At Their Mercy Pt. 02

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Pushing boundaries and exploring kinks.
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~All characters are at least 18 years of age at the time of sexual interaction. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

This is part two of a series, delving deeper into the growing attraction between three siblings. Don't want to get too deep into tags (feel free to check them out if you'd like), but some deeper fetish material is presented in this part. Also, this installment does favor one twin a bit more, not entirely intentional, but not any particular indication towards favoritism, just the way it shaped out. Thanks for all the kind words in the comments and be prepared for more to come in this story and potentially others if I can get them wrapped up and approved as well.

Chapter 10:

At the breakfast table the next day, we chatted casually. The girls carried on about some school happenings while I got lost in my own thoughts.

I tried not to dig too deeply into the thought that what we were doing was socially unacceptable. My mind understood all the reasons, but it fought against itself. I wondered, shortly, if we had grown up together, would I still be able to rationalize it all as, okay?

I did know one thing. One thing that stood above the concerns and worry. Never, in my life, had I wanted not to fuck something up as much as this.

The first couple of months I grew to love them quickly, as sisters. That had grown and reshaped. I simply loved them now. Simply, but absolutely.

"What are you smiling about?" Kat teased.

"How much I love you two," I replied sincerely.

"Aww," they said together. Kat followed, "We love you too."

Lina nodded, "Mhmm."

"Since you love us so much," Kat started, "Can you take us dress shopping today?"

I tilted my head a bit, doing my best to recall what I could of the previous conversations. "Oh," I gathered, "for prom?"

"Mhmm," Kat replied.

"You want a ride to the store?" I offered.

"Maybe a bit of an audience too," Lina said seductively.

"About prom," Kat snapped me out of a daydream, "Will you take us?"

"I would love to," I said reflexively, adding, "Don't you think people might..." I let my words trail off.

Lina tilted her head cutely, "People might what?" She continued, "Think you're a heroic big brother who took his dateless little sisters to the dance?"

"I have to imagine you were asked," I joked, "I mean, look at you two."

They looked at each other as Kat replied, "We were asked."

"We said no," Lina answered.

"Then I will be the luckiest guy there."

Their smiles shined brightly at my reply. Kat mumbled softly, "May get lucky too."

"Mhmm," Lina replied.


The trip to the dress shop was much more PG than, I think, any of us intended. The hawk-eyed attendant didn't leave the room outside the stalls for a moment. Her eyes were a bit judgmental until the twins called me their brother.

Their fashion show took about an hour. They truly looked great in everything, and I gave my honest opinions. They made up their minds. Kat picked a little deep red dress. It had thin little straps over the shoulders and fit her breasts snugly. The space in between was a little bit sexy, but still classy. It flowed down nicely, hugging her form a bit before flaring out just above the knee.

Lina's pick was a pale peach color. The neck had a slight v to it leading to finer width straps. It hugged her sensually to the high point of her hip when it flared out. It stopped at the knee, with a little bit of a wave to the hem.

They thanked me with hugs and a kiss on the cheek while we looked at shoes. They found a pair the same heels, one pair in black and another a light pink. They swapped them back and forth, each trying them on. Satisfied, Lina picked up the pink pair and Kat took the other.

We settled our accounts, had a light lunch out and returned home.


"We got our admissions letters in the mail today." They smiled.

Kat added, "We got in!"

"Congrats," I offered with a hug. "I'm really glad you're staying close."

"Us too," Lina offered while Kat nodded.

"Why live in a crappy dorm when you can stay at home," Kat joked.

"Don't get me started on crappy dorms," I teased.

"Oh?" Lina searched.

"I had this roommate freshman year," I paused unsure of whether or not I should tell them. Their smiles asked me to continue. "You know the whole sock on the door thing?" They nodded, "Well, let's just say that every day I came home from class, I was met with one."

Kat shrugged, "So."

"No one other than him was ever there when I waited around for the door to open."

They chuckled as Lina made a motion with her hand like throwing dice, "A little, ur ur ur," she squeaked.

"We seem to have a similar problem here," Kat teased me.

"Is it really a problem though," Lina bantered. They had a short laugh.

"Would you mind us having a couple friends over after the dance to celebrate?" Kat asked.

"Fine with me," I replied.

"Would you mind us having a little," she mimed drinking.

