Auntie Claudia Ch. 02


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Mia shifted suddenly, her body sliding down on the mattress between her mother's wide-open legs and Petra felt the tickle of her daughter's erect nipples grazing down the skin of her belly as Mia slowly descended. Mother and daughter's eyes locked on each other; an intensely erotic stare of insatiable lust, carnal desire and unadulterated passion. Petra was completely under her daughter's elliptical spell and would do anything to please her. Mia's lips softly kissed, licked and suckled the flesh of her mother's abdomen. She lingered there; her kisses and licks on her mother's abdomen growing longer, wider and deeper.

Softly, Mia began to caress Petra's tummy with her hand as Petra gently stroked Mia's hair.

"I came from right in here," Mia murmured. "Didn't I, Mommy?"

"Yes, you did," Petra replied dreamingly.

As Mia continued to literally make love to her mother's abdomen with her mouth and hands; Petra was reaching the point of the most intense emotional orgasm she'd ever known. Her heart pounded, her pulse raced, her chest ached, and she could hardly breathe. Every fiber of her body tingled, and Petra felt as though her soul would literally leap out of her body at any second.

Mia then traced her way down to her mother's sexual center with the tip of her tongue. Guiding Petra's legs up to bend at the knees and planting them firmly on the mattress, Mia devoured the creamy flesh of Petra's inner thighs; that intense stare between daughter and mother never unlocking. Petra's heart was on the verge of exploding and she was trembling to the very core with breathless anticipation.

Mia's mouth fastened itself to her mother's seething womanhood and Petra was nearly launched into orbit. Her body jerked violently as every muscle within her seized. Daughter's mouth feasted ravenously upon mother's sexual center, sending waves of unprecedented carnal pleasure raging through every nook and cranny of the older woman's body and every fiber of her mortal being like electrical current. Mia buried her lips and tongue deep inside her mother; her fingernails digging deep into the flesh of Petra's hips.

As the orgasmic pressure built up inside Petra with the intensity of an imminent volcanic eruption, her body bucked and spasmed as her lungs strained desperately against the pressure of it for air. With the illicit pleasure literally consuming every part of her, Petra's eyes spun erratically in her head as her head itself rolled wildly from side to side; her hands clutching and tugging urgently at the sheets. The combined heat of mother and daughter's bodies entangled and entwined in the throes of unbridled passion had both women drenched in sweat from head to toe.

Petra's tender moans turned to orgasmic howls of erotic release that were reverberating frantically off the walls and ceiling of the small bedroom.

When the climactic orgasm violently tore through Petra's body with the ferocity of a mighty avalanche, Mia held tight to her hips, keeping her mouth firmly fastened to her mother's seething and saturated pussy. As Petra felt the orgasm erupt deep inside her, the look of carnal desire and insatiable lust on her daughter's face became even more intense than before. As Petra's orgasm ravaged body lay spent and exhausted on the sweat laden sheets, she could sense Mia drinking of her abundant discharge of sexual nectar, and as she rose to her knees and crawled seductively up her mother's steaming body, Petra could see the remains of her orgasm glistening on her daughter's luscious lips and chin.

With her hand resting on her chest above her jack-hammering heart, Petra gasped deep and desperately for air as moans of both intense pleasure and intense relief poured out of her mouth. Mia slid down on the mattress beside her mother and cradled her twitching body tenderly into her arms. Petra reciprocated, cradling her much larger frame around her daughter. Holding each other so possessively, mother and daughter gently stroked each other's sweaty hair and pelted each other with soft, sweet kisses.

The lustful heat emanating from both their seething bodies was almost overpowering; the musky scent of two very aroused women hung heavily in the air and flooded both their nostrils as they lay entwined in each other's gentle embrace. Steadily, Mia's soft and sweet kisses found their way to her mother's mouth and their intensity slowly increased.

Soon they were locked once more in a wanton kiss of a deep lover's want and passion as their sweat slick bodies meshed firmly against one another. Petra could taste her own intimate flavor in her daughter's mouth and having it immersed in her boiling saliva created the most erotic and forbidden elixir. Coming up at last for air, Mia stroked her mother's cheek and cupped her chin.

"I've fallen in love with you Momma," Mia whispered.

"And I with you Mia my darling," Petra replied. "Now, I want you to rollover and lay on your stomach for me baby. And I'll show you just how much."

