Aunt Sue's Panties


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"Yes, I know," she said.

"Good, tomorrow morning, I leave for the school at 8:15 AM, at 7:45 AM I want you naked and over my knee for a spanking. Am I clear?"

"Crystal clear, Master," she said, and then: "May I crawl again?"

"Crawl!" he said and she did.

When they entered the bedroom, he went to her music rack, in the corner, and selected some music and put it on. Soft, slow music filled the room, and he held out his hand to raise her up saying:

"Susie, this is a bargain that we'll seal with love! First love and later come the dirty things!"

"Ohhhhhhhhh!" she sighed getting up and clinging to him. She whispered to him:

"Sir, I will take no liberties until you allow me!"

"Liberties are allowed tonight," he said, "I'll stop you if I need."

"Thank you, Master!" she said.

And then they danced and she floated away. Sue was being truthful about the long long length of her adoration of her nephew Derek and her secret fantasy to belong to him in every way, especially a carnal one. She was still almost over whelmed by what was happening but she just allowed herself to float away with it. A little voice, in the back of her head kept saying to her:

"Tomorrow morning, 7:45 AM!" And her answer was a giggled: "Oh, yes!"

As they danced, he allowed his hands to take possession of her, sliding down her back and over her ass cheeks, inserting those insidious fingers again, only this time not stopping until one of them had actually breached her ass hole.

"Ohhhhhh!" she mewled, as the finger poked inside of her.

He moved it around a bit and then pulled it out. He held it up in the air and she knew; she took the finger into her mouth and licked it clean, a wicked smile was on her face all the time.

Then he had his hands on her ass again, as they danced, and she ran her own hands down his back, loving the firmness of him, and stuck them inside of his shorts to capture his ass cheeks with her hands.

"Take them off for me!" he said.

And she knelt, and removed his shorts. He looked down at her, as she was doing it, and he was a transported by this opportunity, this new thing between them. She was always the girl that he compared others to, the one that he secretly, as a teenager, lusted for. And here she was dedicating herself to him in a way that was beyond anything that he could imagine or could have or would have suggested.

She had them at his ankles and then took over with her teeth, coming up with them between her teeth and holding them there, grinning at him.

"Very nice, Susie! So, you've had lots of time to think about this?" he asked.

She shook her head 'yes', and in the process shook his shorts, still between her teeth, up and down, letting them flap like a flag. He laughed.

"Come here now, Susie," he said. "Let me show you how the proper master uses his slave,"

He got her to her feet and then backed her up until the back of her thighs hit the bed and she tumbled back onto it. He pushed her knees apart and move in between them.

"Are you going to . . .eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" she almost shrieked, as his mouth closed over her pussy mound.

"Ohhhhhh," she continued, "No one . . .nowhere . . .no one!"

"Finally then!" Derek said.

She came quickly and with great shouting and rolling around on the bed. She'd been holding this kind of arousal, this kind of orgasm in for such a long time that she just let go! When she was done, she was sweating and grinning.

Derek moved up the bed then and they two were facing one another on the bed, with him adjusting her legs to let him fit inside of them, and then sliding his stiff cock into her more than ready pussy.

"Ohhhhhh!" she sighed again. "Yes, that's it! That's the thing! That's what Aunt Susie wants, needs! That's it! Better than my panties around your cock and I can't wait to do that for you, but this is the thing!"

"Susie, Susie," he said, grinning at her, "You're a talker, a moaner!"

"I'm sorry!" she said quickly.

"No, Susie Belle, I love it!" he said quickly.

Then he began to maneuver his prick in and out of her and she was singing to him all the while he was doing it. He began to move faster and faster, and she was building to another orgasm. She crashed into hers and shortly after that, he released himself and had his own.

They subsided and lay face to face, his lips grazing her face.

"That was wonderful, Master," she said, "Thank you so much."

"Our beginning, Susie, sweet Susie!" he said.

"I love the things that you call me!" she replied.

"What if I call you dirty names?" he asked into her ear.

"Oooooooo, I'd like that!" she giggled.

"What if I called you bitch or slut or whore or cunt, Susie, Susie?"

"I'll take every one of the names you give them and eat them up like dessert.

"Susie," he said, "You're a tigress!"

"Only for you, Master, only for you," was her response.

"Sleepy now," he said.

"May I please clean you first?" she asked.

