At The Appointed Hour

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Breakfast intimacy and intercourse.
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At the appointed hour that morning he made for the closed door, knocked and smiled to see that it pushed open a fraction as the catch gave.

"Greetings," he said quietly and bowed before looking each way down the corridor, and sliding into her room, pushing the door gently closed, with a discrete click. "I am here for that breakfast you promised me."

"Hola hombre," she responded calmly, as she sat on her bed, closing her kimono and watching him peer at her quizzically through the half-opened door.

"Como esta?" He continued playing her game, watching her face break into a big smile.

"Bastante buen, y tu?"

"'s been a while since I had my Spanish..."

"You give up too easily, sir," she grinned.

"It's never too early to accept your hospitality pet, but I'm not awake enough to hunt in the closet for my Spanish dictionary."

"Do not fear -- I have a closet that you may never come out of, Sir."

"I haven't even gone in!"

"Are you afraid of the beasties?" She smiled, got up off the bed where she had been sitting, slid across the room and held the door open as if ushering him in. "Would you like to admire the view from the window of my boudoir? Shall we breakfast together?"

"What are we having?"

"I have muesli to spare or there is french toast?"

"Is the toast truly imported from France?" He teased.

"Of course. It was in fact lightly manufactured by the most skilled artisans on the left bank, in between radical posturings at the cafe terminus. Then it was gently packaged and delicately transported to the finest table in all of this wonderous city, where it will have to be ravenously devoured with the utmost precision by the most gorgeous male in the whole world."

"Is that me?"

"It could be - unless you have muesli?"

"Are you trying to force my hand?"

"Would I do that?"

"I believe you might attempt that, but i will allow you your endeavours since I do rather like the view from your window," he smiled indulgently, pressing the door closed, and tugging her across the room by her wrist. He pulled her to a seat by the window and sat down, drawing her up onto his lap, where she perched happily enough. "Tell me, pet, have you enjoyed the weekend?"

"So far yes...but I will have to leave you to your breakfast alone if you do not serve yourself soon."

"Why do you need to go?"

"I have to earn my keep. Sunday afternoons means flowers for the masses."

"Perhaps I will take a stroll into town and purchase masses of flowers from you."

"My employer will be eternally grateful for my fulsome smiles as the cash till rings up."

"That makes two of us."

"Very convivial for us"

"Did you know - you are the only guy on this corridor?"

"I believe you told me you manipulated that when the landlord made the lettings. The fact you did that does make me feel special."

"Actually, there's another guy now -- he arrived late last night," she smirked and then sighed naughtily. "And he was lovely."

"Ah, ok...but it is still an elite class."

"I made sure my friend put four pretty girls in the rooms between you and him."

"That is a good ratio."

"I thought you'd enjoy them."

"Who wouldn't?"

"A closet-obsessed gay man?"

"Like I said, I'll stay out of the closet."

"You can be as gay as you wish without your closet, sir. It may well be that the ladies in question were fag hags."

"Uh huh," he laughed. "I wish you would stop impugning my masculinity, pet."

"I find gay men interesting and less aggravating than "heteros" as a rule."

"Most women do."

"You are an expert on most women's opinions?"

"I've had many women tell me the same thing."

"You've had many women...period," she smiled affectionately

"True," he grinned.

"You, sir, are a shameless hussy!"

" know that you like me that way."

"I like you self-confident, which seems to be your way, but not arrogant."

"Arrogance is a disguise put up by the insecure."

"You have a secure room?"

"I could arrange for one."

"To lock your closet in?"

"You seem to be focused on the closet this morning," he smirked

"It's my theme of the day."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Like all things - it will pass."

"I know what you mean."

"So, tell me sir, what does the day hold for you besides the reinforcement of meanings and knowledge, along with the purchase of flowers and the securing of wayward furniture?

"I may catch a movie and take the dog out for a walk on the way to your remarkable stall."

"You could take the dog to a movie and kill two birds with a single stone?"

