As Long As It Takes


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I was at the church early just like I was told. The bridesmaids and ushers were all there. People started arriving. I was starting to get a little jittery; Beth was being escorted to the front row. She looked so beautiful. I've never seen her more radiant as she smiled at me.

"How's my penguin today?" she laughed lightly.

"He's scared shitless. His daughter is getting married and his wife never looked more beautiful." I replied.

I realized what I said after I said it. It was true, I've never saw her more beautiful.

"It's okay, Honey, everything will work out fine. You'll do fine, just don't walk on Amy's dress," she smiled at me.

I headed out to the back of the church and waited for Amy. When I saw her coming to be by my side I started crying. She looked like a younger version of Beth.

"It's okay, Daddy. We can do this. Mom told me to tell you she loves you and not to step on my dress."

It made me chuckle, so much like her mother. I got a little pang hoping Amy wouldn't be totally like her mother. My little girl was getting married. The music started and the bridesmaids and flower girl and everyone else had made their entrance.

"Well, Dad, here we go," Amy said as we entered the sanctuary of the church.

We started our walk down the aisle, I kept telling myself don't step on Amy's dress. My eyes were filled with tears as I walked my little girl down the aisle. This was what life was all about, love and family and friends. We made it down to the front of the church with half the people with tears of joy in their eyes. Thank God I wasn't the only one.

"Who gives this woman to be married?' The pastor asked.

What was my line? "Me and Beth ... no, her mother and I," I said.

I turned to sit next to Beth and she was both smiling and crying.

I whispered to Beth, "I screwed up. One stupid line and I screwed it up."

"Everything is fine, Honey, you did great," Beth whispered.

Through the whole service I was holding Beth's hand, probably to the point of hurting her. She didn't say a word, she just sat there, smiling and crying. I was glad when that service was over. Then we had to stand around for pictures and whatever else they do.

Then it was time for the reception. I needed a drink and went and got one. Everyone was having a good time. Amy and Ben made a nice couple. People were saying it was so nice to see me and Beth together. Every time I heard it Beth just smiled, never saying a word.

The dancing began and they had a parents of the bride dance. I guided Beth onto the floor and started dancing. People started clapping for us. I looked around at all our kids smiling. I looked over at my mom and dad and they both gave me a thumbs up. It looked like everyone was sure about us but me.

After the wedding, Beth asked me if I would drive her home. Of course I said yes. When we got to the house, she asked me if I was coming in.

I answered saying, "The kids will be home shortly and I don't want them to get the wrong idea."

"They already have the wrong idea. They went home with your mom and dad and will be sleeping in your bed. The only place for you to sleep tonight is in my bed or Brad's'," Beth replied. "Are you going to open my door for me?" she smiled.

I decided what the hell. She wanted me and so I decided to follow my heart. I wanted to make sure I didn't propose or anything. I still had too many unanswered questions.

I got out and walked her to the door. I opened it and she told me to come in. "Jerry, you don't need to marry me tonight. Maybe that time will come and maybe it won't. I do want you to make love to me tonight, just like you used to."

I walked in and we both slowly undressed. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She told me that's because I'm looking through love glasses.

We made love that night, over and over again. In the morning we made love one more time and then she made me breakfast.

"Jerry, I'm not going to push you and I'm not going to rush you, but I will always be here for you. As long as it takes."

I smiled at Beth and left the house. I didn't even kiss her goodbye on purpose. I wanted her to know that the sex was great but I wasn't ready yet. I now had a new problem to ponder. Beth did things to me that we have never done and yet she's been without a lover for almost three years now.

Something was out of kilter. I knew it but couldn't put my finger on it. Everything was too nice, fit together too easy. For over two years Beth never said anything about getting back together. In the last year she was throwing herself at me. I needed to know more.

When I got back to Mom and Dad's, everyone had left. Dad asked me if everything was okay, because I seemed out of sorts. I explained to him that something wasn't right and I needed to find out what.

Even though it was Sunday, I called Sally, my lawyer. I explained the situation and she thought it was odd also. She told me to not say anything for a couple of days. She had a private investigator who would find out what was going on.

Beth called on Monday and asked me over for dinner. I told her that I was busy and would take a rain check. I had some business to take care of. I didn't tell her I was getting antsy trying to put two and two together and kept coming out with five.

On Thursday Sally called me at work and asked me to get to her office as soon as possible. She said it was extremely important. I asked for the rest of the day off and went to see Sally.

When I got there, Sally told me things I didn't want to hear. I was right about Beth. She belonged to a swap club and her partner was Jeff, her lawyer. It seems that after I walked out, Jeff decided to take my place. Beth, never decided to quit her lifestyle but hide it from me.

I asked Sally why was she coming back after me in the last year. She had her freedom and her life. Why bother me?

"It's all about money, Jerry. In the last three years she has borrowed from the home loan to the tune of a hundred thousand dollars. Instead of owing the sixty thousand, you owe a hundred and sixty thousand," said Sally

"How did she get it? Didn't she need my signature to borrow money against the house? I asked.

