Astra Pt. 05


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Only 21 hybrids are aboard those 324 ships in totality. Neither of the Councils that rule the colonies has hybrids. I told everyone before that I will not rule over man and that holds to this day. I have been a diplomat for mankind on a couple of occasions. The hybrid population is less than 200. Less than 1/10,000 of a percent of the population of Tau Ceti. Well over 3,000 times smaller than that, if you add in the humans in the Tera system. But she has put all of Tau Ceti into that category. You can ask me whatever you wish."

Jack looked at her and saw that she was visibly shaken by the images she had seen and she shook her head, "What would you have the people of Tera do?"

Jack sighed, "Stand behind the woman you put into that position. I will work to put together an expanded terraforming convoy to travel back with those who wish to relocate to Tau Ceti before she enters the office of Planetary President. There are no TCs and no stores. It is a co-op with everyone helping how they can help. There are two breweries there for Irish Mills Mead.

One on each colony as the bee populations made it and expanded. The technology I put forth in creating new terraforming ships worked. All ships, except for Merlin, made it to the colonies. I will not be dragged into politics. I will not be in the pocket and owing defense contractors. I worked with the President to eliminate overcharges in the fleet budgets. I did it for nothing as it was the right thing to do."

She looked, "Some would ask. Would helping humanity, regardless of what she said, not be the right thing to do?"

Jack sat back and thought about her question, "I think I would be more inclined to be that magnanimous if I were viewed as being human, to begin with. That my contributions mattered. I have a hard time, especially with weapons, putting them into the hands of those who would use them against their people. She does not think the threat is real. She does not believe my contributions are worth anything in Tera society. She wants me to make nothing from my work.

The approach I explained would cut my ties with her government. The formula for the armor is there. The powder coating and how to treat it. I might see my way of giving that to the person I leave the ship docks I built to help humanity. Nearly 19 years and how many colonies have been undertaken outside of this solar system, besides Tau Ceti?

I would probably give the information on the other 5 systems that are out there with worlds that would be easy for humanity to adapt to. I gave them to the President. If none has been pursued, I cannot force people to leave. In a hundred years someone will be doing the forcing and it will not be pretty. The rail guns? No. Not with the outlook that we, those of us outside of this system are not human. The threat that they would want to use it against those in Tau Ceti for making a choice.

The Tau Ceti charters were written and filed almost 19 years ago before we left. They included the secession clause particularly when we were getting no support from Tera. Then this, 'you're not human!' We covered that ideological threat to our self-identity back then. When it was 10 hybrids. Not like now. Not many at all. For a race of 15 billion now."

She nodded, "Give or take. We do not know about some colony efforts that went out before you left."

Jack sighed, "They all died in my timeline as they failed to thrive, some things might change. True colonization did not start to take place for another hundred years. The first mission to Tau Ceti would have launched 7 years ago and arrived 5 years from now and survived but not necessarily thrived. It would have been largely isolated for over a century. For the rest, the military sent ships out to get the ships to their destinations. Then left them to die.

Piracy became or becomes common. That was why I gave the list of locations to the President before I departed. Improve the odds with the improved ship designs. The fact we got them to the colony should have set a landslide of people moving, but our lost contact cooled interest in new colonies. Some are afraid to give up wealth, prestige, or an office for a farm. It just depends on people and their choices. Let us not forget security from the unknown."

She asked, "What about people who would want you to take them to another colony besides Tau Ceti?"

Jack smiled, "I had planned on that and leaving a few hybrids behind to help watch over them. The question is what would that accomplish? If they want to go, the means are there. Correction, not for everyone. The locations are there. If they do not want hybrids being a part of it then hybrids should not help them to get there. I will say when I leave for Tau Ceti again I will set up a trust with what I leave behind to help finance the terraforming of other star systems.

Provided they are going to 1 of the 5 I gave the President. Better odds for humanity. I have done what I can to make the colonies here come up to speed faster and that has helped according to the President. That is the closest I would come to help those who want nothing to do with hybrids and our 'alien influence.'"

She nodded, "Thank you for taking the time."