Mia beamed a radiant smile, kissed her mother tenderly on the lips and rolled over, stretching her body out on her stomach, folding her arms beneath her chin and resting her head on them. Letting those sapphire blue eyes shut, she waited breathlessly for whatever her mother might have in store for her next.

It began as a very slow, sensual and intensely erotic massage. Savoring every sensual second, Petra meticulously massaged and fondled every nook, cranny, curve and muscle of Mia's luscious body from the base of her neck to the arches of her feet with the utmost tenderness and affection. Once she reached the bottom, Petra took Mia's right foot in her hand and suckled each of her toes as Mia had her mother's fingers. For her part, Mia nearly melted away as Petra likewise savored the ten digits as if they were the most exquisite morsels of the finest cuisine she'd ever had in her mouth.

It wasn't long before Mia felt her mother crawling slowly and seductively back up her body like a predator stalking her prey, only this time using her lips, tongue and mouth instead of her hands to explore her daughter. Petra suckled, nibbled, kissed and licked virtually every inch of Mia's succulent and buxom young flesh as she worked her way up the girl's back side, ultimately straddling her body and slowly lowering hers down on to it.

The feel of her mother's warm and bountiful breasts mushing down onto her flesh set Mia afire with desire; Petra's erect and protruding nipples scraping against the girl's flushed and sizzling hot flesh. Mia slowly rose up to rest on her elbows, allowing her mother to slide her arms through them and cup Mia's breasts in her hands while she erotically sensually rubbed her body down on to the girl's. Once again, Mia was burning alive in the flames of passion and desire with her mother's touch. Turning her head over her shoulder, Mia gazed so seductively at Petra.

"Kiss me," Mia hissed.

Petra immediately took her daughter's mouth in another passionate kiss as their sweat soaked bodies rubbed together. Shifting around in a whirl of movement, Petra soon found herself once again on her back with Mia atop her as mother and daughter devoured each other's mouths. Mia rose up on her knees, adjusted her mother's legs and then straddled her left leg, pressing her seething and swollen pussy firmly against the sweaty skin of her mother's thigh. She then pressed her own thigh firmly against Petra's saturated cunt.

The feel of her daughter's swollen, soaking wet folds and her rock-hard clit on her bare, flushed skin set Petra afire. Clamping her right leg around her daughter's body, Mia began to gently grate her throbbing pussy down on her mother's thigh as her thigh mashed up against Petra's aching pussy .

As Petra lay beneath her daughter, gently caressing her beautiful young body, she became utterly mesmerized by this raw and primal sexual dance. With her eyes closed, Mia's body swayed gently back and forth above her mother; her head rolling in sensual unison with that motion while the air filled with soft, tender moans of both mother and daughter's illicit pleasure. Mia took her time, slowly increasing her motion to allow both their orgasms to come gradually.

The energy of her daughter's youth captured Petra as the depth of Mia's passion overwhelmed her. Mother was intoxicated breathing in her daughter's potent sexual scent. Petra watched the pleasure build inside her daughter; her own orgasm building simultaneously. Mother and daughter felt the other's muscles seize and spasm when the orgasm finally erupted in each of them and ravaged both to the very core. Collapsing into her mother's arms, Mia was engulfed in a cocoon of love. Her trembling body fell into Petra's shaking but protective embrace as mother pelted her daughter with soft, sensual and continuous kisses.

Finally, Petra gently rolled them over and carefully rested Mia beside her on the mattress. The sheets were so damp; the air was saturated with sex and the musty scent of both women. Lying on their sides, facing one another, their lips slowly came together in another deep, sensual kiss. Mia threw her leg up over her mother's body as Petra slid her leg up between Mia's, again pushing her thigh up against her daughter's drooling pussy. Sensually rubbing and caressing each other's sweaty bodies, mother and daughter's eyes locked in an intense and lustful gaze.

Mia slowly slipped two of her fingers into her mother's mouth and Petra suckled them deeply. Sliding them out again, she immediately replaced them with her tongue and let her hand slide down the front of her mother's body until she buried those two fingers deep inside her pussy. Mia felt Petra's inner wall muscle clamp tightly around her fingers.

"Wow," Mia whispered. "Are you doing that yourself?"

"Oh yes," Petra replied.

