At First Sight


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Angela looks at me and we decide a little toast is in order, since the wine comes first. She raises her glass and makes the toast,

"Here's to ... unintended consequences!"

I chuckle at her clever summation of our situation and simply reply,

"Here, here!"

I find out that Angela and I are both twenty-one and both finishing up at City University. She is in nursing, and I am taking a business course. Dorothy is dropping out of college at Greg's demand. He was her high school boyfriend, and captain of the football team, the baseball team, and the wrestling squad ... just another dumb jock!

Angela and Dorothy were members of the same 440-relay team in high school, which explains their similarly slender shapes and good muscle tone. I was also a baseball player in high school and now play ball for the university (second base/shortstop). As I think about it now, I think I remember seeing Angela in the stands at some of the university games. Her pretty face and dark eyes are hard to miss.

We talk, laugh, eat, and drink our Chianti. I find that Angela is a clever conversationalist and seems to be quite well educated. I ask her about that, and she admits to a 3.85 GPA. At one point, I ask her to lean forward. She kneels on the bench on her side and leans over the table.

I take my napkin and dip a corner of it in the water glass, and wipe a little tomato sauce from her cheek near her lips. Then I lean forward and kiss her. She stays in that position long enough to give me a nice view down into her blouse (and likely an up-the-skirt view from behind for someone) and then she settles back with a little blush.

She softly says, "thank you Michael!' as she is stealing some of my spaghetti and about half of my last meatball. I say,

"You know, there is something quite endearing about a girl who can show you her tits, and then blush about it. It is a real loving gesture if you think about it, in addition to being very erotic."

She smiled coyly as we finished our meal and headed back to her place.

"Michael um, would you like to come up for a cup of coffee? I have to get settled down early for school tomorrow and work afterward, but I have a little bit of time!"

"Sure, coffee's good! And don't worry I won't try to push your boundaries ... too much!"

She looks sideways at me with my equivocation, and slowly says,

"Thank you ... I think. Come on up!"

She leads the way to her apartment and and into the kitchen to make some coffee. I am on the couch, since I think it would be easier to get little closer there. She brings a couple of cups of black coffee, and smiles knowingly when she sees me on the couch with a big smile.


"Oh yes, you have a very comfortable couch! It is just so very .... 'comfortable'!"

She giggles, and says, "I'm so happy that you are ... 'comfortable'! Music? Pop, classical, new wave?

"Whatever you like honey. I know I will like it!"

She puts on something instrumental, soft and pleasant. Then she joins me on the couch, facing toward me with her arm on the back. She smiles, and I can see that her blouse has separated a little and I can see one very pretty little breast ... like just about the whole thing. She notices my noticing, looks down and then at me and says softly,

"It's just a tit Michael!"

She smiles and undoes a couple more buttons so I move in closer and slide my hands into her blouse, over her lovely little mounds of flesh with their puffy areolas and hardening nipples. She moves closer, and we melt into a soft sweet kiss as she opens her mouth. We forget about the coffee quickly cooling on the coffee table, and move into a more passionate embrace and kiss.

She moves up to straddle my thighs facing me, and puts her arms around my neck, continuing to kiss me. I slide my hands along her thighs, under her skirt and onto her pantiless little ass cheeks.

"Mmm, be careful Michael, a lot of that stuff down there is off limits right now!" (giggles)

"Well, you will just have to call off sides on me if I touch the wrong 'stuff"! I say with a laugh.

"You know I will sweetie!" she says.

I massage her little ass, and I get moans from her. As I reach under buttocks, my fingers explore her crevice, and she squeals when I slide a fingertip over her sensitive little pucker.

"Yellow light, darling!" she whispers.

I continue to finger her little butt, and ask, "Are you sure?"

"Uh huh!"

As I slide my fingers under the back of her thighs, they encounter her moist pussy lips.

"Ohhh, Red light sweetie!"

But the little hypocrite lifted her ass a little to allow me to touch her there, so I call her on it,

"I think you want me to touch you there!"

"Mmm, maybe ... and maybe not!"

After slipping one fingertip into her just a little, and getting another squeal from her, I moved my hands to safer territory on her hips, and higher on her buttocks.


"Thank you Michael!"

