Ashley's Tale - Demon's World 03


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Our first trip to bliss struck us very close together, her ecstasy setting off mine as our bodies trembled in blissful pleasure against each other's, continuing to lick as best we could.

After that the night became a blur in my mind that to this day, I cannot remember clearly. We brought each other to orgasm time after time before finally succumbing to sleep, our bodies pleasantly sore and over used, still in each other's arms, our bodies as close together as we could get them...

The next morning I woke to a soft kiss, her lips barely brushing against mine. She smiled somewhat sheepishly and said, "I was so afraid yesterday. You are always so self assured, and I've never met anyone as powerful as you are. When you fell, I could see the fear and desperation on your face. It terrified me. I know it's foolish, but I think I had convinced myself you were untouchable, safe."

I returned a brushing kiss and said carefully, "Yeah, my self assurance almost got me killed, I will be more careful, I promise."

I took her with me to the adjoining chamber and drew a bath. In a complete reversal from last night, all I could sense was love and tenderness as we washed each other gently and with great detail. Stealing random sweet and teasing kisses. Sometime while washing, the soap and cloth was abandoned and instead we caressed and teased each other's body with our lips, tongues and fingertips.

I had never felt closer to Bonnie before, not because of the crazy sex last night, but because our high emotions had revealed the depth of our connection and need of each other. We teased each other slowly and deliciously to climax, our bodies and minds singing together, our love bringing us closer together than ever before...

Chapter 11

What followed during the morning was hectic, but I was also much better organized. I stayed in the palace and saw one at a time in my receiving room, keeping any others waiting in another room which had food and refreshments. Although I was told no one would touch any of it.

The other six Rulers came throughout my morning and swore fealty, the seventh which was supposed to be a challenge, didn't come until close to lunchtime with a worried look on his face. It was an interesting conversation.

Frowning I asked, "Tibeth, you are here for your challenge?"

Tibeth replied nervously, "Not exactly exalted ruler. I have come to swear fealty as your vassal."

This was a very unDemon like thing, I probably should have just taken it as a win, but I was beyond curious. I sardonically thought of the Felesians as I opened my mouth.

Raising an eyebrow I asked, "So... you are withdrawing the challenge? For what reason?"

He nodded, "Yes Ruler, I made that challenge after hearing some things that turned out to be lies. I executed my second for incompetence just this morning. Will you accept my fealty?"

I wanted to ask what rumors, but I could guess from my one sided conversation with Forlin yesterday, and I didn't want to push my luck and ruin a good thing. His pride was already a little battered, and I didn't want to force a confrontation I didn't want.

I bowed my head in acceptance and watched cautiously as he approached and gave the oath. Both Bonnie and Devon were close as well, and on high alert after yesterday. Simone was here, but of course, she just watched from the sidelines. Tibeth did nothing untoward and left immediately after. Maybe getting through the next two days wouldn't be impossible after all...

I was slightly out of breath as the dimensional portal closed, banishing the third demon of the afternoon, and I muttered sarcastically under my breath, "Maybe getting through the next two days wouldn't be impossible after all." Idiot, would I never learn nothing is easy? For a pessimist I had an awful lot of stupidly optimistic thoughts at times.

I wondered if all newly minted, paint isn't dry yet Demon Rulers went through a stage like this, or if it was only because I was an invader, despite also being a Ruler and a Demon. Probably a little of both I thought, as I turned and asked Simone plaintively, "Last one right? It's getting late and I'm starving."

Simone couldn't hold her smile when she answered, "Yes Ruler, that's the last one, although two of those were not Rulers and just powerful Demons looking for a demesne. I can't say you won't have any more unscheduled challenges. Though it is late enough you could put them off until the next day if anymore arrive, without showing weakness."

That made a certain amount of sense, only the Rulers had access to communication equipment, so they could hardly be other than unscheduled.

She shifted her body uncomfortably and said, "Ruler, there is one more thing, you have an invitation to dinner tomorrow night with Harmon. He is... ancient. I would advise you not to go, there is a reason he has lived close to five thousand years. He also asked that you come alone."

