Aunt Kim


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Kim sighed softly and I saw disappointment filling her face and heard it in her voice as she asked, "Do you mean can't or won't?"

I felt my own disappointment as I softly answered, "I guess I mean won't Kim."

I pulled her into my arms and kissed her as a lover as my hands feasted on her fantastic body then I stared into her eyes before breaking our embrace and saying, "Truthfully right this heartbeat, it is can't and won't. I came back home to find Laura and try to win her heart. I've never had a permanent relationship my entire life and to be honest most of my relationships were one night stands. I fully intend on leaving here and taking as long as it takes to find every single woman whom I've shared a night with."

I paused and felt tears filling my eyes as I continued, "I tried to be honest and upfront with all of my lovers but I'm sure I hurt some of them. It isn't about them so much as it is about me. I wasn't what one would call safety conscious. I've never even purchased a condom or asked a lady if she were on birth control. There just might be a little Woody or maybe a young what's her name out there and until I am certain that I have done everything humanly possible to discover if I might have children then I can't truly be happy with any relationship."

I laughed half heartedly then finished, "I laid this at Laura's door I guess because I am in love with her and have been since we were children but even more of it is about you and the girls Kim. This most likely will eventually change and I will pray that it does sooner than later but somehow I just know that if I take you or any of your daughters into my bed that I will forget completely about the possibility I may have children I haven't yet met."

Kim was crying as she took my hands in hers and calmly said, "I understand Woody. I don't like it but I do understand."

She giggled and added, "You may think I am a terribly person and an even worse mother but beginning tomorrow, the girls and I are all going to be doing everything we can think of to seduce you and get you in our beds."

We talked until Kim got up to fix us a sandwich around noon then as we ate I said, "Kim there is something else I want to do besides buying the property and fixing up the house and apartment. Actually hundreds of things."

Kim just stared at the sandwich she held lost in her thoughts then just as she started to speak I said, "Yes Kim! You will take my money. I'm going to call the bank this evening and have a cashier's check forwarded to you for."

I closed my eyes and giggled then continued, "I think that first ten million sounds very reasonable and if you don't accept my bid I will fucking spend every dime I have taking the property from you in court."

Kim was caught between laughter and shock. It took her damn near a full hour to recover and then she just nodded her acceptance.

I smiled and said, "Good. The next thing I want is for you to accept a job from me. I will pay you a million dollars a year plus all the usual corporate perks. There is however one huge condition to everything I have said so for and what I will soon be saying. Not a single soul other than you, the girls and Laura can ever know where the money comes from. I've seen the people in this town go after the rich folks and that will be your number one job priority, shielding me from them."

She jumped to her feet and this time I wasn't sure she made it to the bathroom before she pissed in her panties. She had changed from the long white terry cloth robe to a red one so I figured she didn't make it.

She grinned as she sat down then snuggled against me before saying, "Next time warn a girl when you are going to come out with something so hilarious about a true dilemna in small towns like this one."

We continued to chat until just before Sandi would be returning home from school then as I put on my jeans and Kim stared wantonly at my cock I said, "Start packing tonight Kim. I'll rent the back half of the motel as soon as I get there. What we can't store in the rooms we'll put in one of those storage rooms I saw next door. I'll need to talk with Laura about who the more trustworthy contractors are in this area but I figure by this time tomorrow, I will have several coming in to place bids on the work I want done."

I couldn't and didn't resist cupping her left breast as I added, "Once you are settled in the motel, I will go over my plans for your job. I have a million things to do over the next few days but I guess the very first will be hiring a good corporate contract lawyer. I'm an idiot in such matters."

She grinned and as we got to the door she said, "I've got the perfect person for you Woody. That is Bobbie's chosen career and she not only is the top of her class, she is considered the best to ever attend Auburn University and one of the most promising in the entire country."

I winked and said, "Then that is your very first job Madam Chairman. Besides handling a few things for me, she will be your CEO once we get started with your job. The company will have a minimum income of at least 50 million and the first year will take most all of that for construction and personal so pay better than any other business but watch out for your funds."

I kissed very un-nephew like and left her standing speechless as I raced towards Laura's in an even heavier rain.

I was surprised by how efficiently everything went, mostly due to my Aunt and Cousins. Within two days, everything was out of the house and put away. Laura had suggested just two local contractors that she would trust and then added 3 or 4 more to the list from contractors she knew about in surrounding towns. Kim and I both talked with all the different contractors and picked the same one for the job. He was an older gentleman among the first two Laura recommended and that I vaguely remembered. For everything I was planning he was much to small and would be forced to take on a huge work force once things got started but I trusted him.

Thursday morning, I met him at the house and told him everything I was planning. His eyes got bigger and bigger the more I told him then I thought they would pop from his skull when I told him that if he leaked one single word about my involvement that I would sue him for every dime he had or ever hoped to earn and every nickel of my money he had spent on materials or been paid would be automatically rescinded and that that would be included in the contract he signed.