She pulls her blouse out of her skirt, and unbuttons it all the way giving my free reign to touch her on top. After a passionate kiss, we pull apart and putting our foreheads together just talk softly ... just silly first date kinds of endearments and light teasing. I wait for a slight pause in our intimate conversation, and look into her face and say,

"Do you know that you have the most incredibly beautiful eyes I have ever seen?"

She softens into a sweet, shy smile and says, almost inaudibly,

"Thank you, Michael! I do get some complements, but coming from you it is special!" She hesitates and says just as softly,

"Are they prettier than Dorothy's?"

That is the first time either of us mentioned her lovely friend since leaving for the restaurant. Actually, I had forgotten about her, and was really hoping to concentrate on Angela tonight. I think for a moment before answering her little landmine of a question,

"Actually, part of what attracted me to Dorothy, was her clear blue eyes, and her incredible face. Angela, there are prettier girls in the world ... there are even girls prettier than Dorothy is ... believe it or not. But, I find your eyes mesmerizing ... I get lost in them. I have a thing for dark eyes, and yours are very beautiful."

She is following every single word I am saying with great interest and some amount of trepidation until the last two sentences at which she smiles a little. Then I continue,

"The thing is honey, all of these girls ... all these lovely girls are not you! So what if they are prettier? They do not have your warmth, your sweetness, and they do not have what I see when I look into your eyes! Angela, they can never have what you have now ... my attention!"

As I speak, I watch her expression change through the gamut of emotions from interest, to worry, to understanding, even a shy smile, and finally to her chin trembling as she realizes that the man she has always wanted to be with likes her ... maybe loves her.

"Oh, Michael I—"

That was all she could get out before she became too emotional to continue, so I rescue the moment by saying,

"I know, Angela!"

Then I reach in and kiss her as she opens her full lips and sweet mouth to me so willingly, as our lips melt together in a luscious kiss. She puts her arms around my neck and offers me little soft kisses, with tears running down her lovely rosy cheeks as her doe-like eyes search for mine each time between kisses. When she recovers a little, wedotalk about Dorothy, and about what will happen Friday night. She says,

"If you wouldn't mind pretending to be, uh ... my boyfriend, I can sit between you and Dotty in the theater. That way I can talk to her and kiss you ... if that's okay."

"That is okay ... more than okay, Angela! I am starting to realize what a truly special person you are."

"Oh Michael, I hoped you would say something like that. But I still feel that Dotty needs to know what the original idea was for our meeting on Friday."

She lowers her head a little, and slowly raises her eyes nervously, and continues,

"But Michael, i-if you w-want to um, date Dotty after you get to know her, I will be ... uh ... I won't stand in your way."

"Let's not worry about anything like that, Angela!"

She lets out a pent up breath, and with a relieved smile says,

"Okay ... good, Michael!"

"Angela," I say looking her straight in the eyes,

"Tonight things got away from us a little, so let's do this right if we are going to have a relationship, let's take our time ... let's take it slow."

"I agree. Let's just see what happens Friday night, and we can go from there!" she offers.

We kiss softly for some time, until she breaks contact. She has a rather sad expression as the she whispers in my ear that she has an early class tomorrow and then the store, and says that she needs her sleep. She reaches up and kisses me sweetly and says,

"Goodnight Michael!"

I smile and nod as Angela sends me home floating!

~ ~ ~

Part Two, Friday night double date:

Friday night comes and I am at Angela's apartment by quarter-to-six, waiting for Dorothy to arrive. Angela is putting finishing touches on dress and makeup, and then comes out to join me. She kisses me on the cheek saying that Dotty should be here soon.

No sooner does she say that, than the outside buzzer sounds, and she buzzes her friend into the building. Dotty is at the door, and Angela is right there to open it for her. She sees me as she enters, but I am not sure if she remembers me from the store. She is so pretty that she must have guys smiling at her all the time.

Angela puts one hand on Dotty's shoulder and the other one on mine and introduces us. I move to shake her hand and Angela says,

"For the God sake Michael, kiss her! She won't break!"

I lean in and give her a quick kiss on the lips as she closes her clear blue eyes and then flutters them open with a pretty smile after I pull away. She is petite like Angela, and has nearly the same body type. The only exceptions are that she is paler, has short blonde hair, cut in a cute pageboy, blue eyes, and actually is quite a bit prettier than Angela is.

