was hurrying to my own room and pushing open the door, I froze at what I saw. Linda was sitting on the sofa, ostensibly browsing through an old magazine. The lower buttons of her dress had been undone so that her bare legs revealed a generous amount of thigh. Two of the upper buttons were also loose so that the smooth slope of her breasts were so inviting. But what had chilled me most, was the sight of the band looped over the back of her head with the cups behind her ears.

She looked up with an alluring smile, "Do I look provocative? " she asked huskily, shifting her body towards me so that the dress moved further up her thigh. "Wouldn't you like to kiss me?"

I took two steps towards her, and asked, "How long have you had that on?" And I indicated the band around her head.

"This? Ever since I came in. You must tell me what it is---but later." She snatched the band away, and put it beside the box. "Come and kiss me-- I expected to be fighting you off by now."

Moving to sit beside her, I was estimating I had been about fifteen minutes. She'd had it on for most of that time. My thoughts were swamped away by her pressing herself against me and her lips found mine, tongue searching.

I didn't want it to be in these circumstances. Not with Linda. I wanted her affection to be true, warm and natural, sensuous and slowly building to a wild crescendo. Not this falsified passion. Unwillingly, I turned my mouth away from her kiss, put my hands on her shoulders to ease her away, wondering, desperately, how I could explain.

Her face showed her shock and puzzlement. "What's the matter?"

"You won't be acting normally," I began, a hopeless attempt.

She half smiled, and said seductively, "Oh, I know that. I've never felt like this about any man." She reached for me again, and I pulled away and stood up, hating myself as I saw the disappointment reappear on her face.

"What is it?" she asked, plaintively. "Is it something I've done? Am I being too wanton?"

That hurt me, that I should make her think that. At that moment, as I half turned away, my downcast eyes saw something that made my heart do a somersault. There on the floor by the power point on the wall, lay the plug from the Zed-box. It hadn't been connected. Linda was not under its spell. Her actions were only for me.

Deliberately I stood over her, and said, with as much fervour as I could muster, "Linda, you are the most wonderful lady I have ever encountered, and if you'll allow me, I wish to raise you to the kind of high that you deserve."

I sat down and took her in my arms, and as she snuggled close, she hissed, "You big tease. Was that your revenge for Saturday's disappointment?"

"Shut up, and be loved," I said. One quick, comforting smile and then our lips were locked together, our tongues fought each other, my fingers loosened the remaining buttons on her dress, and I felt her madly pulling at the buttons of my shirt.

Under the dress she only wore a bra and panties, and with my well-honed technique I could undo a bra easily. I reached under the slack garment and once again my right hand cupped the delicious handful of her left breast. With her dress still on, the bra would not completely slide from her shoulders. The next required move was obvious.

I broke from the kiss and looked into her eyes, loving the way they had clouded with undisguised passion. "Bedroom?" was all I said.

With an impudent little smile, her hand dropped to the massive bulge in my pants, as she said huskily, "I hope the bed is softer than this."

Jumping to my feet, and pulling her up with me, I said, " I can recommend both to madam."

I guided her ahead of me, towards the partly open bedroom door, and, as she moved, she gave a shrug of her shoulders to free herself of her dress, which dropped onto my arms. Lobbing it back onto the sofa, I then pushed her bra straps off her shoulders and down her arms, so that it dropped at her feet. My shirt slipped away quite easily, as we entered the bedroom, and I reached to switch on a small lamp on the dressing table by the door.

The room was bathed in a delicate glow, and Linda said quietly, "Ah, blue for a boy, very tasteful."

The walls had pale blue lined wallpaper, and the duvet on the bed was patterned in blue and white squares. In the mirrored doors of the wardrobes I had a frontal view of Linda, her breasts round and proud. her lovely face unreadable.

She turned to face me, and her hands drifted over my chest. "Glad you're not a hairy beast," she whispered, and her hands moved to my to unfasten my belt buckle.

"I'm glad you're not," I said, and as she laughed, I slid both hands inside the elastic of her panties, and pushed them down. "but let's see if that is totally true."

I got the panties as far as her hips, just as she loosened my pants, and she stopped her operation to slide her panties all the way down. Without taking my eyes off her, I pushed both my pants and boxer shorts away and stepped out of them. My erection sprang up like an acute angled totem, while I saw that her pubic hair was not a triangle but more a very thick line, exactly the colour of the hair on her head.

"I like you seeing me like this," she said, holding her arms out from her sides, as if to display more of herself. She was all delicate curves and hollows.

"You look fantastic." I told her, and had never spoken a truer word.

Her eyes lingered on my erect penis, then up over my chest, "I don't think I've ever seen a man on his feet while having an erection."

I thought of the little studies I had done, "It doesn't bother you?"

"Fascinates me. Especially with it being you and I think of what it is prepared for." She grinned, as she added, "Have we just come to stare at each other?"

We moved together at exactly the same moment. Briefly I sensed the head of my erection catch against her bush but then it was pressed against her belly, as she performed the same little grinding motion she had tried in her archway.