Huh, a Demon living to old age, on this world? I didn't answer immediately choosing instead to consider it. A Demon that old would have access or knowledge of technology wouldn't he? On the other hand, he would probably be wily enough to kill me in a way I wouldn't see coming.

She continued, "He follows the old ways of hospitality, so you would be safe during dinner, but after... No guarantee at all. If I had to guess he will evaluate you, then decide if he wants to come after you or not."

Yeah, probably, but the Earth belongs as part of the stakes as well, I seriously doubted this Demon invited all the newbie Rulers to a dinner. Coming here was a great way to redirect challenge attacks made on Earth, but if this old Demon decides I am the first wave of an invasion...

I shook my head. Not going felt like the safer decision, but only safer for me. If I said no he could simply decide now, and if he calls for a general attack on Earth I imagine most Rulers would agree with him. Earth wouldn't be protected for a couple of more days, if I answer yes... well that would be another full day closer to the point where it would cease to matter.

I decided I would have to risk it, it was why I was here... right?

"Simone, go ahead and reply that I will be there, and let me know where and when I need to show up."

Crap, from the looks I was getting from both Bonnie and Devon I realized I should have discussed it with them first. It took some fast talking but eventually they were mollified as I explained my thought process, although neither one wanted to let me go alone.

It hit me during dinner, Devon hadn't been radiating annoyance all day, and actually felt like a normal person to me. I wondered what that was about but he didn't say anything, and I wasn't going to pry. About halfway through dinner I felt a portal open and smiled, then frowned as I felt Devon close up tight. It was my mother.

I stood as she walked over and we hugged, "Hi mom, what brings you here?"

She grinned. "We did it, it took a while, but we have one enchantment done. The other seven will be done by the day after tomorrow just as Cat suggested, exactly three days. Even with our expanded minds while using magic, setting up billions of graviton particles to form a field takes a long time."

She frowned, "I wonder if she had a vision of it, she seemed so sure we could do it yesterday, but I had my doubts until now. Things going okay here?"

I nodded as we sat and gave her the rundown of the last few days. She didn't seem thrilled with the idea of me going to dinner with the old Demon either, but she didn't try and talk me out of it. She also told me her and Cat would make my condo a crossing point, so I could get home. I got another hug when she left, then Bonnie and I headed to bed, my thoughts on tomorrow and what it would bring.

The next day went quickly and was busy. I banished another five Demons that challenged me, none of them had Elven charms so I didn't have any problems. The day seemed to fly by faster the more I dreaded the dinner tonight, I wondered if I was making the right decision.

I was staring into the mirror sometime in the late afternoon. I had a long flowing light blue dress on, high heels and my hair was up in a bun. If I was reading the look in Bonnie's correctly I looked hot. I felt a little silly though, like I was going out to an expensive restaurant and not to one of the scariest dinners I thought I would ever attend. Still, looking good was in itself a type of armor.

The Demon in question was just a hundred miles to the East, but without modern transportation I just took a portal there. There was a large honor guard at the gate. I assumed he was trying to make me feel comfortable walking through his city, since he asked me to come alone. It was at least twice the size of mine, though still absent of anything that looked like modern technology.

His palace was impressive, but no more so than mine. I was led to an opulent room that had a small table set up for an intimate dinner for two. Harmon was dressed in finery and was smiling both confidently and with welcome. He still had the echo of how handsome he had been, but he was the oldest Demon I had ever seen, he had wrinkles and gray hair.

I froze in place a couple of steps into the room. There were six Elves stationed throughout the room.

Harmon said, "Please, come in and sit, there is no need to fear, they are here for our comfort, to... level the field of power."

I finally remembered to breathe while wondering how much longer I had to live when I asked, "Level the field of power?"

Harmon nodded as if there wasn't a care in the world, "Yes, even I, the oldest and powerful ruler on this world would have no chance against you. I believe your social scientists in the human world call it mutually assured destruction? Neither of us hold an advantage here, and you are quite welcome.