It surprised me as much as what I had said when after a minute he took a deep breath and held out his hand then as we shook hands he said, "I know you remember me a little but not completely Woody. If you did, you would know that this handshake means more to me than the contract I will sign if my wife agrees to it. My word is my honor and I will die before I break my word to a man."

I nodded and knew beyond a doubt we had chosen the right man for the huge job that lay ahead then I said, "If I remember right, there is about 7 acres here. At least an acre of that is from the small barn to the highway and that will remain our home. Your first job after signing the contract will be to decide if you can get everything including parking on the other 6 acres. If you can't, I will expect you to personally purchase any of the surrounding property you need for the job. There will be a hundred million dollars deposited to your account the day after the contract is signed. You might want to have any deeds signed over to you and notarized then filed at the courthouse before word leaks out about that because any land you buy comes out of your pocket even though the land will be deeded to Kim."

He nodded and offered his hand again then said, "Give me a week to get everything drawn out in my head then I will be able to get started after that. There are a few things called tricks of the trade that are not what one would call illegal but that are most definitely at the very least immoral. Have Bobbie meet me at her convenience tomorrow so I can explain them to her and she can include them in the contract."

He took a deep breath and then finished, "At the very minimum, this job will take at least five years to complete though from the first month on some of it will be usuable by the public escpecially the kids. I'm at an age where five years could be too long. I love what you are planning Woody and I don't want you to get screwed should I pass away before the job is over."

I instantly remembered exactly who he was and I softly said, "I think I owe you $7.50. What would you consider a fair payment after 42 years?"

He laughed before saying, "You just paid me in full Woody. It is worth the $7.50 just knowing I left such a good impression on your youmg brain back then Son."

That night I called Laura just after she got home from school and after we had chatted briefly I asked, "Would you mind throwing a party tomorrow night for my family? It is going to be more of a speech on my part to the 6 ladies I love most in this world but it could take several hours and this sexy young blonde named Laura has promised me I could spend the weekend sharing her multitude of charms."

Laura was home by 310PM and by then I had everything ready for my discussion. Mostly chips, nuts, dip and soft drinks for nourishment. I had left a pad on several pens and pencils in front of 5 of the chairs for them to take notes then as an after thought I had purchased 5 cassette recorders in case they needed to go back and catch something they might have missed.

As they sat down I cleared my throat and giggled as I said, "Ladies grab a pen or pencil and start your recorders."

They laughed and then settled down and I said, "You all know a little of what I am thinking but now you get the whole ball of wax. When I was a child this town was as dead as it has always been and is to this very day. My dream was to change that completely. In a few weeks, my dream is going to begin coming a reality. Laura. I am going to spend whatever it takes to have you elected mayor of Grove Hill. I expect you to keep the town safe and approximately the size it is now. I don't want it becoming a metropolis because it would lose it's charm and the safety it provides us all. To augment your salary you will be on the board of director's for the company Kim is in the process of setting up for me. That board will consist entirely of you five ladies and you will answer only to Kim."

I paused and ate a handful of nuts, giving them time to scribble their notes before continuing, "I'm not exactly what today's generation would call it but what we are going to build would have been called party central when I was a child. We will construct and operate every type of entertainment business offered in any large city. It will be strictly cared for and watched over so parents will feel safe letting any of their children use our facility. There will be entertainment for every age group including pre-school all the way up to the elderly."

Again I paused long enough for them to finish writing and take a deep breath then I described every single thing I could think of entertaining that we would have after that, I called a break to give them time to rest and partake of the snacks.

After about 15 minutes I continued, "This won't just be entertainment. I understand from what I have learned over the last couple of days that Bobbie isn't Kim's only child with excellent achievements in the academic world. In fact all of her children are well on their way towards achieving their personal goals and I have work for each and every one of them besides their position in the company."

I winked at Kim and thanked her for enlightening me on all of her childrens hard work then I continued, "Tara when you get back to school I expect you to interview and select an administrator and a head physician to assist you in creating a top flight medical center as good as any in this country. Once you have graduated and gotten your internship finished I expect you to take complete charge and run the facility yourself but until then I will trust your judgment as to whom shall have the job. Just make sure they understand that you will be taking the job yourself once you are ready for it before you hire them."

After another 15 minute break I continued, "Sandi my young sweetheart. I know you are a senior in high school and haven't even started college but from what Laura has told me you will eventually make the ideal person for the job I expect you to do. I want a state of the art library system and art center and museum that caters to all ages. I understand your dream was to work in that field but hopefully now your dream will become to create the best of the best."

After one final 15 minute pause I finished, "Charisma, I understand you have chosen a career in law enforcement. You tell Laura once she is elected Mayor when you are ready and the next day you become Chief of Police. You will also be in charge of the security force that runs the facility and see to it that they and your police force are on the same wavelength so to speak at all times. Hopefully it won't become necessary but if it does I will spend whatever it takes to have you elected sheriff so the county will be as co-operative as possible in keeping our project safe."