Mia slowly pumped her fingers deep within her mother as both their bodies began to gently roll with the motion. Mia took her time, allowing Petra's orgasm to build gradually. Their gazes remained fixed on each other; Mia steadily increased her pumping velocity deep inside her mother. Petra's body began to tremble as the orgasm built and her tender moans increased once more to orgasmic howls and wails. When Mia sensed Petra was close to climax, she pushed her down on her back and dramatically increased the thrusting of her hand and fingers. Petra's hips bucked, her back arched toward the ceiling and her fists clutched desperately at the sheets as the orgasm ripped through her.

Ravaged to the core once more by an incredible orgasm, Petra's body relaxed in a spent pile of bliss on the damp sheets as Mia slid her fingers out of her mother's pussy and back into her mouth, where she gladly sucked them clean. Petra then followed Mia's earlier example and proceeded to suckle every one of her daughter's fingers. Finally, their mouths seared together once more, followed by an immaculately peaceful moment of silence as they stared tenderly at each other.

"This has been the most beautiful night of my life," Petra whispered.

"Me too Momma," Mia replied. "Can I still call you Momma?"

"Of course you can," Petra said. "Why would you ask such a thing?"

"I don't know," Mia mumbled. "It's just that we've... You know...This."

"Listen to me my love," Petra cuddled Mia in her arms. "You are my daughter. You were created in this body and born of this body. You are my flesh, you are my blood, you are my heart and you are my soul. And regardless of anything on Earth or in Heaven; I am now, as I always have been and always will be, your mother. Nothing can, or will, ever change that. Nothing! Do you understand that?"

"Yes," Mia replied.

"And more than anything else," Petra continued; tears filling her eyes. "I love you more than life itself. You and Kurt are more precious to me than air. Oh baby, I wish with all my heart and soul that I could truly explain my love for you and for your brother. And as for what has happened tonight. First between Kurt and I; and now, most especially, between the two of us here in this room; it has only deepened and intensified my love for you. Is any of this making sense?"

"Yes," Mia replied. "Auntie Claudia told me earlier when we were having sex how much she loved me. But then she also told me that her love for me could not even begin to compare to your love for me."

"She's absolutely right," Petra told her. "Tonight's events aside, there is no love greater, deeper or more powerful in all of creation than a mother's love for her children."

"I know," Mia said. "But, doesn't this change everything?"

"You mean because I've had sex with your brother and you?" Petra asked. "It changes everything. But it also changes nothing. Love is a very mysterious, mystical and powerful force Mia. It can do absolutely anything; I firmly believe that. It truly has no boundaries. Only people have boundaries. Love does not. Love does what love wants to do and it takes whatever form it wishes between whomever it wishes. To love, there is no such thing as forbidden. It can be expressed in so many ways and at so many different levels. Many of which can be expressed simultaneously."

"So," Mia hesitated. "You can love me as your daughter and as your wife?"

Petra studied her daughter very closely for a long and quiet moment.

"Why Mia," Petra smiled. "Did you just propose to me?"

"Yes," Mia said with a beaming smile."

"Well," Petra replied. "I think it's a little early to be talking marriage. But to answer your question: Yes!"

Petra kissed her softly on the lips.

"I'm getting all warm again Momma," Mia hissed suddenly very seductively.

"So am I," Petra replied. "And call me Petra. I'm your wife right now."

Both giggled as their mouths seared together in another deep, passion-filled kiss as their sweat-soaked and steaming hot bodies again entwined in the throes of passion.


Kurt gently spread his aunt's beautiful legs. Claudia was stretched out on her stomach on a makeshift bed of comforters, quilts, blankets and a few fluffy pillows they had retrieved from the linen closet. A small fire had been lit and was now burning in the fireplace; filling the rustic living room with a very romantic glow. The old logs were crackling softly under the heat of the flames.

Having stuffed a couple of pillows beneath Claudia's waist and pelvis in order to raise her bottom, Kurt was kissing, licking and suckling his way up the silky flesh of Claudia's right leg. His throbbing hard-on still glistening and dripping with his aunt's saliva from the incredible blowjob she'd just given him. Claudia was breathless with anticipation as Kurt suckled her flesh. Over the back of the knee and slowly up the ample flesh of the back of the thigh.

So soft. So luscious. And so delicious.

