Audition Ch. 05: Nanette


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The 7 A.M. alarm is rude, a klaxon worthy of a battleship, loud enough to wake the dead. Tessa is riding my face as Deidre rides my hard cock. I have no idea how it got that way, probably attacked by mouth monsters in my sleep. I caress Tessa's full globes as she rides my tongue, making cooing sounds punctuated by ugnh-ugnh-ugnh grunts. Deidre has her own uh-uh-uh grunts as she rides me, her tight channel gripping me in delicious spasms of her sugar walls. It is 7:30 before we all finish. It is only then I notice Gretchen has taken the belt off of Tina and is feasting on Tina's sweet snatch. Well she certainly knows how to make friends. I think her new nickname should be 'Paint Licker', without even knowing of her deal with Deidre.

I shower and shave (aided?) with four women each taking an appendage to wash, five people in a four person shower. Surprisingly one appendage stubbornly refuses to get clean, requiring each to clean it with their mouth as best they can. I pull away in time to let my excitement subside so as not to greet my guest with a raging hard-on. I dress in black slacks and an open black shirt, something I know will be familiar to Nanette from bowling.

Nanette will be parking in the circular drive, so we all gather in the foyer. I'm in the back, with Tina, Deidre, Betsy, Gretchen, and Tessa from my right to my left. They are all naked except for Tina, in her formal platinum collar and black lace one piece teddy. The doorbell rings and Tessa rises to go answer it.

"Welcome, honored guest. I am Tessa, servant to Sir. May I know your name?" Tessa introduces herself politely. Her eyes flash wide as she takes in the beauty of the young woman stepping through the door.

"I am Nanette Handler, and I am here to seduce the pervert you serve." Nan teases, as she glances from face to face after dramatically taking off her sunglasses. Just like her mother, she does know how to make an entrance.

If Betsy is a cow, then Nanette is a gazelle. Betsy isn't much of a cow anymore, her tummy flattened by the Resveratrol and exercise, the breasts which used to point at the floor now pointing straight out thanks to the hormone replacement therapy. Now that she is permanently an eight plus, Betsy is still jealous of Nanette, With good reason.

Nanette inherited her mother's looks, almost an exotic angular face, which is slightly softer due to her youth. Dark hair, parted on the side, with waves down to the shoulder, a hair style her mother used to wear because it never goes out of style. Carly Simon size four dick mouth with ruby red lips. It is a crime those lips have never tasted cock. Dark eyes with green flecks that flash with mischief which dart back and forth, taking in everything.

Slender limbs with graceful motion, she glides wherever she moves. Two tight ass cheeks like a basketball is cut in half and painted flesh to become the cheeks of her ass. A perfect thigh gap, begging a hand to fit into her cunt even when her legs are closed. It is a crime that ass has never tasted cock. It is another crime that the pussy revealed has never chewed on a dick. I must reform this criminal.

The makeup is full Texas doll mask, like Virginia wore to go out. Smoky eye shadow and light blush with rouge. The red lace dress, a babydoll lace chemise in 'officer give me a ticket' red, even has its own red lace collar. You can see her pale nipples through the lace, and the dark fur of a very hairy snatch. Despite that, she is so excited the lips of her pussy have curled into a snarl, displaying the big thumb sized clitoris, ready for the battle between the sexes.

The red lace hem ends an inch after the bottom of her pussy when she is standing up. Sitting down in that dress is like offering the kitty to be petted. I remember the one time her mother wore that outfit for me for that exact reason and my cock instantly gets hard again.

I move forward to greet her, but she is much faster, wrapping her body around me for a long hug. Before the pandemic, it was how we greeted our friends at the bowling league. Men, women -- it did not matter, we were close friends. We hugged, and they were not quick ones, not 'A frame' hugs of polite business associates.

One of the things the pandemic stole that I can never get back is those intimate, affectionate hugs, except for people I'm going to be sexually intimate with, like Nanette. I don't know if she felt my cock, she must have but said nothing.

"You are even more beautiful than your mother." I say loud enough for everyone to hear. I move to turn us to Tessa.

"Nanette, this is Tessa. She is our lowest seniority slave and thus our door greeter. I hope you will be good friends." I try to fight back tears of joy.

"Very nice to meet you Nanette." Tessa shakes her hand and moves back to the line to resume the entrance position.

