Ashleigh's Adventures Bk. 2 Ch. 02

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The girls plan the future and get into each other.
3.3k words

Part 12 of the 34 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 10/25/2005
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Ashleigh woke up and looked at the clock. 5am. Suddenly the thought struck her that she was at the wrong house. Not that she didn't like being here in Tom's bed with him sleeping beside her but her work clothes were across town at her own apartment. She slipped quietly from the bed and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. After her shower, as she just finished drying herself, the door opened and Tom entered completely naked.

"Good morning, princess." He said, "You're up early today."

"Good morning, Tommy," she replied, as she stepped toward him.

She reached out with her right hand to grasp his hardening cock and, wrapping her left arm around his neck, kissing him deeply.

"I have to get across town to change before work this morning." she said, as she released him. "I didn't bring any work clothes with me."

She left the bathroom and began to pack. Tom completed his morning ablutions and returned to the bedroom still naked.

When he entered, Ashleigh had her bag packed but she was also still naked. He noticed she held her panties and a small dildo in her hand as he approached.

"Tommy, will you do me a big favor? I'd like you to put this butt plug in my ass, please, but no funny stuff because I do have to go to work."

"Of course, princess, but why do you want this thing in you if you're going to work?"

"Sharon mentioned that the day may come when you would like to fuck my ass and if I wasn't ready it would really hurt instead of feeling really great. She suggested that wearing the butt plug for a few days would adjust my ass so it would be ready for you. Was she right, Tommy? Would you like to fuck my ass?"

"Absolutely, princess, you've got a great ass and I'm sure it would be a great pleasure to fuck it."

Tom closed the distance between them and kissed her gently.

Wrapping his arms around her, pressing his cock to her wet pussy, he increased the pressure of his lips and was rewarded with her tongue in his mouth. After several seconds of delicious kissing, Ashleigh broke away.

"I said no funny stuff, Mr. Tom, I'm late already. Now, will you help me with this thing or should I do it myself?"

"Get up on the bed, I'll do it."

Ashleigh reached down and slipped her panties over her ankles, then turned and knelt on the bed with her ass high in the air. Tom retrieved the K-Y Jelly and used his finger to spread some on and in her asshole. Ashleigh wiggled her ass at his touch. He then covered the butt plug with the jelly and placed the head at her opening.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes, Tommy, just do it slowly please."

He pressed the plug forward against the resistance of her sphincter. Almost immediately her sphincter relaxed and the head popped inside her asshole. Tom paused as she groaned and waited for her to indicate that he should proceed. When she nodded to him, he pressed the remaining length of the plug into her and patted her ass lightly.

Ashleigh rolled to her side, then to her back, taking deep breaths in the process. Resting on her back for a moment, she smiled widely at Tom, who was looking a little concerned. She folded her legs up and pulled her panties up to her hips, raising her hips to complete the process, then sat up and turned to drape her legs over the side of the bed. With a deep breath, she lifted herself to a standing position, wiggled her ass a little to adjust the plug, then smiled at Tom and walked easily to him.

"See", she said, "It's really not bad once it's in. During the day it just stays there and I notice it a little when I move around, but it feels nice. Thank you, kind sir."

She kissed him lightly, stepped past him and continued to dress.

Tom began his dressing with a grin on his face than couldn't have been erased with dynamite. A few minutes later, Ashleigh was ready to leave.

"When can I see you again, Ashleigh," Tom asked, "Is Wednesday night ok? If you like, we could go to dinner and a show or something."

"That would be great, Tom, call me when you get a chance and we can talk about it. I really have to go now or I'll be late for work. Bye, honey, talk to you soon."

Ashleigh kissed him warmly, then walked out of the room, overnight bag in hand. Tom heard the front door close and continued with his own morning routine.

As Ashleigh drove away from Tom's house, she was grinning from ear to ear. She had been thoroughly fucked by both Tom and Sharon this past week, had a butt plug in her asshole as she drove, and Tom was anxiously looking forward to seeing her again. It was a wonderful morning.

