Attorney Client Privilege Bk. 05


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The dark colored member sprang out still somewhat soft. Lis stroked it once and then began licking it. It hardened a little and then Lis took it into her mouth. As she began working on the black penis she was very aware that the only noise in the room was the sloshing sound of the hardening member spearing through her saliva. The other three people in the room were fascinated with what was happening in front of them.

Suddenly Amy let out. "Jesus that's one thick ass dick!"

Robert's penis had ballooned to its mini football shaped size. Lis let her own oddly sized appendage, her tongue, snake out along the underside of the onyx hardness. Not only was the small audience enthralled with the sex act they were more interested in watching Robert back up his words. It wasn't just a drunken speech shouted out as a useless boast. They knew that Lis was a well educated and beautiful woman that carried herself with a very friendly yet assertive personality. Everyone at the beach party wanted to know who she was and any man would do anything to be with her. Yet here she was on her knees following the orders of this smallish black man like a trained seal.

Lis felt the pressure on the back of her head. Robert's hand was urging her on and Lis responded. She relaxed her throat and began taking the thickest section of Robert's manhood into her wide open mouth. It was really an extraordinary example of dominance. The gorgeous blonde was on her knees, tears streaming down her beautiful face as every muscle in her body worked to pleasure the black man.

Lis had performed this type of blow job many times and not just for Robert. All of her well endowed clients benefited from the fact that she could take an amazing amount of flesh down her throat due to natural ability and now extensive practice. Still Robert was more than eight inches around and his thick prong was Lis' greatest challenge. Yet all three spectators cheered as the servile blonde's lips wrapped around the base of Robert's erection.

"God she did it! My girl's got talent!" Amy exclaimed as she let Paz and Trevor begin a tandem exploration of her body.

"She's extraordinary Robert. You have trained her so well. That fat dick of yours has met its match." Trevor laughed heartily.

Paz didn't join the conversation. He was busy moving his hand up and down Amy's bare thigh. He didn't care that he was the low man on the totem pole, watching Lis suck off his boss had made the young man uncontrollably excited and Amy was a very attractive target. Amy didn't protest the advances. She was truly impressed with Lis' prowess and just as excited as Paz watching the act of obedience. Meanwhile Lis was oblivious to what was happening on the couch next to her. She was sliding Robert in and out of her mouth applying a heavy coat of saliva to the thick cock.

Lis felt a pull on the hand she had placed on Robert's thigh. "Come my dear. You have done your part in making my point with your oral skills. It's time to go to the bedroom."

Lis stood and Robert kissed her, their tongues sliding in and out of each other's mouths. Lis looked over at Amy as she followed Robert to his room. Amy's eyes were closed and her dress had been lowered exposing a pair of perfect breasts. Paz was sucking on one of the nipples and Trevor was standing and getting out of his clothes. Lis' partner was about to get a proper welcome to Jamaica and the role of being a high priced whore by two very handsome and capable black men. In a way Lis envied her. She had become intrigued by Robert's protégé, Paz, who stood a foot taller than his boss.

Once inside the bedroom Lis threw her naked body on top of Robert's on the large bed. They began kissing and then Robert rolled Lis off of him and he got on top of her. He started kissing her again and moved his lips to her neck as Lis moaned her approval.

"I'm so sorry I made you submit in front of them. I became carried away with the excitement of finally having you down here." Robert breathed into her ear.

"Oh Robert you know I love being treated that way." Lis gushed back as she held the black man in her arms.

"Tonight though I only want to make love to you. No role play." The black man informed his beautiful white lover just before he took one of her nipples into her mouth.

"Just get that big black cock inside me before I explode! I've missed this so much!" The statuesque blonde admitted and then she closed her eyes and let the black man have his way with her.

Lis was just beginning to doze off after Robert had finished with her as the high pitched sighs drifting into the room jolted her back to full consciousness. It was Amy and it sounded as if the black men were still going at her. Lis became curious and slowly disentangled herself from Robert, who was fast asleep. She slipped out of the bed and immediately felt the wetness between her legs. Her excitement always flowed when she was with Robert and although there was no real role play tonight was not any different. The black man must have been pent up as he had dropped a huge load in her and now the confluence of fluid was running down her inner thighs. Lis smiled at the achievement and then went to the bathroom and wiped herself with a towel.

