Auntie Mabel Ch. 06


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The girls at work were always talking about sex. Nothing was sacred to them, she had heard all about vibrators and clitoral stimulators. Old granny Peter's had told her that in the old days before vibrators, they used to give themselves a rub with a brush if they felt fruity.

Jane didn't own a vibrator; she was curious about this technique and reached into her drawer. She pulled out a soft bristled hairbrush. Lying on her back she opened her legs and gently rubbed the brush over her naked pubes.

It felt very nice and quite soothing. Nothing like the frenzied wanking of her fingers; that had forced her into that orgasm in the loo. She rubbed faster, and enjoyed the feelings that the friction of the bristles were giving her clitoris. Again thoughts of John came unbidden into her mind. She had become used to seeing men's erections in their trousers, when they spoke to her tits.

She didn't take any notice of that anymore, she knew it was an involuntary reaction and they couldn't help it. She couldn't remember seeing John's groin swelling when he talked to her lately; she wondered what it would look like.

Was he circumcised, or did he still have a foreskin. If she pulled it back, what would she see; a nice shiny knob? The girls at work, were always speculating about the size of the engineers cocks. How big was John's cock she wondered, as her hand rubbed faster and faster.

What would it feel like inside her, would she be able to take it all or just a few inches? A picture of a big throbbing cock appeared in her minds eye, and she felt her cunt explode in ecstasy at the thought of him fucking her hard. She groaned out loud, as her orgasm made her curl up into a ball on the bed.

There was a knock on her bedroom door.

'Are you all right love?' asked her mother. She looked around her room in panic; she was naked. There were cunt hairs everywhere, and her sheets were soaked where she had come over them.

'I'm OK mum, I just stubbed my toe on the bed, I'll be down in a minute.' She replied breathlessly. She heard her mum go back downstairs, and fell back on her bed exhausted. Her cunt was throbbing again, and her face was red with embarrassment.

What if her mum had walked in and seen her wanking her naked shaven cunt. She would have died of shame; this was all John's fault. Jane swore to make him pay for all the embarrassment he had caused her so far. I'll have him lick my cunt, her rebellious mind swore. I'll have him lick my cunt, till his tongue falls off. Fuck him, and fuck all men. She decided to tidy up her room, to take her mind off him. Her pubes still felt a bit funny as, she could now feel the breeze from the open window blowing on it. Before, her thick pubic hair had protected them from such stimulation. She brushed up her hairs, and put them in her wastebasket wrapped in tissue.

She then changed her wet sheet and made her bed. She found it quite erotic, to be doing these mundane things naked. Every time she passed her mirror, she caught a glimpse of this big-titted naked girl. She went over to her window and looked out into the street. People were going about their everyday business.

Little do they realise, she thought; that they are being secretly watched, by a sexy naked girl. She giggled to herself at the thought and continued tidying. She was putting away a can of hairspray, when she noticed its similarity to the cock she had imagined. She held it in her hands; it was smooth and had a rounded top. It was about six inches long and one inch in diameter.

She found it very tactile, and her hands were rubbing it up and down gently as she thought of him again. The breeze from her open window not only blew over her pubes but also caressed her nipples. She could also feel it on her naked belly.

Removing all her hairs had certainly made a difference to how she interacted with the world. She now felt more vulnerable, but at the same time she felt far sexier. She wondered what his cock would feel like, as it slipped into her cunt. The thought of his cock, combined with the feel of the spray can in her hands turned her cunt on again.

She could feel herself getting juicy, and walked back to her bed. She lay down with her legs open and gently rubbed the can between her legs. This was a different feeling from her fingers, or the brush. Closing her eyes, she could imagine that this long hard object was a big throbbing cock.

She opened her cunt lips with one hand and pushed the rounded end of the can, just an inch into her wet cunt. She was being very gentle. The girls at work had told her about her hymen. Virgins still had an unbroken one, well-fucked women didn't.

However they had told her that if a girl was careful, she could slip a slender object up inside herself without breaking it. Jane wanted to know what it felt like to have a cock inside her. She gently pushed it further up into her cunt until she felt it hit something about six inches in.

From the feel she thought it was the entrance to her womb. She left it inserted, as she laid back on the bed and relaxed. Was this what it would feel like? She wondered. Having her cunt gently stretched wasn't unpleasant, but it wasn't that fantastic either. She decided that there must be more to fucking, than having something stuck into your cunt.

She had her eyes closed; and her thoughts were disturbed by a breeze blowing across her body from her window. This breeze was cold, and made her nipples hard again. She heard a gasp of surprise, and opening her eyes saw her mother standing in her doorway with her arms full of clean clothes. Jane froze; her bum was towards the door. Her mother had a clear view of her naked cunt, with a can of hairspray sticking out of it.

She closed her eyes and wished that she were dreaming this, as her face and entire naked body turned red with embarrassment.

