At Long Last

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A BBW meets the pervect partner.
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Amy was surfing the web, and had been doing so for the last five hours. Her real world social life was essentially nil! Her normal weekday schedule was to work her eight to five job, come home, make herself supper, and either get on the Ham radio or surf the web. On weekends or holidays, her schedule was much simpler. She did the wash, did some minor cleaning and spent the rest of her waking hours on the radio or surfing the web, using snacks for meals so that she didn't have to leave her beloved radio or computer. Amy didn't dislike people; she was merely very self-conscious about her appearance. All through public school and then on through college she had picked up nicknames like "fatty", "tubby", or "fatso". She never let her hecklers know how deeply these names hurt her. During those school years Amy had lived in an area where the only acceptable body seemed to be an emaciated body with very large grapefruit sized breasts.

Of all the hurts that she had received the worst was repeated twice during her school years. In each of these times a popular boy had asked her to go to a dance. In each of these cases the boy canceled out after Amy had already gotten fully ready for the dance. Worse yet, the boy, with his friends in the car would tell her he wasn't taking her as she was walking out to the car. The humiliation was devastating.

Amy was very smart. She had, in six years of college, earned a master's degree in chemical engineering. She had had no difficulty in finding a good, high paying, job in her local area. She purchased an old farmhouse on ten acres of land. The drive into work was about forty-five minutes one way, but that wasn't a problem since her car was a hybrid.

Amy spent most of her time either on the Literotica website or using sites such as,, or to look at pictures of really well built guys. She liked to see pictures of handsome guys going at it with BBWs or handsome guys jerking off. Other than her dildo and vibrator this was as close to sex as she got. She had resigned herself to never finding "Mr. Right".

One weekend Amy decided that she would write a story for Literotica. She took her own problems and wrote about a girl she named Sue but in the story she latched onto a guy and they fell into a deep and meaningful love. Since Amy was an excellent writer her story was a big hit.

She wasn't prepared for the number of emails that started arriving. For the most part the emails were very complimentary, as usual for most writers there were a few "flame mail" ones too, but those she trashed.

Amy found that a couple of the emails were all but invitations to a date. This made her both very happy and very wary at the same time. One of the emails was from another author, named Pete, who was a member of Literotica. She went to his list of stories written and realized that some of her favorite stories had been written by him. Then she went to the Bio page. He was about her age, unattached and lived in the same state that she did. In the bio area he had left many of the labels blank. However, in the section where he could write a little about himself he indicated that he was still looking for his perfect woman.

Amy decided to respond to his email. She told him that several of her favorite stories had been written by him. Beyond that, she identified which stories meant the most to her.

Amy knew better than to get her hopes up. She told herself that she would probably never hear from Pete again.

It was about two weeks later that an email arrived from Pete. In the email Pete told her that he had just written a new story and that it now could be read. He told her that the name of the story was "My Weakness" and asked her to review it and email him back with her observations.

Amy immediately went to the Literotica website. It didn't take her long to find "My Weakness". The story was about a guy's longing for a beautiful BBW with an above average mind. The guy unfortunately lives in an area where everyone else only values the scrawny chicks with big boobs. The character in the story loved big boobs as well, but he wanted them on a woman with soft, smooth curves. The other characteristic of the guy in the story was that he was what some people would call a "Nerd" or a "Geek"; that is he was very much scientifically inclined.

This fascinated Amy. Amy wrote a new story. She was very careful in her selection of words. She submitted it to Literotica. The day it was added to the new stories page she sent Pete an email. She told him how much she liked his story. She also told him that it had inspired her to write one that was similar. Her's was called "My Dreamboat". In truth, Amy had written a story that was an autobiographical sketch of her own life. In it she identified her dream guy as being loving, kind, open to kinky sex play, and holding down a real job. She didn't make her character want lots of money, or an Adonis, or a Hollywood type leading man; she wanted a real human being with substantial depth. It was now time to wait.

