Attorney Client Privilege Bk. 07


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"Good evening ladies." Robert greeted them as she walked over to them buttoning up his dress shirt.

"Good evening Robert." Amy smiled at the black man.

"It's so nice to see you again Amy." Robert reached out for her hand and kissed it. "And you my lady?"

"Robert" Lis gushed as she leaned down and kissed him on the lips.

"I have something for you from Carl. I'm sorry to say that cancer finally got the best of my friend two weeks ago." Robert smiled as he thought about his friend. He retrieved an envelope from the desk and turned to give it to the tall blonde.

Despite the smile Lis could see the grief in Robert's eyes. "Robert I'm so sorry to hear about Carl. I know what such good friends you were."

"I knew my friend since we were children. Believe it or not he was the one that stuck up for this runt of the litter when the bullies lined up against us in the schoolyard. Robert was remembering his friend with pride." In his final days he did not forget you or your mission. He asked that you receive this sealed letter."

"Is that a judicial seal?" Lis asked with an expert's authority.

"Yes it is. If anything Carl was thorough and he wanted things official, he always did." Robert answered.

"What does it mean?" Amy asked.

"It means that Carl left us a notarized affidavit. We shouldn't break the seal unless we are in the presence of an officer of the court, a judge or district attorney." Lis explained.

"Girl, how do you know so much?" Nikki interjected which caused Robert to chuckle.

The four had a brief conversation consisting mostly of the girls giving Robert their condolences regarding his friend Carl. As they were about to take their leave Robert called out to the here women. "Ladies! One more thing. My influence in this city ends at the front doors of this building. If this project of yours becomes overly challenging you know where there is a sanctuary and it is absolute."

They loaded into the elevator and Amy broke the silence. "What did Robert mean about sanctuary?"

"It means that if the shit hits the fan and something happens to me you're to head to Jamaica and Robert's immediately. You both understand?" Lis told the other two women.

They nodded solemnly and then Nikki broke up the seriousness of the moment. "You know I really do think she's some sort of super heroine or maybe an alien. She knows everything does everything. Which one is it honey?"

"You've seen how long my tongue is. You decide." Lis smiled over at the sultry blonde.

Amy was already smiling broadly glad to have the subject changed. The three of them walked out into the night. The two continuing to playfully poke at Lis about her supposed super human abilities. It would be one of the final laughs they'd have together for quite a while.


Lis had it all worked out in his head She had even taken two weeks vacation from her law firm so that 100 percent of her energies could be devoted to bringing down Cameron Sedgewick's killers and Xavier Washington. Still, from her experience as a lawyer she knew that projects worked out in one's head never worked out that way in reality. You had to be nimble and willing to change direction in an instant. While she did it as easily as putting on her pumps in a courtroom she didn't know if she was up to it in such a potentially more violent situation.

The four of them met at Lis' place on the first day of her vacation. Lis led them through the plan of action she thought they should take and then Gideon added some suggestions that ended up being incorporated into the plan. Lis was impressed with the large black man's smarts and was glad that she had worked him over to their side.

They had enough of the story put together from what Gideon had told Lis. As she has suspected he had been driving that night and he had seen and heard things that had narrowed down the killer or killers to someone in X's crew or X himself. They still had to find out who it was and Lis was certain that they would find out who it was in X's basement.

In the meantime Lis decided to give X what he had been waiting for. She went to his townhouse and told him she was going to quit her job and become his full time whore. She was using up the rest of her vacation time and could start immediately. X was overjoyed. From a purely financial standpoint Lis could gross an additional 5 to 10 thousand dollars a week. Just as satisfying was the victory he had achieved. He had taken down a brilliant sophisticated professional woman and made her a part of his stable. A woman who would now cater sexually to wealthy and powerful black men fulltime and she belonged to him. For Lis, her goal of getting her pimp to let down his guard had been accomplished.

She went out every night that week and had three matinees. Lis was getting laid like a porno actress starring in an interracial sex epic. She was jumping from black cock to black cock and earning X a huge sum in just her first few days. Little did her dominating pimp know but her first week was going to be her last. The well toned blonde was planning on springing her trap before she finished her second week.