It was a busy Monday morning at work. Ashleigh was being asked to do a variety of things in addition to her reception duties. Every once in a while the butt plug would remind her it was still there and she smiled to herself. About 11am, the phone rang for the umpteenth time.

"Carter Industries, Ashleigh speaking, may I help you."

"Hi, Ashleigh, this is Sharon. How are you doing?"

"I'm fantastic, Sharon, how are you?"

"Never better, sweetie, how did things go with you and Tom after we dropped you off last night?"

"Oh Sharon, I can't talk now, I'm at the front desk. Can you call me at home tonight? I really need to talk to you. By the way, I'm wearing your little friend and it is getting very comfortable."

"You mean the butt plug? Why you little devil you. Did you put it in at Tom's?"

"No, HE put it in me this morning before I left."

"My God, Ashleigh, you are a bold one. I will definitely call you tonight. We have to talk!!!! Bye for now."

The rest of the day flew by and suddenly it was 5pm and time to leave.

When the phone rang at 7:30 that evening, Ashleigh answered it on the second ring. She was expecting to hear Sharon's voice so she was surprised to hear Tom's. After a little small talk, he asked how her asshole was managing to which she replied that it was doing quite nicely. They discussed the coming tennis outing on the next weekend and she mentioned that Sharon had given her some lessons and she was quite ready to participate. Finally, he asked if she would have dinner with him on Wednesday at his house. When she agreed, he suggested she bring a change of clothes so she could spend the night and go directly to work the next morning. Ashleigh agreed to his requests and stated she would arrive about 6pm. Moments after hanging up with Tom, the phone rang again and it was Sharon.

Sharon immediately began asking questions about Ashleigh's evening with Tom and the morning insertion of the butt plug. Ashleigh repeated the events of the evening and the morning in complete detail, along with a discourse on her feelings. Sharon was quite pleased with the events and with Ashleigh's reactions to them.

Sharon then recounted her own evening with Ted, in detail, including the discussion about sex between the men.

She went to great lengths to impress upon Ashleigh that Ted's reactions, while verbally conservative, were dramatically different between his legs as his cock grew extremely hard while he was introduced to the idea of being sucked and fondled by a man.

"I think he secretly would like to experience having sex with another man and is afraid to let anyone know about it. How do you think Tom would feel about the idea?"

"I don't really know but I think I can find out on Wednesday. I'm having dinner at his house Wednesday night and he asked me to bring a change of clothes so I can stay overnight. That should give me a good opportunity to find out more about his ideas regarding sex. Where are you going with this, Sharon, it sounds to me like you have some kind of plan in mind."

"Not really, Ashleigh, but I was thinking that if we four got together for an evening and it turned sexual, it would be much more fun if the boys could participate as much as we could. I know, for instance, that they would both enjoy watching us make love to each other and I don't think they would mind making love to us in the same room, even switching partners, but I don't think they are ready for touching each other yet."

"You're probably right about that."

"What we need to do is to find some easy way for them to get some experience, in complete privacy of course. Is this something you'd be interested in? I'm not jumping the gun here, am I?"

"No, you're not, I mean, yes, of course I'm interested. I guess I'm not as creative as you are, Sharon, but the more I think about it the better it sounds."

"We need to get together to really talk this out. There must be a way to get them together and make sure they at least give it a try, right?"

"I think so. Are you free anytime this week? I know you're coming over on the weekend but that won't do so when else can we get together?"

"How about tomorrow night? We can talk about this in more detail and you can give me some pointers about introducing the subject to Tom on Wednesday night, OK?"

"Yes, I think that will be OK with Ted. I'll call you at work tomorrow to confirm but think about it in the meantime, OK?"

"I certainly will, Sharon, it sounds like a very juicy idea. Bye for now, lover, talk to you tomorrow."