"I really don't think they'd let him in."

"That's very discriminatory. I'm quite shocked."

"Well I suppose having four legs leads to that kind of thing."

"I can empathise with that, being familiar with leads and posing on all fours."

"Oh yes," he smiled broadly and nuzzled her thick brown hair. "And I enjoy a woman on all fours immensely."

"Your carnal appetites are undiminished by all your conquests over the years then, not to mention half a corridor of beauties to seduce since you moved in?"

"Of course not," he grinned.

"Some might be sated."

"Too bad for them"

"You are verging on arrogance, sir," she admonished him.

He shrugged.

"I was only offering feedback - no criticism implied."

"I understand."

"I can see," she began to recite, reaching out to clutch the arm of the chair and closing her eyes to aid her memory, "the flattened straw...where we dreamed...and made love safe...from the distant porch light...while the stars became...our blanket and sweat...dampened the earth...and fingers clawed...trying to hold tomorrow's...inevitable...goodbye."

"That is are quite the poet."

"Not mine -- I just stumbled on it in that bookcase over there and thought you'd enjoy the thought to rouse you from your lethargy."

"I certainly appreciate the help."

"Do you need further guidance or are you content to sit back?"

"Hmmm...what do you mean by guidance?" He looked at her and raised an eyebrow enquiringly.

"I didn't have eyebrows in mind."

He sat back and rested his hands on her hips, pushing her kimono up so it bunched around her upper thighs and pulled her back with him. She didn't resist when, moments later, he found her lips with his own.

"You are a good kisser, sir."

"You are a good kisserette, madam."

"There is a sweetness found only in the soft skin where your lips brushed."

"I'd brush your lips forever," he murmured and silenced her with a tongue that slid in, slid out and then caressed her lower lip. He pushed his legs up so that her body slid down towards his, leaving his robe pressing into her frame, their warmth mingling.

"You robe is not concealing your shame, sir."

"Nor would I want it to," he grinned, pressing his lips back to hers firmly, hands moving to her lower back. He caressed it and pushed her thighs apart with his.

"You are becoming quite intimate."

"Is that a problem?

"Your morning glory is our never ending story."

He said nothing, but the smile did not leave his lips.

"And the intractable eye awaits a nest as a passing pet sits on the proud erection?"

"You are so practiced at reading my mind," he sat back and watched her spread herself on him, pushing his robe and her kimono open to let his sex flick against hers.

"I mind your reed too -- is satisfyingly filling."

"Always...with wit," he chuckled as he pressed into her and began to move rhythmically within her. "That's why...I like much."

"Always...with the hard...cock, sir," she breathed back at him, finding his pace to her liking. "Is that why...I like much?"

"You are such...a tease, pet."

"Love is...sweetened by...laughter."

" is," he said, offering up another kiss and clamping her hips possessively with his large hands.

"A kiss is ...but a kiss ...but it is .... I am told ...better than the...flick of a wrist."

"I'd agree...though it depends...what the doing though."

"Are you anti...masturbatory...tract?"


"Good boy!"

"I am...aren't I?"

"And, so...deliciously...audacious...of you"

"Isn't that like... about me?"

"What the...likes of you?"

"Oh, they mean...quite a bit...since I have...a high opinion ...of you."

"Only...because it ...when I'm perched ...on your prick ...looking down you ... lovingly."

"Do you ...think ...that's ...the ...only ...reason ...I"

"No - I think ...that I like provoke ...your indignation."

"I think too."

"So you can...pump me full...of hot air," she smiled and simulated the action.

"You like...being pumped...full of well," he gasped.

"Do tell?" she bounced happily, holding on to his shoulders. "The dizzy...heights you...raise me up to...confound...sensible...thought."

"You like... a nice, hard rod of flesh...pumping... into you ... relentlessly! And being...pumped... full of thick, warm...seed."

"I have... to that... don't I?"


"You are so...full of...certainties...sir."


"And I'm so...full of you," she giggled.