Jack nodded, "Again I apologize for hijacking your interview but to block that debatable subject from the people was wrong. Unjust if you will as she was legally defaming me. Therefore, I acted. Take care now."

Jack ended the connection. He looked back to see Grace, Sprits, Ash, Akiko, his 2 sons, and Francine. He stood and Francine wrapped her arms around him. "I know you said we have a destiny here. If we pushed to come on your voyage, would you stop us and leave us here unprotected?"

Jack sighed, "I have no way now to know if any of the other players are still around for my arrival. I would consider it at the least if it were something you and James both wanted with your children."

She nodded, "Also the second wife we added."

He nodded, "Yes, you were flirting pretty hard with Sprits when you met."

She laughed about that, "Oh I had forgotten about that."

Sprits shrugged, "I haven't."

The ladies laughed. Jack sighed, "You do decide on that route you have to let me know who will be behind to handle the businesses you have and the stations."

Francine nodded, "I will talk with James and Yaeko."

She left the shuttle. Jack sighed, "Aiko second chair." He sat in the back, "Fly over the north pole we are going to Ireland." She nodded, "Island hopping the hard way. Where?"

Jack smiled, "Limerick Ireland."

He heard Astra, "You have a call."

Jack sighed, "Put it through." As he grabbed a seat in the back. He saw President Grendal there in his office with his wives. He shook his head, "You put it all out there for the people. The switchboard has been lighting up about those other 5 locations. I will release them later."

Jack nodded, "I am waiting to get my hand slapped."

His wives laughed and President Grendal shook his head, "I warned her and when she called while you were still on the air, I told her I warned her. She wanted to see about getting you arrested for hijacking the airwaves but the station would not press charges. Not after that exclusive."

Jack nodded, "I gave her every opening and tried to get her to see where I was coming from. I finally just decided I could not hide the reason why I brought so many with me. I figured she would say I did it to try a coup against her. I went ahead and preempted it. Even telling people they should stand behind those they elect."

President Grendal shook his head, "Are you going to do that with the patents?"

Jack looked at Grace, "How far off is the paperwork?"

Grace looked at President Grendal, "He had us on with the lawyers before he found out she was on the air. He just has to sign the forms."

President Grendal sat back, "I do not know what to do about that."

Jack smiled, "What she would expect you to do. Not what she wants you to do. She expects you to leave those decisions to her when she gets into office. Yet, she wants you to try and stop it for her. Yet again, that was why you told me you could not act at that point when I briefed you. Because she was going to come in to start transitioning in about 6 weeks for when she takes over in January. Those would be her decisions when she takes over.

I hope to be gone by then and she won't have any plays left short of sending her military on a suicide mission. You did not check on us while we were gone for nearly 19 years. Her only reason for doing so now would be to 'put down the rebels.' She does not have the forces or technology to do that and protect Tera."

President Grendal nodded, "True. She does not."

Jack looked at him, "Be cautious. If she can rally support, by something happening to you? Right now, I would not put it past her."

President Grendal nodded, "I will talk with my AG about options but by the time that happens it will be too late, I am sure."

Jack sighed, "Still history is an unknown and desperate people with desperate measures. You might want to remind her I could simply have Astra shut off all power on the planet and all military craft to a halt. You have no answer on how you could stop that if I took the same kind of drastic draconian actions she is proposing."

He nodded, "Fair point. That and what you did to those 2 ravagers with your mind."

Jack nodded, "Have done 6 that way at once on my scout designs. Putting all the pieces together and getting them built. Took about 2 hours. I already had the parts. When you have a colony being shot up all the personal death weighing on you.

Just wanted to get back into the fight to finish it. Rage fuels you. I had to do something to get those ships flying. On my way to Ireland. When I get back, I will move out to Jupiter. Right now, nobody but you knows how to get a hold of me."

President Grendal nodded, "True your ship's name is not well known yet. You have traffic going to the port which is getting sent to your ship."

Jack groaned, "Astra what is the count at?"

Astra laughed, "84 million messages and spooling."

Jack sighed, "How close was the election? Did they include the colonies or just Tera proper?"