Angela embraces her friend, and kisses her on the lips as well, but a little bit longer and sweeter. As longtime friends and teammates, I guess they are comfortable touching each other. I always considered girl-to-girl affection to be very hot. She breaks her kiss with her pretty friend and explains the ground rules,

"We are three friends going out for dinner and a movie, andanythinggoes that another person will allow. There are no preconceived notions or expectations. Whatever happens; happens!"

Dotty nods her agreement and I look at Angela with a curious look, but reluctantly nod my agreement as well. I am not sure that I want to jeopardize my nascent relationship with Angela with an incautious touch or kiss with Dorothy. Dotty is a living doll no doubt, but I really like Angela.

We take my car, and since Dorothy is Angela's guest, she lets her little blonde friend ride in front with me. Dorothy is wearing a powder blue dress with a simple cowl neck, and cinched at the waist by a matching belt. Her dress drapes to just above her knees, and she is wearing three-inch heels. Angela is wearing a navy blue knit dress with a white linen collar, and a placket with four buttons, two of which are open at the top. It is form fitting and extends to about three inches above her knees.

Angela directs us to a nice medium-priced restaurant. I hold Angela's chair for her to be seated, and the maître d' holds Dorothy's for her. I select a nice Australian viognier, since it goes with a wide variety of foods. The maître d' smiles and says,

"Nice! I'll have it brought right out for you sir!"

The girls are excited about what dynamics might develop between the three of us with our date tonight. Angela knows that despite our magic from the other night, Dorothy being much prettier might win my heart. I am not as convinced, since I have already seen what I like in Angela, but like she said, "Whatever happens; happens."

The wine steward pours me a little to taste. Having passed my taste test, he fills the glasses of the girls, and then a full pour for me. I ask if anyone has a toast they wish to make, since all of the one's I know are Irish, and a bit ribald for this group. Dorothy ventures forth and raises her glass and simply says,

"Here's to good food, a good wine, and good friends! May they all last a long time!"

Angela and I give her a "Here, here!" nearly simultaneously. Then a wicked smile traces across Angela's face and she asks me for an Irish toast.

"No way honey! They are all a little risqué for our little outing tonight, I think!"

"Aw, c'mon! Chicken?"

I roll my eyes, and wracking my brain for a semi-decent one I raise my glass, and say,

"Okay, here's one!"

Here's to a woman's kisses, and to whisky amber-clear! Not as sweet as a woman's kiss ... but a damn sight more sincere!"

The girls burst out in laughter and drink to my toast as well.

"Oh, Michael that was cute do you have any more?"

"Aw c'mon Angela!"

"Just one more, please!"

She insists with a little faux pout, as I roll my eyes. I raise my glass again and say,

"Okay my little darlings, here's one! Raise our glasses!" then I clear my throat and continue,

"I'll drink to the girls who say they will, and I'll drink to the girls to say they won't. But I won't drink to the girls who say they will ... and then find out they don't!"

The girls both again, burst into laughter, and the couple at the next table over-hears that one and they join us in laughter.

I am thinking, it is a good thing they didn't ask me for the one called "the barmaid from Sale," but that one is technically is a limerick not a toast!

We order from the menu, Dorothy selects a nice roast chicken on rice, and I pick the salmon. Angela orders the best steak dinner in the place, medium-well! I give her a smile and a nod that says, "that's my girl!" She giggles, and promises me a piece. We explain to Dorothy that Angela and I are likely to share our meals a little and she is welcome to participate. She exclaims,

"Wow! It seems like you guys are already a couple!"

Angela quickly corrects her saying,

"Dotty, there are no lines and no relationships tonight. Everyone is for anyone." Then Dorothy smiles and says,

"In that case I want to participate too."

Then she causes my cock to twitch just a little as she pats her hand against her flat shapely midsection and says,

"Chicken, steak and salmon ... my little tummy is not going to know what's going on!"

We all laugh, as Angela reaches over and puts a hand on Dotty's, and then on mine. According to Angela's wishes, we are just three friends of equal standing tonight. I am guessing that Angela wants to make sure I reallychooseher by tempting me with someone much prettier.