It was pitch black in the living room and Lis could barely see as she slowly made her way to the couches. She saw Amy's high heels first, their silver finish reflected what little light there was in the room. Then she saw that Amy was still wearing them. The three of them were in a heaving pile on the largest couch. Trevor was in a seated position on the bottom and Amy was lying on top of him facing away from him with his hard penis firmly planted inside her ass. Amy's and Trevor's legs were positioned off the couch as if they were just sitting on it with Trevor's straddled outside of hers. Meanwhile Paz was standing over both of them. His ebony manhood was moving in and out of her vagina while his long muscular legs straddled both bodies at the hips. Lis could see the young man's perfectly round buttocks moving in and out of Amy as she approached them. From her angle it looked as if her fellow whore was actually being eaten alive by some sort of black monster. Amy's muscular legs were surrounded by the ebony colored muscle and flesh of the two black men. They were flexing and moving in time to each thrust at her body. Lis walked around to the side still naked herself. She got a look at Amy's face in the darkness and saw that she was in utter bliss. It was obvious as she watched her sucking on one of Paz' nipples above her that she wasn't being forced into anything. She went back to the bedroom and slept in Robert's arms.


The apartment was still neat. To Briski it seemed that the struggle had been brief and contained to a small area right next to the couch and coffee table. Still the battle had been brutal and the loser, Chester Bain, was lying naked in front of him on the carpet. Investigators were going over Bain's body with a fine toothcomb. For a while it looked like a NASCAR pit crew readying a driver for the race, yet Chester would not being climbing behind the wheel of anything. He was headed down to the medical examiner's office to be fitted for a toe tag.

"Find anything good Harrington?" Briski asked one of the younger men working on Chester Bain's body for clues.

"Just the usual excitement when one has to go over a naked man's body in intimated detail." Harrington, an assistant medical examiner looked up at Briski.

"Hey, you're the one who dropped out of med school and disappointed your mother." Briski never let a crack go unanswered.

"Briski that was your Jewish mother, mine's Irish and she thinks I'm a God working in this wonderful metropolis' police department." Harrington was up to the detective's level when it came to being a wiseass. "Actually we found him covered in the same solution that your other murder victim had all over him . . . or her."

"Same way as Sedgewick." Cujo said as he walked up behind Briski with Captain Leroy Parker the head of the Vice Squad. When a player as significant as Chester Bain was murdered he got involved.

"Well there's no bullet to the head but yea, he's been strangled and then there's that compression to the torso. He even had the same rib broken as the tranny. Tells me one thing." Larry finished.

"Same killer, maybe a serial killer?" Cujo estimated.

"We do have to let the Lieutenant know about that but more importantly when we talked to Bain we were close and what he was going to tell us was going to get us that much closer. Let's look around." The seasoned detective said as he walked towards the large bedroom in a vain attempt to find Chester Bain's killer.

"Look guys, you're the pros at this but I'd like to be kept in the loop. If only to help you guys with background on this guy and what we know about his life." Parker jumped in.

"Fine with us Cap, we could use all the help we can get our hands on at this point. This is the second time we've seen this type of job and we are putting the two murders together at this point. You know a Tranny named Cameron Sedgewick?" Briski asked parker, a man he respected and had worked with for years.

"No, actually. I'll check what we've got but that one ran under our radar I'm sure." The black Captain responded.

"Well that sounds like par for the course so far." Briski grinned at Cujo and Parker knowing that they had a tough hill to climb.


Lis awoke early. She grabbed a robe that was hanging on the bathroom door and opened the bedroom door and went to the kitchen. As she made her way through the living room she picked up Amy's dress which was lying on the floor. She laid it out neatly on the couch and did the same with the men's clothing. Then she went to the kitchen and opened the large refrigerator. She found a pitcher of fresh squeezed orange juice. She poured a glass and took a healthy gulp and then refilled her glass. She walked to the kitchen window and looked out at the vast expanse of forest and the ocean about a quarter mile beyond. It was truly paradise. She turned and checked out Robert's kitchen. She figured the dishwasher may have been the only appliance retailing for less than $5000. It was all state of the art and commercial grade equipment. This was her first trip to Robert's and she was already missing not being able to visit again when the Sedgewick murder was taken care of up north. Or would she miss it? Would she actually stop selling her body once the only reason she had continued was over and done with?