Lis' head bobbed up and down furiously in the complete darkness. She wanted this particular erection to pop quickly. It wasn't that the blonde whore didn't enjoy this particular client. As she always demanded he was a black man. He was also in good shape and devoid of painful or overly unusual fetishes. He simply liked his sex the old fashioned way which when it came to getting paid Lis was just fine with sometimes.

Today Lis needed a favor and decided that a freebie blow job was appropriate. Judge Elwood Jordan was shocked when he discovered that the gorgeous and very talented attorney at Collins, Kelly and Witt was moonlighting as a painted lady. Lis was just as shocked when she knocked on the door for the job and found that the judge was one of the many men that paid for sex.

At the time Lis knew it for what it was, a gambit by X to out her as a whore and thus force her into becoming a full time girl in his stable. Unfortunately for X Lis and the judge were reasonable people and neither panicked. Since the judge worked in family court and that wasn't Lis' gig they didn't have to worry about conflicts of interest. In fact the two barely knew each other. Lis was smart enough to be familiar with anyone of importance at the courthouse while Judge Jordan knew a sexy woman when he saw one and he was a sucker for a blonde with great legs. Lis' short skirts and high heels were legend downtown and she drove him crazy. The business/sexual relationship continued on about a once a month basis.

Lis needed advice on which judge could be best trusted to hold onto the affidavit that Robert had given her and not let it become public. Afraid that if their relationship somehow became public the affidavit might get thrown out of a court case Lis wanted to use someone besides Elwood Jordan. Understanding the situation the judge had recommended one of his colleagues and then sat down and let the leggy blonde crawl under his robes in her business attire and service him.

Lis attacked the dark skinned prong with gusto. The last thing she needed was to be caught on her knees pleasuring a judge. The sloshing noise of the black penis stabbing into the warm saliva eminated throughout the chamber. The judge was fully reclined in his leather chair his eyes mere slits. The blonde attorney usually took her time with the judge but that was at his apartment or at a hotel room. Today they were in a semi public place and Judge Jordan was getting the skin sucked right off his cock. He had tried to hold off the inevitable but she was so fucking sexy and so good at her work. The black man erupted into her mouth with a groan. Lis expertly sucked the salty cum down her throat and then backed out from under the judge's robe and stood. She smoothed out her wool skirt and pulled up her stockings as the black man looked on with admiration. She was by a wide margin the hottest piece of ass he'd ever bought.

"So Judge Raymond. I've never met him." Lis said as she grabbed her briefcase.

"He's in probate. Your boys Wentworth and Smalley know him inside and out." The judge referred to the two partners a Collins, Kelly and Witt that handled estate work as he pulled up his pants.

"As long as he doesn't need to be serviced, one judicial dick is enough to suck and try and keep my license at the same time." Lis smiled as she turned.

"Lis we're two consenting adults. You're license to practice law is safe as far as our relationship is concerned. As for Judge Raymond, you won't have to worry about any sexual advances. I picked him because he's the most ethical judge I know and that's truly saying something believe it or not. Now take care of yourself with whatever this thing is." The fifty something black man gave the blonde a kiss on the lips.

As Lis was leaving the judge's office she bumped right into Corinna Everlund. The two women held each other and when they found that people were starting to take notice they let each other go.

"Family court, what's a hot shot like you doing down here?" Corinna smiled at her lover.

Lis had thought long and hard about letting her girlfriend in on what was happening. She wanted to know what was happening. She wanted to know what a sharp legal mind like Corinna's thought about her situation but that was exactly why she couldn't tell the muscular blonde. It was her situation. She was a whore and when Corinna found out the shit was going to hit the fan.

"Just dropping off some paperwork for a colleague." Lis grinned back at her.

"Why don't you stop in for a visit?" The muscular blonde nodded towards the elevator.

They made their way up the four floors to Corinna Everlund's office. Behind closed doors Lis was once again subject to the sexual advances of an officer of the court. Lis took a seat on the couch and Corinna settled in right next to her and put a hand on her lover's knee.

"So where have you been lately?" The district attorney leaned in and kissed Lis.

"Mmmm too busy. I'm sorry. I've wanted to be with you. They have me running ragged over there and I can't say no." Lis opened her eyes as their lips parted.