This is a somewhat dangerous game to play, but I will play it her way despite my great admiration for her, and the fact that Angela herself is quite a pretty girl. So, if Dotty wants me to kiss or touch her, will oblige her, as I will with kissing and touching Angela.

This is about the strangest setup I have ever seen, and I will have to be careful. I have already decided to continue my affections to Angela, and only respond to Dotty when she initiates something. I want to continue with Angela after tonight, and will not do anything to jeopardize that.

Angela starts to ramp up the action, by cutting a bite-sized morsel from her steak, and slowly opens her lips, and slides her forkful into her mouth, closing her pretty red lips sensuously around the bite and slowly retracts her fork, closes her eyes and gives us an "Mmmm!" she slides her hand over her breasts and say slowly,

"That was sooo good! Was it good for you guys too?"

Dotty, not to be outdone picks up a small morsel of chicken moves it over tomymouth. As I open it she slowly slides it in until I close my lips around it and she slowly retracts her fork, then she leans toward me, opens her mouth slightly and makes a show of giving me a slow and luxurious kiss, with our lips meeting in noisy slurps. She pulls away and says,

"How was that, darling!"

"Holy shit! Amazing!" I hear myself say involuntarily.

The guy at the next table drops his fork watching Dotty and me, and we all laugh.

The girls feed each other with little morsels and with mouthy slurpy kisses with lots of tongue, and giving me sideways glances and smiles as the do it. Since we are now attracting a lot of attention, we return to normal dining. But, the die is cast for what might be a very sexy evening.

Dorothy is absolutely the prettiest girl I have ever seen! Her cute pageboy perfectly frames her gorgeous face, and those light, clear, blue eyes are mesmerizing! She has a pale complexion with a natural blush to her cheeks that is very appealing. I am resolved to keep my guard up against damaging anything I have started with her pretty, but more darkly hued friend.

We all order one New York cheesecake with three plates for dessert, and take turns feeding it to each other with a lot of laughter. We end up getting as much on our mouths and chins, as inside. I get the bad news, and it seems I will be working a lot of overtime the next couple of weeks to pay for it. But, being with these two amazing little lookers is well worth it!

I walk out with my arms around Dotty and Angela, and every guy in the place is thinking the exact same thought, "You lucky bastard, you!" Angela asks me for my keys, and announces that she is driving us to the theater, and that Dotty and I are in the back seat. Since we have some time before the feature starts, Angela drives us to a very shady and quiet little park.

Dotty starts by leaning back against me behind our sexy little chauffer, with my arms around her. I slide my hands down to her stomach, and slowly massage her with my fingertips, taking care not to go too far with her. She turns her head so I can kiss her, and I kiss her for a long time as one hand slides up to her breasts with the other moving lower down her abdomen.

Her bra is so thin that I can feel her nipples as I play with them and pinch them as she moans into my mouth. Her breasts are a little larger and rounder than Angela's and her nipples get harder and longer when aroused. I massage her lower down, past her flat stomach and just above her mound.

She breaks the kiss, and slides her hem up nearly to her crotch; she is wearing thigh-high sheer stockings. She takes my hand and places it on her bare skin just above her stockings. I massage her buttery soft thighs, letting my finger slide between her legs. She moans loudly, opens her thighs, and pulls the hem of her dress up further exposing her bikini panty-covered crotch to me.

"Touch me ... there ... Michael!" She says, in an earthy and sexy voice.

I play with her soft inner thighs, and following her wishes, let my fingertips go up further. She allows me to massage her pussy and her clit over her thin panties as she opens her thighs further. She is in another world as I touch her. She takes my hand and places it inside her panties, and allows me to slide it over her clit and pussy lips. I check the rearview mirror and find that Angela is very stoically looking straight ahead not wanting to see what is going on behind her, I guess.

Dorothy is moaning long and loud until she takes in a couple of sharp deep breaths, and shudders into an orgasm as she releases her breath in short halting huffs. Afterward, she just melts into my body moaning softly, and I slide my finger inside her between her pussy lips, just massaging her slippery and moist, fleshy insides. She shudders again, and she moans into my mouth,

"Oh, Michael! Touch me more!"