He looked over, "Technically everywhere. I think it was 'decided' before then in the press. The final count had her at 55% in a 3-way race. One was 8% and 37% for the other candidate."

Jack chuckled, "Let her know I asked that question and wondered where our colony ballots went? In particular, which candidate got all of our votes."

President Grendal's wives laughed at that while the President shook his head, "If she asks If I have spoken with you."

Jack shook his head, "For your safety voice a little frustration that I cannot be 'controlled' and you will be happy when I am just her problem."

He laughed at that and then nodded, "Show some distance."

Jack nodded, "While you can also say you have these locations for other colonies, and because I insisted you release them or I would for those who want to get away from her. Also, the time events that could propagate this system that will bring about the destruction of her military and Tera with every colony in this system by her foolhardy moves."

He laughed, "She is not going to like that."

Jack shrugged, "Tell her I only see her as a potential impediment to my departure, nothing more than a minor annoyance in the scheme of things. You are working on getting everything ready for her to take over in January. You do not have time for 'Jack Travus' games and getting her up to speed at the same time."

President Grendal sighed, "I will think about that last one."

Jack smiled, "To quote a President I knew who was new to the office. 'At least that wasn't a no.'"

That got the 3 of them to laugh. Jack nodded and ended the call.

They got contacted by the tower and Aiko handled it. When they asked about the ID his son used 'Merlin' and the glide path was given. Jacob looked back, "Sorry working the impediment."

Jack nodded, "Done some of that myself, my son. Astra, start filtering wife requests against the selection criteria we had. We knew we would get some. No way of avoiding paradox issues anymore."

Grace looked at Jack, "I still do not like that you want all candidates being sword users and hybrids."

Jack nodded, "I know, it is a start though."

Grace called out, "Astra filter based on my criteria, give me a list as well."

Jack laughed, "You heard her Astra. She wants another girlfriend or 5."

He heard his sons laugh at that. Aiko looked around, "Best place to land is outside of that barn."

Jack nodded, "Then do it." They landed and Jack looked over, "Boys grab those two crates for me." They nodded and each took one. They walked toward the home when he saw the woman from last night. She smiled, "You did a number on her."

Jack nodded, "I know. Probably not wise, but it was a course of action."

She shrugged, "The latest polls seem to think you handled her well. Some wish you had run for office. The gun lovers were up in arms at first. Said as much and then you told them they could all make them and they fucking loved that idea. She got called into a board meeting with a think tank that consisted of weapon manufacturers she previously worked for and that backed her campaign. They are still there. They filmed her going into the building after she left the news. News shuttles follow her everywhere."

Jack sighed, "Astra I do not want to hear anything. Just let me know if I should be concerned. If it is something the President should be concerned about, then send the files to a few small newsgroups and the President routed through 104 different servers, at least that many. He does not need it from me or you directly this time."

Astra sighed, "Working it."

He walked up and hugged the women and shook hands with the men. His sons handed off the mead to 2 big strapping lads. They walked inside and shared a drink or two and she nodded, "Your right the Meos is a bit better than the other. It would be harder to guess with those two."

The 2 Flanagin lads looked to be in their early 20s and took it as a challenge. Between the six of them, they only got it half right.

Jack nodded, "I am glad it meets with your approval. Did you like the bottles and labels?" They nodded. Sadie, the granddaughter spoke, "Yes, matched what Gran said you would put on them. She is dancing in heaven seeing that this worked."

Jack nodded, "She had the vision to save your family name even if you lost all the bees here. Did the insecticide help?"

Sadie nodded, "Immensely! We got a 700% growth in the first 15 years. Each year. Farmers were happy as well. They are stable and separated for the moment."

Jack nodded, "Good." He heard a loud horn from outside and looked over. The Flanagan men chuckled and Sadie sighed, "That would be Katlyn. My daughter. She is in college in Dublin. That noise is her hoverbike. She is probably trying to get it in the barn."

Jack got up, "I can help with that."

The guys snickered at him as he went outside.

Katlyn looked over, "This black ugly thing yours?"

Jack nodded, "Is that whiney little thing yours?"

Katlyn looked over, "Tis not whiney!"