The following day there was another email from Pete. He said that he loved the story and indeed wished that he could find someone just like the heroine in the story. For the next few months Amy and Pete carried on an Internet romance. Very soon, they realized that the other person sounded just like what they were looking for. During this time no photographs were exchanged. It was ideas and emotions that were exchanged.

Amy decided to take a large risk. She emailed Pete and asked him if he was within driving distance of her favorite restaurant in the area. She went on to say that she would like to meet him over dinner, and it would be her treat.

Pete's reply to Amy's email came back later that day. He said that he would like to share a meal with her, but he wanted to treat or go "Dutch". Amy responded with a question about what day and time would be best. This was a Thursday and Pete replied that Friday at seven would be good for him. He wanted to know if it would work out for her. It was, and they agreed to meet there. Amy said she would make the reservations and that Pete should ask to be directed to the table for Ms. Amy.

As soon as the details were set, Amy made the reservations and specified that the table should be on the outside edge of the main dining area and next to a window. Amy already knew that the only windows in that room faced the parking lot and entrance. Amy decided to go all out for this meeting.

She had a beautiful midnight blue velvet dress that showed a polite amount of cleavage. It was mid calf in length. She selected her favorite necklace which was black pearls. She did not opt for heels. She had some very pretty flats that went very well with her dress. She decided that her perfume should be Chantilly.

Amy arrived at the restaurant half an hour early. She had, in fact, made the reservations for half an hour early. This was one of her favorite eating places and she was known by the staff.. She asked to sit at her table and have a man named Pete directed to the table when he came in and asked for Ms. Amy's table.

While waiting for Pete to show up, if he was going to show up, she steadied her nerves with a glass of good wine. When it was approximately ten minutes to seven, she noticed a tall, ruggedly built, man walking towards her table. When he was within six feet of the table he politely asked, "Is this the table for Ms. Amy?".

Amy rose to her feet and replied, "yes, it is. Are you Pete?".

"Yup, that's me. I had no idea you were going to be so pretty."

Those words almost knocked Amy off her feet. Her response was in kind; "I hadn't expected you to be as handsome as you are either. I sounds like we have both been pleasantly surprised."

"What would you like to drink? I've been enjoying a nice Rhine wine."

"Well, normally I have an hour and a half drive to get back home so I wouldn't have a drink. But, tonight is special. For the meal I'll stick to coffee or tea. But, for dessert I may have a bit of a stronger drink."

"Where do you live, Pete?"

"It's not in a town. I have a reasonably sized dairy farm and live 'out in the boonies'. This is the closest big town to where I live. How about you?"

"I live about ten miles from here." Amy decided to throw caution to the wind; "If you ever get stuck here I have a spare room you could use. You indicated you were a 'geek' or 'nerd' how does that fit in with dairy farming?"

"Well, it's a long story and I wouldn't want to bore you with it."

"Oh, I promise I won't be bored. It will help me know you better."

"Well, it's like this. I grew up on that dairy farm and my father was bound and determined to have me continue the farm after he died. I, however, wanted to be an engineer. My dad and I agreed to a compromise. I went through school with a dual major, agriculture and mechanical engineering. I stayed on one extra year and got my masters in mechanical engineering and picked up a bachelors in electrical engineering to boot. After my first experience working in industry I decided the farm made more sense. After all, if I make a mistake I have to live with the consequences, in industry you live with your boss' mistakes. Amy laughed at that, indicating that she understood that completely.

I have automated much of the milking and feeding side of my dairy. The cows are fed just the right mix of food for their individual needs. The temperature in the barn is controlled to always be above about 35 degrees F and below 80 degrees F. I can pull up records for many years showing the milk production as well as fuel, feed, and maintenance costs. I still need three hired hands because I'm milking over five hundred cows two times a day. We've set that up in four milking parlors feeding four bulk tanks. I use wind power and solar power when I can and use a pellet stove to provide most of the heat in the winter. Beside that I have made a methane generator that runs on the cow manure. I use that for heating the barns. What about you? What do you do and what did you study in college?"

"My background is much narrower than yours. I'm one of those manager types. I have a group of engineers working for me. Our specialty is developing new polymers for the plastics industry. My bachelor's and master's degrees are both in chemical engineering."

