Aunt Linda Ch. 04


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I jerked upright and realized that my cock was quivering and fully erect poking through the front of my boxers. I had been so focused on Linda and that image of my mother that I had totally forgotten that I was half dressed in a moving vehicle. I quickly tried to put my erection back inside my underwear. I wasn't as successful as I would have liked.

"Oh, that's okay dear. Just try not to get too much goo on anything... well, anything but me." Linda teased.

"So, I think that answers your question doesn't it." Linda grinned and kept driving. I was beginning to wonder where we were going. It hadn't taken this long to get to the college from Aunt El's house. Even on surface roads we should have been getting closer.

"Where are we headed anyway?"

"That'll be a shirt, honey." Linda responded.

"Wait a sec. I was just... oh, what the hell." I stripped off my shirt and tossed it into the back. I figured that riding around in boxers wasn't all that much different than riding around in a shirt and boxers.

"Very good. Okay, so we're getting gas, and then we're stopping by Wilson Lake, then we're going to my house."

"Gas?" I said as the car began to decelerate. Linda was slowing down as we approached a well lit gas station of some sort. It was apparently the only station for some way, but despite the 7 islands of gas pumps out front there were no other cars gassing up. I saw a beaten up Ford parked in front of the doors, but that was probably the attendant. Well, fine. I could wait a few minutes while Linda gassed the car. At least that would give me some time to get my erection under control. Besides if I eased down in the seat the attendant wouldn't be able to see a thing. No problem, right?

Linda reached into her purse, pulled out a credit card and held it out to me. "Premium, please. Fill 'er up."

"What?!" I blurted.

"You heard me. Fill 'er up. You don't expect a lady to fill her own gas tank when she's out on a date with a young man do you? Surely your mother raised you better."

"Bu... But, Aunt El! Oh, fine." I reached into the back seat for my clothes when Linda popped me in the nose with the credit card she was holding.

"Did I say anything about getting dressed, dude?" She smiled widely.

"I'm just wearing boxers! I can't... I mean, I couldn't... "

"You can and you will. Or you can spend the rest of your little vacation wondering what other little secrets I might have told you... or showed you... And wouldn't that be a shame. I was just starting to really get to know that handsome cock of yours."

Fuck. Just... fuck.

"Okay. Fine. But if I get arrested you have to bail me out, okay?"

"Sure thing, hon. I'll even explain that your medication must have been badly dosed or something." Linda's mirth seemed to increase as my discomfort rose. I guess I should have gotten used to this by now. Still, I'd only discovered this side of her today. What a difference a day makes.

I snatched the card out of her hand and hopped out of the car. I hoped there was at least no broken glass around here. Barefoot at the gas station. Well, at least barefoot was explainable. Running around bare ass because your sexy aunt is fucking with you... well, that's more of a challenge.

I popped open the tank and ran her card through the automatic reader. Well, thank goodness for technology. At least I didn't have to pay inside at the counter. That would be hard to explain. I could do this. I just had to be quick about it. I punched the button for premium and set the tank to filling as I hunkered down by the car. With the car between me and the station, I could avoid the attendant's eye.

Naturally, at that point, Linda opened her door and got out of the car. She shut the door and said, "I'm just going to pop in for a minute. Remember to fill it up there, champ."

Fine. Just fine. I heard Linda's footsteps as she walked across the lot to the station door. She was about five steps away when I heard the beep-boop of the car doors being remotely locked. Great. Just great.

The gas pump handle ka-thunked as it reached the full mark. I stood up and removed the nozzle from the Toyota, re-capping the tank. As I turned to replace the nozzle and take the receipt I noticed that Linda was chatting with the station attendant. They were going on and on like old friends while I was standing out here in a pair of boxers. Luckily, at this stage any hint of an erection had disappeared. I was not enjoying this.

I hopped from foot to foot impatiently. I even tried the door handles on the driver's side of the car hoping against hope that one of them would actually open. Not a chance.

Linda seemed to be having a blast. She was laughing and joking apparently. Of course, she was. She glanced my way and I motioned for her to unlock the doors. It seemed reasonable. Maybe, just maybe she wasn't messing with me. Maybe she'd just reflexively locked the doors. All of us do that right?