"Granted!" he said, and she slid down until she had his now limp prick in her mouth, and sloshed it around to clean it with her mouth. She loved the taste of it, thinking of where it had been.

She sunk into sleep very contentedly, snuggled up against him.

7:45 AM:

Sue was awake and out of bed first; she was quiet in her movements, letting Derek sleep, as she went downstairs to get the coffee.She knew his schedule for the morning, as she went about chores in the kitchen. Then she had his coffee ready and went back to the bedroom.

She looked into the bedroom from the doorway, simply staring down at him, sprawled across the bed, naked, his morning erection pressed up against his stomach, his hair disheveled, for all the world as sexy as possible.

She made up her mind about what she was going to do in a few seconds, and went to the bed.

She climbed onto the bed gingerly, after putting his coffee onto the table by his side of the bed, and took hold of his prick. He stirred just a little but didn't actually wake. Then, with a grin that was for herself and not for the world at large, she opened her mouth and took the head of his cock inside. She began a soft sucking motion, and began to lick the area under the head softly.

Derek moaned.

Sue increased the pressure of her lips along the shaft of his cock, pulling more and more of it into her mouth. She fought her gag reflex, as she pushed her head farther down the cock shaft.

"Oh, shit!" Derek moaned, "What is this?"

"This, Master Derek, is what it means to have a slave, when being awakened in the morning."

"Then it's good to have a slave!" Derek said next, "Morning, Aunt Susie!"

"Morning, Derek, my love," she said and then: "Sorry, I can't talk right now, am sucking this wonderful cock!" And moved her head back to the cock sucking.

"Who would have ever thought that Momma's baby sister is secretly a cock sucker?" he asked, smiling.

"Secretly?" she asked, as she licked the underside of his prick, and then she moved a little and took one of his balls into her mouth next.

"Ohhhh, Susie!" he said loudly.

"Mmmmm," was the only noise from her.

Then she went back to the shaft of his cock and now that he was awake, was vigorous in bouncing her head up and down, pushing her mouth farther down on the prick with every down stroke of her head.

Derek stiffened and finally began to cum in her mouth. She clamped her lips down on the cock, holding it all in and riding his flailing hips, while he continued to move around in the final throes of cumming.

"Wow!" he said, when he settled down a bit.

"Morning, sir!" she said, grinning up at him, her head resting on his belly, his flaccid cock now still in her mouth being sucked clean.

"Coffee?" she asked. "Blow job first, then coffee."

"Oh, yes," he said, sipping the coffee. "What time is it?"

"7:00 AM, sir," she told him.

"Mm, shower time; excuse me, Susie, honey," he said and went to the shower, taking the coffee with him.

The time 7:45 AM was immediately her concern. She went to the kitchen got a kitchen chair, placing it in the middle of the room, and waited for him. She was nervous; she didn't think he'd be brutal but:

"How long has it really been, since I've been spanked?"

She didn't know how she'd react, although the very idea of her naked, and him dressed, and further, her naked over his knees was a true turn on. Just thinking about this was getting her pussy hairs wet.

Then he came into the kitchen. She asked if he'd like breakfast then but he said to her:

"No, Susie Belle, there's business to take care of first."

"Yes, Master," she said quietly.

"Come to me, Susie," he said and she did, willingly.

Before she draped herself across his lap he asked her:

"And why are we being spanked today, Aunt Susie?"

"Because I had the temerity to contradict you, Master, yesterday, and I dressed to get the breakfast ready, when I didn't have permission to dress," she answered, blushing.

"Now before we do this, Susie Belle, tell me what you're feeling," he instructed.

"I . . .I can't deny that I'm really turned on by this; I don't like the idea of the pain but I do love the idea of the spanking, of me naked and you dressed and me over your lap, at your mercy . . .I really like that idea, sir."

"Susie, Susie," he crooned to her, "You're filling my world in a way that I didn't even know is possible. You are even turned on by the idea of a spanking."

He gave her a piercing look and asked:

"Do you think maybe that's enough, I mean to have had you thinking all this time about being spanked, the nervousness, maybe the worry; maybe we don't need to actually go through with it at all. What do you think?"

She got an absolutely stricken look on her face and said:

"Oh no, sir! If I may," she said, eyes averted.

"Look at me, Susie, and talk to me," he ordered.

She lifted her gaze and spoke:

"I want this . . .this spanking; I want to withhold nothing from you that crosses your mind; that's what I want for me, is for you to have everything that you want. Honey, this might be my only time like this, and I want it to be full!"