"You like...being filled."

"You can...empty me too...provided you don't...allow a develop."

"I could never...leave a such...a lass."

"Who is it," she paused and frowned, "that loves a vacuum?"

"None that I know of," he frowned to and made to pull himself into her again, not wanting to interrupt their sexual conjunction.

"Hang on," she pushed away, leaving him barely ensconced within her. "Someone abhorred it..."


"Are you going to abhor me until I scream, sir?"

"No, but I may spank you for frustrating my need," he grinned lasciviously.

"Wicked grins are mere beginnings," she stared down, pushed her hand between them and slid off his lap to stand before him, letting her kimono slip to the floor as she did so.

"You will frighten the natives pet," he said reaching back to close the curtains. He paused as he caught a glimpse of someone striding across the lawns outside and stared out of the window for a moment, before looking back at her.

"I wonder where he is off to so early?" he mused. "Is it the landlord collecting more rents?"

"Out of sight is out of mind, sir."

"Well not as far as my cock in your pussy is concerned."

"Is your cock hiding from me?"

"No, it is pressing its suit."

"That's very obliging of it."

"It enjoys the taste of you."

Has it divined that I want to taste you? Or is it just bored with listening to my frivolity and your carnal groans?"

"Well we have to restart somewhere," he said obligingly, reaching down to undo the sash of his robe. "You might as well oblige me."

"That was a lovely bow," she murmured sadly, watching the sash falling into two segments, robe peeking open.

"All good things come to an end."

"All the best stories have good ends."

"This is true," he agreed, shrugging off the robe and taking a deep breath.

"And that sir is a good end."

"You flatter me, pet."

"You cut a fine figure sir...when you breathe in."

"Then, it's a shame I have to breathe out occasionally."

"Well, with my head lowered, I will hardly notice the change."

"You always have a solution for such things," he said, placing his hands on her shoulders and applying gentle pressure.

"I just knew I had to be moistening my lips with some goal in mind."

"Other parts of my body have prepared as well."


"Your cunt was excellent preparation."

"Ah! I was imagining your sphincter clenching in the gym -- rhythmic dilations and all that sort of thing - so, it becomes invulnerable to its enemies in battle," she licked her lips slowly.

"Always the comedian," he sighed, pressing her shoulders down.

"Does your pressing presage some urgent desire, sir?"

"Perhaps I just want you on your knees."

"You leave my niece alone you depraved individual, you," she paused, looked up at him and smiled innocently

"I promise that I'll behave around her," he reassured, running a hand through her hair.

"But how will you behave," she wondered out loud, kissing the inside of his thigh appreciatively.

"In a polite manner...I am always respectful of minors," he smiled down at her and spread himself further.

"She's 18 and has never been down a mine in her life."

"Ahh...well, I wouldn't disrespect her in any way."

"Would you not? That is reassuring," she leant forward and licked his balls supportively.

"Of course not: I would never want to embarrass you by my conduct," he sighed as he felt the softness of her tongue.

She smiled and furled away her tongue, always the teasing lover. He grasped his cock and gently slapped it against her and she gave way, kissing the beast obligingly. He playfully ran his fingers through her hair as he began to breathe more quickly as she suckled and focused on the job in his hand.

"Such a pleasingly filling morsel you have sir," she paused and massaged her throat theatrically. "It quite dislocates the jaw."

"And your mouth massages it so well."

"I haven't massaged a male member in ages."

"I happily volunteer my own for further service then."

"Nor opened my kimono and squeezed one between my breasts for that matter to break the monotony - into the valley of breast rode the lonely soldier?"

"Your breasts are quite magnificent."

"Back and forth between the freshly skin creamed mounds - a slippery fate?"

"Slippery yes; but extremely pleasant."

"Well one has to make sure all is right after each mouthful. One can't have you less than fully functional."

"You certainly keep all my moving parts working."

