Auntie Mabel Ch. 17


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She pulled it out of her mouth and commented.

'It won't be fucking long before this puppy is begging for cunt again.

Are you sure Mabel hasn't given you any horn pills?'

'A man doesn't need pills with two sexy fuckers like you around,' he said grinning at her.

'Jane, I would really like to watch Di fuck you.

What do you say?'

'Well if it will help bring my favourite toy back to life, why not?' she answered.

'You want me to fuck Jane, Jonny? Why?

'I want to see my beautiful woman fuck my beautiful girl, will you do it for me?'

'Of course I will do it; I will do anything you ask of me.

I am your slave to command Jonny.'

Fuck me thought Jane to herself; the woman means every word of that.

Jane had heard of Bondage and S & M.

The girls at work; had often talked about Mary and Louise in the Paint shop.

Apparently Louise was a Dom. And Mary was a Sub.

This meant basically that Mary would do as Louise said, regardless what it was.

To prove her power to a few selected girls, Louise had told Mary to go over to one of the Engineers.

She was to invite him into the loft where the old drawings were stored, and suck him until he came into her mouth.

Mary didn't particularly like the Engineer that Louise picked.

However she dutifully obeyed her, and they watched as Mary and the man went upstairs.

When they came down again, the man walked off quickly.

Mary walked over to Louise and waited by her side.

'How the fuck do we know she sucked him,' asked Joyce.

Louise held her hand out to Mary palm up.

Mary spat a mouthful of cum onto Louise's palm, and stood quietly by as the girls erupted in excited chatter.

When one of the girls got Mary by herself, she asked her why she obeyed Louise.

'It gives me such erotic pleasure, to give Louise such total control of me.

I can make myself orgasm just by thinking about it, I don't need to masturbate,' she replied seriously.

Jane wondered if Diana was a Submissive by nature, or whether she had been conditioned by a lifetime of abuse to need to belong to someone.

She decided to ask Auntie when she next saw her.

Jane picked up her strap on and handed it to Diana.

'I don't know what to do Jane, I have never fucked anyone before.'

'What about Alison, didn't you ....... Oh I remember, she wouldn't allow anyone to fuck her, not even another woman.'

'Could you put it on for me please?' asked Diana handing back the device.

'Least I can do after fisting you,' said Jane gladly.

She told Di to lie on her back with her legs open.

'This cock fits inside your cunt, like this.'

Jane opened Di's cunt lips, and wiggled the rubber cock into her until it came up hard against Di's pubic bone.

'Lift your bum up, so I can slip the waist strap around you.'

Diana giggled, as she saw a big black cock sticking up from between her legs.

'Oh Jane it feels so funny inside me, as the outside one moves so does the one inside me.'

'That's the whole point of a double strap on, as you fuck me, it is fucking you at the same time,' explained Jane kindly.

'How do you want me, Missionary or Doggie?'

Diana looked to John for instructions.

'How do you want me to fuck Jane, Jonny?' she asked looking at him with devotion in her eyes.

'I want you to fuck her in the Missionary position, and I want Jane to suck your big nipples as you fuck her,' he decided.

'Oi Fuck face, I'm not a fucking Sub. Mister, if I want to suck her tits then I will.

If I don't then fuck you and the horse you rode in on,' replied Jane heatedly.

John looked at Diana, 'Di, I want you to fuck Jane as hard and fast as you possibly can, I want to see her tits bouncing as you fuck her.

Will you do that for me please?'

'Oh yes Jonny, I will fuck her hard for you I promise.'

'I think I'm going to vomit' sighed Jane, as she lay on her back with her legs open.

Both the girl's cunts were still juicy after the fisting session, so the strap on slid into Jane easily.

Again Diana looked to John for instructions.

'On your mark, get set, Fuck,' said John loudly.

Diana smiled at him, and thrust her hips forward between Jane's legs.

'I think I am going to need a drink to hear this,' said Alison weakly.

'Pour me one too,' said Mabel.

Mabel sipped the wine as she gathered her thoughts.

'Your brother Simon was extremely brave; the worst thing about his death wasn't that he died.

We are all going to die eventually, it was the fact that his heroism couldn't be recognised, that really hurt me at the time.

It still rankles after all this time, but you will understand why when I have told you the story.' Said Mabel.

Mabel and Simon were guests at the Saudi Embassy in Iraq.