Linda waved back. She was holding an opened Diet Coke. That had been what she'd needed. A Coke and a smile. Great. Finally, she turned from the counter and walked back toward the car. Thank god. As she got closer, she clicked the door fob and unlocked the car. I piled into the driver's side and hunkered down in the passenger seat as I waited for her to cross the lot.

Her door opened and in slid my mischievous aunt. She looked at me innocently and said, "What?"

"Oh not a thing Auntie Dearest. Not a damned thing."

She smiled. "Good."

Starting the car, Linda eased forward and then pulled alongside the station. We were parked near the side door rather than the front entrance.

"Aunt El. What are we doing?" I asked in a small voice.

"Bartering, dear."

The side door cracked open and then pushed all the way out. A woman... maybe in her mid-30s... short, round, and wearing a dark golf shirt, dark trousers, and a visor with the station's logo on it stepped out of the door. I saw my window slide down and Aunt Linda called out, "See, I told you. He's a cutie isn't he?"

The woman replied, "Yes, ma'am. He's not bad at all. I think he's not very happy about this though."

Linda chuckled, "Oh, he will be. He will be. But, we need to get on our way. So I should pay up."

"Sure thing, ma'am. I think that'd be nice." The station attendant smiled in a way that was almost predatory.

"Bobby dear, give the nice lady your boxers."

"My what?" I gasped. "Linda, this is too far. I mean, I'm all for games and fun, but this is too much. Let's just go."

"Now, Bobby, I made this lady a fair trade. And you're going to help me fulfill that trade because you're a good person. And because you want to find out more about me. And because if you don't take them off now, you'll have no reason to take them off around me ever again." Linda, affable Linda, was suddenly quiet and serious. She meant it. She wasn't joking.

Fine. What the hell? I was probably going to jail anyway. For something. Linda was going to land me in some kind of mess eventually, but my hormones wouldn't let me shut the door on her. I had only had a taste so far. A taste that was irresistible.

I stripped out of my boxers and handed them out the window.

The lady took them from me and ran a finger down my arm to my elbow.

"Well, you are a handsome fella aren't you. Too bad, that pretty thing down there isn't as glad to see me as I am to see it."

She eyed my crotch and my now flaccid prick.

Linda reached over and grabbed my dick lightly in her right hand. "Oh, it's worth a brief wait. I mean, this isn't really what all the fuss is about, sweetie."

Linda's hand teased and slid along my length as my body predictably reacted to the situation. And, honestly, I have to admit that even I was getting a bit of a thrill from this stranger's intense gaze. She was staring firmly at my lengthening erection, as Linda stroked me to full length. I'm afraid I even moaned. A bit.

Linda released me and called out, "See, told ya. Totally worth it, wasn't it."

The lady replied, "No kidding. You come back any old time you want. The cokes are always on me."

I stared first at the station attendant, then at Linda.

Linda replied, "You got it. Well, I better get him home before he bursts all over the upholstery." The car slipped into reverse and we backed away from the station. Linda pulled onto the road and I finally mustered up the wherewithal to say, "For a coke?"

"What was that dear?"

"You stripped me naked in front of a stranger and jacked me to full erection for a coke?"

"Oh no honey. I did that because it makes me fucking hot. The coke was just a bonus. My pussy is actually going to be what hurts the upholstery. Reach over here and feel."

I complied. I ran my hand along Linda's leg from knee, up the inside of her thigh, to her fully engorged labia and soaking wet pussy. "Wow," I managed.

"Yeah, kid. Right there... trace the lips. Tease the clit. Just like that."

I was now so hard it hurt. She was so ready and I was quiveringly erect. One or both of us would pop any second now.

Linda took a quick left and drove down a darkened gravel road. I had no idea where we were, but I kept my eyes on Linda's lips as they parted and she ran her tongue around them. My fingers were teasing her pussy, and dipping briefly into her juices. The road was a bit bumpy, but we seemed to be reaching our destination as the car slowed. I dipped my fingers fully into Linda's cunt as she brought the car to a stop and parked.

I dragged my fingers back along the front wall of her vagina and slowly out over her clit. I slide my hand out from under her skirt and traced the outline of her lips as if applying lipstick to her mouth. I dodged her tongue as it shot out to lick my fingers. I touched the end of her nose, moistening it with her juices, then traced a line over her top lip to the tip of her tongue.