"I knew some chemical engineers when I was in school. That is a tremendously difficult course of study. You must have an excellent memory!"

"Yeah, it's not bad. Let me ask you a leading question. Am I right in assuming that your story "My Weakness" is autobiographical in nature?"

Pete smiled, "I'm glad you picked up on that! I have been assuming that your story "My Dreamboat" is also autobiographical in nature."

"It is."

"In that story the heroine is put down by everyone she goes to school with. That can't really be the case, can it?"

Amy paused for a moment. "Unfortunately I underplayed the put downs. It is an introduction to my life in school! You can probably see why. After all, I am heavy."

"Amy, in my book you fall into that wonderful category of BBWs, you are a Beautiful, Big Woman. As my story told it, I like BBWs. I'm not into scrawny. I don't want to embarrass you, but you are a perfect image of what I think is sexy! There was a pin-up calendar that was popular about forty years ago. The gal was called Hilda and was drawn by an artist named Duane Bryers.. You remind me very much of Hilda. She was sexy, inventive, and kind. I value those things."

"I don't know what to say, I've never run into someone like you before. I keep wondering when I will wake up from this dream. Oh, here comes the waiter. We better select some food. I'm going with the shrimp cocktail and a 'T' bone steak. What do you like?"

"I like your choice."

The waiter arrived and took their orders. Pete selected Constant Comment tea and Amy selected Darjeeling tea. When he had left they continued their discussion.

Amy started the conversation again: "Are you married or in a long term relationship?"

"I had been. But my wife died about three years ago. I'm still mourning her loss. But it is no longer the all consuming passion in my life. It is only recently that I have begun to want to start looking for 'Ms. Right'. It was your story that reminded me that there were still good, decent, women out there. Your story also reminded me that there were nice BBWs out there as well. And, as I said, I have a weakness for Beautiful Big Women. Now, how about you. Are you in any way attached?"

"No, that story was essentially autobiographical in nature. If you called the girl Amy instead of Sue it would be a good biographical sketch!"

Suddenly Pete had a hard, almost threatening, look on his face. "You mean to tell me that there are boys cruel enough to have a girl get ready for a big dance only to tell her they aren't taking her in front of their friends? You had that happen to you more than once?" By this time Pete's knuckles had turned white due the strength he was unconsciously using to make a fist.

"Yes. As I said, it is a pretty good description of my relationships with men, to this point!"

"Then, you haven't met men. Those idiots are immature spoiled brats who think like the t.v. and magazine ads want them to think. No real man gives his word to do something and then backs out on it! Especially when that word is given to a lady."

Amy was a bit startled by the intensity of Pete's words. She realized that something had spoken to his heart. "Pete, have you, or someone you love had a similar problem?"

There was a long pause. Pete looked like he was trying to decide on the best course of action. Finally he spoke: "Yes, my little sister faced similar problems until she died. She was born with Down's Syndrome. Too many of the local idiots took to calling her 'retard' until I talked to them about it. They usually didn't understand words, but they understood fists. Having grown up on the dairy farm I had chores to do every day. I was strong for my age. I have no tolerance of people who pick on other people for things that they may not be able to change! As you know, some of the best research at the moment suggests that weight may well be determined by a combination of genes. I think that those who scorn people who are different than they are, are kin to all of the bigots throughout the ages."

"Wow! I'm sorry to bring up painful things for you; but, I am overjoyed that you share some of my own dislike of any form of bigotry. Changing the subject, I saw from your Literotica profile that you enjoy BDSM and romance. To what extent do you like BDSM?"

"Well, I find BDSM to be an overly broad term. I do not like causing pain! I do not like receiving pain. However, if I were playing with my wife I would very gently tie her down with silk scarves that she could slip out of if she wanted. I would then be either oiling and massaging her body, or using a feather or rose to tickle her pussy lips or nipples. In other words I would pleasure her, but at my speed and method. Likewise, if she were doing me; the same general approach would be used. I don't condone using any force on people I love."

