Ashley's Campaign Ch. 10


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They were almost to Tamiko's house when the young girl exclaimed, "Oh no. I forgot about my social studies homework. I left the book at home. I can do most of it by myself, but I need help on one part."

Ashley said, "Why don't you run upstairs and bring your social studies book down. I'll help with your question in the car. I have time to spare."

Tamiko bounced up the stairs to the house. Ashley was surprised when Tamiko opened a window and yelled down to Ashley.

"No one is here. The house is empty. It would be easier if you came up since the book is falling apart."

Ashley looked around and headed up the stairs. The house was empty, but the living room was messy. Ashtrays were filled with a mixture of cigarette butts and the ends of joints. There were takeout boxes and dishes with the remains of several people's meals. There was a sour smell pervading the room.

Ashley hurried into Tamiko's room and closed the door. Tamiko was sitting on the bed with a ratty textbook. Tamiko showed Ashley the question she was causing her trouble. Ashley had to read part of the section to come up with an answer. She didn't want to do Tamiko's work for her so she had Tami read the relevant material. She asked some questions and Tamiko gave an excited squeal when she discovered the answer for herself. Ashley smiled at Tamiko and rose to leave. Unfortunately, the process had taken longer than Ashley had wanted. The door to the apartment crashed open and Ashley heard the sound of several males entering the living room. One of the guys was boasting about his time in prison.

"This big idiot kept giving me a hard time so I got him alone in the laundry and stuck a shiv in his neck. He bled to death in minutes but not before he begged for his mommy. I hid his body in a laundry bag. By the time, they found it I was in my cell. They pinned the killing on another con."

Ashley cringed at the callous description of someone's grisly murder. From the sounds Ashley heard through the door, the guys had gone out for pizza and a case of beer. They were settling down to eat their meal. Ashley decided to take her chance at leaving. She told Tamiko to close the door behind her and not to come out.

As soon as Zach saw Ashley he said, "Well if it isn't the girl in the little yellow dress. Hey, Kyle, this is the bimbo I was showing you pictures of on the internet."

Ashley glanced nervously at Kyle. The two brothers were very different. Ashley remembered that Cathy had mentioned that all of her children had different fathers. While Zach was tall and scrawny, Kyle was burly and only slightly taller than Ashley. Zach had been behind the door when looks and brains were handed out. Kyle was ruggedly handsome with a movie star quality.

To get out of the apartment, Ashley had to walk the narrow space between the couch and the TV. Kyle, Zach and one of Zach's friends were sitting on the small couch. Another very large man was blocking the door. Ashley tried to get around the big oaf.

Kyle yelled, "Mark grab her."

Ashley blocked Mark's first lunge, but the big man used his weight to force Ashley into the corner. Mark wrapped his big arms around the struggling girl and pinned her arms to her side. He cupped her ass cheeks and mauled them through her khakis. Ashley struggled as the man attempted to kiss her.

"Damn it, let me go!"

Kyle said, "Well Zach, you certainly didn't exaggerate. She's a real beauty, but she needs taming. We could rape her now, but I would rather make her my permanent slut. I want her coming back to beg for it."

Ashley struggled against Mark's firm grip and yelled at Kyle, "Fuck you, asshole!"

Kyle said, "That's no way to talk to your new best friend. I'll let you apologize the next time you visit."

Ashley started to reply when she felt a sting in her left buttock. Her ass cheek went numb.

Ashley's eyes filled with tears, "What did you do?"

Kyle laughed, "It's called a speedball. It's a tasty combination of heroin and cocaine. Since I shot it in your ass, it'll take longer to peak and even longer for you to come down. I suggest you get home in a hurry and enjoy yourself."

Mark let Ashley go and she ran for the door.

Kyle yelled, "Don't be a stranger. Drop by anytime."

Ashley stumbled down the stairs and fumbled for her car keys. She looked up at Tamiko's window and saw her little sister watching her with a concerned expression. Nausea overwhelmed her and she leaned on her Miata before she doubled over and vomited. Tears came to her eyes as she heaved over and over. A group of young men sitting on a porch across the street got up and walked toward her.

"Hey sweetmeat, you look like you need some help. We wouldn't want you to die from an overdose."

Ashley glanced at the men in alarm as she got into her car. She slammed the door as the men got closer. She tried desperately to start the car. It started it on the second try. Ashley waved at Tami and drove off into the darkness.