"A little?" I asked. They nodded, "Make sure they have someone that can give them a ride home, or they can stay here."

Lina made a faux shocked gasp, turning to her sister with a hand covering her mouth, "Four cute girls in the house, how will he control himself?"

Kat laughed and I cut in, "I'll manage."

"Mhmm," Kat's tone was just a bit sarcastic.


The morning of their prom, we went for a run. We dressed and made our way out. They were absolute knockouts in their dresses. I told them so in different ways on the way. Like the dress shopping and the run before, the prom itself was pretty PG.

We had a great time as we moved through the essentials. Professional pictures were taken of the three of us, many more on camera phones throughout the night. I took a few as they chatted with their friends.

I met quite a few of their girlfriends. Despite them all having a certain allure, I managed to keep my composure with polite responses. Kat and Lina took me out to the floor for solo dances, returning after to the other showing pictures on their phone. Lina grabbed my phone from my pocket, handing it to the little redhead in a white and blue trimmed dress, Kim.

They took me out to the floor and we managed a trio slow dance. I saw a few guys giving me looks as they lay their heads on my shoulders. I received a pair of kisses on my cheeks as we returned to their friends. They looked adorable with their sleepily peaceful looks as we scroll through the pictures.

Becca, a taller blonde, barely more than an inch or two shorter than me, asked for a dance. I kept her at a certain distance, despite her attempts otherwise. When we returned, Kim asked as well. She kept a distance on her own during the dance but, on the walk back, her hand cupped a cheek. I jumped slightly. Kat and Lina shot her a look that she didn't notice.

"Gonna have to keep an eye on that one," Lina mumbled to Kat.

"Mhmm," she replied.

Two boys came up to talk with Lina and Kat. They made small talk for a moment. Kim and Becca slid closer.

Becca informed, "Their ex's."

Kim nodded, "Ben and Eric," her fingers point out the black haired and brown haired boys in turn.

"Football players?" I asked.

"Yup, total meat heads." Kim joked.

"The twins broke up with them last year," Becca added.

"They still look smitten," I offered.

The girls laughed then Kim spoke, "Smitten, I like that. How old are you?" she teased.

Becca leaned in with a whisper, "Being smitten didn't stop them from getting handys from Kristen and Nadia a week later."

They left without the dances they came for. The twins returned, looking a little annoyed, but they smiled as they pulled everyone out to the floor for a fast rock song.

We danced as a group for a while as the night winded down. The girls said they were ready to go and the four of us shuffled our way out to my car. Becca and Kim said their parents would pick them up in the morning. I offered them a ride home, but they insisted, mentioning that her parents wanted to pick them up, in some sort of, "make sure they're not with some boys at a hotel," kind of way.

"Having James Bond over here drive us home wouldn't go over so well," Kim joked from the back seat. She and Becca removed their heels, sighing in relief as they stretched out their legs against the backseat.

The twins did the same, making as much use of the front seat as they could. I could smell their perfume as Kat's leg brushed against mine. Outside of the view of the back seat, her hand rested on my thigh, partially on her own in case she was spotted.

Both their dresses had ridden up a bit as they settled into their seats on the drive. Lina poked at Kat's thigh with a fingernail, pushing it up just a bit as they conversed with their friends.

The teasing continued all the way home, where it ended abruptly. I grabbed a couple beers after changing out of the suit. I was planning to make my way downstairs after about an hour, but I was pulled up short by a question.

"Is this you?" Kim asked, pointing at the painting on the front wall.

I pulled up a moment to nod.

"It's good," there was a hint of flirting in her compliment.

"It was the first thing I painted in my new studio," I stated.

"Merry Christmas, big brother," Lina and Kat said as they popped up out of nowhere and threw their arms around me.

"It's February," Becca joked.

"You're drunk," Kim teased.

I removed myself, saying I was heading downstairs. I cracked another beer and pulled out my phone. I made a couple sketches of a picture of the three of us dancing together. The second one turned out nice. I pulled it from the pad, setting it on the table behind me.

It was picked up the moment I set it down.

"That's so cute," Lina said with a smile.

"Dawww," Kat teased.

"Sup?" I asked.

"Wanna hang out with us for a bit?" Lina asked.

"Thought you'd wanna keep me out of the jaws of the wild animals," I joked.

"If they try to bite, I'll save you," Kat teased.