"Mmmm, that's nice Bobby."

"Well, now where are we El? Because I really need to fuck you soon," I whispered.

Linda shut off the engine and opened her door. She slipped out into the night and as my eyes adjusted I saw that she had pulled a blanket from somewhere in the car and was flipping it out over a picnic table. We were apparently at a lake recreation area. I could hear the light sound of waves and the chirps of night insects. The moon was out and there was just enough light to see a short distance. My eyes began to adjust and I saw that Linda was sitting on the top of the table. Her legs were spread and she was motioning with one finger for me to get over there. Well, okay. I could do that.

I stepped out of the car and took a few mincing steps over rough ground to the picnic area. It was a concrete slab with a table. Nothing fancy. But enough.

Linda hiked up her skirt and scooted down to the edge of the table. She looked into my eyes and said, "Okay, Bobby-boy, fill me up with that cock. Give me your cum. Right here. Right now."


Who am I to deny a lady?

I stood at the edge of the table, pulled Linda's ass right to the edge, and sank all the way into her in one thrust, feeling her thighs wrap around me and hearing her moan echo across the open water.

Well, yeah. Maybe we'd get arrested. Maybe I'd go to jail. But I was definitely going to take this woman for everything, every experience, every word, that she could give me. And until I did that, I was going to keep fucking her. Hard, soft, quickly and slowly. In public or in private. I would fuck her anywhere and any way that she wanted. Because, really, we should all treat our family well, right?

Well, I think so. Right here under the moonlight with the writhing, moaning, bombshell that is my Aunt Linda.

An hour later, we were both quite naked, sweaty, and exhausted. Linda had demanded my full attention. After our all day exertions, even my teenage body was reaching its limit. We lay there on that table naked under the stars and I knew that this was a turning point in my life. So much seemed possible. So much joy, so much challenge, and so much explaining to do. Right now, though, I just wanted to wrap my arms around this gorgeous woman and let the world pass by.

Linda nuzzled my chest hair and nibbled gently on my nipple. She said, "Watcha thinkin' Bobby-sox?"

"Linda, I stopped being able to think when you climbed out of your pool topless. From there on, I've been trusting in a higher power."

"Your dick?"

"Okay, so not a higher power... but mostly I've been trusting you. I think you love me and that you wouldn't hurt me. Also, that you're so fucking hot I can't imagine ever saying no to you."

Linda ran a hand up my chest to my chin. Holding the chin and directing my gaze to meet hers she said, "Bobby I think we're going to have a lovely time. A lovely relationship. But, I don't have any illusions about it. We'll always have the memories of this trip. We'll, I hope, always be able to get together and enjoy each other when the mood strikes. And, I'm pretty sure you're going to spend a lot of your college weekends with your old auntie." She chuckled.

"No kidding, El. You are a damnned fine excuse to avoid homework."

Linda's voice took on a mock-serious tone, "Now young man, I expect restraint on your parts... er... I mean part." The giggling was enchanting. "But, honestly, you'll work hard during school. And we'll play hard while you're here. But, you and I both know that another woman is going to come along and steal your heart. That's the nature of this relationship. We love each other, and we have fun together. Still, I know that there is someone else out there that will steal you away. You will be swept up by her charms and I'll be a pleasant, probably only occasional, diversion."

I felt like there was wisdom there, but I couldn't imagine a day when Linda wouldn't be the most important relationship in my life. Sure I'd meet college girls. Sure they were cute and closer to my age. But, really, who could possibly stand in place of this gorgeous, mature, adventurous woman?

"Aunt El, you know you're always going to be vital to my life. I can't imagine staying away. I mean, sure I'll meet college girls, and maybe they'll be important. Maybe even one day I'll think about marriage and kids of my own. I know that's not an option between us, but I think you aren't looking for that sort of relationship. So, yes, I'm sure there will be girls in my life, but how could they ever replace you?"

"Girls? Honey, I was talking about your mom. Have you SEEN her ass? I mean, it is amazing. Of course, you'll meet a young girl and get married at some point. But, the truth is as soon as you taste Kathy's sweet little pussy, I'm going to have my work cut out for me to compete."

Best. Vacation. Ever.