"Likewise." Nanette says as Tessa is moving away from her.

"Don't acknowledge them individually. For now, you are a guest and they are house slaves. You would not acknowledge the chair over there against the wall. They are exactly like that, furniture, property that belongs to the house, and to me." I instruct her.

"But they are people!" Nanette objects, in a firm voice.

"They are indeed people, very wonderful people. But each one of them has chosen to be my slave. They give up some things to do that, and they gain some things by doing that. One of those things is called protocol, and different dominants do that different ways. You must learn mine. That is a much deeper conversation than we have time for right now." as I take a moment to instruct her how to be a proper guest in my house.

"Nanette, this is Gretchen, she and her daughters, who are about your age, just joined us last night, even though her relationship as my slave predates your birth. Her daughters are at another house I own, with another set of slaves in partnership with another dominant. Gretchen does not have a bed, but sleeps on the floor at the foot of my bed, unless you wish to invite her to yours." I try to explain without explaining.

"Very nice to meet you Nanette." Gretchen quickly shakes her hand and returns to the line.

"This is Betsy. She is next in seniority above Gretchen. She and Deidre were lovers, and they will soon qualify for their own collars. Betsy is an accomplished gangbang queen, with multimillionaires swooning at her feet. She will be your blowjob training thrall, should you decide to remain here as my slave." I explain.

"Very..." Betsy starts to say.

"I've already decided." Nanette says quickly, talking over Betsy.

"And I haven't. It takes a meeting of the minds to have a contract, and you don't know my terms, so there is no way your consent is binding. And believe me, you will be bound. As you were going to say before you were cut off, Betsy?" I take my own power of consent back.

"Very nice to meet you Nanette." Betsy slowly shakes her hand while fingering Nanette's palm, in the so called 'lesbian handshake', and then returns to the line.

"This is Deidre, our hot chocolate bondage bunny. She is due to be collared in the next couple of weeks. She and Betsy have the bedroom next to mine. One of these days, I will have her show you the ropes. In the meantime, she will be your pussy eating training thrall, should you decide to remain here as my slave." I explain.

"I don't need to be trained how to eat pussy. I know how to eat pussy." Nanette objects.

"Sir, If I may demonstrate?" Deidre asks for permission.

"You may if Nanette agrees. Two minute drill." I say happily.

"Why not? Do your best, pussy licker. Eat my cunt in front of everybody." Nanette says with a dismissive wave of her hand.

Deidre lifts up the hem of the dress, pulling it up in the front and the back to Nanette's waist, then digs her claws into the tight ass of the teen (who only qualifies for that label because she is still nineteen for another month). Deidre goes directly to sucking and licking Nan's clit, while sliding her hands up under the dress to fondle her breasts, twisting and pinching her nipples. Then Deidre sands the nipples so very lightly with her open palms, teasing them with the light contact.

Her tongue goes on the offense into the tight cooze, plunging deeply, drilling for oils. Licking up and down Nan's slit with her agile tongue, she feasts on the pussy laid bare before her. Sucking on the clit, she begins humming the 'Mission Impossible Theme' as her claws return to the ass to try to puncture those basketball globes. This causes Nan to thrust her hips forward, arching her back, and the first wave of orgasms crashes through her.

Deidre has plenty of time left, so she goes to collect the oil gusher spewing out of Nan's channel, making sure to tease every millimeter of the opening to her cunt with her stiff tongue. Nan's pussy walls are clenching as waves of spasms ripple through her. Deidre goes back to full length of the slit with flat tongue, rasping the full length of that tongue across Nan's clit tip.

Deidre's lips close in, for more humming, this time to 'Yellow Submarine', as she sucks on Nan's clit. Then the basketball puncture test is over with a thumb sliding up inside Nan's wet channel as the other presents a knuckle to first rim her rosebud, then augur into it. Cue the second wave of orgasms.

At this point Deidre is repeating the pussy to pussy interrogation of Rachel, moving from technique to technique so quickly that Nan can barely respond to one before another is attacking her. The thumb inside Nan's channel should be emitting smoke from the high speed friction, but there is way too much lube for that to happen. Another thumb is plunging in and out of Nan's ass, making her ass muscles shake and toes curl in response. Deidre stands up as her left hand pops out of Nan's ass, and her right hand fingers curl to finger Nan's clit, taking a victory lap directly from Nan's mouth as she kisses her. Cue the third wave of orgasms.

