Aunt Beth

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She knew better, but couldn't resist.
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This story of pure fiction includes incest, infidelity, and sex with younger people above the age of consent. If any of these themes are bothersome for you, please read no further.

The story is rather long, for character developement.

Your comments are always welcomed.

Aunt Beth

Twenty eight year old Elizabeth Montgomery sat in a lounge chair beside the sparkling clear water of her pool. Her dark sunglasses hung loosely on her nose, barely providing protection from the bright sun's rays. Her almost nude and oily body slowly baked and glistened in the heat. Her small yellow bikini she had chosen for the day barely held her 36 C breasts. Long tanned legs lay crossed at the ankle as she peeked over the top of her oversized sunglasses.

Elizabeth was truly her name, but she preferred to be called Beth. Her mother always called her 'Elizabeth' whenever she was scolded for doing something wrong. Negative feelings swept through her whenever anyone called her Elizabeth. Her husband of six years, Kevin, would also call her Elizabeth if he was angered by her. She hated it.

"Please? Please? Please, sissy?" her sister, Ann begged, with her hands clasped in front of her. "It will only be for two weeks!"

Knowing she had no answer now, Beth's mind turned toward their life events.

Even though Ann was eleven years older than Beth, the two had remained close throughout their lives. Ann had practically raised her little sister for 8 years, while their mother worked two jobs to make ends meet. Their dead-beat father had taken off three months after Beth was born, heading for unkown places. They hadn't heard from him since. Ann never complained about raising her sister, but felt cheated out of most of her childhood.

At age 19, a rebellious Ann had gotten into partying, drugs, and had multiple boyfriends. Three years later, she found herself pregnant, not knowing for sure who the father was. She decided to raise the child on her own. Her son, Jamie, was now 18.

Having a child settled her life down, and she eventually married Roger, a health insurance salesman, providing her son with a good man as a step-father. Life had been a struggle for them, but somehow they eked out a living, eventually being able to have a few nice things.

Beth, however, had married Kevin when she was twenty-two, and never had a want for anything. Although Kevin was a great provider, he had an air of arrogance, which irked Beth at times. He was a successful stock broker and lavished her with all things life had to offer... except children.

Although they had tried persistantly, Beth was never able to get pregnant. Test after test indicated Beth had no problems with her fertility. The doctors thought it was Kevin's extremely low sperm count and said they should just continue trying.

Kevin never accepted what the doctor had told them. He knew it had to be something with Beth, in spite of what the doctors had said.

"Beth? Sister? Are you listening to me? Please, can you take Jamie? Please?" Ann pleaded.

Pulled from her thoughts, Beth replied, "You know, Ann, I can't just say 'yes' without checking with Kevin. Besides, Ann, he's 18. Why can't you just leave him home?"

"I probably could leave him home alone. But, this is two weeks! It's a chance of a lifetime for me, Beth. Cruising to Hawaii and back! I don't want to worry about Jamie being okay all that time. There's no phone coverage on the ship. Please? I know he would be safe with you. You know we've never been able to do something like this before! Please?" There was desperation in Ann's voice.

Beth understood. Roger's company had offered the trip to the highest gross salesman in a six month period. Roger miraculously won.

"I will check with Kevin tonight," smiling at her sister's excitement. "I dont think there would be any problem doing it, though."

That evening during dinner, Beth asked her husband if he was okay with having Jamie spending a couple of weeks with them. She told him of the cruise and explained how Ann had never gotten a chance like this before.

Kevin replied back to her rather snarkily, "Well, I guess it would be okay. But, I don't wish to have any narcotics brought into this house! And, he isn't twenty-one yet, so no alcohol for him, either."

Feeling upset with his attitude, Beth fired back, "My sister no longer does any type of drugs, Kevin....ever! It's not even fair bringing that into the equation. And, I wouldn't even dream of giving Jamie drinks, anyway."

"Well, I just want the ground rules made clear, Elizabeth... now, not after he is here," he chided.

Beth's mind reeled. There it was. She was being spoken to as a misbehaving child.... again. He gave her permission... on his terms. She dared not speak for fear her anger might betray her. She simply walked away fuming inside.

Ann was ecstatic to hear Beth's good news. Arrangements were made to have Jamie stay with Beth and Kevin while his parents went on their cruise.