"Uh. I guess that's something you know better than I, Aunt El."

"Oh, yes, honey bunny. I've got you for a little while, but then I'm going to turn you back over to Kitty Kat and she's going to turn you inside out. You're going to hate going away to college." Linda slid up my body and kissed me full on the lips.

"But when you do come back, I'm going to remind you that Aunt Linda is older and wiser than your mom. And, she's got a few tricks that even her little sis doesn't know about. So, I'll hang onto a part of you. A nice big part, I think."

I smiled into the dark and replied, "Aunt Linda, you've got all week to carve out that part. I'm all yours. I've seen enough campus visiting and cultural sights and edifying books thank you very much. I want to spend this week with you, in you, on you, and under you. I'm all yours."

Linda softly said, "Of course you are hon. You were the moment you stepped off that plane. Now, let's find my clothes and get back in that car. We need to get home and get some sleep. I don't want to break you on your first day here."

"Oh, Aunt El, I think I'm going to be surprisingly resilient."

"No doubt, kiddo. But I need a shower and a comfortable bed. I want to be able to fuck you raw for a long time to come. Pacing, boy. Pacing is important."

"I'll bear that in mind, sensei."

"You do that and you'll go far. Well, you'll go far with me. And if you're very, VERY good, I'll give you a few of your mom's secret sex buttons. Push that button and she'll surprise you. Though, I guess you're surprised by all of this."

We gathered Linda's clothes and tossed them in the backseat. She hopped into the driver's seat as naked as she was before, but with my shirt on the upholstery.

As we drove back to Linda's house in the dark, I heard my cell phone begin to buzz. I dug around in the clothing until I found my pants and fished it out just in time to avoid voice mail. It was, of course, my mother.

"Hi Mom."

"Hi there, Bobby. Just thought I'd call to tuck you in."

"Well, that's very sweet Mom, but I am a bit old for that don't you think?"

"Not a bit, young man. In fact, I think you are just the right age for a lot more tucking."


Linda snorted from the driver's seat.

"Yes, Tucking. To tuck. As in, to tuck one's son into bed. Tucking."

"Got it, Mom. Tucking it is."

"Besides," Mom replied, "You're going to need a little extra special care when you get back from this trip. If I know my sister, you're going to be especially exhausted and raw when you get back. You'll need a vacation from your vacation."

I blushed, even still. Naked and exhausted from having fucked my Aunt all day long, still, I found a source for embarrassment.

"Uh. I suppose."

"Oh, don't get shy, hon. She'll fuck the shy right out of you in no time. In fact, I'm going to guess that right this second you are naked. Probably covered in her sweet juices, and wondering if this is all a dream."

"Wow, Mom. That's remarkably close. You just left out the part about driving towards Linda's house in her car after ... er... spending time ... near the Lake."

"Oh, she took you to the Lake. I like the Lake. Well, have a good trip Bobby. Have fun. Learn a lot. And come home safely to me."

Well, that was an interesting way to put it.

"I will, Mom."

"Oh, and Bobby. Come home soon. I really miss you."

"Of course, I will Mom."

"No Bobby, I REALLY miss you. And if you don't come back soon, I'll have to track you down, strip you naked, and fuck you like a goddamned animal. So, sleep well. Eat healthy, and tell your Auntie that I said hello as well."

And the phone disconnected.

As we approached the house and the garage door opened for us, I thought that I might still be dreaming. This might be some sort of drug experience. A hallucination. It didn't seem like it, but it sure seemed as improbable as such.

As the garage door closed behind us and we slipped out of the car, I thought... well, if it isn't real, then I never want to wake up from it.

What a trip!

This concludes the story of Bobby and Linda re-connecting. This wraps up that first day. Naturally it could carry on a bit, but this is the story that's been around for a bit. Hope you enjoyed it.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
A continuation?

Really enjoyed the story. But I hope that u will continue on with the story, after all it isnonly the first day of his visit and then he has to go back home. You could be write this story for a long time, it would seem.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Great story

I would love to see a continuation with a Linda, Kathy & Bpb threesome.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Would like to read about Mom & Aunt fucking Bob

MacWriteMacWritealmost 6 years ago
More Please

I enjoyed it a lot - hope you write more about the family

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
More please

This is fantastic please let it continue

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