Ashley's Campaign Ch. 12


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Kyle laughed, "Wow, you are a dirty slut aren't you? You'll need to channel all of that sexual energy if you want to win tonight's contest. Don't hold anything back because your competition sure as hell won't. I was serious about what happens if you lose."

Zach emptied a syringe into Ashley's butt. Kyle had loaded the syringe with four doses of Senesse and a large amount of cocaine. Ashley moaned when Zach rubbed her ass cheeks after the shot. She squealed when he plunged two bony fingers into her already wet pussy. He worked them back and forth inside her tight vagina just a couple of times before Ashley had an orgasm.

Kyle said, "That's enough of that Zach. What did I tell you about Ashley being my bitch?"

Zach said, "Shit man, I also know you said if she loses we could fuck her until she cannot walk."

Ashley looked at Kyle and said, "Please Kyle, you know I can't do that."

Kyle said, "Well bitch, you'd better win. Otherwise, the only way I'll sell you what you want is if Zach and I fuck you silly."

Ashley shivered, "I'll win. Now, please can we go inside?"

Kyle draped her coat over Ashley's shoulders and said, "Just as soon as I make sure you are ready."

Kyle pushed Ashley against the wall of the building and kissed her hard. Ashley moaned into his mouth as he shoved his tongue between her lips. His fingers pushed her G-string aside and plunged into her wet pussy. His thumb pressed hard on her clit. Ashley screamed into Kyle's mouth as she orgasmed hard. Her body kept shaking as Kyle continued to thrust his two thick fingers into pussy. Ashley's hips were moving in rhythm with Kyle's fingers.

"Oh god, yes, yes, yes."

Ashley's body shuddered again and Kyle removed his wet fingers. Kyle laughed before licking Ashley's nectar from his fingers.

Ashley's eyes popped open, "No please, don't stop."

Kyle bent down and pulled Ashley's shorts up. He adjusted her lacy sarong and laughed. He looked at his brother and grinned, "She's ready, very ready."

Kyle said, "Zach, take her inside and get her registered. I have a table reserved for you. Get her one of those fruit and rum cocktails she likes. I have to go in the front door. From this point on we don't know each other."

Kyle left and Zach ushered her inside the back door. He led her up to the bar and ordered Ashley a Caribbean rum punch. He told the bartender that Ashley wanted to enter the contest. While Ashley was looking around the large room, Zach emptied a packet with four doses of Senesse into her drink. The guy sitting next to Zach laughed thinking Zach was slipping the girl a date rape drug.

A slimy little man came over. Tony was the owner of the Pussycat Lounge. His voice boomed out over the background music, "You have to pay the fifty dollar fee and sign the standard release form. Please sign with your real name and declare that you are eighteen or older. There is a space to enter your stage name."

He slid the paper in front of Ashley. Zach slapped a fifty dollar bill on the bar.

When Ashley hesitated, Zach said, "Just sign it. It's just like the one you signed at The Office."

Ashley signed the paper and entered Juicy Lady as her stage name. Ashley held tight to her drink as Zach led her to their reserved table. Ashley was relieved when Zach removed his tight grip from her bicep. The waitress came over with their drinks. Ashley sipped her Carribean Rum Punch and surveyed the room. Most of the Pussycat Lounge was one huge, cavernous room with dozens of tables. A door at the back between the restrooms was simply labeled, "Party Rooms." A long bar ran along one wall. The bar and most of the tables were already filled. The working class crowd was celebrating the end of a hard work week and was already loud and boisterous.

A stage at one end of the room contained two poles. Spotlights illuminated a topless dancer working a pole. Two large screen TVs showed close up details of the dancer. When the song ended, another number began to play. Ashley was impressed with the quality of the sound system. She could feel the bass pounding in her stomach. A dancer pranced along the front of the stage encouraging the rowdy crowd to stuff money in her G-string. One of the tips must have been sizable because she knelt before a burly construction worker. She grabbed the back of his head and pulled his face between her large bare breasts. When she tried to back away, he stood up and grabbed the dancer. He sucked her nipple into his mouth and she shrieked as his teeth nipped her tender bud. A burly bouncer came over and encouraged the overly excited customer to take his seat. The bouncer shook his finger in the man's face. The guy grinned and the bouncer patted him on the back. Who knows what it took to get ejected from the Pink Pussycat?