Her thoughts were broken when Robert emerged from the bedroom wearing his running gear. He smiled from across the expanse of his living room. "Ready for a little run?"

"A run huh? Sure I'm game." Lis said as she walked by him and into the bedroom.

She emerged not 5 minutes later in a pair of red nylon running shorts and a white tee shirt. Although Lis body would look extraordinary in some of the sexier outfits available she was more comfortable in simpler clothing for a workout. As they stretched in the living room both could tell by the condition of their running shoes and the way that they prepared that they were experienced runners.

"It will be interesting to see if those beautiful legs of yours are for real of just for show." The black man goaded Lis.

"I wouldn't get too cocky. I'll keep up." Lis replied confidently as she followed him out the door.

They started out at a rather slow pace. Lis was beginning to think that she was going to have to babysit Robert by trotting beside the older black man when suddenly he picked up the pace. They went a few hundred yards further and then the blonde pushed harder. She was working at her peak stride where she felt most comfortable. Meanwhile Robert was keeping up but his stride was more labored than Lis'. She was obviously faster than her black lover. Still despite having proven to Robert that her legs were good for more than just wrapping herself around him she had a muscular build and was good for about five miles at this pace and no more. She could see Robert with his slim build doing this run at a slightly slower pace and going forever.

After a couple more miles Lis thought she had overestimated the black man's running prowess when he slowed to a walk. She turned and looked back and noticed Robert had stopped at a driveway that looked as exclusive as his own. It led up to a large older white house with royal blue shutters.

"Why don't we stop and see my friend Carl." Robert said.

"Carl? You mean the man who used to travel to the city with you?" Lis' heart suddenly fluttered.

"Lis my dear, you've asked so many questions. I figured you should find out from the man who knows best." Robert told Lis.

"Robert, I have to tell you what I'm doing isn't exactly safe. I don't want to involve innocent people." Lis explained.

"We fear very little from people outside this island. It may look like a large island but we are a tight knit and very powerful community. We are safe down here and so are you. It is something that you should think about for your own future." Robert laid out a not so subtle hint. "Let's go find out what Carl knows about your murdered friend."

They trotted up the driveway and walked to the backyard. They found Carl seated in a lounge chair reading the paper. Lis noticed that despite the warm air Carl was wearing sweat pants and a heavy shirt. As they approached she could see how frail he was.

"Carl! How is my good friend?" Robert bellowed.

"Ah better than yesterday! This chemotherapy is truly a handful." Carl answered and he held out his hand for Robert to shake.

"I'd like you to meet my friend, Lis." Robert presented Lis to his friend.

"My lady I hope you'll forgive me for not standing. It seems I've come down with a rather bothersome case of cancer." The black man explained as he held out his hand rather effeminately for Lis.

"I'm so sorry. How are you doing?" Lis inquired as she took Carl's hand and then sat in a chair next to the lounging black man.

"Ah! I've lived a good life, no regrets. You know all that stuff but fortunately my doctors have said that things look good, a very treatable form of leukemia, but thank you for your concern. Now Robert has told me you have some questions regarding my poor friend Tammy. How can I help?" Carl finished.

"I don't really know why but ever since I stumbled into a major clue to finding Tammy's killer and the incredible thing is that I think the guy who gave me that clue had something to do with killing the boy." Lis started.

"Just like that he told you about Tammy?" Carl inquired.

No actually, he was telling me about his profession. He was a client and he was bragging in a way. Telling me how misunderstood the profession was but he told me about Tammy. He told me he had heard about where the body was buried." Lis explained.

"And you decided to tell the police despite the attorney client privilege standards in your country?" Carl asked.

"Yes" Lis replied wondering why it was her who was answering all the questions.