Simon had been invited as the representative of his father's Oil Empire.

He was the only son of the CEO, and as such was feted wherever he went in Iraq.

The new contract would help the people of Iraq, and of course help Britain as well.

There were interests that didn't want this to happen, and were determined to stop it at all costs.

The ball was spectacular, no expense was spared and everyone was dressed to kill.

As requested by Simon, Mabel wore the same dress that she had worn when she first met him.

This time however she had her hair partly up, instead of hanging free.

Simon loved to dance with her; she was so tiny compared to his six foot muscular frame.

He would often pick her up, and whirl her around the dance floor.

Her golden hair would flow behind her, as she laughed with joy.

During the evening they slipped away into the gardens of the Embassy, and made love in one of the many bowers.

Simon loved to fuck her in public places; his favourite trick was to sit on a park bench with her on his lap.

Unbeknownst to the passing people, he had his cock buried deep into her hot little vagina.

Simon was twenty years younger than her, and kept her young when she was with him.

Mabel loved him more every day; he kept her honest and well satisfied in the sex department.

The sight of Diana's big nipples bouncing just above Jane's face, was too great a temptation.

Jane was soon greedily sucking on them, as Diana was fucking her cunt.

'Fuck her harder Di, I want to see her big tits bouncing,' ordered John.

'Di beamed at him and continued to fuck Jane hard and fast.

Sweat was running down her face and between her breasts, as she exerted herself to the utmost.

'Oh Jonny I am making myself come,' she said in a surprised voice.

The double strap on, had been fucking her as hard as she was fucking Jane.

Diana howled as her orgasm hit her, and she collapsed on top of Jane.

Jane held tightly to her as she bucked and writhed, their breasts rubbing together sweatily.

'I won you hairy fuck bag,' crowed Jane into Di's ear, 'you came first, so up yours and that fuck pig master of yours.'

John smiled as he watched the girls fucking; it was a pleasant change to have someone want to do as he said.

He loved Jane, but she was such an argumentative little cunt sometimes.

He wondered what else he could get Diana to do for him.

Mabel and Simon had decided to go onto the viewing platform, on the Embassy roof.

From up here they could see over Baghdad, and smell the exotic aromas of the city at night.

Simon told her that he had been approached by the Foreign Office.

He had been asked to work for them, as and when his talents were useful to them.

'Just think darling, I'll be just like James Bond,' he said smiling excitedly.

'You already have a licence to thrill,' she replied giggling.

They were joined by a bevy of beauties; that seemed to appear when Simon was around.

Mabel was confident enough to allow them to gather round her tall handsome husband, flirting outrageously and giggling to each other.

This was the scene when a fat Arab walked up to join them.

'Mr. Simon Armatage?' he asked.

'How can I help you,' answered Simon politely.

The fat Arab reached into his voluminous robes, and pulled out a Uzi machine pistol.

'You can come with me, your father will reconsider this contract or you will be executed,' threatened the would-be kidnapper.

Simon would have resisted but the Uzi was a vicious weapon, it could spray bullets in a wide arc causing death and injury to any within a few metres.

The women were to close, and he decided to go with the gunman until they were alone.

Perhaps then he could risk trying to overpower him.

'Wait here darling, I think it's best if I co-operate for the time being.'

'Not so fast Mr. Armatage, I cannot leave any witnesses to this operation,' said the fat man cocking his machine pistol.

As if in slow motion Simon saw the muzzle of the Uzi swinging towards the group of women, who had instinctively gathered around Mabel in their fear.

Rage blazed through him as he realized the man's intent.

From a standing start Simon hurled himself at the gunman.

As the Uzi fired, Simon had interposed his body between it and the women.

His six-foot frame slammed into the man, and smashed him over the balustrade.

The last Mabel saw of her husband, was him falling with the killer to the ground far below.

Mabel screamed in pain as he disappeared from her sight, and from her life.

The security forces rounded everybody up, and gathered them in the Ambassador's private quarters.

Names and addresses were taken of the women witnesses, and they were sworn to secrecy, before being released to go to their homes.

Soon only Mabel and the British Ambassador, were left with the Saudi and Iraqi Ambassadors.

The British Ambassador explained to Mabel that if the truth about Simons death were to come out, then the terrorist would have achieved his objective.