"It's okay. I've heard around the courthouse that you're the new star at Collins, Kelly & Witt. That doesn't come without some serious hours." Corinna smiled understandingly and kissed Lis again.

"What happens if someone comes in here?" Lis giggled running her hand through Corinna's hair.

"They'll be shocked to find I like women! Very good looking women!" Corinna let out with mock surprise and a smile as she got up from the couch.

Lis admired her girlfriend's legs and ass as she swayed over towards her desk. The powerful blonde turned and leaned against the desk and crossed her legs.

"How about dinner tonight?" Corinna seemed to be testing the gorgeous blonde with her invitation.

"Sure, where to you want to go?" Lis knew that I her plan went into effect over the next couple of days this may be a last night o bliss with Corinna and she didn't want to miss it.

"I'll cook." Corinna grinned mischievously.

"Yea and then you're going to cook me." Lis returned the grin as she stood and faced the muscular bull dyke.

"You wear those leather pants you first seduced me with and I'll certainly have you steaming. Would that be such a bad thing?" Corinna grabbed Lis' hand and the two kissed passionately for a long minute.


As always Lis was aware of Cory's subtle hints. She had mentioned the skin tight leather pants and Lis knew well enough that her well built lover wanted to see her in something that showed off her prominent genitals for all the world to see. Cory got turned on thinking about Lis making her way uptown totally exposed, a sexual look that during the day the prim and proper blonde tried so hard to hide. Despite being the top Cory also liked her women to have some masculinity to them. Lis understood that her muscular lover liked a challenge, a fellow dyke or maybe a woman who wasn't so sure about a lesbian encounter, someone that needed to be taken down or expertly seduced. Either way Lis never failed to play the part and play it well. Tonight she had shimmied into a pair of shiny pvc pants. They were every bit as tight as the leather pants. Another pair of Jimmy Choos, a white mid drift blouse and a black jacket that matched the pants and Lis was out the door, eye candy for anyone that was lucky enough to catch her on the street.

Cory Everlund deftly put the salmon into the oven as the doorbell rang. She wanted a quick glass of wine and to get to dinner as soon as possible. She wanted all night to work on her luscious blondie. Relatively speaking it had been a while -- over a week -- since she had been with her girl. She missed touching the athletic blonde, feeling her squirm underneath her while they made love. Still tonight there would be an ultimatum of sorts. Corinna had let the gorgeous attorney play the field for long enough. She had an attraction to men just like Lis but a commitment was a commitment.

Then a familiar cloud drifted into her mind. It had been there ever since She and Lis had gotten close. Had Lis been sleeping with other women? That would have been devastating to Corinna. No woman had ever dared to cheat on her but this one was different. Lis Rome could walk into any room and seduce just about any woman. She was that sexy. All sorts of scenarios and conspiracy theories raced through the bodybuilder's mind and they all drove her to the point of insanity. There was the nightmare where Lis was pressed up against the wall by a well built Hispanic woman. The Latina was kissing Lis and had her hands on her breasts. Then there was Lis all dolled up in a sexy outfit bent over facing Corinna. There was somebody between her legs. Corinna couldn't tell who it was until Lis let loose with an earth shattering orgasm and the same Hispanic woman stood up and came around and began kissing her girlfriend. It was Alana. She was another Assistant District Attorney in Corinna's office and the object of desire of just about every man that walked through the courthouse doors. Corinna had even come close to attempting to seduce the tall black haired beauty before meeting Lis but decided that a workplace affair would be career suicide.

Corinna couldn't figure why these thoughts entered her mind but they were destroying her inside. Had she picked up subtle signs that Lis just didn't like being the bottom in their relationship? After all she was a strong woman with a muscular dyke build. Was she simply enjoying her new found sexuality and going a little girl crazy? Or worse, had she actually hooked up with the tall dark eyed Latina from her office? Was that dirty half Mexican sliding her tongue in and out of Lis' pussy? Corinna couldn't be sure about anything but she was going to find out and if there was a hint of any Latin loving she would do Alana in much the same way she had taken care of that black pimp, a slow sexually oriented death. As with any sociopath, acquaintances drifted in and out of being targets of their violent ways just by whatever might be imagined, realistic or not. And so just like that, an assistant district attorney was in danger for no other reason than she was beautiful and an imagined seductress of Corinna Everlund's girlfriend.