The first few days found Jamie lounging around the house, constantly talking, playing games, or texting on his phone. He and Beth made a few trips for shopping, taking in a movie, and lunching downtown. They both spent many hours at the pool. Beth was sure to wear a conservative array of swimsuits, such as one-piece tanks and conservative two-piece suits. Jamie wore a standard boxer style swimsuit. When at poolside, Jamie's phone was constantly in his hands, texting his friends, playing games, or whatever they do nowadays.

One afternoon, while they were poolside, Jamie said he was going in to take a quick shower. He dropped his phone on the small table between their loungers and went into the house.

A few minutes had passed when his phone pinged. Beth casually looked over to see a message displayed on the screen.

'Y shud fuk her dud' appeared, then slowly disappeared into blackness.

She was a bit shocked by the message. But, rationalized that it was none of her business.

A moment later, 'srsly dud she smokn hot' popped up. Her curiosity got the best of her.

This time, she quickly grabbed the phone and tapped on the screen, keeping the app open. She scanned to see a string of text messages between Jamie and 4 friends. Her hands shook as she quickly scrolled back through them. They all said how sexy and hot some girl was, and what they all would like to be doing with her.

Then, her eyes froze. There was a picture. Jamie had sent it. A bare shoulder appeared in the frame. But, over the shoulder sat... Beth. Her legs were pulled up and spread openly as she reached for a book at the bottom of her lounger. Her firm breasts bulged at the top of her bikini.

"Oh, shit!" she whispered. The boys were texting about her!

She read the message Jamie sent with the pic, 'so fukn hot!'

Shaking, she hurriedly placed the phone back on the table. Her breath came in labored gasps. Her skin flushed.

"Oh, this is so, so wrong," she told herself as she imagined the boys ogling her body. What were they thinking? What the Hell was Jamie thinking? But, her anger subsided. She soon realized, it really did cause a rush of excitement run through her. And, their comments? His one friend saying he should fuck her? That... that was just totally out of line! But, her nipples hardened as she envisioned the boy's excitement.

"No. Stop it, Beth!" she told herself. A thrill buzzed through her. "He is your..."

Jamie's voice interrupted her thoughts. "Want anything while I am up, Auntie?"

Her thoughts were momentarily twisted. 'Does she want anything? Well... yeah... and he's up?'

Fuck! Oh, God! "Get that shit out of your head, Elizabeth!" she silently scolded herself. She was now shaking and a wreck.

"I... I'm good, Jamie," she forced out, knowing it was a lie.

Jamie just grinned. "Ha! I bet you are!" raced silently through his head. They sat in quietness.

Kevin soon returned home. The three of them had dinner and relaxed, then watched a movie.

Once in bed, Beth wondered if she should tell Kevin what transpired that afternoon. After some thought, she decided it was best left unsaid.

She lay there, thinking about how the 5 boys thought she was, in their terms, 'hot'. It had been a long time since she felt appreciated and sexy. It excited her to think the boys liked seeing her body. She felt an uneasy itch in her crotch.

Beth rolled near her husband and reached her hand out to his bare belly. With no children to worry about barging in, the two of them had become accustomed to never wearing bed clothes. She slid her hand down and gently gripped his flacid penis.

"I'm really tired tonight, Beth. Can we wait till the weekend?" Kevin whispered to her, then rolled away.

Frustrated, Beth flopped back to her side of the king-sized bed.

Her mind wandered back to reading Jamie's text messages. The young men found her sexy... hot. Her hand drifted down her body, fingers slipping effortlessly between her aching wet folds.

She visioned the boys seeing her... her bikini clad body. Did they imagine her nude? Her ache worsened.

She opened her legs wider as her fingers gently played in the slickness as she imagined their excitement of seeing her... naked.

Her head spun. One of them had told Jamie he should fuck her. What? Was Jamie even having sex yet? Were any of them? She tried to envision Jamie's cock. Was he masterbating, thinking about her body? Her imagination took her down a rabbit hole of forbidden pleasures. Her body clinched tightly... a climax quietly rolled through her.

A couple of days passed. The tension continued to build in Beth. Her mind fixated on the thoughts of Jamie and his friends seeing the picture of her and the comments they made. Why couldn't her husband feel that way? Her feelings were on overload. She was embarrassed and confused. More though, she felt ashamed of her stongest feeling... excited. There was no denying the arousal she was feeling.

She avoided being at to pool with Jamie, but watched him through the kitchen window.