"No, when you settled on the credit cards, one was a cash equity loan. You could borrow continually on it to a specified sum. Yours is almost there now. Your friend Jeff slipped that one past us. There was no way of telling once you agreed to pay the credit loans. I'm sorry, Jerry; I should have watched that after the divorce was final. We don't usually do a follow up unless asked and of course Jeff wasn't going to ask."

"Sally, when I spent the night with her I checked through the cabinets for her prescription drugs. There weren't any so I called the doctor and he told me he never wrote a prescription for sleeping pills in the last three years and that Beth has been there for all her physicals. He said she was actually coming every three months instead of six. I asked if she asked to be tested for any sexually transmitted diseases and he told me she had the tests done and is clean."

Thank God for at least that, I thought. By me paying the medical bills I was at least able to find out this stuff.

"Well, Sally, what do we do now?" I asked.

"The only debt you incurred is the house. We'll put a lien on it for forty thousand and if she ever tries to sell it, you'll get that part of the equity. The rest is a loss to you. As far as the kids go; two are already out of the house. The other two are old enough to decide if they want to live with your ex-wife, with you, or your parents. We will leave that up to them. Jerry, since you told me you will be leaving the state you will probably out of the picture. I'm sure they would want to finish the last years of their schooling here."

"Thanks for everything, Sally; I guess it's all up to me now. Please call and put the freeze on the equity on the house. If the kids choose to live with my Mom and Dad, I'll need you to transfer the child support payment to my parents."

I went home and talked to my mom and dad. I told them both that I could never go back to Beth. Even though my dad already knew, I explained it as though he didn't. Beth cheated on me and I hoped she had given up that lifestyle but she hadn't. If she would have been honest with me, we might have been able to work things out. I knew my parents were deeply hurt but they needed to know the truth.

I stopped by Beth's house while she was at work. I came right out and told the kids the truth. Their mom had cheated on me. I didn't tell them about swapping and the like. I tried to give her time to change but she never did. I thought we had a chance at the wedding but found out she was still lying to me. I could never live with her or trust her again. It just wasn't possible to forgive anymore.

Now I had to tell them I was leaving the state. They could come with me, stay with their mom or live with their grandparents.

Both of the younger kids said they would stay with their mom. Even though she might have boyfriends, she never brought them to the house. Carla told me she never saw strange men at the house. About the only one to visit other than relatives was Jeff. They've known him for years. I didn't have the heart to tell them Jeff was one of her lovers.

They all cried saying they would miss me but I explained that I would only be five hours away if they needed me. They would also be welcome to come and visit me anytime.

"When are you leaving, Dad? asked Brad.

"Next week. Once I get settled in, I'll give you my address and phone number. I love all of you and will help you any way I can.

I called Beth at work. It was something I had never done.

"Beth, I'll meet you at the tavern. I need to talk with you away from the kids."

She told me she got off work in an hour and would be there. I know she must have thought her plan worked and we would be getting back together.

When she got there I began our talk.

"Beth, I've been doing a lot of thinking. Because of Amy's wedding and making love with you, everyone is thinking we're getting back together. It's all going too fast for me. Do you know that no one knows why we got divorced in the first place? I look back on your life for the last three years. Where's the hurt? The pain that I felt when I discovered your cheating. There wasn't any. Sure your financial situation hurt some but that was about it."

She looked at me a little concerned.

I continued, "Our night together was the best ever. You did things to me that we have never done. I remembered you always thought it was too dirty, but there you were doing it. I had to wonder where you even learned it."

"Jerry, I can explain it," she said.

'Here's what I need you to explain; you told me you hadn't been with anyone for two and a half years. Why did you lie to me? You had your girls' night out every month. It seems that the women you were with from work and your card club were also swap club members. So I guess you've been getting your fucks in after all."

She started in on her crying again.

"You fucking other men caused our divorce and you never stopped doing it. Go ahead; explain it. Go home and tell your kids why I left in the first place. Tell them your pussy has an itch that I'm not good enough to scratch. They deserve to know and are old enough to handle it. I've talked to them."

"God, Jerry, surely you didn't tell them about me, did you?" she asked.

"It's always about you, isn't it, Beth. Never about your kids or me. I told them you had an affair and cheated on me."

"Jerry, I'm so sorry. You left me; what could I do? I'm a woman and need to be loved."

"You don't want love. What I did the other night was love. What you want is unlimited orgasms with unlimited fuck partners. Did you think I would never find out? How fucking stupid do you think I am? I had wondered what if we got married and then I caught you cheating again? Then it hit me; your lover Jeff was behind this setup."

"Jeff? How did you find out about Jeff? Oh, my God, what have I done?"