Kyle said, "I hope my new friend enjoys herself. I got a new drug the other day called Senesse. I've never seen anyone use it so decided to conduct a little experiment. A small pharmaceutical house was developing a tanning drug called Bremelanotide. It had some crazy side effects on women and makes them super horny. Reportedly it multiplies a woman's libido by over a hundred times. When they tested it on rats, the female rats even started mounting the male rats. Unfortunately, it is hard to control the dosage. If a woman has no libido, then a hundred times nothing is still nothing. In a woman with a normal libido, the effect is dramatic. The drug is fat soluble, so the effects are long lasting and under continued use a woman's arousal increases exponentially. Nymphomania was reported in some test subjects after only a few doses. If it works half as well as the company claims, we'll be rich."

Zach laughed, "Jeez, Kyle, I'd love to see that stuck up bitch humping everything in sight. But why the heroin and cocaine?"

"Easy Zach, I want to get her both hooked and horny. I meant it when I said I wanted her to beg for sex. All of my life these rich bitches have treated me like shit. Her Dad defended me in court as a charity case. I'd like to see the look on his face when she's pregnant with my kid."

Ashley didn't know what to expect as she drove home. She felt both confused and exhilarated. She imagined she was flying an airplane. Bright street lights and stop signals flashed past. She felt invincible.

It was still early when she got home, and the house was deserted. She knew Josh and Emily had planned to go to a movie. Her Dad must have decided to go out to eat dinner.

Ashley thought, 'Oh shit! I'm supposed to eat dinner at Ryan's house. There is no way I can go.'

Ashley grabbed her cell phone and called, "Ryan, I'm sorry. I picked up a bug and puked my guts out. I have a terrible headache and just want to crawl into bed."

Ryan was used to total honest from Ashley and easily bought her excuse.

"Get some sleep Ashley. I'm disappointed, but I'll survive."

Ashley coughed as she said goodbye to Ryan. Ashley's face felt clammy as another wave of nausea overwhelmed her. She ran to her bathroom and retched on an empty stomach.

Ashley decided to go to bed and sleep off the effects of the drugs coursing through her body. She felt warm despite the cool fall weather. Ashley went to her bedroom and stripped off all of her clothes before changing into her favorite summer pajamas. The loose fitting bottoms were short briefs with sagging elastic around the waist. The top piece left a few inches of midriff exposed and had deep armholes. The shoulder straps and neckline were ruffled. The front was scooped down to the tops of her breasts showing a moderate amount of cleavage. Ashley was well aware that if she bent over, she would expose most of her breasts. The mirror showed that a fair amount of the side of her breast was on display. The mirror also showed that the bottom curves of her ass cheeks were peeking out below the PJs.

The euphoria she had felt earlier from the cocaine was losing out to a feeling of anxiety strangely mixed with arousal. After tossing and turning for what seemed an eternity, she slipped her hands underneath her PJs and pushed them between her legs. Her body jerked hard when her fingertips brushed over her clit. Her slit was wet and two of her fingers easily slipped into her vagina. Ashley arched her back as she finger fucked herself with increasing speed. Her other hand rubbed her clit and she quickly orgasmed. She could not believe she had come so fast but somehow was still unsatisfied.

She got up and dug into the back of her closet to find her mother's case of sex toys. Her hands shook as she picked out a large ultra-green dildo and inserted batteries. The knobby dildo was thicker than any she had used before and she hoped it was big enough to satisfy her intense cravings. She paused to coat it with lubricant before lying back on the bed and spreading her legs wide. She pushed the dildo through the loose leggings of her pajama bottoms. Ashley moaned as she pressed the dildo against her wet slit. She gripped the device with two hands and forced it into her tight opening. Only the tapered tip was penetrating her vagina. Ashley groaned in desperation and raised her hips off of the bed. Her body shook with the effort and tears ran down her cheeks. She began to move her hands in circles as she ground the dildo against her vagina. Her opening slowly stretched to accommodate the thick monster and she screamed when at last it slid inside.

Ashley's hips sank back onto the bed and she paused as she adjusted to the feeling of complete fullness. Ashley's breathing was coming in ragged gasps and her body was coated in sweat. Ashley's hand found the switch and she turned the vibrator on low. She had only made a few short thrusts when she came again. She shoved the dildo in deep and rode out her orgasm. With barely a pause, she increased the setting to medium and started plunging the massive dildo into her eager vagina. Her hips rose to meet her thrusts and she cried out in her lust. One orgasm followed another. She had the vibrator set on high and her hands worked the dildo rapidly in and out of her quivering vagina. Eventually, she collapsed on the bed sobbing uncontrollably in her frustration. Despite having several orgasms, she had not found either release or sleep.

