Ashley's Dark Awakening Ch. 02


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"I just felt like it," Ashley said, feeding her craving by taking a bite of the fish along with a scoop of the mint cream, "Mmmahhh! And it's delicious!" she said before sipping at her tall vanilla smoothie.

"Got to be careful about that though," Sandy said, cattishly grinning over her own assortment of foods taken as if by random from the venders, "Eat like that too much and you'll be growing around the middle soon enough."

"Rike rur not," Ashley swallowed and continued, "I'll be fine -- It's you who'll have to be worrying about that belly showing pretty soon. You haven't told your mom or dad about it either, have you?"

"Nope," Sandy said, taking a bite of out of her onion and pickle hamburger, "And I'm not gonna have to." The confident girl gulped down her vanilla smoothie and gave a satisfied sigh as Ashley stared at her carefree friend.

"What do you mean you won't tell them? I mean, it's not like you're going to be able to hide that for much longer!" She pointed down at where her friend's shirt rode up even further over the smooth curve of her tummy. The hidden half of her pregnant belly stretched out the thin cotton, but Sandy didn't even blink.

"Won't have to. Summer is starting in just a few more weeks, and after graduation I'm heading to get our apartment for college. A little earlier than expected but..." she smoothed her shirt down to accentuate her baby bump, "Unexpected things happen, you know...?" The slumping girl then perked up and looked over Ashley's shoulder. The corners of her lips curled and her eyes flashed with her devilish grin.

"Hehe, well, speaking of the unexpected..." Sandy pointed, and Ashley following her nearly choked. It was Derren. Amongst the pale crowd he stood out easily, swaggering through the tables in long baggy shorts and sleeveless jersey. His black arms hung loose at his sides, the same ebony arms Ashley remembered pressing her lips against at the party. Despite her anger and shock from his escape after that night, her heart leapt when his eyes met hers across the room. Without hesitation the college boy began making his way over, parting the crowd as if he was walking to the table he'd always owned.

"Oh shit, what's he doing here!?" Ashley panicked, looking around for some way to escape. But there wasn't any place to go now that he'd spotted her, and even if he hadn't her legs refused to budge. Sandy giggled and stood up. "W-wait! Where are you going?"

"I just remembered I have to pick something up at the one store..." Sandy said with a wink, pushing in her chair politely. Her face was a little flushed for some reason, though nowhere near as red as Ashley's was getting.

"Hey stop! What am I supposed to do!?" She eyed him as discretely as she could. The crowd wasn't even slowing him down, just like it hadn't at the party. When Derren wanted something, he got it. Ashley remembered that all too well...

"Just act like you did at the party. Do what's natural," Sandy said, picking up her purse and bag, "Besides, I wouldn't want to come between you two lovebirds, would I?"

"We're not lovebirds!"

"Fine -- the blackbird and his little white dove then. See ya!" Sandy whisked around and disappeared into the crowd before Ashley could even stand up. And now she was alone at the table, standing helplessly as Derren walked up as casually as he did on the dance floor.

"Lookin' fine, Ashley. Long time no see," he said. Ashley shivered from hearing that dark voice again, but forced her eyes to meet his.

"Hi. What do you want?" she said, crossing her arms.

"What's with that attitude? Ain't you glad to see me?" Derren didn't stop smiling even while acting hurt.

"No, I'm not," Ashley said. She didn't even convince herself with that, but continued despite herself, "Why didn't you show up after the party? You left my number and address, then never even said hello? What do you think I am?"

"I think you're a damn sexy white girl who got her first taste of dark meat. And liked it," Derren flashed his pearly teeth when Ashley smoothed down her short skirt, trying to hide her creamy thighs from his wandering eyes. Her thighs were rubbing together on their own.

"N-no I didn't. I was drunk and... and I didn't even want to be there."

"Really? You drunk now, Ashley? Cause you've got on the same clothes you did when I was grinding against that sweet ass on the dance floor... I bet you've got on some naughty panties under that skirt too, don't ya?"

Ashley didn't say anything. It took all she could to keep staring daggers at him, her body betraying her already. Her heart raced and skipped a beat whenever he'd take another step forward, tearing off her clothes with his hungry eyes piece by piece.

"How did you find me? What do you want now?" She asked.