"Oh, yes, Susie Belle, you're everything that I want you to be; now come here!"

She draped herself across his lap, her head and her tits hanging down on one side and her ass sticking up in the air.

"Susie," he said in almost a whisper, as though others might be listening, "You have a world class ass!"

"Thank you, sir!" she said.

"I've always thought it," he continued, now rubbing the surface of her ass cheeks with his hand, "Ever since I was about 13 and took an interest in girls' asses, yours was always the one that I wanted, and here it is."

"When he finished saying the 'here it is', he slapped her right ass cheek.

"Eeep!" she cried out, and then, without being told, she cried: "One!"

"Good, Susie Belle," he said, "You count for me; 10 on each cheek."

"Yes, sir," she repeated, "Ten on each cheek and that's one."

She went through the count, pushing toward the number 20, when he'd stop.

At 12 he asked her if it was too much, for she was sobbing out loud by then.

She shook her head violently 'no' and asked, in a chocked voice, for him to go on with it, and he did, he finished the 20, and then hauled her from his lap and up so that he could cradle her, as she sobbed.

"My good, brave girl!" he said, stroking her hair.

She whispered into his ear:

"Thank you, Master, for spanking me to correct me."

"You're welcome, Susie Belle," he said, "I want you to know that at times I will spank you only because it's fun."

"Yes, sir," she answered, "That's a Master's privilege."

"I almost came, sir!" she whispered then, passing on to him the simple truth of it.

He laughed: "Susie, Susie, you are such a rare treat. That fire in Annie's house was the best possible event in my life."

"Oh, maybe it was, sir!" she said into his shoulder. Then she added:

"Do you have time for breakfast?"

"Honey, I don't," he said, "I'll grab something on the way."

"I apologize for not having something ready for you," she said, kneeling now before him again, "This slut has not learned sufficiently from her spanking, I guess."

"We'll have to take that into account," he said, as he prepared to go.

She went to him then, at the door and draped her arms around his neck, kissing him 'bye' for the day.

"I 'll try to be here for lunch," he said after school today there are meetings about the house and all. I'll call, but I'll be here for dinner."

"Oh, good," she said, "I'll make sure that it's special for you."

She spent a busy morning, going shopping and getting things that she thought that she needed. She was pleased by all of it, when it was done.

She knew it was time for the second part of her declaration. In mind and in her fantasies, it was always a double thing. The scene in the bedroom inaugurated it but the next scene, the one in the kitchen that she was planning was always the one that brought it to fruition.

He called at 11:20 to tell her that he was on the way. She knew that she had about a half hour then.

She was ready on time. She was on 'the spot', the one that she had identified in advance as the place where she'd wait for him, facing the door. She knelt there, naked, her knees splayed out to display her pussy, which she fully intended to ask him if she should shave or not. She had on a dog collar that she'd purchased that morning, which had a little bone tag attached to it with the name "Derek" on it. Finally, at the last minute, when she heard him coming, she put her hands in the pair of toy handcuffs that she had ready, bound now behind her back. She arched her back to make sure that her large, stiff nippled tits were ready to present to him.

He walked into the kitchen and stopped dead, saying a loud:

"Oh, shit, Susie! Look at you! Just look at you! What the fuck did I ever do to deserve a beautiful, naked assed slut like you waiting for me at lunch time?"

"You became my Master," she said quietly.

"What do you want, Susie honey?" he asked.

"Whatever my Master gives me, is what I want," she declared.

"Well today, for this time, I give you the power of choice; what do you want?"

"You're so good to me," she said, her chin wrinkling from the emotion. "I want to worship your cock, Master," she said finally, with tears on her face.

"Worship my cock, eh?" he said, "Up for a little contest, maybe?" The look on his face was infectious, and she said: "Of course, Marine."

"Good," he answered, "Susie Belle gets her way, if she can do a few little things."

"Sir?" she asked.

"First, Susie Belle," he said, grinning at her now, "Sing my cock a little song."

He got it out, half erect, and almost without thinking, Sue began to sing:

"I'm a little teapot, tic, tic, toc; these are my balls and that's my cock!"

Derek was positively bent over with laughter and she joined him, a look of triumph on her face.

"Okay, Sweet Susie," he said, "One more little test; do a dance for my cock."

