Audiobook with My Granddaughter


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"Did you decide?" she asked nervously.

"You really want to do this?"

"I really do, grandpa."

"Here's my biggest concern. How is this going to change our relationship as grandpa and granddaughter? I treasure what we have and don't want to lose that."

"I've thought about that too," Autumn said. "I think it'll bring us closer than ever."

"We'll never be able to tell anyone about this," he cautioned.

"I know."

"Okay, we start Monday."

Autumn squealed as she grabbed him in a big hug, then surprised him with a kiss on the lips. Glen blushed.

"What's the matter? You better get used to a little more affection from me," she told him grinning.

"Yeah, I guess so. Monday, you'll be starting your narrations. I marked them on your script. I'm doing mine between now and then. I suspect three or four days for those. Then we'll do our non-sexual dialogue. I expect at least a week for that."

"When do we get to the good part?" she asked.

He shook his head and chuckled. "After we finish the non-sexual stuff."

"How should I dress?"

"To get into character, I'd recommend you dress like Brenda does in the story."

"What time Monday?" she asked.

"We'll work from ten to four with an hour or so break for lunch."

"What about the scenes at night?"

"Same hours. We're recording audio, not video."

"Just curious, can you record video?"

"Why?" her grandfather asked.

"It thought it might be fun."

"I can record some, but we aren't doing that. This is an audiobook."

"Okay," she said, disappointedly.

"I'd like you to read through the script between now and Monday. Figure out what you'll be wearing for the different scenes and bring those clothes here. Wear normal attire to and from the RV," her grandfather advised.

"Okay. Why?"

"Your mother is working from home. I don't particularly want her to get suspicious that we're up to something."

"She's going to know I'm out here all day long. What should I tell her if she asks why?"

"Tell her we're recording together. I don't want you lying to her."

"Grandpa, mom's got a nosey streak a mile wide. She's going to want to hear what we've recorded."

"Fine. Tuesday, we'll record something she can hear. I've got a couple of old scripts that Kay and I did last Christmas. We can do one of those. You're a young girl and I'm an elf."

"A horny elf?" she asked, grinning.

"Jesus! No, just a regular elf," he replied, rolling his eyes. "Go home. I've got work to do."

"I was hoping to watch you do some recording, so I could get a feel for it."

"Okay, an hour or two. Then I need peace and quiet."


Autumn watched him work for a good part of the morning. She had expected him to fly through his readings flawlessly. That wasn't how it worked. He made mistakes, stopped, regrouped, then recorded again. Sometimes, he recorded the same part several times before being happy with how it sounded.

Seeing this, she was relieved, knowing that she wouldn't have to be perfect on every take. The parts where they would be recording together would likely require rehearsal beforehand. Then it struck her. 'What about the sex parts? Would they be rehearsing and doing multiple takes of those?' she wondered.


Glen got all his solo narratives recorded over the weekend and was ready on Monday morning. Autumn arrived about thirty minutes early to begin. They flipped through the script he had marked up for her. Most of the narrations were hers. In fact, so was most of the dialogue. It intimidated her.

They began by sitting face to face in his booth. It got off to a rocky start because of her jitters, but by lunchtime she had relaxed. They still did multiple takes at times as he wanted her to change something she thought was fairly minor. To Autumn, it seemed like they had gotten a lot accomplished before calling it a day. It had been fun for them both.

"How would you like your retainer; check, cash, or direct deposit?"

"Direct deposit would be great," she told him, then gave him her account info from her phone. He made the transfer as they sat there. "That's more money than I've ever had in my life," Autumn chuckled.

"Set a third of it aside for taxes. If you don't it'll come back and bite you in the ass."

A package arrived for him that evening at the house. Autumn set it out to deliver the next morning.

When she handed him the small package, he thanked her and set it aside. They began work on the Christmas story, and by eleven, had much of it recorded. He sent her a copy of it via text message, just in case her mother asked.

After lunch they were back to the real work and by lunchtime on Friday they wrapped up for the week.

"Monday, we start dialogue. It'll be like what we did with the Christmas story. We'll need to be dressed as our characters for that," he told her.

"I'm curious. You only have dialogue marked for the first half. There's non-sexual dialogue in the second half too."