And now, slowly up the crest of that magnificently round and ultra-firm right spherical ass globe. Kurt opened his mouth wide and sucked in as much of that luxurious flesh as he could take in and bit down teasingly upon it. Claudia squealed with utter delight. Gently molding a massaging, the left globe of his aunt's divine ass with his left hand, Kurt lathered the succulent flesh of the right sphere until it glistened all over in the dancing glow of the firelight.

Passing over the shallow valley at the peak of her ass crack, Kurt lingered there; the tip of his tongue lathering the small dip and Claudia gasped passionately. Opening his mouth wide, he moved to the great left globe and coated every inch of the beautiful, opulent flesh as he had the right; at last arriving at the deep valley base where he caught the whiff of the musty aroma of Claudia's arousal. Teasingly drumming his fingers up the backs of her thighs, Kurt slowly pushed Claudia's legs further apart before sliding his fingertips into the unknown of the forbidden valley that was now hidden where the spheres of his aunt's magnificent ass met.

Kurt slowly pulled her ass cheeks apart and his nostrils were flooded with Claudia's potent scent, as well as the intense heat from within her body as her seething and saturated pussy lie right before his eyes and nose. And just above it, nestled deeply beneath the folds of these fleshy globes, the darling little rosebud of her sphincter.

Claudia slid her hands back and proceeded to hold open the cheeks of her ass.

"You know what to do lover," Claudia hissed.

Kurt, exercising surprising restraint, took his time and began by gently lathering the inner folds of her globes; his tongue slipping over her fingertips in the process. Finally, the tip of his tongue swirled around the oddly course flesh of her anus before he pressed firmly against it.

What a tangy flavor.

Wanting more, her spread his aunt's gorgeous ass globes further apart and pushed his face deeper into her anus; his tongue penetrating her sphincter and slipping into her bowels. Claudia's eyes spun and she pulled harder on her ass cheeks; her stylishly manicured and polished fingernails spearing into her own flesh. Kurt delved deeper, his tongue sliding further into his aunt's tangy bowels. He lapped furiously deep in her ass and began to shake his head.

"Oh Kurt," Claudia moaned. "Oh baby...Put a finger in my pussy while you eat my ass."

Kurt obeyed, sliding his right middle finger deep into Claudia's seething and dripping cunt.

"Now pump it baby," Claudia ordered.

Kurt obeyed and was now lapping his tongue deep in aunt's bowels while feverishly pumping his middle finger deep in her pussy. Claudia pushed her ass back, forcing her nephew's face deeper into her as soft and sensual moans filtered from her mouth. At the same time, Kurt could feel Claudia flexing the inner muscles of her pussy as it clamped down on his pumping finger.

"I want that big cock in my ass now," Claudia finally hissed. "But first, I want to taste my ass in your mouth. Get up here."

Kurt quickly pulled himself up on his knees and crawled up over Claudia's sweaty back; his hands resting on those firm, beautiful spherical globes. For her part, Claudia angled her body around, her head spun over her shoulder as she then flung her hand around his head and their mouth's crushed together in a fiery kiss. As her tongue slid forcefully down her nephew's throat, the tangy flavor of her ass and bowels filled her mouth and filled her with a devious and carnal passion.

Their kiss broke.

"Fuck my ass now!" Claudia hissed.

Kurt suddenly grew exceptionally bold as he spanked Claudia's ass and then forced her, almost violently, back down on her face on the blankets and comforters with her ass pointed in the air over the pillows stuffed beneath her waist. He spread her legs roughly; pushing them slightly forward at the same time. Taking his throbbing, rock hard rod in his hand, Kurt positioned his body practically on top of his aunt's amazing ass. Aiming his thick, pulsing head at her now saturated rosebud, Kurt gently teased it against the rough little patch of ultra-sensitive anal and sphincter flesh. Claudia was breathless with anticipation; her sexy green eyes were mere slits of dreamy desire as she felt the teasing. She moaned ever so tenderly and sensually.

Tightening his grip around his shaft, Kurt pushed forward and watched in awe as the massive bulbus head of his cock penetrated his aunt's tight little sphincter and disappeared into her bowels. Claudia sucked in a deep, gasping breath as she felt the violation. Her body rose up; her back arching back toward her nephew.

"Oh my God," Claudia gasped passionately.

Remembering his lessons from earlier when first entering his mother, Kurt slipped his head out of her ass, teased the coarse skin of the rosebud again and then pushed back inside. He couldn't get over how incredibly tight it was. He pushed in further; the top of his shaft now entering his aunt's bowels.