We toppled sideways onto the bed, and I was able to turn her onto her back. I lay looking down at her, my fingers only just touching her breast. "This is strictly for you. Slow and easy." But deep inside I was aware of a new sensation. I was actually feeling like an excited adolescent on a first date. How crazy was that? Being so over hyped could lead to certain difficulties in the later stages.

Our kiss was warm and gentle, but the accumulated need quickly took over, as our tongues tangled, and my fingers stroked her nipples. Her hands stroked my back and buttocks, and I jerked as one finger deeply along the crack of my buttocks.

My hands stroked her shoulders, her hair, her arms and back to her breasts. As always I listened to my partner's breathing, always a good guide to how things were going. Linda's was a little puff of air at the moment. Now I slid one hand downwards where it lingered over and around her flat smooth belly. One finger tickled into her little navel, while my mouth took over at caressing her breasts. Always, mouth followed hands.

Each nipple was tongued, then sucked gently. That changed the breathing. It became harsher, more rapid. I allowed my hand to drift down over her upper thighs, stroking from knee to hip over and over, before moving to the inner thigh to savour that incredible smoothness that was so special. Here, my fingers moved down and each time they moved up I took them closer to her secret place, but always before getting there, withdrew, until I heard her gasp.

"You're teasing me. Oh, but don't stop. Don't stop. It's so--" Her voice faded in another gasping grunt, and it was all wonderful to my ears. I lifted my hand from her thigh and back to her belly, but her lower belly, just on the edge of her neat bush, where I tickled along that boundary line, before at last allowing my fingers to flicker through the tight little curls.

"I'm feeling redundant. Doing nothing to help," she grunted, reaching down to try to get to my now throbbing erection. I bent and moved my body to an angle where she could reach her target. Eager fingers closed around my penis, "Got you!" she squealed delightedly. Then she relaxed her grip for her fingers to smooth gently over the head, to trail back and forward down the shaft, and back up the underside vein. The grip returned and she circled her fingers to move slowly and softly along my whole length. That was exquisite.

My own fingers trailed lower through her pubes, explorers seeking the magic valley, and finding it without too much trouble, although it wasn't as moist as I had expected it to be. No matter, I knew what I was doing in this area. I allowed one finger to trace back and forward along the beginning of the groove faster and faster. The moistening started, my finger slid between moistened lip, and felt the little nub it had been searching for. Circling it with increasing pressure, I felt it grow, heard her gasp as her hand tightened on my erection and began jerking at it.

Next stage was important for me. Lips followed fingers, and I moved my mouth from her breasts and kissed my way over her solid belly. That in itself was an incredible sensation, as I heard her moan, "Oh where are you going?"

That was when I moved my fingers further back into the warm wet depths, while immediately replacing them with my mouth and tongue over her clitoris. A strange humming sound issued from her lips, as I licked and sucked at the swollen clitoris, and my fingers moved through eager wetness to find that enchanted entrance. Once found I moved two fingers into the beginning of her vaginal passage.

Her breathing was the sound of someone running a five mile race, panting, gasping. But worse, her hand was pumping frantically on my heaving erection, and I knew I could not carry out my full intentions for that stage.

"Time," I said hoarsely, moving my face up towards her, and sliding my body between her widened thighs. She had not released her hold. She pulled my throbbing penis, and guided it between her own eager labia until that secret ring was tight on me and she released me to slide smoothly, yet gently, inside her. How I ever managed it gently I will never know, as my whole being seemed to be crying out for a deeper plunge.

However, now I was moving, and each thrust was going deeper and deeper, while our mouths mixed , and we poured wild kisses over each other's face. Her vaginal walls felt like a series of hoops drawing me in as I drew back.

Now, I was desperate, I wanted to have her orgasm. Her breathing was telling me she was close, but my scrotum was already pushing to unload. And it was then that Linda began lifting her hips to match my thrusts. As I eased back her hip-lift forced me back. Her loud gasping filled my head. Her tongue plunged into my mouth, and it was all too much. The adolescent sensation I'd felt from the beginning, became a reality, and I was thrusting, spurting and spurting again and again, up into her hot, soaking depths, as she moaned beneath me.

I collapsed over her, perspiration welding us together, anyway lay like that, as my limp penis slithered out of her. Heavy hearted at my failure, I recovered my breath, leaned back, and looked into her perspiring face, with her lioness hair trailing over her brow. "I'm sorry, Linda."

"Sorry? Sorry, after you've given me that?" her breathing was still broken.

"But I wanted you to have a total orgasm--you didn't, did you?"

She shook her head in exasperation, "Are you serious? You have just given me the most devastating sexual experience of my sheltered life. No orgasm--well, I'll settle for what I felt. And it was brilliant to feel, see and hear you releasing inside me."

I had placed my head back on the pillow, eased by her kind words, as she struggled to sit up to lean over me. Her hand stroked my chest.

"Anyway, I only came here because I was promised a coffee." I loved her for that, as we laughed together, kissed, and hugged.

"Look," she said, pointing down my body, "there's a dead snail on your thigh." That wicked little grin came over her, as she asked, "Should I give it the kiss of life."

"No, I'll get us a coffee," I said and gently laid her on her back. "You just relax, recover your strength."