When Ashley finished her drink, Zach got the attention of a waitress. At first, Ashley did not recognize the topless woman as she approached. Her large breasts bounced as she strutted over to their table in her high heels. Her long legs were clad in black stockings topped by a short skirt. Ashley was surprised when she realized the waitress was Cathy, the mother of Kyle, Zach, and Tamiko. Her good looks were remarkable for a woman who had led a hard life and had borne three kids. Cathy stared at Ashley in shock.

Zach said, "Hi Mom, Ashley needs another Caribbean rum punch. I'll have rum and coke."

Cathy said, "Zach, why did you bring Ashley here?"

Zach said, "It wasn't my idea. Ashley wants to compete in the pole dancing contest."

Cathy said, "Ashley, do you have any idea what you are doing? Zach, get her out of here now."

Ashley shrugged, "It's OK, Cathy. I've competed before at The Office and I plan on winning this time."

Cathy replied, "Oh dear god, Ashley, this isn't The Office. Do you see any politicians or lawyers in their three piece suits?"

Zach said, "Mom, you heard the girl. Just get the drinks."

Ashley's foot was bouncing on the floor as she became anxious for the contest to begin. Zach put one arm around Ashley's shoulders and pulled her towards him. He laughed and put his other hand on her upper thigh. Ashley inhaled sharply at her intense response to his touch. She moaned when he ran his hand up the inside of her thigh and cupped her mound.

Zach laughed, "Damn, you're like a high-strung racehorse. If they don't start the competition soon, I'll have to take you out back to settle you down."

Ashley glared at Zach, "Please move your hand."

Zach laughed, "You mean like this?"

Zach rubbed his hand over Ashley's tight shorts. Ashley bit her lip to stifle her scream as her body shuddered. Ashley's mind and body were so over stimulated by the Senesse, that the slightest touch brought her to an orgasm. Ashley pushed Zach's hand away.

"Zach, please don't. I can't take it."

Tony made an announcement from the stage, "We are all ready for our Friday night pole dancing contest. We have a big crowd so the grand prize should easily reach five hundred dollars. There are a couple of new girls tonight so I would like all of the contestants to come up on the stage and introduce themselves. The girls will draw a number out of a hat to determine the order of their performance. The judges will then select three contestants for the final round. We will take an hour break before the final performance. The three finalists can use the hour to lobby the audience. Every table has a tablet for ordering food and drink. It will also list the names of the dancers. The winner will be decided by a combination of the judges and the spectators. The judges' vote will count for half as will the crowd's vote. Ok, ladies, come on up."

Ashley rose to her feet and looked at Zach, "What does he mean by lobby?"

"Don't worry your pretty little head. If you make it to the finals, Kyle will coach you."

Ashley shook her head to clear it as she stood up and removed her coat. A mirrored globe was spinning overhead. Colored lights reflected from the globe and swirled around the room. Ashley felt her mind floating free as she strode to the stage. She heard sexually explicit comments from every table she walked past. Some of the bolder men touched her thighs. She almost made it to the stage, but her way was blocked by men who had moved their chairs for a better view. While she waited for the men to stand up and let her pass, a hand snuck up her leg and squeezed her ass. Ashley squealed and jumped backward into a large burly chest. Ashley might have fallen except a hand grasped her firmly around her waist. Ashley whimpered when the hand slipped over her crop top and squeezed her breast.

Ashley climbed the stairs to the raised stage and joined the seven other contestants. She was nervous when she recognized Fire, the dancer who had beat her in The Office contest. Fire looked at Ashley and smirked.

Tony was working his way down the line introducing the contestants. He got to Ashley and said, "And this delicious girl is called Juicy Lady. We are all looking forward to seeing what she's got. I know everyone is hoping she lives up to her name."

Tony offered a hat to Ashley and she drew a slip of paper with the number 5.

After he had introduced all of the ladies, Tony said, "Ok girls, the winner will get five hundred dollars and any tips she collects. Don't hold back. The contest is no holds barred and anything goes.

Ashley went back to join Zach. The first dancer was a full figured woman in her late thirties. She did a few spins around the pole before removing her top. Most of her performance consisted of shaking her bare breasts to the delight of the noisy crowd.