"What's different in Brenda in the second half?" her grandfather asked.

"No clue? What?"

"Read the script again over the weekend. There's a major change in her feelings and mood. See if you can figure out what."

"Okay, but I've already read it ten times."

He smiled. "Rest your voice, read it again."


In the early afternoon on Sunday, Glen received a text message from his granddaughter.

'She's horny all the time. LOL'

He replied with a thumb's up emoji.

'Mom said dinner is at 6. She's fixing Lasagna.'

'I'll see you at 6,' he replied.

Glen arrived at the house a few minutes before six and set the bottle of red wine he had brought on the kitchen counter.

Shelley walked in and gave him a hug. She was followed momentarily by Autumn. They chatted as Shelley sliced the garlic bread and his granddaughter set the table.

"Mom, can I have a glass of wine too?"

"Sure, one glass. With this stupid virus you won't be going anywhere."

Glen poured three glasses and set them on the table. Shelly joined them carrying the lasagna. Shortly after they began eating Shelley turned to her father-in-law.

"I've noticed Autumn has been spending a lot of time at your place. If she's driving you nuts, send her home."

"Not at all. We're doing a recording together," he replied.

"One of the audiobooks?"

"A children's Christmas story. It's really cute. I'm an elf."

"And I'm a ten-year-old," her daughter replied.

"I'd like to hear that."

Autumn keyed it up and put it on speaker. They all listened as they ate.

"I'm impressed," Shelley said. "You might be good enough to earn a little money doing that one day."

"She's already earned a few bucks," Glen advised.

"A few?" Autumn interrupted. "We've got another few weeks before it's finished, but I'll have made more in a month than I ever did waitressing."

"Wow! Dad, you need any more help?"

"I'm considering doing the Wizard of Oz." he said, winking at his granddaughter. "You might be good as the wicked witch of the west."

Autumn started laughing as her mother slid her glasses down on her nose and looked over them at her father-in-law.

"I poisoned your lasagna," she said seriously.

He chuckled. "Touché."


Before starting on Monday, Glen put two adhesive pads on Autumn's upper chest and ran wires from them to a recording device near his audio equipment.

"What are these for?"

"So, I can shock you when you mess up," he told her.

"Right. What are they really for?"

"I'm recording baselines of your heart rate and breathing."

"For what?"

"Next week you're going to need to be aroused most of the time. By knowing what your baselines are, I can monitor your state of arousal. It isn't perfect, but it's better than nothing."

"Why do you need to know that?"

"Our voices, among other things, change when we're aroused. After you hear yourself, you'll hear the difference."

The week went smoothly, even reaching their goal for the week on Thursday. They spent Friday finishing up the Christmas story, so Autumn could share it with her mother when the main project was done.

"Grandpa, is it normal to be a little anxious about next week?" Autumn asked.

"I'm probably as nervous about it as you are. This is uncharted territory for both of us."

"I see where we're starting the sexy dialogue, but there's some sex stuff too. I thought we were doing that last."

"I changed that so we could better pace ourselves. Monday, I need to work on keeping you aroused most of the day. I'm pretty sure I have that worked out. I also need to monitor your arousal responses during your recordings. That may take a whole day."

"How are you going to keep me aroused all day," she asked.

"It's a trick Kay uses. I suspect you'll find it very enjoyable. Trust me."

"I do. I'm just nervous."

"Relax this weekend and rest your voice."

"I will," she replied, then kissed him on the cheek as she left.

Autumn was a nervous wreck when she arrived. Her grandfather decided to give her a little time to relax before they began. He put the pads on her upper chest to monitor her pulse and respirations, assuming that she would calm down. After fifteen minutes, that hadn't happened. Glen unplugged the electrodes and walked her to the kitchen. After seating her at the table, he poured her a glass of wine.

"Here, drink this. I think it'll help."

"What if it doesn't?" she asked.

"Then we go to plan B."

"What's plan B?"

"I don't know. I haven't figured that out yet," he said, shrugging his shoulders.

Over the next twenty minutes she drank the wine and was more relaxed.

"I think that worked. At least I'm not shaking anymore."

"Wanna try recording something?"

She sighed heavily. "Let's do this."