'Don't move Jane,' she heard her mothers voice order her, ' keep very still and don't move a muscle.' With her eyes still tightly closed she heard her mother drop the clothes on the floor, and walk quickly to her bed.

'Oh my dear girl, keep perfectly still.' She felt her mother's hands opening her legs even wider than they were. Then her hand brushed against her inner thigh, as it grasped the spray can. She felt the can being very slowly pulled out of her cunt. Her mother was turning it as she withdrew it from her, and finally she felt it pop out from between her cunt lips.

She felt the bed settle as her mother sat down beside her.

'Open your eyes Jane, there's nothing to worry about now.' She told her kindly.

'Look at me dear.' Jane slowly opened her eyes and looked at her mum. She was sitting next to her holding the spray can.

As Jane's eyes focused on her, she gently pushed at the rounded lid of the can and it popped off as it was designed to do.

' Jane my darling daughter, do you know what would have happened if this had come off inside you?

We would have had to take you to the casualty department and a doctor would have had to fish around inside you with long tweezers until he managed to grip it and pull it out. Can you think of anything more embarrassing than that?'

Her mother's kind matter of fact voice had allowed Jane to unfreeze slightly. Enough to reply that being found by your mother stark naked with something stuck up you could also qualify as embarrassment.

With a laugh her mum just leant over and kissed her cheek.

'You silly girl, do you think you are the only girl who has wondered what a man must feel like? You were lucky today; your mum knew how to remove that can safely.

I wasn't so lucky, I'm the one who had to go to casualty, and suffer through the horrible procedure that I described to you earlier.' Jane was shocked, this was her mum talking, she was admitting to sticking things up her fanny.

Suddenly her worldview of her mum suffered a sea change, and she saw her as a woman for the first time in her life.

'Yes Jane, I was your age once, I know about sex. How do you think you got here, Immaculate Conception?'

'Can I get dressed please mum? I'm feeling a bit odd laying here naked.'

'Of course dear, I'll be downstairs making us a cup of tea. When you are ready, come down and we will have a chat about things.' Jane's mum got up and after picking up the pile of clothes and placing them neatly on the bed, she left the room and went downstairs. Jane just lay there for a minute, her brain felt overloaded with new information.

She decided not to think about any of it until she was dressed. When she was dressed she felt a lot better, less vulnerable for a start than when she was naked. Walking into the kitchen she saw her mum was already sitting at the table.

There was a cup of tea waiting for her, and she gratefully picked it up and had a drink. Her mum told her that they had the house to themselves, and if Jane sat down she would tell her a story. Jane sat down with her tea and looked expectantly at her mum.

'To start with Jane, my name isn't Mum; it's Susan. I just happen to be your mum, but that is only part of who I am. This story is about a young girl called by coincidence Susan, or 'Sexy Sue' as she was better known as. Like yourself, she was beautiful and had big breasts; all the boys were in awe of her.

So much so that nobody ever dared ask her out. One day she was curious to know what a man would feel like inside her. She used a can of deodorant, unfortunately when she pulled it out the lid had come off. It was left stuck right up her against her womb. She couldn't get it out. There was nothing to grab, and nothing to grab it with. It was too far up her.

Imagine her total embarrassment, when she had to ask her mother what to do. All her mother could do was to take her to casualty, and whisper her problem to the nurse on duty. The nurse was a middle-aged woman who had seen it all. She sat them down in a cubical and told them not to worry, it could be worse.

Sue's mum asked how could it possibly be worse. The nurse smiled, and replied that it could have been stuck up her bottom. She confided that a good part of their work; consisted of removing objects from people's bottoms. Mostly from young lads, who wanted to know what the attraction was in being a homosexual.

This story managed to relieve some of the crushing embarrassment; that both Sue and her mother felt. However it was to be short lived, as the doctor on duty came into their cubicle. He was young and very good-looking; when Sue saw him she died.

He asked her if she wanted her mother to stay, while he investigated the problem. Sue said a definite no; it was bad enough the man of her dreams poking inside her, without her mother watching. His name was Bill, and he had just qualified as a doctor a few weeks earlier.

Sue asked him how many things he had removed from people. He just laughed and said hundreds. He used a spreader to open her vagina, and shone a torch up inside her.

' Hello is there anybody up there?' he whispered. She giggled and told him her name was Sue. He just smiled and told her that as he had his fingers inside her, he considered her to be his close friend.

Despite the situation Sue started to relax in his company. When he introduced a long pair of tongs into her and gently tried to grab the cap, she felt the urge to confess how it got there. He said that he had heard that curiosity killed the cat, but not that it lost the cap.

Her mother outside was astonished to hear her daughter laughing. While she was still chuckling over his pun, he managed to get a grip of the cap and gently pull it out. She burst into giggles again, when he solemnly offered it to her as a souvenir of her trip to hospital.