Sharon called on Tuesday morning to confirm that she would be at Ashleigh's after work. She also stated she would stay overnight, if that was all right, and just go straight to work in the morning. Ashleigh readily agreed and asked Sharon to go straight to her apartment. The prospect of seeing Sharon again and perhaps making love to her made the afternoon drag by very slowly for Ashleigh.

When Ashleigh pulled into her parking space she spotted Sharon's car a few spaces away. The two women met on the sidewalk, kissed each other lightly on the mouth, then walked hand in hand to the apartment. They both went to the bedroom to change clothes and Ashleigh found she couldn't take her eyes from Sharon's body as she undressed. The stirring between her legs told her that she was indeed ready for whatever Sharon had to offer.

As she undressed, Sharon noticed that she was still wearing the butt plug and asked how it was going. Ashleigh replied that it was quickly becoming her best friend and often reminded her of its' existence during the day. She pulled the plug from her ass with a slight whimper and went to the bathroom to wash it thoroughly. Both women chose to wear panties and see through tops for the evening as they didn't expect company.

Dinner was simple but very good and they drank wine and talked lightly of their respective days. After dinner, they lounged on the couch with a second glass of wine each and began in earnest to work out how to accomplish their goal of getting the men completely involved in sex.

Sharon began the discussion by reiterating her evening conversation with Ted emphasizing the idea that the boys usually close their eyes and that might be a clue to getting them together. She reminded Ashleigh of how hard Ted's cock had become while she was talking to him and stroking him lightly.

"Maybe if we came up with some kind of game the four of us could play with sex as the prize along the way. Something like strip poker but more complex."

"What if it was strip poker to start with then changed when everybody was naked." Added Ashleigh. "Something like a second deck of cards with things on them that the loser had to do to the winner while the others just watched."

"Hey, that's a great idea. We could have a variety of things and set it up so that any one could perform the act on any other one. That way the boys could have the opportunity of touching each other intimately without directly having sex - it would just be the penalty for losing. That's a great idea."

"OK, but let's get a pen and some paper and come up with a list of things that we could do. Wait a minute, I have a tape recorder so we don't have to write things down."

OK, what's the first idea."

"How about a 2 minute back massage. Anybody can do that to anybody else. Or a 2-minute foot massage. Or a 30 second hug."

"OK, that will get the ball rolling, but remember we will all be naked and the boys will be hard and we will probably be wet because we already know what's going to happen. We have to have something that entails sex to keep the game interesting."

"Right. Let's see. How about putting a finger in someone's ass for 30 seconds. Or maybe licking something, let's see..."

"Hey, wait a minute, why can't we have several decks of cards. One for guy-girl things, one for girl-girl things, and one for anyone when the guys finally get comfortable with each other, if ever."

"Ashleigh, that's a terrific idea. We can have a starter deck until they get bored with just touching. Then we can move to the more intimate deck that includes fucking, sucking, and so on. If they get along exploring us in the same room, we can move to switching partners - that is, if you want to - then finally to the masters deck where your partner for a particular act may be either male or female. Do you like the idea?"

"Yes, I do like the idea, Sharon. Are you sure you want to share Ted with me? After all, you two are married and Tom and I are just, well, lovers."

"Ashleigh, honey, I love Ted and he loves me. Sharing him with you would give us all pleasure. Besides, guys are naturally not monogamous so it's better that they're playing the field, so to speak, is organized, right?"

"Yeah, I guess so. I mean if Tom is going to have sex with somebody besides me I would really like it to be you instead of someone I don't know. OK, so what kinds of sex acts should we put on the cards? I suggest that we list them in the recorder then I can write them down later and we can sort them out into decks of some kind."

"Right! How about putting your cock into a cunt for 30 seconds without moving."

"That's a good one. I can't sit still once Tommy has his cock in me. That will be a real challenge. OK, so we should list all of the sexual behaviors we know about, with some sort of time limit to keep us all from cumming too soon, then we can sort the list later on."