Lis knocked on the door and was greeted with a smile and a passionate kiss. Lis loved being in Corinna's arms. They went to the kitchen where Corinna was keeping an eye on the fish. They giggled and touched each other while Corinna poured a glass of chardonnay for both of them.

"This is a very nice California vineyard. I think that California wines are so overpriced now but something like this is worthwhile." Corinna exclaimed as she finished pouring and then stepped up to Lis and held up her glass and made a toast. "Here's to us. I hope this works out girlfriend."

"Here's to us. And I really do want us together Cory." Lis returned.

"It's just taken so long." Corinna put out.

"I know. I know. Cory I need another week maybe ten days and everything will be smooth at work. I apologize about seeming so cavalier about such an important thing. I have to tell you that I think about you all the time, about us being together." Lis admitted.

"So ten more days huh? Tell me. And I won't be mad because I told you it was alright when we were first together. Do you need ten days for work or to get out of another relationship, with a man . . . or maybe a woman?" Corinna came out with it.

"Work Cory work. I'm not in any kind of long term relationship with a man and definitely not a woman. You have to know that the way you make me feel. There is no one else that can do those things, that I would let do those sorts of things to me. " Lis carefully phrased her answer so that she wouldn't let on that she was having a series of one night relationships with countless men and then there was the thought of Amy's perfect body.

"Well I'm a little better now I guess. You've been away so long. I thought that maybe you were moving on." Cory finished with another gulp of wine.

"Cory you should know that I don't do things that way. I've been burned myself and I don't like sleazy get aways. I would have done anything face to face with you." Lis smiled as she walked over to the amazon blonde and put her arms around her. "And right now the only things I want to do face to face with you involve this sort of thing."

Cory put her arms around Lis as her blonde girlfriend began kissing her. Their tongues touched and then rubbed against each other. Then Cory broke the kiss to talk. "You have no idea the crazy scenes that were playing through my mind."

"Oh my God Cory I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to put you through anything." Lis said while in the big blonde's arms and then grinned. "So what were you thinking about?"

"Stop it I'm embarrassed enough as it is." Cory smiled back and then kissed her again.

"Come on honey let me in on it." Lis playfully pushed her.

Cory hesitated and then said. "You know that tall Hispanic ADA in criminal with me?"

"Sure, Alana something or other right?" Lis answered and then listened.

"That's her. Well I kept thinking about the two of you." Cory Everlund's face was crimson red with embarrassment.

"Well at least you had me sleeping with a beautiful sexy woman." Lis grinned as she kissed her lover again.

"You two did look good together." Corinna couldn't help laughing. "It drove me crazy you know."

"Well let's drive you crazy in another way." Lis reached up under Corinna's skirt and felt her womanhood.

Corinna gasped as the hand firmly brushed against her. She kissed Lis on the neck and breathed against her. Just as she expected Lis found no panties and just flesh. She ran her fingers along the pronounced lips and let the middle two slip into Cory. She began frigging into the amazon, gently at first and then with more and more pressure. She kissed Cory's neck as she worked her. The muscular blonde let out a burst of guttural cries in as she sank into utter ecstasy. Her body began to rock back and forth as she pushed into her lover's.

"That's it baby just let it go. You're getting nice and wet aren't you?" Lis smiled into Cory's eyes as she continued to pump in and out now with all four of her fingers.

"Ugh! Oh! Oh God Oh!" Cory let out in full heat. It had been a while since anyone had made her feel this way. She grabbed at Lis and hugged her into her body. "Go down! You have to go down!"

Lis did as she was ordered. She squatted down and smoothed the mini skirt up. Cory's pussy was dripping with lubricant and had completely relaxed. Lis was looking up at a hole she had stretched wide with her fingers. She stuck out her tongue and dove into Cory. The muscular female let out a loud gasp when the tongue sank into her and when it began to wiggle from side to side she began to scream. Cory marveled at the blonde's prowess. She had taught this girl well, perhaps too well. If she was able to drive her to such sexual heights it was Cory who was in peril of becoming the sex slave to Lis' pleasuring techniques.