The weekend arrived, and Kevin and Jamie went go-carting and hung out together. Beth was happy to see them bonding and appreciated the alone time.

As the new week started, Beth asked Jamie if there was anything special he wanted to do.

"Not really," he replied. "Maybe just hang out at the pool?" His eyes seemed to burn into her. "Will you join me?"

Her pulse quickened. "Oh, okay," she spoke hesitantly. "When... What time do you want to go out?"

"Well, I was thinking of going out now. It will only take me a sec to put on my trunks."

Beth was nervous. Her body screamed with excitement. "I'll... I'll meet you out there... in a little bit. I am going to shower first."

In her room, Beth sat at the end of her bed. She shook in anticipation of presenting her body to Jamie again. Kevin hadn't touched her during the weekend as he had said. She was horny and now wanted to show off to Jamie... and his friends. She longed to feel desired.

She went to her drawer and dug through her swimsuits, pulling out a sexy little string bikini she had bought when they vacationed in Jamaica. It was peach colored and barely covered her nipples. The unlined bottom was only two inches wide in the front, and the back barely covered the cheeks of her ass.

"Well, maybe the boys will like this," she mused, tossing the small bikini onto the bed.

Once in the shower, Beth bathed, then shaved her legs. She ran the razor over her puffy pussy, shaving herself bare. She loved the smooth feeling of her freshly shaved mons. She stroked her fingers over it, then let them slide down, finding her swollen clit. Her other hand had found a nipple, pinching and pulling it.

Beth sighed as she pulled her hand free of her nipple play and turned off the shower. Her body fell back against the shower wall as she continued stroking herself below.

She exhaled heavily, reluctantly pulling her fingers from her slippery folds. "Not now," she told herself.

She dried herself, then exited the bathroom. Standing naked at the foot of the bed, she reached for the bikini she had tossed there. Her soft breasts swung freely as she leaned in to grab the swimsuit. Standing there naked, she caught a glimpse of movement in the mirror. Turning quickly, she saw Jamie walking away in the hallway.

What? What just happened? Didn't she close her bedroom door? She was sure she had. Had he been watching her... spying on her? Could he have seen her playing in the shower through the mirror? Her vagina moistened as she thought of it.

"No, he must have just left his room, right?" she thought. It took her a moment to settle her nerves. She slipped into the scanty bikini and tied it loosely so as not to dig into her skin. She walked to the mirror to check herself. Silently, she hoped Jamie had been watching her. She wrapped herself in a cover-up and headed toward the kitchen.

From the kitchen window, she watched Jamie swimming laps in the pool. Nervously, she headed out.

Jamie didn't see his aunt come out and sit in the lounger, tossing her cover-up to the ground beside her.

Beth watched her nephew get out of the pool. His lithe body moved easily, climbing over the edge. He was thin and agile as he moved. There seemed to be no muscular movement when he gracefully raised himself and turned into a sitting position on the pool's edge. His wet suit had clung against him as he climbed out. Beth found herself trying to determine how much of a bulge was in the front of his wet suit. She was ashamed of herself for looking and turned her head away. But, a moment later, her gaze turned back to him.

He shook his head, spraying water around him as if in some erotic commercial. For a moment, Beth chuckled.

The water in his hair still dripped onto his shoulders, making little trails down his back. She watched as it made its way down his smooth taut skin. His body was slim, having a lean frame with smooth, porcelain-like skin. She imagined her hand lightly taking the easy path of those droplets, tracing from his shoulders, down his back, and making the way down toward his waistband. His light colored skin glistened in the afternoon sun. Like a moth drawn to a flame, she longed to reach out and touch him. Her breathing became deepened.

A shiver ran through her, knowing her thoughts were wrong. This was her sister's son! She shouldn't have these thoughts about her own nephew... but she was. Of course, she would never actually do anything... never. But, that little tickle playing in her nipples as she eyed the boy, and the delicateness of his body, couldn't be denied. He excited her.

Jamie climbed from the edge and moved toward Beth. "Hi, you finally made it," he teased.

Beth just chuckled and grabbed her book from the table. She opened it. Behind her sunglasses, she hoped Jamie couldn't see her eyes or what she was focusing on. She was now staring directly at his crotch as he stood in front of her. Could she actually see a thickening down one leg as he stood there, taking in the view of his barely covered Aunt Beth? It looked fairly large... bigger than her husband's.