Ashley got up and headed to the basement in her sweaty pajamas. She hoped some exercise would bring her relief. She put on her practice music and slipped on her plastic pole dancing shoes. She easily climbed up the pole and did a slow spin in a seated position. She leaned back into an inversion and undulated her arms with the slow beat of the music. She checked the move in the floor to ceiling mirror. When inverted, her top slid up toward her face and barely hung on her ample breasts. She flipped upright and grabbed the pole as she performed a slow fan spin. She continued the spin as she slid down to land on her feet on the carpet. She leaned against the pole and did a body wave with her hands gripping the pole over her head.

She looked over at the door when she heard her Dad clapping.

"Ashley, I'm impressed with your performance after only a couple of months. Emily must have been driving you hard."

"Hi, Dad. Emily is an amazing teacher and very patient. It's wonderful exercise. I think all of the swimming and weight training helped my upper body strength."

"But why are you home so early? I thought you were having dinner with Ryan. Josh and Emily won't be home for a couple of hours."

Ashley had not had a lot of practice lying, but after the one she told Ryan earlier, the next one to her Dad was easier.

"Ryan's Mom is sick and dinner got canceled. Ryan and I decided to call it an early night. I ate some leftovers and crawled into bed. I was having trouble sleeping and thought I'd try some exercise. What's up with you?"

Robert said, "I had dinner at the Upstate Sport's Bar and watched Sunday Night Football. It's a blowout so I decided to come home early and do my photography class homework. The assignment is action shots, but I'm not satisfied with the ones I took at your soccer game. It's harder than I thought to snap good action photos. "

Ashley did a slow spin around the pole before climbing up and doing a spinning angel.

Ashley said, "I'm going to be here until I get tired. If you want, you can try taking some pictures of me."

"I'd love to. It should be easier than soccer since there is no running and everything will be at the same distance.

Robert quickly set up his studio lights and tripod. He started snapping pictures and Ashley lost herself in her moves. She always found that the hardest part was performing to the beat of the music. She was jerky on her new moves and practiced them over and over. She hardly noticed the flashes of light as her Dad took picture after picture.

Ashley did a transition up the pole which involved an inversion. The position resulted in her top wrapping around her neck and face. Without a second thought, she whipped it off before repeating the move. She looked in the mirror as she worked her way up the pole. Her pajama bottoms revealed her ass cheeks and when her legs spread apart in her fan spin, she showed a flash of pussy.

She was sweating from the exercise and the heat from the studio lights. Knowing that her Dad was watching was making her excited. The crotch of her pajamas was getting wet and clingy. She had to dry the pole repeatedly when she practiced her handstand slide down. After pulling the wet material out of her crotch the third time she pushed the PJ bottoms to her feet and kicked the wet clothing into the corner. She dried herself and the pole and repeated her routine from the beginning.

Ashley's arms were tired when she finished the routine. She was leaning against the pole and staring at her Dad as he snapped a couple more photos of her naked, glistening body.

Robert stared at Ashley's sweaty body as he said, "Thanks, Ashley, that was amazing. I've never seen anything to match the sexual energy of your performance. We should review the pictures before I submit my homework. I think it would be a good idea to select ones where your face doesn't show."

Ashley walked over to her Dad and threw her arms around his neck. She rested her head on his shoulder and pressed her naked body against him as they reviewed the pictures. Robert put his arms around his daughter's trim waist and held her gently. Ashley's breathing slowed to normal, but she was still aroused. Knowing her Dad had watched her dance had stimulated her intensely. She was desperate for release that might only come from a good fucking. Ashley was so aroused she had a hard time rationalizing her virginity.

Ashley thought about a discussion about the meaning of virginity she had had with her friends. Some of the girls insisted on the traditional view that you lost your virginity when your hymen were torn. Ashley had had men come in her mouth and her ass but never in her vagina. So far no one had ever penetrated her vagina with their penis, and she considered herself a virgin.

However, one of her friends had pulled up a video from the web where a young woman claimed that the hymen was not a reliable indicator of virginity. Many things besides sex could tear the hymen. In some women, it can even return to its original state after sex. The narrator claimed that making a fuss about virginity was more about controlling women's sexual activities than about any medical condition. Another woman made an excellent argument for the idea that a girl was a virgin until a man came in her vagina. Ashley decided she would still be a virgin if she let her Dad fuck her as long as he pulled out before he came.