After sitting down I quickly added, "One final request if I haven't already given you more than you can handle, I would love to hear any suggestions you all might have but especially those you have Sandi since you are still in high school. Give it some thought and get back to me as soon as you can because Bobbie will need to know everything before she draws up the contract and the building can begin."

I knew the girls would have learned from Kim that my own involvement would be minimal and I expected to never be linked to the project once construction had begun so I waited until they had gone before telling Laura, "Sweetie. I contacted my lady friend in California this morning. She is retiring next year and wants to move here and be a part of what we are doing but we'll discuss that with the others once it happens. She will be handling all my financial transfers and doing them so that the money involved in doing this can't be traced back to me. I trust her completely besides if it weren't for her there would be no money in the first place. I want you to fly out to California this summer and meet her and get to know her. I'm hoping you will be able to convnce her to retire then and join out family. The reason I brought it up is because I know her well enough to know that she will never be happy unless she is working. I'm not sure what job she might want but I know there is very little she can't do. Just think about it and see what you can come up with for me."

As we cleaned off the table Laura pinched my butt then giggled as she said, "I'm still really in a state of shock over the vast scope of your plans Woody but mostly it has been 5 fucking days and I am too horny to think of anything else."

Over the next few months, Laura and I had our ups and downs. Thankfully the ups far outnumbered the downs but geez the downs were nerve wracking to say the least.

We spent every hour of every weekend to gether and occasionally a day here and there during the week and I can't remember us really having an argument. I just knew at times when we talked over the phone she was mad about something.

I enjoyed walking outside after my shower and smoking a couple of cigarettes. A couple of times I was almost certain I had glimpsed Laura's car as it left the parking lot but it was so far away and so dark I could have been wrong especially since I had been thinking about her and wishing she was there with me as I came out of the room for my walk every time it happened.

I had never experienced phone sex but I was aware it existed for a price. I figured who the hell wanted that when the real thing was so much better than it could ever be.

That ended my third week back home. I had just gotten out of the shower around midnight when the phone rang. I was surprised to hear it ring then was even more surprised it turned out to be Laura.

At first, I didn't recognize her voice and she realized I hadn't and pretended it wasn't her. I don't think she would have told me it was her that first time if she hadn't slipped up.

The first words she had said after I answered were, "What are you wearing Woody?"

I gasped then she had giggled and said, "I'm not wearing anything. I'm laying in my bed with my legs spread thinking about your big cock and how great it feels in my pussy."

I said, "God Laura. You had me going there."

She had giggled and then softly purred, "Not yet I haven't but I am going to get you there lover."

She definitely did just that and at first she called me every night we weren't actually in bed together. After a couple weeks, it became 2 or 3 times a week then just once or twice.

This all happened while I was living in the motel. I was elated when the contractor finished the work I wanted done on the house and garage in only 3 months. I was even more elated when Laura spent the entire first week after I moved back helping me break in the place so to speak but then our weekends only sex resumed and the phone calls ended completely.

I had been back home exactly 6 months to the day. It was a Friday and I had planned a huge surprise for Laura to commemorate our 6 month anniversary. Then before I could surprise her, she called me from school and told me she was going to a teacher's conference and wouldn't be back until late Sunday night.

I was heart broken but I tried not to let her hear it in my voice but I suddenly realized the longer we talked that she was trying to start an argument and finally she succeeded.

To this day I still don't have a clue why she did it and we are even closer than ever before, but she definitely did it and it was one hellaceous shouting match.

That is why what you are about to read happened.

Most people wouldn't believe Kim is my Aunt. In fact, she's twenty plus years younger than I am. But her father is my Granddad, and that makes her my Aunt, any way you cut it.

We hadn't known each other but a few months. In that time we had become very close but the day Laura and I had our argument, I saw Kim at the post office. We spoke a few minutes then a friend spoke to her and I just turned and walked away from her, lost in my own thoughts.

I had had my plans with Laura altered and it looked like a sexless weekend lay ahead. I bought a couple of Skin rags and settled down to let my hand tend to my needs. It was definitely as close as I would get to some hot sex, this weekend.

After fixing myself some chips and dip, I cracked open a six pack and settled down on my easy chair. The mags were pretty good, and damn hot in the bargain. I mean, Erection City.

The sight of Jeanna Fine deep throating ten inches of black dick made my balls ache with envy. I had some work to do, but it could fucking wait, as far as I was concerned. My cock began to throb inside my pants, and I stroked it as I thumbed through a mag.

If I wanted to take my dick out while I looked at fuck pictures, I could do it. And I did. I had my prick in my fist, stroking the swollen boner with a lazy rhythm.

The images of one particular redhead kept me hard and I didn't even flip the page to see what lay ahead. You should always look at a sex mag the whole way through, before you get yourself off, because the next picture might be a real doozie.

I was pretty sure I'd save my squirt off for the next magazine but this little redhead was a real cutie pie. I still intended to check out the rest of my mags. Just in case. And that's when the fucking phone rang.

I lay the mag still open on my footstool. I was still playing with my peter, just stroking it, when I picked up the phone. There was no voice, but I could hear soft breathing.