An hour later, Ashleigh turned off the tape recorder, leaned forward and kissed Sharon warmly on the mouth. The two women changed their positions so they ended up lying side by side on the couch locked in a deep embrace. Each was caressing the other in every place they could reach, pressing their clits together as hard as they could.

Finally, Ashleigh suggested they move to the bedroom. Sharon simply nodded and moved off the couch.

In the bedroom, they stripped off their remaining clothes and lay on the bed, Ashleigh on her back and Sharon suspended above her. Sharon lowered herself slowly onto Ashleigh's hot body, kissing her as she connected with her, rubbing their clits together and adjusting the position of their tits.

As their ardor increased, Sharon slipped lower on Ashleigh's body and began kissing her breasts and sucking her nipples. Moving lower, she slipped between Ashleigh's legs and kissed her clit, blowing her hot breath into the opening. Ashleigh moaned in delight and demanded that Sharon turn around so she could do the same to her. Sharon complied and as soon as Ashleigh's tongue slipped thorough her clit, she screamed in delight.

"Oh, damn you, you little bitch, that's so good. Lick me again. I'm going to get you for that."

Ashleigh was so taken with Sharon's tongue action that she could only moan her acceptance of Sharon's actions. After a while, Sharon pushed herself up and looked into Ashleigh's eyes.

"Sweetheart, I brought the double dildo with me, would you like to use it?"

"Oh, yes, Sharon, please fuck me. I want to fuck you too. Get the dildo, please, hurry, I'm so horny."

Sharon got off the bed and opened her overnight bag. She extracted the double dildo, holding it up for Ashleigh to see. Ashleigh immediately lifted her head to watch Sharon mount the dildo and strap it to her. She watched intently as Sharon began pushing the stiff rubber cock into her own dripping cunt, stopping several times to get used to the size of the intruder. When she finally had it all inside her, she stood straight and buckled the strap holding the cock in place with its' twin sticking straight out in front.

She mounted the bed on all fours and crawled up to Ashleigh's cunt. She dipped her head a licked Ashleigh's slit from bottom to top, causing Ashleigh to moan loudly and lay her head back onto the pillow. Ashleigh spread her legs as wide as she could, bringing her knees up, ready for Sharon to plunge into her waiting cunt.

Sharon placed the head of the dildo at the entrance to Ashleigh's cunt and shoved her hips forward, pushing the entire length of the dildo into Ashleigh in one lunge.

"Oh God, Sharon, you're splitting me. Oh Sharon, it hurts, it hurts. Oh God, Oh God." Ashleigh screamed.

"I know it hurts, baby," breathed Sharon, "it hurts me too but it hurts so good I can't stop."

"OH, no, don't stop, fuck me, fuck me with that thing and rub my tits, and, oh Sharon, keep fucking me hard."

In a few minutes, Sharon screamed that she was cumming and mashed her mouth over Ashleigh's, shoving her tongue into the other woman's mouth and grabbing her shoulders tightly. Ashleigh held Sharon tightly as well, digging her nails into Sharon's back as she too experienced a tremendous orgasm. They rested then repeated their experience several more times before Sharon claimed to be too tired to continue. She extracted the dildo from Ashleigh's cunt, accompanied by groans from her lover, then carefully released the twin from her own cunt.

Ashleigh summoned enough energy to push the alarm button on her bedside clock and turn off the light. In the dark, Ashleigh asked if she could wear the dildo next time and Sharon murmured her agreement. The two women cuddled closely, kissing and cooing, until they both fell asleep.

The alarm went off at 6am and the two women sleepily began to rise. Ashleigh showered first as Sharon began brewing coffee then she showered as Ashleigh finished preparing their breakfast. Just before they walked out the door, Ashleigh held up the tape recorder.

"I'll work on this today if I get a chance otherwise it will have to wait until tonight."

"That's OK, honey, there's no rush. We have all the time in the world."

They kissed each other deeply then walked out to their cars and waved good-bye.

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