Deidre's right hand goes up inside Nan's sweet pussy, hunting for a G-spot. The rubbing and licking begins, as the left hand returns to thumb probe Nan's ass. Humming on the clit again, this time to "Don't Worry, Be Happy!", Deidre increases the pressure all around.

The suction is stronger. The thumb pushes harder. The two slim fingers that barely fit inside, over stretching Nan's very tight cunt, press harder on the G-spot with every stroke. The tongue rasps Nan's clit like she is using it to sand her clit off. Cue the forth wave, a squirting, hip thrashing, muscle spasming climax Nan will not soon forget. Her knees buckle and three pairs of arms intervene to make sure her landing on the ornate tile floor is a soft one.

"God bless! You are willing to teach me how to do that to you?" Nan looks up, eyes still a little glassy from the intense climaxes and not quite able to fully focus just yet.

"With lots and lots of practice with everyone here. Except Sir, he's no pussy." Deidre teases.

"Thanks for clearing that up for us, Deidre." I chuckle.

"Oh, by the way Nanette, it is very nice to eat you." Deidre teases.

"There are limits." I say sternly, looking at Deidre.

"My apologies Sir. It is very nice to meet you, Nanette." Deidre does it properly this time.

There is a small pool of girl cum on the floor, and I literally have to hold on to Tina to keep her from going to get whatever she was going to go get to clean the mess up. I give her a very hard look and she moves right by my side, back in place. We help Nanette to her feet.

"This is Tina, Mistress of the house, my collared service slut. As you can see from her jewel encrusted platinum collar, she is greatly beloved by all of us, especially me. Your questions go to her first, unless she cannot answer them. She is your fuck training thrall. She will teach you to fuck mouth, cunt, and ass, every day." I say like it is a walk in the park on a sunny day.

"She will also whip your tits, ass, and cunt one night per week, then hang you like a painting to watch some of the rest of us have sex together while you soak up the good vibrations (chuckles). You will obey her as you do me, under the penalties of the same punishments. Just remember when your mother had me spank you in front of your whole family. You violated her orders, but I was the one who spanked you. Be polite to her or suffer the consequences." I warn darkly.

"You speak as if she is already one of us, Master. To my knowledge she has not fully consented yet. I know you are eager to taste her. From the glaze and glow on Deidre's face I would be a fool not to be eager as well. But even if I have forgotten my place Master, I must remind you, everything with consent is fine. Everything without consent is rape or abuse." Tina says, bowing her head and stepping back a step.

"A lesser dominant with a lesser slave would be outraged. You have not forgotten your place, and your place is by my side.", I say with a smile as I pull her harshly back to my side.

I continue "Were I wrong it is your job, your duty, your obedience to my own orders that requires you to speak up. You are to be rewarded for that, not punished. Kiss me and remember, while others cannot do what you did, they are not you. Of all the slaves I have ever had, your will to serve me even at your own expense is unequaled."

"My love for you is steadfast and unwavering. I rely on you for so much. Serve me now. Worship me in front of everyone, remember how jealous they all are, and how grateful I am to have you." I say as I gently caress her hair, then take it in my hand, forcing her to her knees. I am literally claiming her again in front of everyone, while praising her in front of everyone. Nuclear fusion hot for a service slut.

Tina is frantic to get my cock out of my pants, and they pool around my ankles with my underwear. I'm still half hard from Deidre's little demonstration with Nanette. Tina makes quite certain that doesn't last very long, stroking firmly on my shaft and sucking forcefully on my tip to get me fully hard, throbbing hard. Then she settles down. This is her victory lap. This is her reward. She is going to make the pleasure last for me, and she is going to make our audience wait.

She tickles around the rim of my glans. She knows I prefer sucking to treating my cock like an ice cream cone, but she also knows small amounts of it are very pleasurable for me. She deep throats my cock, swallowing around my shaft, taking me right to the edge of climax. She chuckles as she pulls back to the tip, stroking my shaft.

She is giving me a perfect blowjob, one hand on her dominant, one hand on his submissive, cock inside her mouth. Tina is, in so many ways, the perfect submissive. Her submission is what she lives for. My being pleased with her is what she lives for. So something like this, being singled out for praise for doing what would have been direct disobedience if I had not ordered her to do it is like manna from heaven to a service slut. She will ride this high for days.