Luckily, no one was too far-gone when I got upstairs. They had only opened one bottle of wine. My temporary fear of drunken 18-year-olds getting sick left my head. The twins set me down in the chair as they formed a wall of themselves on the sectional.

"We should play truth or dare," Kim suggested.

I groaned audibly at the thought. "Calm down there cowgirl," Kat teased her.

"What?" Kim said mockingly.

"He's not into high school girls," Lina lied with a smile.

"Right bro?" Kat asked.

"I'm not into high school girls," I half-lied. I'm only into two, I thought with a smile.

"That excuse only holds water for a couple months," Kim shot back.

"She's got you there," Becca teased.

"Nothing too crazy," Lina stated.

Kim held her palm up, "PG-13, I swear."

We went around a few times. There was nothing too outrageous. I took truths rather than dares when asked. The questions were pretty tame. Girlfriends, crushes, first kiss, the usual. I stretched the truth where necessary. The dares from the girls did start getting a little interesting.

Kim told Kat to put her feet over her head. She showed off an impressive feat of flexibility as I was thankful they had changed before the game. Otherwise, I would've gotten an impressive eyeful. As it was I still had to look away when I got a glimpse of her shorts pulled tight.

"We used to do ballet, but you should see Lina," Kat offered up a dare to her sister, "Do the cheer stretches."

Lina stood, loosened up her legs a little, and grabbed her foot in one hand and pulled it up over her head. She stretched the other leg straight as an arrow. Her toes tapped the top of her head.

I gave them a short applause and asked Becca. She chose dare. "Do, uh," I thought for a moment, "Whatever your special talent is."

She shrugged, saying, "I can sing a bit." She launched into a pretty good cover song from the 70's.

I clapped for her too. Kim's turn came. From the look I got from the twins, I made a mistake choosing dare. "I dare you to kiss me," Lina and Kat literally mouthed the words as she said them.

They started booing loudly, holding their thumbs down. I laughed at their outburst. Kim watched me as I stood, took a few steps over, avoiding the attempts at tripping my feet by the twins. I flicked their knees, leaning down towards Kim. Her eyes closed and I neared, close enough for her to feel my breath, and kissed her on the forehead.

The twins started giggling joining their voices to yell, "Fatality."

"Works every time," I said.

Kim pouted a bit, realizing she'd been beaten. She didn't get another chance though.

I left the game to make some food. The twins suggested tacos, knowing we still had some leftovers. I gave the meat a quick fry in a pan and brought plates out in my best imitation of a butler.

They didn't last through the first movie. Lina and Kat kept a watchful eye open until Kim and Becca went to bed. We said, "Good night," as they shuffled out of the room.

Lina and Kat followed after with a pair of yawns. I heard the pitter patter of their feet up the stairs as I finished watching.

It ended around midnight with a yawn. I decided I'd head off as well after tossing the dishes in the sink for the morning. The cans and bottle hit the recycling and I made my way upstairs. I stopped on the landing, seeing the lamp light on in Kat's room through the half-open door.

I poked my head inside and made my way over to the bed. They both lay there, facing me. Kat's arm was wrapped around Lina's waist from her spot as the big spoon. I chuckled and gave them each a kiss on the forehead. I saw them stir as I reached my hand out to turn off the lamp.

Lina grabbed my shirt, opening her eyes sleepily. With a cute little yawn she asked, "Stay?"

"Please," Kat begged, propping herself up on her elbow.

My breath caught as the blanket pulled away enough to reveal that her chest was bare, but not enough to reveal all to my sight.

Lina scooted over to the edge of the bed, making room for me to crawl in between them. Kat used her hand on my arm to pull me where she wanted me as I wiggled beneath the blankets.

"I shouldn't stay," I said, fighting myself.

"It's fine," Lina said as she made a quick trip out of the blankets to close the door. I heard the faint click of the lock as she made a quick jump back to the bed.

"Shh," Kat admonished.

"Sorry," Lina apologized as she burrowed her way back in with a shiver that stopped as i put my arm around her. She held it in place as she wiggled her panty-covered butt against me. I realized when Kat's breasts pressed against my back and her thighs rubbed against mine, panties were all either of them had on.

"Hey Lina," Kat whispered.

"Kat?" she replied.

"I think we have him trapped now."