They walked back to the booth, and he reconnected the electrodes to monitor her, then handed her the script they were going to do. Her eyes widened when she saw what it was.

"Are you sure this is a good place to start? I mean...Brenda's giving him a blowjob," she asked, nervously.

He chuckled. "We aren't going that far. Just to the part where she kneels in front of him. This is a dry run so we can hear how it sounds when you aren't aroused."


"Remember, you're a little buzzed from the grass you smoked. It's gotten you really horny. Make this as realistic as possible. We're recording, so start whenever you're ready.

Autumn: "Grandpa, I haven't been laid in six months. The grass has made me really horny. I'm going with the flow."

Glen: "But..."

Autumn: "I feel your dick getting hard for me."

Glen: "I think we should talk about this." I tried to pull back, but she resisted.

Autumn: "We can dance and talk at the same time."

Glen: "Fine but ease up with the pelvis."

Autumn: "But it feels good. I'm wet and you're getting nice and hard for me."

Glen: "Brenda, you're my granddaughter."

Autumn: "In title only. We aren't actually related. Grandpa, I'm hornier than I can ever remember being. We're both adults and unattached. The only thing stopping us is two pretty thin layers of clothes." We looked in each other's eyes. "Fuck me, grandpa. I really want this."

My Grandpa didn't reply, and I began lowering myself and knelt in front of him. I took the elastic on both sides of his shorts and pulled it down.

"Cut," he said. "Not bad. Now let's listen to it."

He played it back and they listened. Neither was impressed with the outcome.

"Tell me what you heard," he told her.

"A girl claiming to be horny but sounding like she was reading lines."

"Exactly. Autumn, I need you to trust me now," he said, handing her the small box that had come in the mail earlier.

She opened the box, and her eyes went wide. "A vibrator?"

"Yes. It works by Bluetooth. The large part goes inside and the small part rests on your clit. You can wear it inside your clothes. Kay uses one very similar. It works."

"Grandpa, vibrators make me...," she began.

"This one has lots of settings. I'll be putting it on the lowest setting initially and will increase it only enough to get our recording."

"Okay," she said, walking to the bathroom. His granddaughter returned blushing a few minutes later. "I assumed you wanted me to turn it on."

"Yes, have a seat."

He handed her a different headset as she sat. It covered both ears but had a flexible mic that was positioned to the left of her mouth.

"These pick up just a little breathing. That adds to the realism. Ready?"

"I guess," she replied.

He picked up his phone and started her vibrations on continuous clit and vagina at 10%. She showed no signs of feeling it.

"Anything?" he asked.

"Not really."

He raised it to 20% and saw her smile.

"Can you control the front and back separately?"

"I can."

"Increase the front a little and turn the back to where you started," she suggested.

He made her requested adjustments and watched her, frequently glancing at the heart and respiration monitor.

"It's nice, but not really doing anything. Increase the front."

He raised only the front to 30%.

"Let's do our retake when you're ready," he said.

She began about twenty seconds later. Listening afterward neither was happy. He adjusted again, this time to 40% front and 20% back. She smiled and squirmed a little. It was apparent that her nipples were getting hard.

"Whenever you're ready." She began right away. "Cut! Slow down a notch."

She began again. This time he was listening to a woman who was obviously aroused. Both liked what they heard.

"Let's step it up one more notch," he suggested.

"I don't know. This seems to be about right."

"50 and 20. Start anytime."

Her squirming increased and she had two false starts.

"Too much. I can't do the lines on this setting. I'm too close," she said as she squirmed.

"I need a snack. Want one?" he asked, as he stood and stepped into the hallway and raised the setting to full.

"Noooooo!" Autumn grunted as she bent forward and grabbed her crotch.

Her pelvis bucked as she came. Glen had stopped and watched her silent orgasm then turned it to zero.

She was still sitting as he had left her when he returned a moment later with two waters and a couple of cookies. He sat in his chair grinning.

"Ready to go again?" he asked.

"You could have warned me," she laughed.

"I needed to see what you sound like when you cum."

"How did I sound?" she asked.

"You didn't. Other than your breathing, you didn't make a sound."

"My orgasms always happen where someone might hear me. I have to do it quietly," she advised.

