Astra Pt. 07


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I used my shuttle and went in from the bottom and pulled out the damaged scout which had survivors. They were shocked to learn I was human, a justice, and we had graduated. Because in his future timeline he said it looked like humanity was going to kill itself off. They had not had a hybrid get close to graduation. He was not from this timeline. My factory base was eating its way back into the asteroid belt. Through the debris field to reopen Corridor 12 that the Victus had just finished.

The Drakor destroyed the last Brisen ship from the future and then decided to destroy them in this timeline. They had their reasons and they left thanking us once again for saving one of their scout ships. One lost in the past and now one lost from the future. There is one marker in Tau Ceti that was used twice and is prone to time traveling ships to arrive. There are now 4 locations, 3 around Tera with the Excalibur 2 creating one out near Hector's orbit roughly 24 months ago. I will leave it to the President to call on the reporters while I take a seat."

Jack sat down and a microphone was placed near him.

President Grendal looked across the room, "We have the video footage from the 3 locations to show we have a problem and will need to have advanced technical solutions to resolve this issue. The Home Guard went forward and saved our collective asses from this fight. We need this technology and we need it now."

He pointed at a reporter who looked up, "Mr. President. From what we are hearing the biggest obstacle to that is Jack Travus. What does Jack Travus have to say for himself?"

Jack smiled, "I helped to flush out 3 corrupted admirals, and fired all of the contractors who made weapons from my designs. Some for trying to have me declared dead to get to the patents and others for treason. We had to clear the corruption before I could put most of the patents in play. I was being told I am not human; I had no reason to be making money off of Tera if I am leaving. I asked the President about the election. If she won before all the colonies in the system voted.

She had been declared. I then asked him what happened to the Tau Ceti ballots? Am I the impediment? I do not, as a general rule, like weapon manufacturers. Mainly because 99.9% of the time they are being used on other humans. I have to talk with the President more about where we are going with this. I will likely release most of those patents including ones I had not released before for weapons upgrades. When the union-owned facilities, which were once the foundation of these companies, become owned by the people working there.

To allow them to make a better product and not screw over our government on costs. The rail gun and new shields have to wait yet. There is an interconnection between the two. The design I used for the shields will stop a projectile weapon in both directions. I have some further testing to fix it with a switch or fix it so it is not a problem. To go along with this increase in weapons though, I intend to increase the hybrid presence in Tera.

My wives and I will vet all people who inquire about this. Some already have. I have over 1 billion requests to become hybrids. We check a lot of factors for being a hybrid. If you consider us to be weapons and we need to increase our capacity as a society for weapons then hybrids play a part in that."

President Grendal pointed at another woman, "Rumor has it you have had a few marriages?"

Jack nodded, "4 ladies who went through a multi-stage interview with myself and the other wives in the last several days. In-between crises and when not mourning the deaths of 2,900 offspring. Most due to those who wished to kill me."

She asked a follow-up, "You marrying any others?"

Jack sighed, "I am not looking to add any more. However, I have several adult sons who I asked Astra to try to be paired up by the list of ladies and their personality types. In a few months, we will have some 18-year-old candidates coming of age. I leave those things to my sons and my daughters. I encourage them to get married, especially those who became hybrids."

President Grendal pointed to the next man, "You mentioned union-owned weapons manufacturers. This is the first we have heard of this."

Jack nodded, "I had Astra search to find me the biggest rabble-rousers they had at 4 of any of the 10 plants that got closed. I had a telecon with them and the President. He blindsided me with the meeting with convict Gonzales. I felt it was good enough payback to return the favor. I told those 4 I wanted them to get union-run businesses set up in their old seized plants. Then have them meet with the other 6 and find 4 of those 6 who would do the same.

Putting 8 weapon manufacturing facilities back to business as employee-owned entities. The funds for which would come from the seized assets of those who ran the plants out of business. My problem was not with the employees of these plants. It was with the leaders who we all saw worked to commit treason among many other things. It is just getting off the ground and I have factories to cover making weapons for any pending military order.