Jack looked at her, "I was talking to the Bike." He heard the guys laugh and she came at Jack and threw a left which he dodged and she spun around and tried to kick him in the balls.

He caught her foot and lifted it until she fell on her ass on the ground. She was right mad at that point. She flew at him with both hands. He grabbed one, twisted her around, and grabbed the other. She tried for his balls again and he spun her away onto the ground again. She walked over to her bike and pulled a laser sword in her left hand.

Katlyn walked toward him and he summoned up his blade and squared off. "When I kick your ass young lady, I just might spank it."

That threw her into a rage and she started cursing at him in Gaelic. Jack twisted her blade around and sent it flying into the door of her barn. She looked at him, "Just who in the fuck do you think you are?"

Jack called her blade to him and tossed it at her feet, "At the moment I am the one taking you to school, lass."

Katlyn picked up her sword. She came in with several aggressive strikes that he deflected away easily. He shook his head, "Your form on your strikes is lacking."

Katlyn growled and came at him with an overhand shot. He slid to the side, rolled away, and swept her feet out from under her. He held her 6cm off the ground. She looked at him, "Let me go you freak!"

Jack waved his hand and sent her up into the loft of the barn and then sent her hoverbike up there and balanced it on a ceiling rafter. She looked over, "What did you do that for?!"

Jack smiled, "I was under the impression you were riled up because you could not get your Bike in the barn."

Katlyn looked over, "Des me no good up here. I need it on the ground, you idiot."

Jack pulled it out of the barn and then sent it flying into a field. Katlyn looked over, "What the fuck was that?!"

Jack looked over, "Figured you are going to get yourself killed on the thing it might as well be buried in the field now."

Katlyn growled, "Just wait until..." Jack yanked her down screaming in shock rotated her around. Took her sword from her and smacked her ass with it a few times after shutting it off.

He then dumped her on the ground and brought her bike back. "It never hit the ground, darling. Unlike you."

Katlyn looked at her mother, "Who the fuck is this OX?"

Her mother Sadie looked at her, "Jack Travus the one who took our bees to Tau Ceti and set up 2 of our breweries there."

Katlyn looked over, "You are the bloke they are talking about on the newscast I was listening to."

Jack shrugged, "Probably. A lot of people talk about me."

Katlyn nodded, "I can see why."

Jack pulled her to her feet and kissed her. Katlyn tried to protest and then she just sort of melted into him. Jack let her loose. "Right now, I think you'd make a better lover than a fighter."

Katlyn shook her head, "Should not have left your guard down." Katlyn took her knee as hard as she could into his sack and slammed it into his shield from his belt.

Katlyn screamed bloody murder from the cracking sound. Jack picked her up and put her over his shoulder, "I never let my guard down, unless I am in bed, darling."

He walked her over to Grace. Grace smiled, "I like this one."

Jack looked at her mother, "She has the cure in her?"

Sadie nodded, "Yes she will be fine. Think it made her a bit reckless."

Jack nodded and handed her off to Grace. Grace smiled at her, "What are you studying at your university?"

Katlyn sighed, "If my mother had her way, psychology. She keeps saying I need one."

Grace kissed her and the girl was shocked at this but seemed more open to that. Grace smiled at her, "Jack was interviewing you."

Katlyn looked at Jack, "What for?"

Grace helped her stand and Aiko took her arm and flipped her around rapidly into a dip. Aiko then kissed her. Then Sprits did while she was still down. Ash helped her back to her feet and grabbed the girl's ass and kissed her. Katlyn was at a complete loss. The Travus boys just laughed as did Katlyn's mother Sadie.

Grace pointed, "Grab her sword for her Timothy."

Katlyn asked again, "What the bloody hell just happened?"

Jack looked over, "You passed the first stage of an interview."

Katlyn looked at him, "For what?"

Jack smiled, "You listened to the radio. I told the ladies while I was back, I would work to get a few more wives. I had 3 of them die in my travels."

Katlyn looked him up and down, "You were interviewing me for a potential wife?"

Jack nodded, "Is that not how you find your girlfriends or boyfriends. You are mad at them one minute and kissing them the next?"