"Since we're recording them for listening, that isn't going to work very well. Let me think about it. Let me know when you're recovered enough to do some more recording."

They went back to recording sexual dialogue about twenty minutes later with the vibrator set on 40/10. It went smoothly and they had what they needed in two takes.

Autumn needed a break and decided to go back to the house for lunch. As Glen was eating his sandwich, it occurred to him. The hardest part is doing things the first time. His plan had been to stretch the sexual activities over two weeks to minimize her stress. That, he knew now, was making things worse. He went to the bathroom and searched through his medicine cabinet, finally finding what he was looking for. He didn't need it to get an erection, but it worked wonders keeping him erect. He swallowed the Viagra then finished his lunch reading over the last sex scene in the script.

Autumn returned refreshed and ready to go after her break. Glen was wearing gym shorts and a tee when she returned.

"Change of plans. I'd like you to put on the nightgown you chose for later in the script."


Autumn put on the short nightgown then joined him at the recording booth. He put on her headset with the microphone.

"How about the electrodes?" she asked.

"I've been making things harder than they need to be. We're going back to basics."

"What about the vibrator?"

"Same thing. We'll need it later, but not right now," he told her as he began recording. Glen turned her script to the last chapter. "I want you to begin here," he said pointing to the narrative before the final scene.

"We've already done that one."

"I know, bear with me. We're recording, so start whenever you're ready."

Autumn began reading and her grandfather walked behind her. He began massaging her neck and shoulders as she read. She finished the lines and stopped.

"Read it again," he said.

As she began reading, his hands moved over her shoulders to her breasts. Autumn gasped when he did but kept reading. She was surprised but enjoying what he was doing. Her nipples told him that his actions were having the desired effect. When his hands went inside her gown onto her bare breasts, she gasped again at his touch.

"Grandpa, this isn't part of the scene," she told him.

"I know, keep reading."

Autumn was definitely getting turned on as he massaged her small breasts and teased her nipples. When she finished the lines, he took her hand.

"Leave the script and come with me."

"Want me to take off the headset?"

"No, we're recording," he replied.

He led her into the bedroom next door, and both sat on the foot of the bed. He continued on her breasts as she watched him.

Glen took his fingers and turned his granddaughter's face to him and kissed her lightly on the lips. It quickly grew into a full open mouth kiss. His hand that was on her breast gently pushed her back onto the bed. Her eyes went wide, but she let him guide her.

The breast play and kissing continued for a few minutes before his hand began moving across her abdomen in a light gentle way, eliciting an occasional sigh. When the hand moved over her hip to the outside of her thigh she stiffened momentarily. When his hand moved past the hem of her gown onto her bare thigh, she gasped. He continued to her knee then with just his fingertips he began upward, bringing the hem of the gown with him.

"Oh, god," she sighed.

Glen's fingers continued on the inside of her thigh to inches from her pussy before she parted her legs more to invite him in. To her surprise, his hand moved to the front then around her groin to the other side and down her other leg, making a circle with her pussy at the center. He continued making the same circle but made it smaller with each pass. When his fingers neared her crotch, her hips raised, hoping that this time he would touch her.

Autumn could feel her heat, wetness, and desire growing with every pass. By now she had parted her legs for him to make herself fully accessible to his touch. At the top of his next pass, his direction changed. His fingertips moved over her mons straight down the outside of her labia with his middle finger gliding over her panty covered clit and between the labia.

"Oh, grandpa. Ohhh," she sighed.

Her hips raised with each pass of his fingers in the now small circle over her pussy.

"Please touch me grandpa," she pleaded, as she reached down and pulled her panties down and off.

The circles stopped as he drew his fingers fully between the labia into the moisture. He brought his wet finger to her lips and coated them with her juices before kissing her again. Autumn had never been so hot and so ready. She wanted him to continue. When his finger entered her she sighed heavily.

"Yes, grandpa. Oh, fuck," she whimpered.

Autumn had both hands on her breasts and moved one to touch her grandfather. He gently moved her hand away.

"Not yet," he said, getting off the bed and kneeling between her legs.

Autumn pulled her legs up near her chest to give him everything. He began kissing the inside of her thighs, moving back and forth from one to the other, getting higher with each kiss.