I would request that the cost of the weapons be deducted from the price of the sale as a discount to our military as I will not charge for these weapons while this is ongoing. If I am required to charge something because of existing laws then I will charge 2 TCs for a weapon. That way we only get 1 as the other is taken for taxes back to the government."

President Grendal pointed to another, "You plan to experiment on these creatures you captured?"

Jack sat back, "Over 2,800 children sired by me were killed in a lab. I never heard one reporter ask that question to convict Gonzales who stated her only regret is that she did not kill them all. We have 9 lives, if they were human for killing thousands in a 3-way war they would have been found guilty of crimes against humanity. They did not just kill them, they fed off the dead and the living who then became dead. I turned them over to scientists and have nothing to do with which controls are used in which labs. They all have some code of conduct.

We learned more about them today than we had in the year 3080. We will learn more. I was lured there by a woman in trouble. They hoped to be able to gain better soldiers by taking over the minds of hybrids. They failed miserably. As they are telepathic our hybrids can take them into a secure area and talk with them. We learned their dietary requirements are protein. Animal protein which we fall into. I will have to check to see if there were any reporters in that list of hybrid requests. See if they want to become one to check on their welfare from time to time."

Some of the reports chuckled at that.

President Grendal pointed at another reporter, "The question a lot of us want to know is who polices hybrid activity?"

Jack looked back, "There are two justice leaders if you will Grace and myself. We are essentially the judges for our hybrids. As to our actions? The Drakor watch all hybrids for corruption across species and they expect us to keep our hybrids in line. Two hybrids were elected to oversee the courts in the two colonies as I have said before. All elected by humans, we make a small percentage; far less than 1%. If I have judges on my list and they pass the inspection.

Then I would include their assistance in Terran law vs hybrid duty. In general, you are worried about what If I go down the street and grab 12 men and throw them hundreds of feet in the air. Then start singing that old song 'It's raining men.' Every action I take I try to save lives. I temper my reactions as a part of who and what I am. I strive to remain centered, A justice. My turn to ask you. How many hybrid crimes have you witnessed?"

He looked at Jack, "The hands of Admiral Gonzales."

Jack smiled, "She just finished telling me that she threw away the lives of 3 scout ship crews just to 'catch me in the act' of killing our military after all 3 vessels fired on me. I knew she had the cure. I was simply removing some of the blood from her hands. Not executing her in space, or face to face for the thousands of deaths she caused and wished to continue doing. From a JUSTICE angle what crime. It was a measured response."

President Grendal pointed at another reporter who stood, "Do you plan on continuing your reign of vigilantism?"

Jack asked, "What vigilantism?"

The guy looked back, "Being a judge, jury, and executioner in your actions."

Jack sighed, "Judge, I already said I am a Justice. My sword is called 'Dispenser of Justice.' It reflects who I am. Not all trials have a Jury. The world court for example. That leaves the executioner! Who have I executed?"

He looked at Jack, "What about the 30 men at Tera-1?"

Jack looked at him, "We were on the comms through our scout King Arthur. We told them we rerouted power from the lab to the cargo bay to do EVAs. The fact our cargo bay doors were open was known. The fact those decks were depressurized was known and broadcasted over the PA system, TWICE. All of that video footage was made available years ago.

They saw it on cameras. They planted explosives, illegally, on the docking collar. They got sucked into space when they breached that. That is space 101. Not execution. Try again? The three scouts that fired on me, then fighters that fired on us at Tera 1. Both illegal actions; in both cases we had the authorization to fire if fired upon. The fighters were ordered to go to Tera-2 and turn themselves in. Instead, they stood in front of a cannon firing toy pistols by comparison.

One volley was fired. The ships Gonzalas wanted me to destroy? One shot on each ship. I fail to see the executioner you are wanting to make me out to be. Maybe you should be working on a city beat where crime is high. You can see some executions and know what you are talking about."

He looked over, "I still do not like hybrids or your talk of making more."