Ashley ran her hands over the crotch of her Dad's shorts. He was so hard. He wanted it too.

"Dad, I want you. I need you to fuck me. I need you to fuck me hard. All I ask is that you pull out and come on my stomach. Please, please say yes."

Ashley listened to her Dad moan as she lowered the zipper on his shorts. She pulled on the snap and pushed his shorts to the floor. Her hand moved inside of his boxers and seized his erection. Robert groaned again as his daughter slowly stroked his hard cock. Robert lowered a hand to his daughter's firm ass. His fingers ran down the crack of her ass and found the bottom of her wet slit. Ashley moaned when he pushed a finger into her eager wet pussy. Ashley pushed her breast into his other hand as he played with a hard nipple. Robert sucked her other nipple into his mouth and lightly bit her firm nipple. He pushed his hand down her stomach to cup her mound. He now held her sex between his two hands. He pushed two fingers into her pussy from behind while he rubbed her clit with the other. Robert was surprised at her quick response. Ashley's body quivered against his hands as an intense orgasm shook her body.

Robert lowered Ashley onto her back on a weight bench. Her legs were spread on either side of the bench. Her bare pussy was opened like a flower in front of his lust filled eyes. He dropped his boxers on the floor and knelt down between her knees. He grasped her hips and slid the core of her body towards his mouth. He licked her dripping slit and sucked on her clit. Ashley shrieked and entwined her fingers in his hair. She pulled his mouth tight against her eager pussy. She bucked her hips against his mouth. Robert pushed two fingers into her pussy and drew them across her G-spot. His tongue danced across her clit. His other hand cupped her ass and a fingertip pressed against her anus before sinking into her warm ass.

"Ah, ah, ah, oh God yes."

Ashley twisted around the fingers thrusting into her body. She wrapped her long legs around his neck and ground her engorged pussy into her father's face. Ashley's back arched off of the bench as another orgasm caused every muscle in her hot body to shudder violently.

Robert stroked his already hard erection before sliding it along Ashley's moist slit. Ashley's body jerked when her father's cock brushed over her clit.

"Oh God! Yes, yes, yes, fuck me now!"

Robert positioned the tip of his cock against the opening to Ashley's vagina. He paused with his fat cock barely parting her engorged lips. Both father and daughter froze as they heard the front door slam. Emily and Josh talked excitedly as they entered the house.

Ashley jumped off of the weight bench and ran for her pajamas. She sprinted up the back stairs to her bedroom and closed the door. She put on her bathrobe and found a fresh set of pajamas. She ducked into the bathroom just as Emily entered the hallway.

Ashley heard Emily protest, "Good timing Ashley. I was heading to the shower. Let me know when I can have it."

Ashley took a quick shower and let Emily in while she dried and brushed her hair. When Emily finished, she joined Ashley in her bedroom for some girl talk.

"Did you just get back from Ryan's house? How was dinner?"

Ashley repeated the lie she had told her father about Ryan's mother being sick and went on to complain that she couldn't sleep.

Emily said, "When we were at the clinic, Joyce said you might have trouble sleeping for the next week or so. She gave me some over the counter sleeping tablets to help you. I guess she was afraid you might be depressed if her memory suppression remedy didn't work. I'll get you a tablet and stay with you until you get to sleep."

"What about Josh?"

"Josh can wait. My best friend needs me. Besides, I have been giving it to Josh regularly and he can easily miss a night."

Ashley fell asleep in her friend's arms. When she woke up Monday morning, she realized she had had over six hours of sleep. It was a better night's sleep than she often got, but she still felt drained. She also realized that she was still somewhat aroused as she dressed in a blouse and khaki slacks. Ashley quivered when her clothes brushed against her erect nipples and moist pussy. At least, her pushup bra was tight enough to restrain her generous breasts enough to prevent rubbing. Walking to the kitchen for breakfast was torture as her pants rubbed against her crotch. She had never before noticed how her neatly tailored slacks caressing her body. She realized she would never make it through the day wearing her favorite pants. After breakfast, she found a skirt and top combination that provided less stimulation. The simple dress fell to the middle of her athletic thighs. The scoop neck top was modest by Riverdale High School standards as long as she didn't lean forward.