But even service sluts have to do the work they are given to do. I ordered her to service me, and she has done it. My balls are tight, and even her deep throat strokes followed by long strokes of her hands cannot delay the inevitable. As my balls go full walnut, clenched so tight they get little folds in the skin, she pulls back to circle the tip with her tongue while still sucking on me, lips going back and forth over the ridge of the glans on the tip of my cock, like she is begging for my cum, and she is. My balls start pumping, as I spurt into her mouth, again, and again, and again. Perfectionist that she is, she pulls back to show everyone the pool of my cum on her tongue.

Deidre and Betsy move to join into a cum swap, but I motion them back. This honor is Tina's, and Tina's alone. I caress her head as she looks up at me, eyes filled with happy tears, mouth filled with my cum.

"Behold the best service slut ever! A joy to her dominant and all who are lucky enough to know her. You may swallow or store it like a chipmunk in your cheeks now." I say gratefully as Tina closes her mouth. Did she swallow? Odds are not, since she likes to keep it in her mouth as long as she can. Only her hairdresser knows.

"Time for the tour. Are you ready for the three hour tour? It's quite a hike to see all of this place." I tease playfully.

"First things first. Give me a hug, like the ones you used to give my mom." Nanette says with a grin.

I wrap my arms around her, and she sighs.

"No, not like that. Like on the nights you used to fuck her." Nan objects, moving my hands to her bare ass, then adds, "That's how I knew you were fucking her. You used to put your hands on her bare ass, even pulling her dress up to squeeze her cheeks, holding them for a full minute, right in front of my Dad. Nobody does that in front of a rugged outdoors man like my Dad unless they are fucking his wife and he knows all about it." Nanette was very observant of something I did when I thought only Don could see it.

"I take it you want to join our little club of sex fiends?" I offer playfully, as I knead her tight globes.

"I do. With all my heart." Nan says with the shining face of a young woman looking at her first love.

"Then since I have to do this by the book, according to Tina, who is almost never wrong by the way, I want you to be my submissive. That means you have to obey me when I tell you to do something, without hesitation, or you get punished, no matter what it is, no matter how outrageous. I want you to give me your full and complete obedience. This is the Old School ritual. Offer me your wrists, palms up. Do you offer me your wrists, that I may bind you, and keep you safe?" I ask joyfully.

"I do, Sir." Nan responds, blushing.

I take the yarn from my pant's pocket, wrapping the yarn around, and around, and around her wrists. I kiss her again. Her lips, when I close my eyes, feel exactly like her mother's did. Another joy.

"Do you accept my instructions, my corrections, my punishments, that your guilt and shame may be released and you may become closer to the perfection we both seek?" I ask joyfully.

"I do, Sir." Nanette says with a broad smile.

"From this point onward, I will choose, and you will obey. I ask you again, to repeat your understanding. Do you accept my instructions, my corrections, my punishments, that your guilt and shame may be released and you may become closer to the perfection we both seek?" I probe, hoping she has a clue.

"I do, Sir. I accept your commands, your corrections, your punishments, that my guilt and shame may be erased and so that I may become closer to the perfection we both seek!" Nanette answers with happy tears streaming down her face, that four dick mouth in a smile so big she is ready for all four of them right now.

"Ladies, you are released. See you at breakfast." I dismiss my slaves.

"I offer my services as chaperone. You should not be alone with this young virgin lady. Hanky panky will ensue, and then I won't be able to teach her anything." Tina teases, as she locks my arm in hers.

"I'm sure even if he's bad, he will be good." Nanette teases back.

"I've learned to trust Tina in these things. I'll let her conduct the tour, and will await you both in the den." I say as I disentangle myself, watching Tina drag Nanette away by the hand.

I get a cup of coffee from the kitchen, pinon fudge, my favorite, in my big black Pink Floyd mug. I go sit in the den, looking out the window. I see some movement off to my left, over by the hot tub, so I go to the window. Now I can see them clearly. Gretchen is leading Deidre, Betsy, and Tessa in what looks like the Tai Chi forms I know so well. They all have black Chinese style Gi's on, which to uncultured western eyes looks like they are out there in their pajamas. She is a very good, very gentle teacher.