She asked him what she should do, if there were any complications from her misadventure. He said to call him and he would call round to see her, so saying he handed her his card. It had his telephone number on it. It took a week before she found the courage to ring him.'

Jane's mum finished her story and sat looking at Jane.

'Dad's name is Bill, and he is a Doctor,' remarked Jane with a smile.

'As I said, life is full of coincidences,' her mum replied. She handed Jane a box, inside which was a vibrator.

'Don't worry dear it's not second hand, if 'hand' is the correct term.' Both Jane and Sue giggled, and hugged each other for the first time.

Going back upstairs to her bedroom, Jane clutched her new toy. She decided that she liked Sue very much, and wanted to be her friend as well as her daughter. However, she had not forgotten whose fault it was in the first place.

'John, I am going to make you pay for this, I swear it.' Jane vowed.

Mabel drove back into the village, and managed to hide her car back in her shed without anybody seeing her. Once indoors she made herself a cup of tea, and relaxed in her armchair by the fire. She had moved to this sleepy little village, to be near friends and wind down from her hectic life.

Instead she had met and seduced, a lovely young man within hours of moving in. She knew it was wrong but she just couldn't help herself. Mabel knew her faults; she had lived with them, and suffered because of them for Sixty years.

She was materialistic and over sexed; she had never met a man near her own age that could keep up with her. With this business concerning Alison looming over her life, it would seem that she would soon have to move back into the city.

What was she going to do about John. She wanted him, she needed him but that wasn't enough and she knew it. She was sixty and he was eighteen. Mabel had already seen the change in him; that she had brought about. He made her so happy; he made her feel like a girl again.

In the end she compromised as usual. She would still fuck him as much as possible. She would also line him up with a suitable replacement, for the inevitable time when she would have to leave him.

Mabel decided to have a nice hot bath, and wash away all her worries. John was due round soon for her first driving lesson, and she wanted to be nice and clean for him. She was still in the bath when she heard the doorbell ring. Getting out she walked naked to the window and looked down at the front lawn.

It was John, ' Come in,' she invited, ' I'm having a bath and I need someone to scrub my back.' She had just managed to get back into the bath, when John burst through the door.

' Whoa there cowboy,' she giggled, 'there's no rush, and I'll be a while yet.'

She watched in amusement, as he hopped around the bathroom pulling off his clothes. Quickly he was naked and joined her in the bath. Kneeling between her legs he hugged her soapy body, and kissed her passionately.

The feel of her hot slippery breasts against his chest gave him an immediate erection. She slipped her hand between his legs and grasped it firmly.

'What is this John? Don't tell me that you still want to fuck your old Auntie.'

' The day has dragged May, I have been thinking about you constantly and I can't wait to fuck you.'

'Good,' she said squeezing his cock, ' because I have been thinking about you too, and I need your big cock in my cunt now.'

So saying she put her legs either side of his and lifting her bottom up moved her pubes towards his cock.

'You will have to guide it in John, as I need both arms at the moment to hold myself up.'

John watched as her cunt approached his cock, he adjusted its position so that it slipped into her. Mabel wiggled her bum about, until she was sitting comfortably on his lap. She could feel his hot hard cock throbbing inside her, as she hugged and kissed him.

'How has my man's day been? Tell me everything.' John was happy to have his cock in her so he told her an abbreviated version of his day, during which he mentioned the print girl Jane. Mabel's ears pricked up at this and by gently rotating her cunt on his cock, she managed to learn all he knew about this girl.

'Has she got a boyfriend?'

'No idea, it would be amazing if she didn't have one she is the most beautiful girl in the factory. A bit like you, lovely big tits and a beautiful face, but she has black hair.'

'Do you talk to her much?'

'No way I'm not in her league, she doesn't even know I exist,' he confessed. Mabel filed all this information away for later, and turned her full attention onto his cock.

She told him that she wasn't up to the stress of driving today. Would he mind very much, if she just took him to bed and fucked him senseless. A few minutes later she was lying naked on her back, with her legs wide open.

She watched him thrusting his cock into her. She could see him between her tits, as they bounced about in time to his fucking. She let her orgasm come without fighting it and as it hit her she said.

'Come in me John, Come in me Now.'

Although surprised at the speed in which May was coming, John was only too ready to empty his balls into her cunt. As she moaned and thrashed about in the midst of her orgasm, he too shot his cum deep into her womb. May went limp on the bed, and he fell on top of her satiated.

Later when he had recovered, she was laying on her back thinking while he was happily licking her cunt. Seeing his head between her legs reminded her of Alison. As she opened her legs further for him, she wondered what Alison and Diana were up to.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

I feel bad that you shaved her armpits. I just would have loved the "gorilla" look of her bushy armpits. I hope Diane is hirsute and unshaven.

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