"What have you done? You ruined a lot of lives including your own. You gave up a man who truly loved you and was almost ready to go back to you. You have lost the respect of your kids, even though they will still live with you. You've hurt them all deeply. You lie, you cheat and now you want to steal from me also. The love I had for you is still there but buried deep in my heart. All I see now is a conniving slut who will fuck anything that walks. A couple of years from now I want you to think about what could have been. Your looks will fade and your kids will be gone and so will the money. I guess you will still have a bunch of old fuck friends and, of course, Jeff. I doubt if he'll stay around with a poor slut."

She was crying hard now. "Jerry, I really do love you. Please stay with me; I'll go to therapy or whatever you want."

I turned to her and said, "I forgot to tell you; I'm moving out of state and leaving next week. Thanks for the goodbye fuck. You really are good in bed, but of course you know that as well as God knows how many men. Goodbye, Beth. Have a nice life."

I knew Jeff was behind this set up. If I would have gotten remarried, then that meant I would have accepted her lifestyle and our old marriage agreement would be void. She and Jeff were playing me for the last year because of the money. She was already down a hundred a month and deep in debt again, but was living the same as she always did. It must mean she had run up a hell of a debt. Such a stupid woman!


I finally moved on with my life. I hurt for a while but I was putting it all behind me. Did I love Beth? Of course I did; but her wrongdoing was just too much. It's been a few years now and I met someone. She was a few years younger than me, beautiful, articulate, and funny. She told me she was divorced. She had two kids that were barely teenagers.

When I asked her what caused her divorce, she said, "A cheating husband. He wanted the so-called good life, you know, the 'include other people' style. It wasn't for me; I'm a one guy kind of woman. I also have to think what's best for my kids. I told him to go find a woman who thinks like that, but it wasn't me."

We dated for about a year and I asked her to marry me.

She looked up at me and asked what the marriage vows meant to me. To love, honor and obey, till death do us do part; richer or poorer, sickness and in health, to make love only to her and none other.

"I can do all that except the obey part," I laughed.

She knew my story and about my alphabet kids and had to laugh. You see, her son was named Erin and her daughter was Faith.

We were married and all my kids attended the wedding. At first they were reluctant to attend. I had them come up before the wedding and they met my future wife face to face. They saw the kind gentle person that I saw. Of course Amy and Brad were both married already, and Carla was dating. Daryl and Carla were both still in college. They knew I needed someone in my life. Mom and Dad drove up for the wedding also. They fell in love with my bride to be also. They knew my life was back on track.

My wife looked beautiful, petite and sexy as hell. Why any man would want to share her was beyond me. We went on a short honeymoon and stopped by Mom and Dad's on the way back. I showed my new wife the town I was from and the house I used to live in. Beth had to sell it because of her debts. I did get thirty thousand out of it, thanks to Sally, my lawyer.

We headed back home and began our new life. It was a simple life but we were happy with it. We did enjoy it to the fullest and our love-making was terrific. We had only one problem but we were able to solve it. You see my new wife's name was Betheny. I remember her looking at me and telling me we had to do something about that. She didn't want me to call her Beth. So we decided on Honey. She told me she didn't care what everyone else called her but she didn't want to hear anything but the word honey from my lips. I remember asking if I could call her sweetheart once in a while.

She smiled and said, "That would be okay too. When we make love, you can call me anything you want but Beth," she laughed.

I don't know what Beth is doing anymore. I did remove her from my life. The kids see her and say she lives in an apartment alone. They said she seems to be doing okay. As far as dating goes, they think she does, but doesn't really talk about it. They said she cried when she heard I was getting married. Of course they love their mom and do watch after her.

"She'll be alright," they said.

I just hope she gave up some of the wild life. I guess I'll never know.

I remember the last thing she said to me. "Jerry, I really do love you and want you to know that I will wait for you. I know you'll come back to me. I'll be here for as long as it takes."

My answer to her was "Forever is a long time to wait."


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DG Hear

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AnonymousAnonymous2 days ago

You see this is why one-and-done is the way. Trust is forever gone and there's always that chance that she is a conniving slut like she turned out to be. Best to just take your chances with a fresh woman. The chances of getting 2 sluts in a row is less than the first slut changing her ways. That's my view at least.

LT56linebackerLT56linebacker18 days ago

Great story!! I liked it a lot. I thought they would be back together. I never saw the high fastball coming. It makes you wonder how long and how many times she fucked around before he caught her. I won't even ask if the kids are his. As long as He got the happy ending, I'm cool. I just hope Jerry had an accident. Or is he still walking around upright? I hope not. 7 stars, because of the uncertainty. It's still a great story. The Bear definitely approves.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

If he is tuff enough to stick to his guns it's doubtful he will lower his standards to take her back.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

More holes than a Gruyere cheese and that scene at the club where he defends her 'honour' was nothing short of ridiculous as he mouthed off like a twelve year old in a school yard at break time. I've seen better than this from DG.


OlefishermanOlefisherman3 months ago

Kerknow has it right . Not only disbarred but prison time and a hefty fine and open to law suits. Plus a whole bunch of problems for the department of corrections of where to house the price. Lawyer are targets in prison, as well as prime sissy material that file law suits against the doc for not protecting them and winning.

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