"And now you are in his stable as well." Robert interjected.

Lis looked at Robert and nodded. She saw what they were getting at and smiled. "So he played me. He wanted to turn me out from the beginning."

"You're a smart lawyer but a young woman. A young woman who grew up on a country club tennis court and not the streets, it's a kind of intelligence that you were very unaccustomed too." Carl smiled.

"Actually it was an equestrian course." Lis felt like shit. X had meant for her to tell the police and then use it as leverage to get her to spread her legs for some of his darker skinned clients.

"Add to that, he wanted to make the murder go away. As long as the body was missing the murder would never go completely away. With Tammy found the parents could bury their child and move on. Witnesses get old, clues disappear and the case goes to the back of the file cabinet. Carl, I know a little about this man. He is street smart. So are the three or four men that work for him. They are quite capable of killing a young call girl." Robert surmised.

"X killed two birds with one stone. He decided to get the matter of his girl's murder over with and use it to get me at the same time." Lis concluded.

"What? Oh no Tammy was a boy. You know that Robert. And his pimp was a woman." Carl seemed to come out of a daze to speak.

"A woman? Tammy . . . Cameron Sedgewick worked for a woman? Lis was shocked.

"I always made arrangements with her. She even came along once with Tammy. She took him right in front of me. She was a masterful dominatrix and then they both . . . well let's just say I am a gentleman and won't go any further with what happened when they let me join in." Carl said.

"Who was the woman?" Lis asked with a certain desperation as she saw Carl visibly tiring.

"Oh I didn't really know much about her. Believe it or not I never knew her name. She had a superb body and dark almond eyes." Carl said as a servant came with a wheel chair and helped the elder black man into it.

"We should go." Robert stood signaling that the interview was over.

"There's nothing else you can tell me?" Lis wanted more but Carl was already being pushed away.

As they watched him go Lis almost went after him. She wanted to ask some more questions. She knew there was more. They turned to leave when Carl called out. It was a combination of weakness and feminine.

"Legs! That's what she had me call her, Legs! Oh, and Robert why don't you use my phone." Carl called out.

"Why do I need a phone?" Robert walked after his friend.

"Because there's no way an old man like you is going to keep up with such a fine young athlete all the way back to your house so just call your car from here." Carl was laughing heartily.

Robert joined in on the joke. He laughed at Carl's jab at him. When he caught up with Carl he took over pushing his chair. One could tell that the two were good friends. They probably depended on each other through thick and thin. Unfortunately Lis didn't see it. She had stopped in her tracks. Something had hit her like a two by four across the face.

They went out to an early lunch after leaving Carl's. Robert asked what Lis was thinking about at least twice. She was preoccupied. Still she had a good time with Robert. He was intelligent and worldly. She always learned something when she listened to him.

After they returned to the house Lis told Robert she was tired and wanted to take a nap. She took a quick walk to the deck overlooking the pool. She saw Amy lying on a lounge chair by the pool. She was sunning herself naked. The blonde saw Lis and waved up to her. The call girl lifestyle was obviously agreeing with former Georgia beauty queen.

"Oh by the way that's the de riguer uniform for the women in this house. So when you wake up." Robert had come up behind her.

"Naked? When did this rule go into effect?" Lis turned and faced him.

"It was decided as soon as the three of us saw the two of you with no clothes on. Maybe it's a little sexist but if you think the men around here are going to keep their pants on with the two of you walking around naked you're crazy." Robert was smiling like the Cheshire Cat as he leaned in to kiss Lis. "Sweet dreams princess."

Instead of a little nap Lis was asleep for over three hours. It seemed to be a habit she was picking up, when she was troubled over something she slept. Lis couldn't believe what Carl had told her. She was certain Cameron Sedgewick had worked for X. Hell she wanted it that way. The evil bastard would be gone. Even if it turned out that X had nothing to do with killing Cameron Lis thought he deserved some serious time incarcerated.

She was just coming out of her heavy slumber when Lis heard her cell phone ring. Although it had international service she was surprised it worked out here in the middle of nowhere. She reached into the bag and pulled the phone out and opened it.