"Wow! again. You essentially used the same words that I would have chosen. I also fantasize about BDSM in the same way. The only difference is that I might use a ball stretcher on the guy, if he liked it, and include a vibrator in the toy mix. And if he were really kinky I suppose a strapon might be a fun toy."

"I had wanted to add something like that but I was afraid that I might have offended you. I like your ideas."

"I'm not offended. As a side question: I know that dairy farmer are all but 'married to the farm' what with the cows needs. How did you get away to meet me for dinner tonight? Isn't this awfully hard on you?"

Pete smiled! "You know, not many city people would have realized that. Do you have any relatives in the farming business?"

"Yes, my uncle Tim has a hog farm in Nebraska. He has to plan any social event so that it doesn't conflict with the animals needs. I used to love visiting his farm in the summer. The only drawback was the smell. It could get a mite 'ripe' at times."

"To answer your question. I have three full time hands on the farm and I have two other men who can fill in for either of them if something goes wrong. I had both of my 'fill in's come in for today and tomorrow so that I wouldn't have to rush back. "

As dinner wound down Amy hitched up her courage and said: "I made home made apple pie and have some very sharp cheese to go with it. Would you consider my request as too foreword if I offered you dessert at my place?"

Pete smiled!! "I would be glad to accept your kind offer. Is there adequate parking available where you live?"

"No problem! Room is something I have a lot of. The only problem is in the winter since my driveway is about two hundred feet long. I hope you won't be mad at me, I already made arrangements with this restaurant; the bill and tip have already been paid."

"No, I'm flattered! Shall we go for dessert?"

The drive to Amy's house was uneventful. Amy had handed Pete a small two way radio with a range of about three miles. If he became separated from her he could get her to wait for him. He never needed to use it. Pete was surprised when he saw the old farmhouse set back in a grove of trees. It was obviously well cared for and obviously offered privacy.

As Amy's car drove into the yard the outside lights and lights in the room, where the side door was located, came on. Amy got out of her car and went to the door and unlocked it. When Pete came in he found himself in a very nicely done kitchen. There was a cat curled up in a basket next to the pellet stove but the kitchen was obviously designed to be used.

Pete spoke: "I'm not sure that I will be able to find my way back from here in the dark. Will you lead me back to the restaurant when it's time for me to leave?"

"Well, I could do that, or I could put you up in the guest room. It has a lock on the inside so that you know you wouldn't be interrupted while you were sleeping."

Pete grinned and said "What makes you so sure I wouldn't like to be interrupted while I was asleep, especially if you were the one doing the interrupting."

Amy blushed: "I suggested that to keep myself from doing exactly that. You have no idea of what you are doing to me emotionally right now. I will remain a lady, but it is very hard to keep from pushing ahead too fast."

"I know exactly what you mean. I hope that the tent in my pants isn't embarrassing you as much as it is embarrassing me."

At that, Amy walked over and stood about six inches away from Pete and looked up into his eyes. She saw the same hunger that she felt on his face. She hugged him and gently kissed him. That acted like a signal to Pete. He returned the hug and kissed her in return... Within moments they were exploring each others mouth with their tongues. After about five minutes Amy said: "Would you like dessert now?" She said this with a semi-lecherous grin on her face.

"What are you suggesting?"

"Well, for dessert there is apple pie or there is me."

With a grin, Pete said: "How about a piece of each?"

"I think that can be arranged. Which would you like first?"

"Let's have a slice of apple pie and cheese. Were you offering a drink to go with it?"

"Yes, coffee, tea, or something stronger?"

"What kind of stronger did you have in mind. Well I could make a mixed drink or we could use Bailey's Irish Creme in the coffee or tea."

"Do you have the makings for a whiskey sour?"

"Yes, it's one of my favorites. Two whiskey sours coming up. Grab a chair at the table and I'll be right back with the drinks."

Three minutes later Amy returned with two highball glasses with ice and the wonderful amber brown liquid. Amy put them on the table and then placed the pie, cheese, two knives, two forks, two napkins and two dessert plates on the table. They enjoyed the pie while continuing to talk.