Simons father would withdraw from the contract, in grief and rage over the murder of his only son.

The only way to foil the killer's plot, was to pretend that Simon had died of natural causes.

That way his father although still grief stricken, wouldn't take his rage out on the Iraqi people, who were innocent of the attempted kidnapping.

All three Ambassadors begged her to help them in this matter.

Mabel followed their reasoning, even though she was destroyed inside.

She agreed to go along with the official story, and had kept her secret for all this time.

Alison was crying, and rocking back and forth on the bed.

Mabel went to her and just held her gently, saying no more.

'It's so fucking unfair Mabel,' Alison sobbed

'Simon was a fucking hero, and no one knows about it.'

'The only two people that he cared about know,'

replied Mabel hugging Alison tightly.

Alison gently rubbed her tummy as she thought over Mabel's story.

She really hoped that the Armatage line would continue through her.

Not for her father's sake, fuck him to hell, but for Simons.

'I love you Mabel, thank you for telling me, I will keep it a secret just as you have,' she whispered.

Although I might just tell my baby one day, about it's brave Uncle Simon, she thought to herself.

'I need to be with the kids,' said Mabel suddenly, ' do you want to come?'

'No, it's Ok Mabel darling I have a lot to think about, and wouldn't mind being alone for a while,' Alison replied.

John was surprised and very pleased, when his favourite Aunt walked into the bedroom.

'Any room for a little one?' she asked, and climbed in beside them.

John hugged her to him tightly, and kissed her.

'Hello Goldilocks, I missed you,' he said with a smile.

'Oh Ha Ha, that is more appropriate than you think young man.

I do have Golden locks and I am in with the three bares, as in bare bums,' she retorted cheekily.

'We are one bare missing, so get those panties off and let me kiss your beautiful little arse,' said John.

'Bossy fucking cunt, Auntie tell him off please, we think Di is a Sub. and she is doing everything John tells her,' complained Jane loudly.

'Is that correct Di? Are you obeying John slavishly?' asked Mabel kindly.

Diana went red under their scrutiny,

'I don't know Auntie; I just need to please Jonny.

I would do anything he asked,' she whispered looking down at the bedcovers.

Mabel looked at John, ' We will need to talk about this later you and I, but for now you can do as I ask and remove my panties for me.'

John jumped to obey and was soon kissing her bare bottom with gusto.

'Do you girl's mind if John fucks me? I really need him,' she asked.

'You're the boss Auntie' said Jane 'fuck away John, if you think you're up to it.'

Mabel lay on her back, and opened her legs for him.

His cock had recovered enough to penetrate her, and he began gently fucking her as the other girls watched.

Mabel called the girls to her, and held one in each arm as she was being fucked.

Jane and Diana snuggled into her sides, and she kissed them both lovingly.

'I am so lucky to be surrounded by so many people that love me,' said Mabel hugging both the girls tightly.

'I'm surprised you still fuck this old girl, when you have your own young Harem John,' said Mabel seriously.

'I love all you girls, I really do,' replied John as he continued to gently fuck her, ' but I worship you May, I really do.'

Mabel shut her eyes tightly so they wouldn't see her tears.

Alison was rubbing her belly, how long would it take to know if she was pregnant?

When did morning sickness start?

She wouldn't be able to bear it if she wasn't pregnant; she needed a baby, John's baby.

They all greeted the morning differently.

Jane was glad to be going home, to the relative normality of her working life.

John was also glad to be going home, he missed his mates and his parents.

Alison was glad they were leaving for a completely different reason.

She needed to be alone to see if she was pregnant.

She planned on seeing her Doctor during the morning, to ask him all the questions she needed answers to.

To that end she wanted Diana out of the house for a while.

Alison drew Mabel to one side and asked her if she would take Diana with them.

As she fully intended to sell the Hall, she would be putting the sale completely in the hands of a selected Estate Agency.

She wouldn't need Diana here, and she would be of more help to Mabel.

Diana would be invaluable, in getting her home ready for Alison coming to stay.

Put like that Mabel could hardly refuse.

When she told Diana that she was coming with them, the girl was overjoyed and ran upstairs to pack her few belongings.

'It's only a fucking Mini, not a tour bus,' grumbled Jane on hearing the news.

'Be nice darling, we both love Di, and we may be able to set her up with a nice bloke from the factory,' said John hugging her.