The second dancer was a short brunette named Raven. She had a good body that she wasted no time in displaying. Raven danced around the stage briefly before stripping to just a tiny G-string and her high heels. The crowd loved it when she bent over and grabbed the pole. She gyrated her ass cheeks to a chorus of catcalls and whistles. Raven worked her way up the pole and did an inversion with her body facing the crowd. She did a slow body wave that increased in intensity until her body was trembling. Her small pert breasts shook to the delight of the tightly packed throng of sweaty men. Raven lowered her body to the floor. Her hands held the pole above her head displaying her breasts. She spread her legs in a wide V on the floor. She reached down and grasped her G-string. She pulled on the top of her skimpy panties, drawing the small triangle of cloth between her pussy lips as her song ended. The room was silent for a moment before the crowd erupted in an animal roar.

Ashley shook her head and muttered, "Jeez, that was hot."

Zach laughed, "I've seen all of these women dance. Raven and Fire are the ones to beat. If you want to join them in the finals, you'll have to go all out. This is serious business for these women. None of them has a good job and they are desperate for the prize money to support their families. The winner stands to make over a thousand dollars counting tips. If you want to beat them, you'll have to go all out. Personally, I hope you lose. I like the idea of you fucking Kyle and me before you can buy the stuff you want so much.

Fire danced third. She was taking no chances. She did a sensual strip to a tiny G-string and high heels. She pulled on the top of her G-string until the fabric disappeared between her swollen pussy lips. She shimmied at the front of the stage to give the boisterous crowd a good eyeful of her charms. She ran to the pole and gave a repeat of her first performance at The Office. However, this time, she was almost nude and the mass of horny men loved every minute of her erotic performance.

The fourth dancer was nothing special. When she slipped on the pole, Ashley stared at the table in front of her. She ran through her performance in her head and finished her drink to calm her nerves.

It was Ashley's turn and she carefully dried the pole before turning to face the noisy crowd. Ashley gazed at the throng of leering men leaning forward in their chairs. These were not the restrained men in suits she had danced for at The Office. The previous dancers had aroused the mob to the point where Ashley feared that they would swarm the stage and rip her sumptuous body to pieces.

Ashley remembered Emily's advice to focus on one person and dance for them alone. She glanced at Zach's sneering face and shuddered. Ashley feared the skinny sadist more than the nameless crowd. Ashley looked toward the side of the stage and saw Kyle smiling at her. He licked his lips when he saw her staring at him. She felt a pang in her deepest core as she looked at his powerful body. He was so different from his half brother. Why did he have to be so gorgeous? Why couldn't he just sell her the drugs she wanted and leave her alone? She knew he was smart and playing some kind of sick game with her. He was such a bastard the way he treated her.

Ashley remembered his strong hands gripping her hips, his fingers pushing into her moist vagina. She had to dance for Kyle and make him want to take her. She leaned against the pole panting with desire. She licked her lips and pushed her chest out.

She indicated she was ready and her chosen song 'Lick' by Joi began to play. This wasn't the time or place for Adele and Ashley had no intention of holding back. The crowd cheered when Ashley bent forward and shook her chest. Her generous breasts threatened to spill out of her tiny top. When Joi got to the part,

'The tingling just won't go away

Don't make my body wait no longer

Because this pussycat's ready to play play play play play.'

Ashley was dancing with her back to the crowd. She untied her crop top and tossed it toward the back of the stage. When she turned around, her hands were cupping her ample breasts. Ashley's body swayed with the suggestive music. She caressed her breasts and firm nipples offering them to the audience.

Ashley leaned against the pole. One arm held the pole above her as she did a slow body wave. Her other hand cupped her breasts before sliding down her taut abdomen. Ashley slid her hand under the sarong to cup her mound. Ashley considered starting her pole routine, but she realized this contest was different. No one in the Pink Pussycat cared about pole dancing. These men wanted to see a beautiful woman strip. They craved the sight of bare breasts and pussy. Ashley's hands moved to her sides and she grasped the leather strings fastening her shorts. The crowd roared their approval. Ashley pulled the strings and turned around. She tossed her shorts to the back of the stage and bent over. Ashley gyrated her athletic ass to the delight of the crowd. Ashley turned back to face the crowd. She leaned against the pole and slowly lowered her body into a squat with her knees spread wide. One of Ashley's hands was teasing her breast while the other slid down her taut stomach.