Jack nodded, "As I have said before. That is your choice. You have a right to your opinion. You could choose to follow the liar and convicted mass murderer Gonzales to a system where hybrids will never go. Where a mass murderer would be your messiah. That is a choice. Now you are letting your emotions get in the way of true journalism. Next question please."

President Grendal pointed to a lady in the back, "You seemed to know where their attacks were going to be and how many were coming. How did you know?"

Jack nodded, "The first attack was bloody and costly over 3 days. We geared up for it in case it happened again. It did. After the first attack, I built a device to analyze their computers to find out what they were planning. On the second attack, we learned 6 waves.

3 groups of 20 in each wave and then they ran in order of jump points; don't ask me why but it did do that as I don't have an answer. 60 in the outer rim. The next 60, 20 in the outer rim, 40 Jupiter orbital path. Jupiter was not there but it passed through there. Then 40 more in Tau Ceti. 20 again in the outer rim. This continued through their 6 waves. 200 in the outer rim and 80 In Tau Ceti counting the first 2 strikes for another 40.

Then 80 in the Jupiter orbital path. Intelligence was gathered from a destroyed ship and sent back through a satellite composed of alien concepts. The patent is filed but the only one who can build them is a telepath, a strong one."

Jack looked out, "One more question."

President Grendal pointed. It was another lady, "I wanted to ask about the sword the first lady is carrying?"

Jack sighed, "The sword was a gift to her. We create laser blades for our young in training them in the way of the sword. The rest is her story to tell."

The first lady spoke of her college years. Then seeing Jack's people sparing and then realizing with all the death and threats that have been flying around she wanted to get back into fencing. Then she told them where the sword came from and admonished some of the press.

"You are treating him like the criminal when he came back to save us, no obligation other than his moral code. He found the corruption, the systematic killing of thousands, the alien threat in a regional conflict, and the Excalibur 2 which had no safe way of freeing it without it causing havoc. Destruction was the only option."

One reporter stood, "How do you know?"

President Grendal looked over, "Jack had me conferenced into the conversation with this homicidal AI who wanted him dead! They wanted his ship destroyed, including all the humans on board. One of those being my wife!"

The reporter went to sit and someone took him aside and pulled his press badge.

He broke the rule of getting called on to ask a question, not just blurt one out.

Jack stood, "I would ask the people. You, people, run some polls. Find out how many want me to go without leaving any technology behind and how many want me to stay and help deal with this problem started by humans in 2 alternate timelines. I have been stuck trying to clean this up to save humanity. Find out how many want hybrids living here and how many do not. Realize the 'alien influences' you are trying to deal with.

You may have to handle it with a negotiator who might only communicate through mental means. May have to be carved up in multiple boxes. Your military has been hamstrung by the admirals who took up that position. I have suffered through 3 of them directly attacking me or failing to follow orders to allow others to attack me. Now not as a hybrid but as a businessman who owns 6 space stations around the planet, another at Jupiter then Titan, and the mining facility at Saturn.

I do not want to choose this new Admiral. But I will request to meet with the candidates. I would like to better understand the nature of our working relationship going forward. Especially when I am away for long periods. Also, those are just the ones in Tera that I own. I own many more in Tau Ceti."

Jack waited for the President to leave before he did. He walked out with the ladies and got motioned down the hall into the private quarters again.

Jack shook his head walking in and looked across, "Was it a slow news day? I had one question about an attack by 400 ships on humans. Then more about who is my watchdog? How does my personal life get more questions than that incident? Wait until you announce more ladies in waiting for your family. They find that shit more important. It is a good thing my ship is in drydock right now. I would be so tempted to head back to Tau Ceti after that circus. Astra white noise at the doors."

He looked over and nodded to the First Lady who showed the President the new sword. He nodded, "She said you had to work at it to craft the blade."

Jack nodded. "She crafted the handle I had to walk her through trying new things like getting a blade to run through the beam. She had to do the focusing. I just helped her with the willpower to draw from."

They saw a security guard, "I tried knocking."

Jack laughed, "I apologize I asked Astra to run white noise filters. By the way, have you caught any people sneaking in bugs to the facility then exploding at security?"