"What, you think I've been following you? Ha! Girl, I got your address -- I could drop by whenever I like. I felt like going to the mall cause I just knew something interesting was going to cross my path. And here you are, girl..." He took a seat and leaned back with his arms behind his head. Even sitting down Ashley felt small next to him. He helped himself to some of Sandy's leftovers, chuckling as Ashley stayed standing on the opposite side.

"Look Derren, what we did was just a one-time thing-"

"Wasn't one time even then, girl. Admit it, you were begging for my black dick so many times you lost count. Just like a good black cock slut would."

"I'm not a slut!" Ashley said a bit too loudly, so she took her seat and moved in closer with a hushed voice, "I told you I was drunk, and when you're drunk you don't act like you normally do."

"Yeah, that's right. You're normally tryin' to hide the fact that you're made to fuck black men," he informed her like he was telling her what the weather was. A part of Ashley fumed at his arrogance, but another part quivered with delight. She wrapped her arms around herself and closed her legs tighter, trying to suppress that other side along with her pattering heart and fluttering stomach.

"Anyway," Derren continued, "I know you've been thinking of me. Your freaky friend told me you were one of those quiet girls before I got to you..." He took another bite, making sure to lick his dark lips clean with a smirk. "And look at you now, shakin' that sweet ass for all the brothers to see."

"It's... it's not like that..." Ashley meekly protested. She turned away, her ass still tingling to remind her where that boy spanked her.

"Come on now girl, don't be lyin' to yourself. You know you're wearing those black panties just for some brothers like me..." Ashley's hands jumped to her skirt again, obviously too late to hide that fact from Derren's keen eyes. "Girl, you've been thinking about how I took your little white flower since that night, haven't you?"

"... Mhmm," Ashley nodded her head, starting to give into his dark voice.

"Been thinking about my black dick pounding that sweet white pussy of yours too, huh?"


"Yeah girl, I bet you've been getting off thinking about getting fucked by my big nigger dick, haven't you?"

"Yes..." Ashley felt light-headed, the murmur of the milling crowds around fading away as Derren's commanding tone hypnotized her more and more. Her heart beat harder in her chest, and her knees weakened as she leaned forward in the chair.

"That's right, ho," Derren cooed, reaching his arm under the table and lifting up her clover-green skirt, "Damn, white pussy creaming for me already, huh?" He said, running his fingers over the thin material of her dark lacy panties. She closed her thighs instinctively around his invading hand, but that just made her feel more of his ebony skin against hers. She felt her pussy quiver.

"Ugh... yeah..." she tried to whisper, but it was hard the way her heart beat in her ears and her stomach flipped inside her. His fingers pulled her panties aside slowly, getting closer to her bare pussy as the unaware mall-goers milled about, oblivious to the black fingers laying on her ivory lips.

But then, the mesmerized girl felt something wasn't right. Not with his touch, but with her stomach.

Ashley stood and stumbled back. She gripped her stomach, which lurched around her mis-matched meal. Ashley held back a gagging reflex and spun around in the already spinning room, looking for a bathroom. Luckily one was right nearby, and she rushed to it as best she could through the crowd as she clutched her middle. Derren sat coolly at the table, not saying anything and hardly even reacting as the sick girl ran off.

Ashley could only think about how strange the look was on his face before she turned away -- a faint grin on his lips as if he was expecting this all along...

The Dark Discovery

Ashley flushed the toilet, panting for breath and groaning on the ground next to it. That combination of food tasted delicious going down, but not coming back up. Her stomach rumbled, emptied totally, but Ashley didn't feel hunger. She felt ice cold and petrified as she held her belly.

"Could I be...?" She didn't want to finish that sentence, even to herself. But now so many warning signs appeared -- the tighter clothes, the weird cravings, and now the nausea. It all pointed to one and only one thing...

Mercifully the bathroom had been empty when Ashley ran in, but now the door swished open and the tell-tale clacking of heels echoed in the small gray-tiled room. Ashley knew who it was immediately.

"Ashley?" Sandy called, "Are you still in here?"

"Yeah... I'm right here..." Ashley's voice quavered.

"There you are!" She opened the stall and kneeled down beside her pale friend. "God, I was coming back and saw the table was empty, and I thought you ran off with that black guy again. But then he showed up and told me you ran off to the bathroom. What happened?"

"Got sick." Ashley groaned.