Eventually they were all packed into the mini and with much kissing of, and waving to, Alison they drove off towards home.

Just over a week later, the time spent at Armatage hall seemed to become dreamlike in their memories.

Jane and John were back at work.

Mabel and Diana were busy rearranging Mabel's house to accommodate two more people.

Mabel hadn't heard from Alison for a while.

They assumed she was busy arranging the sale of her Estate.

Jane threw herself back into her job.

All her workmates noticed a marked change in her poise and confidence since the weekend.

'Been well fucked she has,' said Edith with a knowing look to the rest of the girls in packing.

'You can always tell when a girl has been well fucked.'

Jane was reasonably happy with her life, she went out with John and they often fucked in his car.

He was now careful to wear a condom, although she did get him to remove it if he was going to cum in her mouth.

Jane loved the taste of his hot fresh cum, and swallowed every drop of it she could get.

There was one aspect she missed, as Mabel and Diana were so busy Jane had kept out of their way. Consequently she hadn't made love to a woman since that weekend, and found herself craving the softness of a woman's body.

Sarah was the Sales Director's secretary, Sarah was a beautiful slim dark haired woman.

She had been educated at Roedean, a very posh school, and had a very posh accent.

As a Directors secretary she was at the top of the pecking order, as far as the women who worked in the office were concerned.

She was very powerful, and Jane believed she owed Sarah a favour.

Jane knew Sarah rarely stayed late in her office when the factory closed for the night.

However it was time for the yearly Audit and all the top brass were frantically putting their houses in order.

This meant that Sarah had to stay late to finish off some paperwork.

At work Jane wore a sensible business suit, with a sensible skirt and white blouse.

She slipped her panties off, and put them in her desk drawer.

Picking up a few rolls of drawings, she made her way to Sarah's office.

The top floors of the office block were in semi darkness, everyone had gone home.

Only the light shining out from the Sales Directors office, illuminated the quiet corridor.

Sarah was busy on her computer, when she was surprised to hear her office door open.

Looking up she saw Jane from the print room, standing there with an armful of drawings.

'Hello Jane, what a pleasant surprise, I thought I was alone here tonight,' said Sarah smiling at the beautiful girl.

Sarah really liked Jane, although a beautiful and intelligent woman, Sarah was a very lonely person. There was no one around her that was in her class so to speak.

She found it hard to converse with the common type of women that she was forced to work with.

She had seen Jane as an exception to the rule, and in a uncharacteristic fit of desperation had tried to seduce her in the women's loo.

It had been a crude and stupid thing to do, and she had been heartily ashamed of herself afterwards.

Sarah had been so thankful that Jane hadn't reported her for sexual harassment, that she arranged for her to be promoted.

Sarah wasn't stuck up or consciously elitist, it was just that her interests were in Horses and Gymkhanas and Dressage.

She had no interest in soap operas or film stars.

She simply couldn't join in the sometimes heated discussions about Brad Pitts sex life.

Jane was such a beautiful girl; she had lovely long legs and such stunning breasts.

The night after the loo fiasco Sarah had fingered herself to a multiple orgasm, thinking about Jane naked.

Sarah realised that she had been staring at Jane for a while, and taking control of her thoughts said,

'Can I help you dear?'

Jane walked to Sarah's desk, and from the armful of drawings pulled out her strap on cock.

'I'm so sorry to bother you at this late hour Sarah, especially as we are all alone in the office block,' said Jane looking into Sarah's eyes.

' I found this thing and wondered if you could tell me what it is please?'

Sarah's mouth went dry, but her vagina grew damp when she recognised the sex toy.

'Good heavens Jane, where on earth did you find something like that?' she asked, staring at the strap on cock lying on her desk.

'I found it in my bedside cabinet Sarah, and I wondered if you would show me how to use it properly.

In inexperienced hands, I think it could be a dangerous thing to play with.'

Sarah couldn't believe what was happening, was Jane making a pass at her? her heart leapt in hope.

After the "loo incident" as Sarah thought of it, she was sure that Jane had found her crude approach a complete turn off.

'I'm so sorry for my crude advances in the loo, Jane,' she said looking up at the beautiful girl.

' I did try to make up for scaring you like that, and I am grateful that you didn't take it further.'

'No need to apologise Sarah, and I do want to take the matter further,' replied Jane pushing the strap on towards Sarah.