"If you scan me, you will see I carry no Elven magic to shield myself. If either of us moves on the other, both will die. I do this to make it... comfortable, without either of us able to intimidate the other. Hopefully we can proceed without worrying about unpleasantness. Besides, I think you may be surprised when you take a look at me with your power."

I processed what he said and it sounded... reasonable. So I scanned him as I started to walk toward the table, then froze again in shock at what I read.

He chuckled and said, "I told you it would surprise you."

Holy shit, the oldest Demon Ruler felt exactly like my aunt Jezebel, he was half Demon, and half Angel...

I shook my head and sat down, he even pushed my chair in. I had the feeling tonight would be nothing like I thought it would be. As my mind raced in ten different directions, we ate a wonderfully cooked meal and talked about nothing of importance, it was all small talk. It wasn't until we were done eating that he got to the point.

He said, "Excuse my manners, but let me be blunt. Why are you here? On this world."

I considered for a moment then just told the truth, "To protect Earth from your people's incursions, I am here simply to redirect the challenges to this world, so my people are safe from violence."

I didn't mention that it would be impossible by tomorrow afternoon for them to do so at all.

He nodded in satisfaction and said, "That is what I thought, I have had some Rulers petitioning to convene and discuss a full scale invasion, but so far I have put it off, and I see no reason to stop doing that."

I was curious, and he seemed so... nice, that I got up the guts to ask, "Can you tell me... How did this happen here, I mean, the lack of technology, and the way Rulers are set up and challenges. It's so... barbaric."

I cringed, wondering if I had been too insulting but he just smiled and answered.

"Simple, I did it. I made it happen and it's a world of my creation."

I couldn't help the look of horror that crossed my face and I blurted, "For god's sake why?"

He frowned and put his drink down. "Demons look much like Humans do, we are both predator races, but Demons are... more so. Much more. I was born almost five thousand years ago, a result of one of the wars between the Demon dimension and the Angel one. I grew up in a world where Demon's would hop to a dimension and perform genocide, there were no rules.

"When there was no enemy we killed each other, all the time. It was chaos, and out of control. I had what most Demons do not, being a half Angel. I had restraint, and a bit more compassion, and I could see that if the Demons didn't destroy all other intelligent life, it would be because they destroyed themselves.

"So I came up with a plan, it wasn't hard to convince the strongest of us to band together and start an anti-technology movement, they were all greedy for the power it would give them without someone being able to disintegrate them from three miles away because they decided to take a walk.

"The Rulers keep the rest in line through fear and violence. I also got them to go along with the challenge rules, it cut down greatly on assassination attempts, so they went along with it, seeing it as a way to ensure if they lost, at least that loss would be from one of power. It took a thousand years, but I eventually convinced them we should take slaves and other worlds the same way. Not that it's a great thing in and of itself, but it stopped the genocide, which was much worse."

I thought about it for a minute, trying to put myself in his place, but I was having trouble understanding why he did what he did.

I said, head shaking, "That seems like too simplistic an answer, on Earth both Demons and Angels behave for the most part, much like Humans do. There are exceptions of course."

He shook his head, "Demons are different. Humans have violent and power hungry people, but they also have a balance, there are the police there, and good men and woman who help their neighbors and all that. It is the threat of the law there that keeps Earth's Demons and Angels in check.

"But here is a different story with just Demons. There were no priests, or police, or a fire department. It was basically anarchy, you protected yourself and others were always trying to take what you had. Not to say Demons lack compassion, but it's buried much deeper. Think of your level of technology, if everyone had a gun, then take away your laws and police. You will begin to understand what I faced.

"The Rulers... they are the Demon version of the police, they are heavy handed and brutal, but keep the rest of the Demons in check. Demons are a predator species. It is the only way it can work short of putting another race in charge of them."

I thought he was starting to make a depressing amount of sense. Then he continued...

"Think about this and you might catch the difference in the races. You are a succubus, whenever you lay with someone they are basically putting their life in your hands, regardless if you would take it or not. How do you suppose that evolutionary trait came about?"