I grabbed my dressing gown, and headed for the door, as she called, "Am I going to need it?"

Within ten minutes we were seated side by side, naked, on the bed, sipping from warm mugs, talking about telling the workfolk that we had a relationship.

"We do have a relationship, haven't we?" I asked her hopefully.

"After that? If we haven't I'm going to shoot you."

"I tried my best. You're just too exciting."

Linda smiled, put down her coffee, and stated, "Where do I go for a shower?"

I pointed to the door, "En suite. Plenty of soap in there, and the temperature should be set right, unless you want it cold."

Unashamedly naked, she looked back, and I wondered if those breasts were the neatest I had ever seen, as she said, "No thank you." She vanished inside, and I was instantly off the bed and following her. The promise of it was too great.

She had just stepped into the stall, and her hair was already streaming water laden onto her shoulder. She laughed, as I opened the door and stepped in beside her. "Oh, welcome, dear sir."

The cubicle was not big enough for us to be very part, which was just right for us. We each had soap and the joy of soaping each other was ours to relish. Stroking her dry breasts had been wonderful, but gliding over that superb skin with a skimming of suds was unbelievable. I made a great fuss of those breasts, circling, rubbing gently, then as the suds washed away, leaning forward to mouth around the nipples.

Meanwhile, Linda soaped over my shoulders, down my chest, and her hands scudded behind me to rub down my back, over my buttocks, fingers gliding into the crack again, but more easily. To reach there she had to bend her knees, which took much of her skin out of my range, but brought her within reach of my genitalia. Her hands skidded easily in and around and over, sliding right between my legs, over and beyond my scrotum. Then she hissed, "Ah, the snail is coming back to life. Look, the phoenix rises. "

I could tell without looking. I could feel the rise, especially as her fingers slid back and forward along its length, coaxing, soaping. She laid the soap to one side and allowed the soap to wash away.

Her eyes looked up at me as water splashed down her, "Hah, you can't fight this." she gurgled from wet lips. Those very lips then kissed along the length of my penis, her tongue licked around the head, and she lifted it to lick the length of the underside vein. That very action increased the swell of it.

Linda looked up once more, her eyes blinking in the spray, "Now! Now I'll find out," she blurted, instantly closing her lips around my penis, and slowly, deliberately, sliding them along the length, while I watched in some ecstasy, as my penis disappeared into her mouth, until I felt the head against the back of her throat. She slid her mouth to move back and forward, while her tongue licked hungrily.

In the end I had to stop her, "Hey, that's lovely, but enough." I reached down to bring her to her feet. We stood there for a moment, her hand still touching the tip of my erection.

"Was it good?"

"Too good. Were you all right doing that?" A stupid question really.

"I think I could have taken it all the way."

"Well, there are other considerations," I told her. "I have to complete my job. I've only done shoulders and breasts." As I spoke I was soaping my hand, then, bending my knees slightly, I ran my hand along her inner thighs. Again suds on incredible skin was amazing. I resoaped and placed my hand flat on her bush, coaxed her to spread her legs, so I could slide my flat hand along the full length of the hairy cleft down there, pressing upwards and sliding again back and forwards.

"Oh, God," she gasped, trying to bend to clutch my erection more completely. "That is---I've never known ---"

Very briefly, I allowed the shower to clear the soap and then. bending more fully, I ran my tongue into her groove, found her clitoris without any problem, my tongue rubbed it for just five seconds, hearing that gasping noise from her. I stood up with deliberate slowness so that my erection could be directed between her thighs as I rose, and it was pulled down and off angle as it reached her groove and she clamped her thighs tightly,. My erection lay along the vaginal cleft just where I had been licking, as she murmured, "Aah, that's so good."

"Dried, and bed?" I asked her, knowing my plans for this next session.

"I could just stand like this all night," she whispered, as I turned off the water, and she flexed her thighs, and did the little grinding motion which drove me mad.

"Out!" I said. The drying was very cursory, as we were both just to eager, and within three minutes, slightly damp, we were side by side on the bed. With much forethought, I lay back, my erection flopping to one side. I could see she was puzzled by my lassitude, as she leaned over me.

"What now?" she asked, "I can see you're not worn out." Her hand flicked at my erection.

I looked up at her, "Well, do you need a starting gun?"

Her hand closed around my penis as she said, "You really want me to take you in again?"

I shrugged, "If you don't mind. You said yourself, you need the practice. Okay?"

"I'm surprised, and only too keen to please you." Immediately she was leaning down and over me.

My main intention in this session was to get her to orgasm, and it may seem a strange way to that goal but I felt that doing this would be a start for the excitement she would get from pleasuring me. I wanted her excited, so I intended a little acting.

She had drawn my swollen penis close to her lips, fingering it, as though testing for firmness. Her tongue tip prodded at the tiny hole in the purple head, before her whole tongue began a journey along the length, back and forward, top side, under side. Then, with a sly glance up at me, she opened her mouth and keeping it wide, she took in my whole penis, so I could see it, heaving there against her tongue, touching her tonsils. I had no doubt that the internet had schooled her.