"Sick? You didn't look sick before..." Sandy tapped her chin thoughtfully, "It wouldn't surprise me if you got food poisoning, or your body just realized all that crap you were eating wasn't meant to go together..."

Ashley shook her head slowly, "No. It was all of a sudden when I was talking to Derren. You ate the food here too, so it can't be that..." Ashley shivered and looked down at herself again. At her quieting stomach.

Sandy was quiet for a moment, then drew in closer, "Do you think it might be... you know... something else?"

"I don't know," Ashley whispered back, as if her parents somehow could listen in on their conversation. "I... I've been noticing some things lately... But it can't be. I was safe. You got me that pill."

"They say they're not always 100% effective..." Sandy said gravely, "Just like condoms, you know?" Condoms. Just like the one that Ashley saw shredded and tattered at the base of Derren's cum-slick black cock the first time he came inside her. And after that...

"Oh god," Ashley moaned, clutching her belly and rocking, "Oh god..."

"Hey, hey, calm down!" Sandy gripped her friend and hugged her close, "You don't know that yet. It could be just... coincidence." Ashley stared at the floor. Sandy's pregnant belly was pressing against her side. It wasn't helping the shivering blond to stay calm.

"Yeah... Yeah, it could be just... that..." Ashley breathed hard. Trying to catch her breath after a mile run was easier than this. Sandy stroked her hand through Ashley's askew hair.

"That's right," she said, "So let's stay calm until we know for sure, okay?" Sandy reached back and pulled a little box out of her bag. She put it in front of Ashley's downturned eyes.

"Here. You'll probably need this..." Ashley stared at the tiny box, its pink and blue letters so innocent despite what it was meant to foretell.

"You have extras of those just lying around?" the stricken girl asked, not looking away from it.

"I picked up some while you were talking to Derren. I had to make sure for myself if I actually am pregnant you know." There it was, the word Ashley was dreading. Pregnant. Ashley's mind ran circles around it. Pregnant. She could be pregnant right now. Derren could have gotten her pregnant. She took the box and looked. 'Early-Sign Pregnancy Test' was spelt out in flowing pink letters across the box. It shivered in her hand.

"Thank you..." Ashley whispered, her voice hardly being heard even by herself. Her stomach flipped over and over inside her, but now it was in panic and not sickness. Sandy smiled and patted her friend.

"Don't worry Ashley," she said, "I'm sure it'll come back negative. Me on the other hand..." she patted her belly softly with a cattish grin, "I don't think I'll be so lucky, you think?"

"No, probably not," Ashley replied with the briefest faint smile before staring hard back at her pregnancy test.

Sandy laughed and stood up, helping Ashley to her feet as well. "It'll be ok, Ashley," she hugged her friend, drawing in close and holding her tight. "What are the chances of getting knocked up your first time anyway? I'm expecting good news honestly," Sandy pressed her swelling belly against Ashley as she spoke. She knew her friend was trying to calm her down, but she glanced at the box again over her friend's shoulder.

"God I hope you're right Sandy," Ashley whispered.

"I'm certain I am..." Sandy replied, chin hooked over her friend's shoulder and grinning ear-to-ear.


Ashley waited on the toilet beside her test that sat on her bathroom countertop. Sandy had taken Ashley home and then left, telling her friend to call when she found out what the test said. The whole trip was like a dream, and now sitting and waiting for the results felt like forever. She turned the box over again to read how long it took. Five minutes. It felt like hours since she'd stepped into the bathroom and managed to take the test. The white and pink stick wasn't doing anything yet, but soon it would tell Ashley either she was worried for nothing, or...

She jumped up and paced the room. Her parents were gone for the weekend, and she thanked God for that. The house was all to herself, but that barely comforted her now. She crossed her arms and watched the test like a prisoner watches the executioner. Still no change. Ashley breathed in deep and tried to get her mind off it. She stretched her arms above her head and half-yawned, but her eyes caught her midsection in the mirror as her shirt rode up. A dreadful curiosity gripped her, and Ashley slowly pulled her tight shirt up over her firm breasts to see it all.

Her belly was smooth and slightly tanned as it always was. Track kept herself in trim shape, and she always loved how her belly was neither too muscled nor too soft. She followed the subtle line from her sternum down to her belly button where it faded away, and stared closely. She did seem bigger -- not much, and she hadn't noticed it at all before, except that her shirts felt a little tighter and her bras weren't fitting. She'd thought it was end-of-the-year stress like normal, but she turned to the side and saw it either hit her much worse this year or something very different was happening inside her right then.