"How can I help but cup such magnificent balls sir? Or stretch a middle finger out to brush against the sensitive skin that lies just behind them? To induce more clench that any gymnasium of your choice," she giggled as she felt his legs tightening and watched his lips go white as he bit into them. "Is my toying with my breakfast distracting you?"

"You know very well that you're the only distraction...and a good one at that."

"Do you realise that if you spurted now, you would spatter my chin."

"Indeed I would!"

"That might compel me to have to wash my hair."

"Just consider it conditioner."

"I consider it at home between my jugs sir."

"And a lovely home it is"

"Your cock is quite comradely in close proximity."

He breathed harder still as the soft flesh massaged his burgeoning prick and listening to her crooning: "Please feel free to use this girl to your heart's content. The service is simple and hopefully not too labour intensive. Dive in and indulge."

"It's a labour of love," he sighed, his pulse quickening.

"Well you seem to love it sir."

"I most certainly do."

"Then lean back on the chair and preparing for lust off."

"A grand idea, and so poetically put."

"Hardly poetic - more like bawdy"

"Maybe, but I won't correct you...

"Why not: would a spanking be distracting, when you seem to be enjoying yourself so well and can almost feel eternity slipping by?"

He pressed his hips down more, the underside tight against the valley between her breasts, eyesight starting to grow hazy.

"Too enchanted by my titty-fuck sir? Or merely pole axed by the possibilities?"

"Indeed," he gasped, hips working faster, pre-cum oozing out continuously.

"I think I know how Pompeii felt before Vesuvius blew keep breathing sir - I don't want a corpse on my hands."

He laughed, growled and swelled one last time before soaking her cleavage and the underside of her chin with a stream of seed.

"A perfect cannonade, sir," she smiled and tapped the breakfast table, from where the face of a young woman stared out innocently at both of them. "Did the pictures of my niece help?"

"You are relentless," he chuckle. "I do like it."

"Your pleasure lies at the heart of mine, sir. One has to introduce one's inexperienced relatives to fine fellatios."

"Not a bad idea," he grinned wickedly.

"Stop it sir - you look quite demonic with your robe pockets hanging out pretending to be an elephant."

"Quiet or I'll have to sit on you."

"You just want your balls licked clean sir. Or do you aspire to squash me into respectability?"

"Something like that," he said smugly.

"Well, let me clean your member, young man," she continued suddenly switching to a teasingly maternal tone. "I can't have my naughty boy going around sticky all day: they will ban both you and your canine from the films."

"You'll need to clean up as well."

"That will be sorted by me being on my knees in a bubble bath," she smirked

"It's good that you have a helper."

"Auntie's little helper," she flicked open a drawer to the little table by the chair. "My waterproof "niece" rabbit."

"You are too much."

"Am I giving you indigestion?"

"Absolutely not!"

"I should really scoot to my bath actually," she smiled and belted up her kimono. "Remember I have flowers to sell to passing mavericks."

"Are you sure that your back does not need scrubbing?"

"The lady bathes alone today sir. Her bubbles may blush pink with you in the vicinity."

"But I do so want to leer at each bubble in the misty heat of your morning bath."

"Come to me later and you may leer suggestively at each buttonhole in the afternoon sun."

"Are you casting aspersions at my masculinity again?"

"Are you going to whisk me over your lap if I continue?"

"I may well do so."

"I'm glad to hear it. Cheek needs to be soundly admonished."

"I shall see to you later," he murmured and bowed, making his way towards the door.

"I know I will appreciate the efforts you go to," she curtseyed and, with a blown kiss, made to close the door. "At the appointed hour...

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DawnJDawnJover 14 years ago
A Twist

An interesting new way to present lovemaking, if such can be the word to describe this morning romp. The banter is at once funny and sassy and naughty, even when it's a bit confusing. I did wonder how they managed to have breath enough to speak so wittily and wander from topic to topic so prettily, if the sex was as n=mind-blowing as it seems it as mean to be. Probably because it is told so differently, I give it full points!

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