He looked at Jack, "How did you know that?"

Jack smiled, "You are welcome. I asked Astra to put a standing web if you will over the facility to fry those devices. She left it so they would fry them going through security as well so you catch those doing it."

He nodded, "50 in the last 2 days. Some had been longtime employees, some manufactured them. A couple of them were married aliens who escaped in a hurry, their IDs blown. Janitors. The homes we went to search were gone as they had been torched. That causes us to start re-interview every employee's background to find others.

That is still in progress. This is giving us a much better idea of how they infiltrate and for one unfortunate woman who had 60 of them on her, they were hidden in her orifices. A very painful way to die. Her body could not handle 60 of those things exploding in her."

Now it was Jack's turn to watch the ladies cringe at the thought of that; just as he had about having his balls cut off. "I came in to see you Mr. Travus, one of the reports stayed behind and hoped you would talk with her some more. She said she had more questions about the battles here and in Tau Ceti that the others did not pursue."

Jack nodded, "Another reporter I might like."

Grace smiled, "You take this one."

Jack walked with the guard back to the briefing room and she stood there. The guard nodded. Jack held up a hand. "Stick around for a couple of minutes. She might ask a question where I would ask someone else their thoughts."

He nodded, "Very well, Mr. Travus."

She smiled as her camerawoman moved to the side he noticed a shimmer in the ultraviolet spectrum. He focused on alternating light bands. He had an assassin approaching him. She asked, "I am Jenni Landreth, would you like to sit?"

Jack smiled, "Standing is fine. Easier to run away from the annoying reporters who want to talk about, 'how many more women are you planning to marry, you vigilante killer.'"

She laughed at that. He spotted a second one on the ceiling using something to offset gravity. He walked around and asked her, "You want to stand here. Your camerawoman can get images from the stage side for a change."

She nodded, "That would be fine."

The camerawoman moved over and knelt. Jack thought to Astra, "Scan the building invisible foes."

Astra called back mentally, "Nothing, I am seeing nothing."

He thought, "They must be using something new."

Astra replied, "You have some I take it?"

He thought, "Yes, use internal cameras and change the light spectrum from red to blue rapidly."

Astra called out, "Another 10 of them, some on the ceiling. Some in the hall leading to the personal residence."

He thought to Aiko and the other wives, "Invisible assassins new technology. Change the eye spectrum from red to blue rapidly. Protect the first family. If you cannot see them then box yourselves in."

He heard Aiko, "Spotted one blocking access to another hallway and one over by the door, they all appear to be wielding two swords. Ninja assassins."

Grace called out, "I cannot see them."

Sprits replied, "Same. I will put the field up as mine is stronger than Graces."

Aiko thought, "I stepped away so she could keep me out of it and Ash is beside me. Strike of Vengeance is ready."

Ash replied, "Fiery Vengeance. I see them too."

Jack thought back, "At least 2 make that 3, one is blocking the far door."

Jack walled off the reporter, camerawoman, and guard in a triangular field. She smiled, "Some were wondering why so many 16 years olds?"

Jack nodded, "All service becomes mandatory at 18. You can still study if you're in college but you will spend at least 5 years in the Home Guard. Age 16 are volunteers with parental consent. Most are hotshot pilots and some are very skilled drone pilots. A video game with bombs. They control 10 at a time in a cluster. A master will have 60 he or she holds in reserve to feed into those who lost drones. His or her job is not to fight but to get them to dodge as opposed to attacking.

For the more pacifist types. The drones have no shields. They draw enemy fire away from the others. They have no fire controls active on their station; they just protect the reserve drones through maneuvers. A computer will activate ones and peel them off to join whichever cluster is missing something. They are great for taking down shields as they each have one Point Defense laser for that purpose."

The assassin attacked, He called forth his sword sliced through the reporter to block the attack aimed at her and before it hit the wall in place. He engaged some type of laser sword that emitted no light from this stealth field. The crash of blades could be heard, "Astra all security monitors flash them red to blue."