Gently she ran her hands down that tiny slope. It could be nothing, she told herself again and again even as her fingers felt that it was definitely something. She remembered how Derren's hands wrapped around her waist, those black fingers rubbing on either side of the pale belly she was looking at now. She reveled in the memory - the contrast his hands had against her alabaster skin, the way he gripped her with a command none of her other boyfriends ever dared to. He held her like no man ever had. No, she thought, like no white man ever had...

Despite her growing worry as the clock slowly ticked by, Ashley found herself stroking her belly and thinking back on Derren again: How angry and glad she felt to see him in the mall, how irritating and arousing his confidence was, and how odd that look on his face was in the end -- that half-smirk as she held herself and ran to the bathroom. He wanted her just like before, and if she hadn't of gotten sick she just might have given in like Sandy thought she would. Ashley didn't keep condoms with her, and Derren already told her he hated them. Would she have let him fuck her bareback again...?

Maybe Sandy was right, Ashley thought. Maybe she would end up going to the maternity store if that was the way she got around Derren. But Sandy said black guys, didn't she? Would she allow herself to get so worked up with other dark-skinned men? Like the guy who slapped her ass and made her moisten in just an instant... Maybe Derren was right too, the blond girl thought -- maybe she was a black cock slut after all...

She bowed her head, and then time stopped. She happened to glance at the test, and it showed her its answer in bright pink letters. She reached out, picked it up, and brought the little stick close to her face. She could read it from the counter, but she stared at the answer without breathing:

Congratulations! You Are Pregnant!

Ashley's nearly fainted. Somehow she caught herself on the counter, unable to tear her eyes away from the result.

"Pregnant," she said aloud, "Pregnant -- It says pregnant." She must have read it a hundred times, shaking it to make sure it hadn't failed on her. She read the box again, seeing how likely it was a mistake:

Guaranteed to be accurate in 99.99% of pregnancies.

It wasn't a mistake. It couldn't be. She felt herself with her hand again. The blond girl in the mirror stared back at her, gripping her all-too pregnant belly. It was so obvious now -- as if in the few minutes after taking the test the bump had grown to a hill rising from the plain of her midsection. She felt underneath her skin and muscles a little knot. It was her stretching womb. Growing with a new life.

Swelling with Derren's baby.

Ashley sunk to the floor. Her bare knees hit the rug in front of the sink. She didn't feel it. She went numb, save for her ghostly fingers touching the swell of her belly. "I'm pregnant," she choked out to herself, "I'm actually pregnant..." She thought saying it would make it less real, make it into something she could handle. But it didn't. In fact, reality came crashing down on her all the harder because of it. And then she heard the doorbell ring downstairs.

Despite her staying still as she could, quaking as she held her midsection, the ringing wouldn't stop. The chime played more than ten times before Ashley rose to her feet. She pulled her shirt down and opened the bathroom door. She walked down the hall and descended the stairs. She reached the door, and in her waking daze she opened it as calmly as she could with her quivering hand.

"Looks like you've seen a ghost, girl."

"What are you doing here?" Ashley demanded. The sight of him snapped her out of her haze and kindled a rage inside her like she'd never felt before.

"Just checking up on your sweet white ass," Derren leaned against the doorframe with a growing smirk painting across his face, "You ran off on me in the mall and looked pretty sick. Had to see if you got home all safe and sound, right?"

"Cut the bullshit!" Ashley yelled, "What the fuck do you want!?" She didn't care if the neighbors heard. But neither did Derren from the way his grin grew wider.

"Cuttin' to the chase -- that's my girl," He grabbed the doorframe like he owned the place and started to walk in.

"What are you doing?" Ashley pushed against his chest. It was like pushing back a brick wall, "Get out! I didn't say you could come into my house!"

"Ooo, what's this now?" He gripped her small wrist and held it high. Ashley gasped. Clutched in her fingers was the test, her knuckles having turned white around the little stick. She tried to yank herself away, but it was useless. In one swift motion Derren snatched the test from her tightest grip. Ashley shrunk back, gripping the door as her knees threatened to go slack again.