He went to the radio and turned it on. It was tuned to an 'oldies' station and playing a late 50's early 60's song titled "Wooly Bully".

"Help the dancer up," Sue said and he got her on her feet.

He glanced at her, giving her a fake ferocious look and said:

"Nice tone, slave, spanking!"

"Finally," she said back to him, "What does a girl have to do around here to get a spanking!"

Then, without hesitation, she went into a fantastic dance for him; she was a very good dancer. And he watched transfixed. When the song ended, he was clapping for her.

"You get your wish, Susie Belle," he said, and he moved to be directly in front of her.

She leaned forward and made the first pass along his prick with her tongue. Then she captured it in her mouth. She sucked her way along the length of it.

"Deep throat this time, Susie," he said, "Take your time."

She lifted her head and looked up at him, here eyes glowing with her emotions and shook her head 'yes'.

She captured it again and crept her lips down the shaft. Every time she thought that she was done and couldn't go any further, she hesitated and promised herself another half inch. She worked that way, half inch at a time. She breathed through her nose and paused,when she needed.

"Fucking great cock sucker, and she's my Aunt!" Derek, said, and was rewarded by a wink from his cock sucking aunt.

Finally, with patience and the creeping lips system, she had him all in. She risked a look up into his face, and was rewarded by kiss from him. She blinked her eyes to say 'thank you', and he understood and nodded.

Then she tightened her lips and moved them up and down on the cock. She had it all the way in, in no time, then, the prick in her mouth swelled and spewed its rich liquid into her throat. She worked to take it all, and succeeded.

"Now," he said resolutely, "Something for the Aunt!"

"OHHHHHHHH!" she said as he carried her bodily and put her onto the couch with her upper body on it and her knees on the floor.

"Sorry, Susie Belle," he said, "Don't go away. Phone call."

He got on the phone and used the speaker.

"Geradline?" he asked.

"Yes, is that you, Derek?" she asked.

"Yes, I'm going to be late but I'm free this afternoon."

"You've got a lunch piece!" she said, giggling over the speaker.

"Geraldine, I'm here with my Aunt Sue, my mom's house burned down recently."

"Oops, sorry, Aunt Sue," Geraldine said.

"No problem," Sue answered, barely suppressing a giggle.

He hung up and then was back behind her, applying his mouth to her pussy lips from behind. Sue screeched into the couch cushions.

"Never get used to that wonderfulness . . .never . . .ever!" she wailed, as he continued to eat her.

He accompanied his eating with a finger probing Sue's ass hole and pushed her into an orgasm that she would have shouted to the very world, if her face hadn't been in the cushion. She shook for a long time afterwards, and he pulled her from the couch and held her.

"Thank you, Derek Master!' she said, "You are so so good to me! I hardly deserve this."

"You deserve every bit of it," he said.

Then he laughed: "Spanking now; come with me."

He hauled her up and grabbed her by the dog collar and went into the kitchen, fetching a chair.

"It'll be twenty; count them; tell me first what you did."

"This no good slave got mouthy," she said.

"And deserves?" he prompted.

"And deserves a spanking."

"Right!" he said delivering the first blow.

He had her teary again at twelve and to both of their surprises, at 18 she came, having a shattering orgasm, as he finished 19 and 20, to her count.

He got her up then, and said:

"Got to go now; if I'm around you much more, I'll starve!"

"Oh dear!" she wailed.

"Don't worry, Susie love, I'll get something on the way. And, by the way, I've been contacted by someone who wants an option to buy Mom's property. Think about it."

"I will, darling Derek," she said, and kissed him.

"Oh, please, please, Master, the hand cuffs!" she said and he grinned at her and said:

"Kiss my feet first."

Se worked her way to her knees and kissed his feet and he released her. Then she sprang up and put her arms around his neck for a kiss.

"Special dinner tonight," she said.

"Special reason?" he asked.

"My Master is special," she said, kissing him again, as he patted her ass and went singing out the door. She could hear the strains of his version of 'Wooly Bully' as he went away.

She put on a pot roast for their dinner.

He called at 5:15 PM; it was already getting dark because of the season.

"Dinner smells good," he said, as he came in.

"Pot roast," she said, "It has about 40 minutes to go, time for a shower.

They sat down to dinner at about 6 PM, and discussed the day.

He was a bit tired and they elected for a movie in front of the tv for the evening. It was a romance and she cried, and he held her, as she did.