"Mhmm," Lina replied, getting a rise out of me as she pressed rhythmically against me.

"You think it's time?"

"Hmm," Lina mused, "He was a good boy during the game."

"Nice finisher to Kim," Kat joked.

"A proper date to the dance too," Lina added.

"Right proper," Kat shot back before adding, "Would've been nice if he was a little more handsy tho."

"Now he's probably thinking about a handy," Lina quipped.

"I wouldn't say no," I did my best to poke my way in.

"You think it's time?" Kat asked again.

"I am dying to know," Lina replied.

"I was eating a banana this morning and I practically soaked through," Kat joked.

"I'm not sure damn near swallowing it whole is technically called eating," Lina teased. My dick twitched; Lina's rubbing shifted. "I think he liked that visual sis."

"We have to be quiet though," Kat said as her hand roamed down my chest. Down, down, until it sneaked its way under my waistband to my head. She pushed further, palm running the underside all the way to the base, before running upwards again.

Lina giggled, "It feels like you're rubbing my butt."

"I can if you like," Kat returned.

"We really do need to be quiet though," Lina reiterated.

"I have some ideas on that front," Kat snorted.

"What are you planning?" I asked as they rolled me to my back. Lina rolled over to face me, kicking away a bit of the blanket to reveal their chests.

I gave a shiny new penny smile as I took them both in. They kissed me in turn.

It wasn't long before a pair of hands found my waistband. I lifted as they were quickly pushed past my knees. I shuffled my legs to get them past my feet while Kat pulled away a bit.

She gave me a short kiss on the lips before tracing a path down my neck, a little rustle beside me and I caught sight of Lina's panties flying across the room to land on a chair. Kat found her way to my chest, giving my nipples a little suck before a little nip. Then she was on towards my belly button, hands on my knees and breasts making a little valley for my manhood. She giggled at the feeling of it, rubbing up and down a few times before trailing her kisses to my hip bone.

I hardened further at the feeling of her breath on my head. A tentative kiss to the tip gave way to a studious tongue. Her mouth did its very best to explore every inch of me and one hand gently pumped me. Her other hand left its place on my knee to travel down into her panties the moment she enveloped my head. I moaned into Lina's kiss, eyes shooting open to watch Kat take me in.

Lina looked down, shed the blanket to sit in her bare glory on hands and knees. Kat held me out to her after taking a lick from the base to the tip like it was a Popsicle. Lina turned a bit as she leaned down. My hands trailed from her butt to her thighs. I bit my lip when she gave an experimental lick. I was in her mouth a moment later. I moaned again, louder than I intended. Kat shushed me as Lina let her take over again.

My fingers had found her honey. She arched her back and pushed her butt out as a finger gently speared her. A second followed shortly after. She moaned as I curled them while pulling back, taking in a short burst of air as I buried them deep again.

Kat's eager attention was producing quick results. She slowed down as she sensed it. My senses were overloaded and the smell of Lina right beside me was enough to drive me nuts, or to nut. My fingers retreated and I moved my hand to the inside of her thigh. She took the cue and moved it to the other side of my head. Her legs became a triangle as she spread out and stood on her knees.

She scooted her butt back, to look down at me. She giggled a bit at my hungry little gaze before shifting forwards and lowering herself to my mouth. A quiet moan, followed by a louder pair as my tongue explored all it could of her vagina, inside and out. Kat removed her mouth from her new toy to shush her, but it was useless. I could feel her rise a bit, from the pressure on my hips. She straddled my thigh. I felt her slickness as she rocked forward and kissed her sister. Their kiss muffled Lina's moans.

When they separated, Lina couldn't help herself. I felt both of them shift as she was moved downwards. Her breasts brushed my stomach before her mouth took me to the back of her throat. She didn't gag as I redoubled my efforts on her, my nails digging into her lower back as Kat's hand pushed her head just a bit deeper.

She came as my fingers found her nipples and my tongue lashed at her clitoris. I felt her moans through the head of my cock deep in the back of her throat. She nearly managed to take all of me when she came. Her head raised off me, breathing heavily as she slumped over my side. Her hand ran up and down my thigh before giving me a little playful stroke. She wore a sated smile as Kat shifted herself a bit. She put me into her mouth again as she lay along my side, legs up by me. One was bent at the knee, revealing herself to me in an invitation I couldn't refuse.