When Joi sang "play, play, play, play, play," Ashley pushed her hand deep inside her G-string. Her fingers dipped into her wet pussy before dragging them back over her clit. Ashley's body writhed as she masturbated in front of a dumbstruck crowd. Ashley's tits jiggled as she vigorously rubbed her clit. Ashley tilted her head back and wailed as an intense orgasm rolled through her quivering body.

The crowd's stunned silence was broken by a thunderous roar that didn't stop during the rest of her performance. She shook her generous breasts before turning to climb the pole. She repeated her performance from The Office. In the end, she was leaning with her back against the pole and her legs spread. Her sweaty breasts were heaving as she gasped for air. Her sarong had slipped around so the thin material only covered her hips and ass. Her hands slid along her pussy pushing the G-string down her thighs. Ashley shoved both of her index fingers into her juicy vagina. Her thumbs mashed against her clit. Joi sang,

'I lose all control

When you grab a hold.'

Ashley sank to her knees. She forgot the crowd as she brought herself to one orgasm after another.

Tony climbed on the stage after the music ended. He stood with his mouth open and shook his head. Finally, the roar of the crowd dropped low enough for him to shout, "Let's hear it for Juicy Lady."

Ashley grabbed her clothes and got dressed. As she walked back to her table, hands reached out to touch her. More than one man stuck his fingers in his mouth after touching her juicy thighs. When she walked past Fire's table, her competitor hissed, "Slut, you're going down."

When she sat down with Zach, he said, "Damn, Ashley, that was hot. Every guy here wants to fuck you."

Ashley said, "Zach, you don't need to be so crude."

Zach laughed and handed Ashley a fresh glass of Caribbean rum punch. Ashley was thirsty from her performance and downed the sweet tropical drink. Of course, Zach was following Kyle's instructions and had added two packets of Senesse to the drink. Each packet held four standard doses of the stimulant Kyle had already been giving Ashley for days. Kyle had only given Ashley four doses total the night of her first pole dancing contest. Even that amount had brought Ashley to an uncontrollable state of arousal.

Zach had laughed when Kyle mentioned that Paladin Biotech wanted to test the effects of a massive overdose of Senesse. The company could not ethically conduct such a test on its own. The chemists at Paladin warned that it was possible that the user could become a nymphomaniac permanently or at least for an extended period of time. Zach laughed at the thought of a TV add warning Senesse had a nymphomania side effect. When ads for Viagra first cautioned about erections lasting more than four hours, sells doubled overnight. How many men would jump at the chance to turn their wife or girlfriend into a nymphomaniac?

Zach asked, "Ashley, Do you want another drink?"

Ashley was watching the next dancer and didn't even turn her head when she answered, "Please."

Ashley admired the skill of the next dancer, but she knew she was right about the crowd. The girl was pretty and a good dancer but her clothes stayed on. A few yells for the dancer to take it off went unanswered. In the end, she received little more than polite applause.

Zach's mom brought another Caribbean rum punch to the table. Cathy's scowl got more intense when her son failed to tip her. After his mom had walked away, Zach added two packets of Senesse to Ashley's drink while his victim stared at the next dancer.

Zach tapped Ashley on the shoulder and said, "Drink time."

Ashley sipped at her drink as she watched the last dancer perform.

After the last performance, Zach said, "Raven and Fire are still the ones to beat."

Tony got on the stage to give the results. He said, "The final round will have the top three dancers compete. Before I announce the finalists, I'd like to thank all of the women who performed for us. I hope they will continue to perfect their art and return for another contest. Now, the three finalists are Raven, Fire, and Juicy Lady. They will dance in that order. Now we will take a break to let the finalists lobby the crowd. Remember ladies, you get to keep any tips you receive. You may want to have a chaperone help you with the tips. As for you guys, please show the women some respect. I'm sure the ladies will let you know their rules if you get carried away. Normally, I would suggest keeping your hands to yourselves but tonight it's up to the ladies. I have no idea how far they'll go to get your vote. Oh, and don't forget to enter your votes on the tablet at your table."

Zach said, "You are going to have to lay it all on the line. Raven and Fire saw your performance and will certainly go all out. They are even more desperate than you are to win. Now, you need to work the crowd for their votes."