I thought about it for a minute but shrugged, he was throwing a lot of information at me that I hadn't considered before.

"It was brought about by the same evolutionary process that makes a human woman experience pleasure during rape. Back when Demons and Humans were nothing but animals, and the males were going around fucking whatever woman they could chase down and claim.

"Humans feel this pleasure, even if their soul cries out against it, as an evolutionary trait of survival. Demon women however, became succubae, because for Demons survival isn't enough, Demons are aggressive, so now if a man tries to take you without your approval you can control and even kill them with their own lust. Only that strong of a consequence could prevent Demon males from taking women as they wished.

"I am trying to say, Demons are much more aggressive, instinctually and by evolution. What other race would develop the power to destroy their enemies with fire? Well, outside of Angels. The point is, the way I set things up actually limits Demons from doing too much damage, either to themselves or other races. It is brutal, but it's the truth of it."

When I nodded thoughtfully, completely disturbed by his outlook, yet unable to find a counter argument, he smiled in satisfaction then said, "Follow me. There is something I want to share with you."

I felt my mind going through a shift. I had always considered Demons, Angels and Humans as the same basically. And they were on the point that life was precious, and each life held incalculable value, but they were very different. Perhaps Angels and Demons only fit in because of the human ability and propensity towards compassion.

Humans could be just as brutal as Demons were, but that was the exception, not the rule.

He brought me through the palace, then through a solid steel door and down some stairs. I was startled to realize we were alone, I guess he decided he trusted me. When we went through the steel door at the bottom of the stairs my mouth dropped open.

It was an extremely large underground warehouse, and it was filled with technology. As I looked around I listened as he explained.

"I built this and stored all the technology I could get my hands on. There are computers in here holding vast knowledge and libraries of information. I found I could suppress the information in an effort to lessen the violence, but I couldn't destroy it. It was my hope to find a better way one day, but I am sorry to say after five thousand years I never found a better solution than the Ruler model I created.

"I still have hopes though, perhaps one day, when I am long gone, Demons will change enough to be good neighbors."

I finally found my voice and whispered, "Why... why are you showing me all of this?" I couldn't figure out why this Demon was spilling all his secrets to me.

He sighed tiredly. "I'm getting old. I have maybe a couple of centuries left before I am too weak to maintain my position. My fellow Rulers need almost constant watching, to make sure tech doesn't make a comeback. The Rulers are the police for the masses, to go back to our comparison, but I am the police for the Rulers. Not heavy handedly, just reminding them that tech can take their power, making sure they don't become lax.

"I fear that when I die, what I created will fall to chaos after a few years. After all, without my council your world would now be invaded and possibly facing genocide, or at least, heavy handed slavery. At best it would be torn apart by war as you fought us off.

"This world needs a Demon who is not... all Demon. It needs a being that can step back and see clearly, one who is not dominated by pride and aggression. I had not known until we talked tonight, but I believe you to be one such person."

My mouth dropped open as his words sunk in, was he asking what I thought he was asking?

Chapter 12

He laughed heartily, I can only assume at the pole axed expression on my face. I managed to scare up a glaring look but he didn't look impressed by it, or concerned.

"Yes Ashley, I am looking for someone to take over for me. Not now, there is certainly time, and my spies tell me you are yet young, not even a quarter of a century old. But perhaps in a couple of hundred years I would ask you to consider challenging me and taking my place. Who knows, you may find the better solution that has evaded me."

My first thought was fuck no, but I kept it in. Who knows what I would want in two hundred years. I could certainly consider it, although honestly, the thought of babysitting the other Rulers sounded like a thankless job. But I suppose his thanks over the years have been the races that are not extinct thanks to his forethought and hard work.

He said, "I would request two things of you however, and hope that you will agree to them now. This warehouse under the control of a pure Demon would lead to disaster, so I ask you to keep in touch with me, and that if I have been replaced you either challenge and take over, or if you decide against it, destroy this warehouse.