Oh, fuck! She had to quit this! She had to stop looking at him. But, it was just looking, right? "No harm in just looking," she told herself. "There's nothing that will happen... ever."

Jamie was frozen in the moment. His hot little Auntie Beth lay in the lounger in front of him.... practically naked. Her plump breasts swelled against the small scraps of cloth barely concealing her stiff nipples, poking against the thin fabric. The bottom snugged tightly against her womanhood, showing the shape of the puffy lips beneath it. His penis began to ache as he felt it swelling in front of her.

He turned quickly and sat on the other lounger, his back to her. A long pause ensued.

"How was the water?" Beth finally spoke.

"Uh... good. You should get in!" He was dying to see what her ass might look like in that bikini.

"Maybe in a little while," she responded. "I just want to read for a bit."

Their voices turned silent. Beth raised her book. Jamie turned and reached for his phone.

In a few moments, Joey was keying away. He raised the screen slightly higher than his shoulder. Beth could barely make out the image of them on it, but she knew he was going to take another picture. She decided to give him a show. She put the book side and stretched her arms to her sides, pushing her breasts forward. Both her legs had been pulled up, supporting her book. She dropped each foot to the deck on either side of her lounger and stretched her back. Little did she know that her loosely tied bottoms gaped open, displaying her bare pussy under it.

She saw Jamie fumbling with his screen and frantically pushing a side button. She looked down and saw the leg opening of her bottoms, with a clear view inside. A chill crept through her, immediately stiffening her nipples.

Her irrational mind took hold. He wants a peek? It's only looking, right? I'll show him a real woman. "Show your friends this, Jamie," her mind beemed. She reached down and slid a finger into the leg opening and slowly stroked a wet lip.

Jamie gasped and spun around, his eyes blazing at the sight in front of him. His cock stood tall, making a tent in his swim trunks.

"Oh, God, you are beautiful, Aunt Beth," he gulped.

"You're just going to look, right, Jamie?" she panted. "Just looking is okay... right?"

"Y... yes. Just... just watch."

Beth tugged at the string on her hip and released the small piece of cloth covering her. She pulled her suit aside, exposing her pussy as her fingers stroked up and down the lengths of her labia.

She watched Jamie's eyes widen as he stroked his penis through his swimsuit. "Show me, Jamie. Show me," she begged.

Jamie raised his hips and drug his trunks down to the deck. He kicked them aside, spreading his legs and gripped hard around his cock. His fist covered less than half it's length, his fingers barely reaching around it.

"Oh, my God, Jamie. It's beautiful. Stroke it for me."

The two of them were entranced, watching the other masterbate for each other. Beth rubbed frantically, imagining his majestic cock in her hands as she sucked on the swollen head of it. An orgasm ripped at her clit, fired through her vagina, and raced up her buckling body. "Oh, fuck, Jamie! OH, FUCK!"

Jamie groaned as he watched his aunt's orgasm tear through her. "I am going to cum, Auntie!" he cried. "God, you are so beautiful... so hot.. so fucking hot!" He continued screaming as he felt his balls climb tightly to his cock and blasted a stream of searing cum up through his aching shaft. He squeezed his cock hard but the molton cum shot up into the air, landing on the side of Beth's lounge chair. Stroke after maddening stroke, Jamie shot his seed into the air until his cum finally just oozed out, coating his fist.

Beth lay there panting. Her body still quaking as she watched her nephew cum for her. The 18 year old had just given her the ultimate compliment to her body. She felt happy that this young man thought she was so beautiful that he masterbated over her. She looked down and smiled. Her reward lay splattered over the deck.

"C'mon, Jamie. Let's get cleaned up before Kevin gets home."

They walked back into the house, hand in hand. Then, headed for different bathrooms.

Nothing was said of their afternoon adventure. During dinner, they made sly, lustfull eye contact with each other. Kevin took no notice of it.

The next day, Jamie asked if they could go lounge by the pool. Beth smiled and readily accepted. She knew her sister would be getting home tomorrow, so today would be their last full day together.

Poolside, Beth turned to Jamie and said, "Jamie, I know you took pictures of me and shared them with your friends."

"Well... I... Ummm..."

Beth interrupted him. "It's okay, Jamie. I saw your texts on your phone. I was actually honored by them. But, your friends... will they be discreet? I wouldn't want pictures of me getting around or, God forbid, on the internet!"